Peerless Blood

Chapter 52 Bone Man (Second Update)

After the explanation of the old man, Xia Jiang finally knew these creatures, and at the same time, he also began to know why these three creatures appeared here at the same time.

The bloody bull, which should have stayed in the wild land by relying on the central land field, was attacked by the undead blood flies. In panic, they fled collectively and came to the edge of the earth, and those bone people found the appearance of the undead blood flies and began to gather groups to hunt them.

After sorting out his thoughts, Xia Jiang now looks at these creatures and no longer feels strange or worried. He suddenly came up with a bold idea and said, "Team, you take the motorcade back. I'll meet those people..."

The team listened to Xia Jiang's words, widened its eyes and said incomprehensiblely, "Master, you should know how dangerous this is? Are you... really going to do this?"

It was not until then that Xia Jiang noticed that the other party had changed his name and no longer called him "Young Lord". His heart moved. Looking at the other party's warning eyes, he immediately added another point of trust in the other party. He simply said, "Since the team has trusted Xiao Wang, please ask the team and Xiao Wang to accompany him and call others. People retreat cautiously and be ready to respond to us.

I don't know why, in the face of Xia Jiang's firm eyes and tone, the team suddenly had an unquestionable prestige in its heart, and felt that the person in front of it was so reliable that he was not a teenager.

Then, without Xia Jiang's expectation, the team immediately agreed to take a risk with him with his permission to protect him, and immediately issued instructions to let everyone retreat cautiously, and then a team was ready to receive them at any time.

After giving the order, Xia Jiang immediately swept to one side, spread the disgusting and vicious ** range around the undead blood flies, and also avoided the sight of the bloody bull and moved quickly.

At this time, Xia Jiang's cultivation was more and more obvious through speed. In fact, it was much lower than itself. The team behind Xia Jiang became more and more aware of this and couldn't help paying attention to the opponent's magic weapon. However, when looking at it so closely, it could not see anything special, and began to feel that the other party was a little mysterious.

At this moment, if Xia Jiang does not understand these biological characteristics, their action is actually extremely risky, but at present, it is very easy and can deliberately avoid two major threats. Under the rapid movement, the two quickly came to a small forest, and not far away, they saw a large number of bone people, constantly attacking blood flies.

"Oh, no..." Under such a close observation, Xia Jiang suddenly found that it was wrong. Only the front one of those bone people held a magic weapon, which was extraordinary, while others only held a thick bone in their hands.

"What?" The team on one side didn't know the creatures in their eyes, but they didn't know why Xia Jiang was puzzled.

For a while, Xia Jiang couldn't tell. He only looked down at the top of his head and found that no blood flies flew by at this time. Even if he quickly swept away to the bone man, the latter followed closely.

A large number of bone people gradually approached in Xia Jiang's vision and stopped only a few meters away. However, even if the distance was so close, these bone people did not respond at all. They still just followed the front bone man and kept searching for the flight trajectory of blood flies.

And under this almost zero-distance observation, Xia Jiang finally understands why these bone people can fearlessly chase blood flies. Their bodies are completely skeletons, and the corrosion and disgusting phagocytic reproduction of blood flies cannot threaten them at all.

"Who are you?" However, just as Xia Jiang felt that these bone people were simple, suddenly all the bone people turned their heads, and a strange voice sounded from somewhere.

The team beside him also heard this sound, but they didn't seem to know exactly where it came from. They instinctively immediately came forward and stopped Xia Jiang.

However, Xia Jiang had an idea for a long time. Since he wanted to negotiate, he could not take a defensive posture against the other party. He immediately stepped forward and said, "When I took my family through this place, I saw blood flies blocking them and did not dare to move, but when I saw that you seemed to be chasing them, I wanted to come to thank them, and I hope to ask for some advice on how to deal with this undead monster!"

Xia Jiang's tone was extremely sincere, and the team on one side felt extremely reliable. In fact, this is also the essence of Xia Jiang's cultivation of magic sound. At the moment when he realized the magic addiction, the magic sound ability he shared had the power of nearly three layers of cultivation.

Sure enough, the bone man who made a sound from nowhere immediately removed his instinctive vigilance and saw a figure coming from the front of the team.

Xia Jiang looked at it and found that it was the person he thought was the most special.

Holding a pearl-like crystal wand, there are two flames shining in the skull, and the whole skeleton is fluctuating, making people feel that the body itself is like a powerful magic weapon.

"You are a young man, and you are not afraid to see me at a young age. What's your name?" The leading bone man came to Xia Jiang and flashed his ghost-fire eyes.

At this time, the sound they heard was finally normal, but it came from the head of the leader.

"Xia Jiang." Xia Jiang knew that the other party was a senior, and coupled with the experience of the other party's life, there was respect in his words.

