Peerless Blood

Chapter 69 Recovery (first update)

The colorful dagger hit this way, as fast as lightning. Xia Jiang can imagine that its penetration must also be huge, but he only saw his father's punch out. The flame of action like a snake greeted the other party's dagger. Before the dagger approached the flame, it was directly melted and instantly turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated, as if Nothing has ever existed.

Not only that, the strange fire snake continued to pounce on the horse dragon.

At this moment, Xia Jiang's view, a fire snake, which was originally ordinary, melted the other party's attack in such an instant, which surprised him. Unexpectedly, Ma Shenlong was shocked when he saw the fire snake rushing at him.

"This is impossible! You have already touched..." Ma Shenlong looked at the fire snake with a shocked face and was completely unbelievable. As the fire snake gradually approached him, his face showed fear and said, "Don't kill me!" But it already means to beg for mercy.

But in the face of Ma Shenlong's plea for mercy, the people around Xia Jiang did not mean to stop at all and said lightly, "Ma Shenlong, it is your honor to die under my 'locked soul', and it is also an opportunity for you to cultivate your partner!"

"No!" Listening to Xia Xiong's words, Ma Shenlong was so scared that he seemed to roar crazily: "No! I don't have a partner yet. I can't die!!"

During the roar, Xia Jiang only saw the horse Shenlong wave his hands together, and six or seven seemingly magic weapons were thrown into the air. Before Xia Jiang could see what they were clearly, he instantly exploded in front of it, turning into squirming flesh and blood, and then combined at a high speed to synthesize a roaring dragon. It's 20 meters long!

And at the moment when the dragon was formed, Ma Shenlong suddenly stepped into the air and shot into the dense molls below like a strong wind. Unexpectedly, he wanted to quickly escape from here and hide in the crowd.

However, just at the moment when he suddenly fled, Xia Jiang only saw his father's water-like fire snake, which was suddenly even faster than lightning and shot at the horse dragon! The mid-air dragon seemed to swallow the fire snake halfway, but the dragon was just like a fog. When the fire snake passed, the dragon melted inch by inch, as fragile as if it were blown away by a gust of wind.

Then, only a scream was heard not far away. Ma Shenlong's whole body was wrapped by a fire snake, and his body quickly vaporized at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye. It disappeared in less than half a second from the clothes to the bones, and the sound stopped abruptly as soon as it was made.

"Senior, do you know what this is?" Seeing such a strong flame, Xia Jiang couldn't help asking.

It seems that Xia Jiang has indeed accumulated a lot of luck this time. The old man's thoughts are still quiet in his mind. Hearing his doubts, he immediately sounded: "This should be the ability of spiritual practice. It can lock people's souls. The more the target is to dodge, the more difficult it will be to escape... It seems that your father has touched a trace of spiritual cultivation. Presumably, the blood fit is at least 5,000. Then, the old man analyzed his father's cultivation progress.

Hearing the old man's reply, Xia Jiang was shocked in addition to knowing that his father Xia Xiong was actually a major repairman. He finally had a concept of the legendary spiritual practice. Thinking that his father's attack that touched a trace of realm alone was so powerful, how terrible would it be for a strong man who really reached the spiritual practice?

"Xiao Jiu, your performance today is very good. Next, I'll leave it to you. I have to rush back to deal with some things. Well, they will also come in a few days. You can prepare well for the qualification of the imperial court in the next time."

After dealing with Ma Shenlong, Xia Xiong immediately said to Xia Jiang on his side. After saying that, he only glanced somewhere in the crowd. Before Xia Jiang could reply, he turned around and left.

Ma Shenlong was killed on the spot, and the mobominities below were dumbfounded. The scene immediately became a little chaotic, as if they were scared by the situation just now. Originally, Xia Jiang wanted his father to say something to these mobbs. Maybe one sentence could make the people return to their hearts, but the other party still gave him this stage and turned around and left.

Fortunately, Xia Jiang also knew that his father could not leave Xia for a moment, and now he had no choice but to appear in this vast scene, so he could only silently see him leave and quickly control the current situation.

"Everyone, something special just happened..."

Next, what Xia Jiang didn't expect was that after Xia Xiong killed Ma Shenlong, his attitude suddenly improved and seemed to have reached a tacit understanding between the crowded people. Only halfway through a paragraph in his heart has been said, and they have shouted that they have long live to recognize Xia Jiang as the new city. The leader and they will from now on become the people of King Xia Xiong, the people of Xia.

Then under the comfort of Xia Jiang, tens of thousands of mob quickly dispersed, but when he came down from a high place, Prince Ba Shi and other people knelt down neatly.

