Peerless Blood

Chapter 99 Don't like

"That's right!" Xia Jiang said calmly, "That little wants to please Hong Shao. It seems that there is no one but Hong Shao in his eyes."

Luo Xiong looked at Xia Jiang's speech and immediately believed the other party, which made him feel at ease. However, he found that Xia Jiang was indeed a CET-6 student and was very envious. He should know that his own assessment had been very attentive and all the tasks had been completed, but he was only rated as a CET-5 student.

Then Luo Xiong couldn't help asking Xia Jiang about Wang Kui. Xia Jiang thought about it and didn't say it directly. He felt that since Wang Kui had not identified him, he must have his ideas. Don't tell Luo Xiong here.

Next, the two separated, and Xia Jiang returned to his residence. He wanted to immediately check how many resources the storage ring Keqi gave him and was ready to continue refining, but he found that there was a new task in the jade card.

"Xiajiang, a sixth-level student, the third task of this month: immediately acquire a batch of high-grade materials in Yanqiu City, which will be completed in one day. The materials will be identified by the warehouse personnel and the acquisition price will be given. This urgent task will receive additional contribution rewards."


"Has the college begun to lack materials?" Looking at this urgent task, Xia Jiang couldn't help but wonder. Although there are many freshmen now, there are very few of these students who can refine their tools, which can cause an emergency shortage of college materials. It is estimated that only old students.

Thinking so, Xia Jiang doesn't care what the reason is. Anyway, the magic weapon materials are not difficult for him now, but it's just a little troublesome.

Quickly left the inner courtyard of the college and came to the internship area.

At this moment, in the internship area of the college, in a green field, two girls are using special methods to grow a material field here.

This is a public rental material garden in the trainee area. By receiving trainee tasks and taking care of materials here, they will get certain rewards for their excellent performance, and accumulate the achievements of trainees, which is related to whether the trainees can be promoted to regular students after one year.

Now this garden is very well taken care of, and its quality is much better than that of other surrounding areas. As long as you have a clear eye, you can easily see that the value of this garden is increasing day by day.

"...You are so awesome that you even know these inferior materials. It seems that you will definitely be promoted to a formal college next year!"

"Sister Xianzhu, this is very simple. In fact, as long as you remember it carefully, it's not difficult!"

"Simple? So far, I have only come into contact with dozens of material plants, and I have a headache. Remember the tens of thousands of kinds you mentioned, it's impossible!"

These two people are none other than Xianzhu and Huaxue. They are taking care of the garden here. This is their main task in the past few months to ensure that there are no fatal problems with the materials of the garden.

The two were paying attention to inspecting and taking care of each plant. At this time, several people came not far away. From afar, if the old trainees here must recognize them, they are sisters in another garden. Although they were originally temporary trainees, they miraculously worked here for several years as apprentices, and gradually From a primary school apprentice to a female overlord in the garden, all those who do tasks here must listen to them, otherwise they will be unlucky.

A total of three women came over, and three pairs of eyes stared at the two women who were working hard.

"Look at the garden of those dead hooves, and look at others, the growers are just like that, right?" The first of the three women is obviously the head of the garden, speaking with a strong leadership momentum.

The two women around him heard about it and quickly checked the material planting status of this garden and found that it was really full of treasure!

"Hey, two sisters over there, come here!" The female leader of the garden shouted to Xianzhu and Huaxue.

The two women have been busy with work, and their reputation is not obvious. There are not many people who know them. At this moment, they suddenly hear the voice, but they are all stunned and turn their heads to look.

"Yes, it's you. Let me come here!" The female leader continued.

Xianzhu and Hua Xue looked at each other and didn't know what was going on. They just thought it was the manager here, clapped their hands and walked over.

When she came close, Xianzhu was sharp-eyed and saw the posture of the other party's hegemony, but her intuition told her that the other party did not look like the management here, so she said, "What's the matter?"

"Well, I think you are doing well here. How about you transfering to another garden to do things?" The female leader smiled and looked at the two slowly with sincerity, but there was an irresistible majesty between his eyebrows.

It is not uncommon for women in the world to be able to show this kind of majesty, especially in this college, but Xianzhu and Huaxue are rarely seen for their own reasons. Almost after seeing each other's expressions, they immediately feel bad.

Sure enough, when they had this hunch, a woman around them said, "Don't worry, we will arrange someone to take over this garden."

"...I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on. Is this a temporary arrangement of the college?" Xianzhu hesitated to be silent and finally couldn't help asking, although her intuition was by no means so.

