Peerless Blood

Chapter 89 Separation and Beginning (first update)

"Look, school has started!" Xia Ziqi shouted excitedly.

Just at the moment when the night lights of this college were bright, almost illuminating the whole city, the originally silent figures suddenly swarmed, covering almost half of the sky.

At this time, the giant bird quickly went to the nearest venue at the urging of Xia Yuner.

They are all assessed on the giant mountain near here, and they also get the corresponding score evaluation information here.

According to Xia Jiang's statistics, there are definitely hundreds of millions of participants in this assessment, but now there are only hundreds of thousands left, and more people will leave today, and some of them will enter the outer court for internship.

Three o'clock in the morning is the time for the college to officially open, but it hasn't arrived yet. Xia Jiang believes that almost everyone has come, especially when he sees countless suspended mounts in mid-air, a black dragon king more than 200 meters long, and hundreds of 100-meter giant beasts around him. These people are so active, not to mention those Urgent civilian-level freshmen.

Speaking of mounts, Xia Jiang actually also wants a flying mount, but he takes this matter very seriously. He doesn't want to buy it, but wants to find an opportunity to tame one in person.

"Brother Jiu, look, those light balls have all flown over."

For a while, when the time approached two o'clock, the four super photospheres began to gather in the middle of the college, and then everyone saw the four photospheres begin to merge, eventually forming a larger photosphere.

And at this time, new data has begun to appear in Xiajiang's jade card.

"Xiajiang, admission level assessment: Level 6 students will be stationed in No. 9 C, 24th floor, 21 main building, 13th District, Southwest District 2, with the qualification to support any six applicants to become temporary trainees, the qualification to enter the duel platform, the qualification to invest in shops, and to establish temporary shops... ”

Xia Jiang looked at it and found that some things that he thought were free were all qualified because of his level, and there were some things he thought he could do, because his level was not qualified. However, he can't force himself to do anything that is not qualified, because jade card authentication is required. If it is not certified, it is a violation, and the jade card violation will soon be investigated and punished.

Then Xia Jiang found that almost everyone found the change of the jade card and began to check the jade card, and several people around him were no exception.

As everyone studied the jade card selflessly, the three o'clock school finally arrived, and a huge figure was also strange with this moment. The ground appeared in front of everyone.

In a space above the venue, under the gaze of Xia Jiang, this huge figure rose from the ground of a huge floor, but the building turned into nothingness at this moment, as if it had never been a projection.

As all the figures came to the ground, at a height of 1,000 meters, the original building also completely disappeared.

"All the students who come to participate in the opening celebration of the business school are welcome to officially become a member of this business school from today. Next, they are the seniors of this business school, who will lead you to become the new star of the college..."

Xia Jiang listened to the big man's speech silently, and his body began to feel excited involuntarily. He could feel the appeal of the giant rising from the ground, coupled with the penetration effect in the words, even he was ignited by his inner excitement and felt integrated into this almost supreme glory. In the bright atmosphere, the body and mind seem to be sublimated.

"This is so powerful for the senior, worthy of being the top leader of this business school..." Xia Yuner was obviously infected by the senior's speech and couldn't help saying.

"...Finally, as today's school opening ceremony, 100,000 magic weapons will be distributed here, which will be obtained according to your luck. Everyone who comes here will have a chance to get it. After that, all the freshmen will return to their respective positions..."

Finally, at this point, the huge figure finally stopped talking, but suddenly became extremely dazzling.

"Attention, take a deep breath and accept this gift!" I don't know who it is, just then shouting.

And with his shout, suddenly the huge figure exploded and turned into countless shadows to shoot at everyone at the scene.

Xia Jiang and Xia Yuner, Xia Ziqi, Xianzhu, Xiaowan, Hua Xue and Yan Yanzi were together, a total of seven people. Unexpectedly, each of them received a shadow and entered the jade card, but in contrast, Xia Jiang felt that the shadow he received was slightly larger.

"Wow, what is it?" Xia Ziqi looked at a small shadow shooting into her jade card and was immediately excited to check the jade card.

Everyone also began to check the jade cards, and soon saw the gifts they had received.

First of all, Xia Ziqi's jade card actually shows a super four-grade atmospheric ring. After wearing the ring, the finger has the ability to control the natural atmosphere.

However, it was Xiaowan who got a super four-grade light female armor, which was actually a mechanical magic weapon.

Looking at other people's magic weapons one by one, I found that most of them are consistent with my best skills.