"King Ba Shi, you are..." Xia Jiang looked at these people salute to him one by one and was indescribably moved. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he had to get them up quickly.

Prince Ba Shi got up with everyone and saw tears in his eyes. Xia Jiang couldn't help but see a lot of sadness in his eyes. Only then did he recall some memories of his childhood because of his father's actions just now. With sadness and joy, his emotions were difficult to control for a moment.

Then Xia Jiang was waiting for Prince Ba Shi to say something, but the other party just took out a delicate box with blood stains from his body, handed it to his hand, then patted him on the shoulder, and silently turned away.

His subordinates also left with Prince Ba Shi, and Xia Jiang also saw that most of them were filled with tears. Obviously, during his speech, they experienced a curtain call that belonged to their kings and ministers, and from then on, they will really be the people of Xia.

In the evening, Cao Kuang immediately deployed the planned plan.

Including the fact that the wolf army is now leaderless, he has agreed that Prince Bashi will take his old troops to attack at night to catch him off guard when they are still in the chaos of the people's hearts of the future, which is also a wish of Prince Bashi.

Then, we will start to gather civilians and let them participate in the construction of the new city, so as to stabilize their last trace of uneasiness, save costs and complete the task of building the city faster.

The last important thing is the expansion of the army. At this critical moment, first, the embankment and outsiders come to make trouble, and the second is to take advantage of the victory to collect the hearts of the people, so that they can be more quickly associated with this place and become a whole.

Cao Kuang has written down the details of the plan deployment in detail, and everyone can see the pros and cons at a glance. Without any objection, it will be implemented immediately.

Not to mention, Xia Jiang is very gratified to see that Cao Kuang is becoming more and more shrewd and capable, because in this way, he can spend more time on practice, and other affairs can be completed by the personnel of various positions deployed by Cao Kuang, and he, at most, do some recognition on the letter of duty acceptance submitted by Cao Kuang. Or modify.

The next day, under the call of the captains, more than 10,000 civilians took over the task of building the city and rushed to tell them that for a while, the dead Guadu became active, and everyone was looking forward to building a new city and giving their own contribution.

Xia Jiang stood at the highest point and looked down. When he saw the scene in his eyes, he also felt happy. No matter where the originally lifeless city is now, he can occasionally hear someone's calls and active sounds, and a breath of recovery of all things can't stop spreading.

Seeing all this, Xia Jiang didn't think much about it. Even if he came to a temporary closed training ground that had been built - now they are ready for everything, and he will start a secret retreat here and carry out an all-out refining plan.

"Nine Kings, these were collected according to your instructions. Now many civilians have heard us collecting these, and even took the initiative to give their own utensils with their hands for free, and some even handed over the magic weapons they used, but you told them not to collect their things for nothing, so their subordinates still follow the actual value. Give them crystals. Can you see if these are enough?

The captain of the fourth team said, pointing to this secret practice site, which is full of treasures in Xia Jiang's eyes. In fact, most of them are metal mountains of waste in people's eyes.

"Well, that's almost enough..." Xia Jiang looked at these several mountains and swallowed secretly. He really hoped to receive some magic weapons as funds for the construction of the city through rapid refining, but he didn't expect that the ability of these four teams was indeed strong. He actually brought him several mountains in a row, which only made him feel Refining can't be finished when the registration of the Imperial Academy begins.

"If it's not enough, I can go to the west of the city to collect it. I heard that there are also many civilians who are willing to sell their own utensils and low-level magic weapons..." The four teams listened to Xia Jiang's tone and thought that the task was not beautiful enough, so they quickly replied.

Hearing that Xia Jiang had to shake his head and said, "That's all for the time being. I'll tell you when I need it."

Yes! Nine kings, if nothing happens, my subordinates will leave..."

"Well, it's okay here. Go ahead..."

Xia Jiang saw that the captain of the four teams was obviously curious because he didn't know what he was going to do with these things, and he naturally couldn't let people know his purpose, so he immediately opened it. Now that time is quite precious, he has to start refining quickly.

In addition to the main materials, of course, he has also prepared the materials for cultivation. In addition to the many refining materials in his own storage ring, there is also a special material mountain in these mountains, as well as the ten-day food carefully prepared by the accompanying man, and the magic weapon of the corresponding time to keep fresh. .

In addition, if you look closely at this independent space, you will find that this is a lush forest, and it is almost all a magic forest with super life resilience. In addition, there are plants of refining material level everywhere, and you will know that this place is definitely better than others. The Grand Garden of Xianjiu Wangfu is more suitable for refining.

Everything was ready. Xia Jiang no longer hesitated and immediately stepped forward to this "mountain".