Peerless Blood

Chapter 27 Auction Venue

After accepting Xia Yu's help, Xia Jiang did not think too much and only continued his cultivation.

Three days of dedicated cultivation, he pushed the current blood state to the best. Although the fit is still two, his self-confidence is no less than eight or even nine! However, the surrounding plants were sucked away a lot of vitality by his demon-eating sword. It is estimated that they will not be far from withering after a few days of practice.

After practicing, Xia Jiang is going to the auction house now, but now he has another big problem: Xia Yu hasn't sent the money she promised him to him yet!

"Sianzhu, no one has visited these days?" Not sure if there were any visitors missing, Xia Jiang, who went out temporarily, asked Xianzhu again.

However, as a result, Xianzhu shook her head with incomparably positive eyes, and no one had visited at all.

After getting the same answer, Xia Jiang didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but he couldn't laugh at all. Now he doesn't know what Xia Yu means.

Step on the horse and take the demon-eating sword, Xia Jiang went directly to the huge auction venue in his impression. Speaking of which, I only went there once a few years ago out of curiosity and extravagance. Like some passers-by, they have no VIP status and can only watch the bustle outside.

Thoughts slowly came back from the vague impression, and soon they came to the crown auction house closest to the palace.

"Go away! No one can enter without a VIP card or a special invitation!" At this time, waves of scolding were heard at the entrance of the main entrance of the huge building from afar.

As Xia Jiang approached, four or five people seemed to want to enter the venue, but were stopped by four doormen.

This kind of thing often happens. Xia Jiang is not surprised. When he was a visitor, he encountered someone who wanted to enter forcibly, but he was rejected without exception. With the power of the Marlboro Pavilion and the secret guards, it is natural to deal with such an unreasonable little bully.

"What kind of bullshit invitation VIP card, isn't it just for money? Uncle gives you 1,000 crystals and 10,000 crystals, can you still open it?" Several people led by one, took out a bag from their bodies, and smashed it at the other party.

When the bag hit the other party, the mouth of the bag suddenly opened, and suddenly a large number of things in the bag spilled out, and it was really all crystals.

"It's really rich! Unexpectedly, they are all second-grade crystals!" Xia Jiang looked at the crystal and couldn't help but be stunned.

But those doormen hardly looked at the grade of the crystal. When they were thrown by the other party, the two behind them quickly came forward and stood side by side with the first two.

"Dears, if you don't get out of here, we will think you are tough, and then... you will bear the consequences!" One of the two said, but his face was expressionless and invisibly showed a strong momentum.

Even Xia Jiang was shocked by this momentum, which was a little unbelievable, because obviously, although the other three of the four doormen were also tough, their momentum was average and did not give people a sense of oppression at all. Obviously, it was only the level of ordinary monks, but this was different. Both hands and feet gave people oppression, at least they were the peak of monks. Even a practitioner.

The level of practitioners, in fact, is not much different between practitioners and monks, but their strength is weak or recognized. If the title of "friar" is put aside, it can be said that the degree of fit is relatively high and they can master more advanced magic weapons.

But the practitioner is different. That is completely a new realm. Even if there is no magic weapon, you can crush the monk with the magic weapon, because the ability of the magic weapon has already been suitable for his body!

Sure enough, it was not only Xia Jiang who felt that those who were still very arrogant, at the moment when the man said the words, their faces changed greatly and unconsciously retreated a few steps.

Seeing this situation, Xia Jiang did not want to watch the bustle. He went straight forward and silently handed over the VIP card in his hand.

Several guards glanced and immediately made way for Xia Jiang.

Xia Jiang entered the auction venue so easily. It's a little ridiculous that he is such a VIP with status, but he is almost penniless, which is in sharp contrast to the rich man outside.

After entering it, after a little inquiry, Xia Jiang was entertained by a woman. After leading through several passages, he came to a huge hall.

At this moment, many people in this hall have been sitting quietly and waiting for the auction to begin.

casually found an insignificant position, Xia Jiang sat down. In this position, coupled with his current appearance, I believe that even his second brother Xia Lei could not see who he was.

"Second brother, if you have a good third brother who doesn't have enough money, please help pay in advance, and I'll pay you back when it's done!"

"It can work. As long as you bless your second brother to get the ring, everything will be fine!"

"What should I say? In this Xia country, who else dares to compete for the ring with your second brother? If you have money, it depends on your face!"

Not long after sitting down, Xia Jiang heard the voice coming from a not far away. He turned his head and took a look. He recognized that it was Xia Lei and Xia Huo. However, he was not surprised to see him come in at the same time. This VIP card may be precious to him, but it is really nothing to his two rich brothers.