"College arrangement? Little sister, you didn't come on the first day. Here is our eldest sister's head. She said she would stay wherever she was, understand? A woman beside her hurriedly replied.

Then the eldest sister continued to put her face close to the two women with a smile and said, "Now you can go with us. When we get there, I will arrange two more assistants for you."

A little farther away, Xianzhu was fine, but when the other party put the face close to her, she only felt that her heart seemed to be oppressed and she couldn't breathe.

"It's terrible, this woman!" Xianzhu couldn't help but be afraid. Now she doesn't seem to be in the Nine Kings Mansion. At least she has the final say about everything there. Xia Jiang is carrying everything, but now Xia Jiang is only a new student of this college, and now they are the lowest level.

But at this time, Hua Xue on one side saw a familiar figure slowly coming towards them.

"You two are talking! Don't let Sister Long wait too long, you know?!" The other woman didn't say anything. She looked at the two women and thought for a long time without saying anything. Unexpectedly, she walked behind them and said in an extremely low voice, with an obvious smell of intimidation.

The performance of these three people became more and more uninvited, but they threatened to force them to work in another garden. If you can't see who the three are at this time, I'm afraid they are mentally retarded.

Xianzhu's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate. She never thought that in this Imperial College, especially in the internship area of the outer college, there were legendary top students and other figures, and they were also women, and they were also a kind of hegemony in every move.

What should I do? We can't find the prince now..." At this time, Xianzhu felt more and more that it was so reliable to stay with Xia Jiang.

However, just when she thought so repeatedly, Xia Jiang's voice sounded magically, as if she were dreaming.

"Xianzhu, Huaxue, doesn't it feel good here?" Not far away, a teenager nearly two meters tall came over.

Yes, this person is undoubtedly Xia Jiang. For the urgent task of the college, he immediately thought of Hua Xue. Of course, he will not go out to buy materials. His own materials are ready-made high-grade materials. Although there are not many, he is confident that he can collect enough tasks in a short time.

"No way?"

As soon as Xianzhu heard this sound, her heart suddenly trembled and immediately turned her head to look. Sure enough, who is not Jiuwang Xiajiang?

Hua Xue just saw it. At this time, her reaction was much smaller, but she was naturally very happy to see Xia Jiang.

However, the most surprising thing at this moment was the other three people. They almost turned their heads at the same time, looked at the person who spoke loudly, and saw a strange teenager at a glance.

Xia Jiang came to the front and smiled and wanted to greet them intimately. He was not in a hurry for these few minutes, but as soon as he approached, he was interrupted by a uneasy breath that had not yet dissipated, and he couldn't help turning his eyes to the three women on one side.

"Kid, what are you looking at? Didn't you see Sister Long talking about things here?" At first, when a woman saw Xia Jiang smile, she felt that the boy was not bad, so she pretended not to care, but she didn't expect that after Xia Jiang approached, there was no awe when her eyes swept over the three people, which immediately made her unhappy.

The two women on one side could hear that compared with just now, this woman mentioned the title of "Sister Long" many times, as if she was deliberately mentioning their identity.

Xia Jiang's current perception ability is not the same as before. In front of these people with lower cultivation than him, his intuition is that he can almost immediately see what is going on in front of him. It must be this group of female bullies bullying Xianzhu.

"Six sisters, I'm their friends. I came to see them for something, so..." Xia Jiang smiled and was not angry because the other party called him "Kid", but said kindly: "Please get out of here first!"

But it was obvious that Xia Jiang spoke with such a smile, but the more he angered these people. One of the women immediately approached Xia Jiang with a beautiful but vicious face and said word by word, "Bad boy, are you looking for death?"

Originally, as a man and a vigorous teenager, Xia Jiang was close to his face by such a beautiful woman and almost sprayed his breath on his face. It was itchy. For a moment, he felt a little strange and irre. The smell of ignorance should have blushed and avoided, but he did not have this reaction at all. Instead, what made the two women behind him feel inexplicable happy was that he actually reached out, grabbed the woman's face, and then pushed it out hard.

With Xia Jiang's cultivation, she was much higher than this woman. If she pushed down like this, she was immediately pushed to the ground and embarrassed.

"Let me explain to you that I, Xia Jiang, don't like others to put their faces on my face to talk." Pushing away the other party, Xia Jiang's eyes immediately turned to the other two women, especially the Long sister with a look on her face and didn't seem to pay attention to him as a young visitor.