The magic weapon obtained by Xia Jiang is relatively special. It is a six-level magic weapon called the dragon blood bracelet, which has exceeded his cultivation, that is to say, he can't use it at present.

Xia Yuner's magic weapon is a super five-grade dust belt, which is a magic weapon to enhance intuition. In terms of description, it almost completely makes up for the lack of her perception of magic weapons.

Looking at the scene, Xia Jiang found that almost everyone got what they wanted. It seemed that the gift was not 100,000 points. Although some people did not get the magic weapon, there were still a slight shadow shot into the jade card, which also got some benefits.

"Brother Jiu, now let's send everyone to their respective areas." Seeing that many people began to return to their positions after paying attention to the magic weapon, Xia Yuner immediately signaled.

Xia Jiang nodded, and now it's time to leave.

Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes showed reluctance again, but at this time, after the appearance of the giant senior, the speech, and the arrival of these gifts just now, it is much better than before.

The first thing to be sent is the informal trainees, Xianzhu and Huaxue. They were originally the closest in the palace, but now they can take care of each other in the same place when they go to the internship area.

When he sent Yanzi, Xia Jiang felt the firmness of the other party's eyes, which made him feel gratified. He believed that with the other party's belief, he would definitely become an excellent businesswoman and be able to fulfill some unfulfilled wishes that had been the princess of the State of Shi in the future.

Xiaowan and Xia Ziqi have just practiced, but they are about to separate immediately, which makes Xia Jiang think of the original scene of himself and Xia Yuner.

In the end, Xia Jiang finally had to separate from Xia Yuner. At this moment, it was almost unexpected by Xia Jiang. Xia Yuner looked very calm in the face of this moment, as if they were just a mutual companionship, that's all.

More than that when the two met when they left, the other party abruptly avoided and turned around and left a small back.

"Okay, my partner..." Xia Jiang also turned around and left a sentimental voice that only he could understand when he walked towards his student field.

Xia Jiang's field is a huge private space, like a "shell" sandwiched in a large rock. Xia Jiang is a little indescribable about the floor structure of the college, which is all fantastic.

Xiajiang entered one of the shells on the 20th floor.

When he entered it, Xia Jiang felt as if he had entered a micro world, as if he could see the whole world in this small shell, and everything was linked to the world.

"It deserves to be a business school. This feeling really makes people's blood boil, which makes people have a desire to control the whole empire and even the world with the mind of business!"

After a little check, Xia Jiang immediately came out and wanted to quickly say hello to several neighbors.

There are four "shells" or "eggs" adjacent to him. At this moment, I only see this slight fluctuation, indicating that they have new owners.

However, when Xia Jiang was a little about to designate one, he heard a sound from it: "It's better not to come and disturb me!"


Xia Jiang was a little speechless. He didn't expect that his neighbors had old students, and he didn't know how the college was allocated.

However, when Xia Jiang was depressed, a person also approached and seemed to be ready to greet the neighbor, but Xia Jiang stopped him in time and took him aside.

This man is a teenager slightly older than Xia Jiang. His clothes are also the same as Xia Jiang. He is not a magic weapon. At first glance, he is very popular. His name is Kaiqi, and his grade is a five-level student.

"...Why didn't I hear it? By the way, your name, I think your cultivation seems to be higher than me. No wonder you can hear his sound!" This Cage looked at Xia Jiang and soon found that Xia Jiang was a piece higher than his cultivation.

Xia Jiang also said his cultivation without concealing it. Listening to Cage, he also realized that his perception was too strong before he heard the voice of the man, but he immediately understood that the man was indeed an old student, and his cultivation should at least be a bottleneck for monks.

"Very good, please take care of Xia Jiang brothers in the future..." Kaiqi immediately turned to one side and greeted his other two neighbors like Xia Jiang.

Xia Jiang looked at the figure of Kaiqi and the fields he greeted him. He immediately saw some kind of competition from here, such as such an obvious neighbor dispute. Obviously, everyone here has at least four neighbors, and each neighbor has several neighbors. In the end, if you combine a small team, it will inevitably affect the interests of others. For example, you took my neighbors, and I took away other people's neighbors, making the small team that originally seemed to be self-centered. Crack.

Just at the moment Xia Jiang thought so, he saw another newcomer next door had just arrived, and after observing him around him, he did not mean to greet him first, but entered his space blindly.

But if Xia Jiang remembers correctly, this person should be the owner of the red dragon mount, known as the "Red Master".