Xia Lei listened to Xia Huo's words, but glanced at Xia Huo and said, "Third brother, you can't say this nonsense. Although we are noble royal family, our real duty is to protect our country and put stability for civilians first. Can't put the cart before the cart before the horse and set fire!"

"Second brother, what you said is too profound for the third brother to understand, but this ring is too important. If the third princess sees it, she will be very happy!"

"I think so, after all, this is a girl's favorite thing, and it's much more convenient to go out and walk around..."

Sure enough, hearing this, Xia Jiang at least made sure that Xia Yu did not talk nonsense. His second brother Xia Lei really came to shoot the storage ring and gave it to Xia Yu for a wedding.

Storage ring, as the name implies, is to have an independent space that can store something according to the owner's wishes. With vague memories of his previous life, Xia Jiang is very familiar with this. At this moment, even he wants to have one.

"I don't know how big the space of this storage ring is. If the space is too small, it will be too useless..."

Xia Jiang is now far away from the place where the two of them are sitting. He is not worried about being found by them. He just thinks about it here. After a while, he saw several people in Marlboro's image dress coming out of the auction table.

"Welcome to visit my Marlboro auction venue in this refreshing autumn. As scheduled, there will be ten rounds of auctions today... Next, please invite our Brother Leia to introduce the first auction item to you!"

Looking up, I saw a tall middle-aged man talking, wearing a noble symbol of the Marlboro Pavilion, which made people instinctively interested in anything he admired. However, to Xia Jiang's surprise, he was only responsible for dropping the hammer, but handed over the task of introduction. To a woman beside him.

The woman also wears a noble dress, which is already outstandingly beautiful. With this dress and her perfect proud figure, it is even more amazing at this moment.

"This Marlboro Pavilion is really good. It's difficult to invite these two as auction partners to attract people and bid prices!" Xia Jiang thought secretly and looked at the woman.

The woman named Leah smiled and said, "Good day, everyone, today's first auction item will still be the magic weapon used by the royal kings, the blood mirror!"

"The blood mirror!"

"What, it turned out to be the blood mirror that can guide ordinary monks to eventually become spiritual practitioners?"

"How can it be that the royal family has lost its spiritual mirror for so many years, how can it appear here?"

"There is such a thing as a blood mirror..."

For a while, I was surprised by the first auction item after listening to the continuous discussion on the seats.

On the contrary, Xia Jiang is a little ignorant, but he has never heard of any blood mirror, but he heard that it seemed that this thing had been lost in the palace for many years.

However, it was boiling below, but I heard Nalia continue to say, "Guys, it's a little regretful that this blood spirit mirror has been destroyed and is already incomplete. There happened to be a refiner in the cabinet who was interested in refining and repairing it, but found that the spirit mirror lacked important parts and could only barely recover to the six or seven layers..."

"No way, how could such a precious thing as the blood spirit mirror be damaged..."

"Incomplete things are worthless..."

Although she suddenly shook her head, Lia still said, "It is precisely because of this that the blood mirror can be complete, and the little girl is also looking forward to meeting a predestined person!" So, the reserve price that belongs to it today will be five four-grade crystals.

The blood mirror placed on the crystal frame looks extremely exquisite, and the mirror is transparent, giving people a sense of space diaphragm, mysterious and abnormal. From the appearance, it is basically not seen that it is incomplete.

In fact, after the incomplete magic weapon is repaired by the refiner, the body will be completely repaired. Only masters can find the actual quality of the magic weapon through monitoring.

Hearing that this incomplete spirit mirror uses four-grade crystals as a unit, the distinguished guests whose eyes were originally shining below all breathed and made a wait-and-see gesture.

Xia Jiang looked over and found that even Xia Lei had a lot of movement, but after hearing the price, there was no movement. Indeed, this price is really too high. You know, even if it is a complete spiritual mirror, the so-called ability to guide people to become spiritual practitioners is only the embodiment of its highest value. If personal understanding is not high, the magic weapon will not reflect the value, and its lower limit is likely to be only that of a practitioner or even worse. And one of its biggest shortcomings is efficiency, which has no advantage over the speed of cultivation improvement of practitioners.

Xia Jiang knows that in contrast, many magic weapons that are cheaper than it reflect a stronger stable value than it.

However, although its value was denied by the distinguished guests under the stage, seeing that the auction item was about to be stranded, one arm was still raised. A man in a black cloak offered six four products.

"Is there anyone else to increase the price of six four-grade crystals? ......”

Next, as Xia Jiang expected, no second person participated in the auction, which made the scene embarrassing. It seems that everyone has turned their attention to the second auction.