"Shi Feng." The team on one side also reported its name, but Xia Jiang could hardly imagine that this team was the brother of Shi Shi's training partner.

Seeing that the two were so frank, the bone leader nodded with satisfaction, and then noticed the magic weapon in their hands. Suddenly, he saw that both of them were actually the most common type of magic weapons. Even if he shook his head and said, "Do you know what blood flies are most afraid of? Your magic weapon has no threat to it. I think you still hide aside to avoid being swallowed by blood fly saliva and dying.

"It doesn't matter," Xia Jiang's eyes are firm. In fact, he is not afraid of these blood flies at all. The reason why he comes to ask for help and join hands is to know that a person's power is unsustainable: "Seniors might as well teach that I believe that the sword in the hands of the younger generation will do something!"

The demon-eating sword addiction has become infinitely variable. He believes that as long as there is a way to restrain this blood fly, the demon-eating sword can be transformed.

Sure enough, seeing that Xia Jiang was so firm, the other party immediately showed the restraint method of blood flies. He saw the staff in his hand move slightly, and a huge flame suddenly burst out, wrapping the whole body of the bone man.

"Blood flies are afraid of fire?" When Xia Jiang was puzzled, his heart also moved secretly and felt good. It seemed that only the endless burning power of the fire element could completely kill this creature.

The bone man expressed his appreciation when he saw Xia Jiang, but said, "General flames can only play the role of expelling. Only powerful flames and long-lasting burning can completely kill them!"

Shi Feng, the team on one side, heard that his eyes moved, and the long gun in his hand suddenly fluctuated greatly. He poked a big stone beside him. He saw a blazing flame carrier swept by vigorously. He couldn't help but split the rock, and the flame penetrated into it and burned.

"Well, that's right, this one can participate in World War I." Looking at the ease of this action called Shi Feng, the bone man immediately showed satisfaction, but his eyes immediately turned to the more confident boy.

When Xia Jiang saw that the other party looked at him, he knew that he had to show something to make the other party look at him. He immediately jumped up and dived to the broken rock that was still burning out of thin air with a demon-eating sword with no effect. Suddenly, he saw the flame that was the size of a basin suddenly burst out, making Fang Yuan Three meters of air was as hot as if it had been ignited, and then its long sword was surrounded by flames and turned into a red sword.

Before the bone man was surprised, Shi Feng on one side had secretly looked incredible, sweeping the sword in Xia Jiang's hand like a monster.

"Not bad, young and successful..." A voice of appreciation immediately came from the head of the bone, and immediately said, "Then it's not too late. How about you two solve these evil flies with me first, clear the obstacles, and then discuss?"

Xia Jiang nodded immediately. Although Shi Feng looked solemn on one side, he also nodded in agreement.

Then, the bone man did not say much, and immediately turned to the blood fly that was still slaughtering the bull. At this time, Xia Jiang saw clearly that the bone man behind him had no self-consciousness and followed the leader like a machine.

"Captain Shi Feng, you and I join hands. The corrosive and phagocytic saliva of blood flies is a threat to us, and the sword in my hand seems to restrain them..."

has seen the power of the sword in Xia Jiang's hand many times, and Shi Feng immediately nodded without any doubt.

The two searched at the same time and quickly locked a blood fly flying towards a bull.

Maintaining the same speed, one left and one right, the two approached quickly, and finally entered their attack range when the blood flies were about to start throwing phagocytic saliva on the bull.

But at the same time, the blood fly that was supposed to be sprinkled on the bull seemed to smell more delicious flesh and blood. Unexpectedly, it turned its head in an instant and stared at the two human beings with two huge eyes.

As the captain of the guard Xia Jiang, Shi Feng also showed his rapid reaction and decisiveness at this moment. The long gun in his hand was also transferred by the other party. The whole body jumped up in the air and the flames broke out, like a fire dragon rushing out of the long gun and rushing to the blood fly.

But it was not until this moment that Xia Jiang finally realized why the name of dead blood flies would make people afraid. He saw that the seemingly slow flight speed, under the rapid attack of Shi Feng, flew like lightning in an instant, and easily dodged this turbulent blow!

"What a fast speed!" Shi Feng was shot, his body fell, his eyes were wide open, and he was a little unbelievable.

The instantaneous speed of the outbreak of the undead blood fly made Shi Feng really realize the horror and made Xia Jiang realize it, but it seemed that more than that the dodged blood fly was not expelled by the flame that might not be strong as the bone man said, but approached quickly. , began to continue to spit at close range.

Knowing the terrible saliva that makes people vomit, Xia Jiang could not imagine what it would be like if he was sucked by his nostrils. Looking at the pair of contempt eyes in mid-air that seemed to stare at two weak creatures, his demon-eating power gathered quickly, and the demon-eating sword in his hand instantly entered a state of magic addiction.