Peerless Blood

Chapter 158 Former Wolf and Tiger

Xia Jiang quickly came to the door of the pub and saw at a glance that there were some guards guarding at the door. It seemed that the pub had been chartered.

"Who is it? Don't you see that this place has been bagd by our Jia Shao? Go away!" One of the two guards standing at the door saw Xia Jiang and immediately scolded Xia Jiang to leave.

Being scolded by a bodyguard, Xia Jiang was suddenly a little unhappy, but he couldn't help wondering about the "Jia Shao" in this population, but he was not familiar with the environment near the martial arts college. How did he know who this Jia Shao was?

"Jia Shao?" Xia Jiang pretended to be stunned and looked ignorant.

"Hmm!" The bodyguard Jian Xiajiang was puzzled, but snorted disdainfully and said, "Why, don't you even know the son of the vice president of the martial arts college?"

The son of the vice president of Wudou College...

When Xia Jiang heard this, he was stunned. It was rumored that his identity could even compete with the vice-city owner, but the vice president was much worse, and the vice president's son was nothing at all. At most, he was a rich second generation. He could be awesome in the college, but he could actually invite Tianqing?

At the thought of this, Xia Jiang knew that he was not willing to come here, but was forced to be helpless.

"Why, why haven't you left yet? Is it itchy?" The bodyguard looked at Xia Jiang, who still had no intention of leaving, and immediately touched his fist, as if to teach him a lesson.

When Xia Jiang heard the words of the bodyguard, he was not angry. He smiled and said, "Oh, I'm an assistant of the chef. I'm here to assist the chef. Something has been delayed. I'm late."

The bodyguard obviously did not expect Xia Jiang to change. When he said these words, he was stunned and looked at Xia Jiang with a questioning face.

When Xia Jiang saw his questioning face, he showed doubt and said harshly, "Why, you have to stop the assistant behind the kitchen and don't let me enter. If it is delayed, you can't afford to blame!"

Xia Jiang was stunned for a while, a little simple for a while, and so strong for a while that he was stunned by the bodyguard in front of him, who liked to play hard with his mouth, and was actually timidled by him.

But with the performance just now, the bodyguard also seemed to grab Xia Jiang's handle and said, "Are you looking for death and talking nonsense? He wants to pretend to break into my good son's banquet. Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

As soon as Xia Jiang heard that the bodyguard was not threatened by him, he came to play with him fiercely. Instead, he shook his head secretly, but his figure moved, and his figure flashed repeatedly, as if he came to the man and grabbed the other party's throat.

The bodyguard obviously did not expect that Xia Jiang was so fast and so strong that he would immediately dodge, but it was obviously useless. The next moment his throat would be held by the other party, and he exclaimed loudly.

"Ah! Someone broke in!"

But the actual situation is that after a flash, Xia Jiang showed no sign of attacking him at all, but still standing still.

And the guards around him didn't see anything. In his eyes, Xia Jiang stood still at all. He couldn't figure out what the guards around him were!

But suddenly, five or six guards came out of it and asked what was going on.

"Six people, who are the right assistants of the chef, specially came to help the chef at this banquet. I don't know what's going on? In order to stop it, but shouting..."

As soon as several people heard Xia Jiang say this, they didn't believe it, but they turned their heads and saw from the eyes of a bodyguard beside him that what Xia Jiang said was right. The man immediately left a sentence and returned to it.

After a while, the man came out again, and his attitude towards Xia Jiang immediately changed greatly and said, "This assistant, please go to the kitchen immediately to help the kitchen. How offended our brother!" With that, he kicked fiercely at the guard who was confused on the ground and said, "The dog who doesn't have long eyes."

In contrast, Xia Jiang can see that this kicking bodyguard is much more powerful than this guy who trembles on the ground. Although it may not be a good thing, at least this person is measured and does not pretend to be a tiger.

Xia Jiang just did that, just to teach this bodyguard a lesson and not to neglect his duty, so he didn't look at it and immediately entered it.

Entering the pub, Xia Jiang looked far away and saw the central area of the vast pub hall. At this moment, dozens of people were raising their glasses and drinking and having fun, among them were accompanied by some stunning women.

There are also women with special services in this world, but they have nothing to do with pubs. They are independent groups that sell everything and are not controlled by any structure in the world.

Of course, the dusty women in this world are different from their previous lives. In addition, most of them are also cultivated, which is actually no different from normal people.

But even so, watching these women accompany these men one-on-one and let these men go up and down, these scenes make Xia Jiang feel unsightly. If it is the son of another rich businessman, forget it, but since he is the son of the vice president of the martial arts college, he should not be so bad, although their It is true that this place is blocked, and outsiders can't get in.

However, Xia Jiang only glanced a few times and soon came to the place where the kitchen was located.

Xia Jiang had seen the kitchen of the big tavern for a long time, so he patiently glanced among the busy people and walked forward. Finally, in a more luxurious hall, he saw a field that seemed to belong to Tian Qing and saw Tian Qing cooking.

After all, Xia Jiang is just a strange face. Although those chefs are busy, they occasionally glance at them and can't help wondering. They don't know who came here, but they have nothing to do with themselves and don't have the heart to pay attention to it. They just do their own work as soon as possible.

Xia Jiang came to Tianqing without any obstacles.

Speaking of Tian Qing, the cook, Xia Jiang has seen the way she cooked once. Anyway, it can be described as picturesque art. Cooking is absolutely an artistic expression. When Tian Qing is cooking, no matter which link or action it is, it is so elegant every second, like a nine-day fairy Dance is amazing!

I have to say that Xia Jiang feels that even if he is watching, it should be a great honor for ordinary people. I'm afraid he is willing to pay a huge price in exchange!

so beautiful! It's amazing!


After a while, after finishing a dish in his hand, Tian Qing found that Xia Jiang was beside him. He was stunned, but then smiled and said, "Is your challenge over?" The smile is also so elegant and natural, giving people the smell of fireworks in the world.

Xia Jiang couldn't help but be stunned by the other party's smile, and almost lost his mind. Fortunately, he had been on guard for a long time, resisting the sensory feeling of visual and spiritual feast, and said with a slight smile, "I encountered a little accident, but it's still over."

"Oh!" Tian Qing nodded and said with a smile, "It's best for you to come here. I just don't know how to refuse the prince's invitation to accompany the banquet!"


Xia Jiang couldn't help but be stunned when he heard it. It is reasonable that with the other party's current status, she should not be entangled by people of this level. As long as she says something casually, the other party will retreat knowing the difficulties, right?

But thinking about it, Xia Jiang naturally won't say it. He just said, "Don't worry, he should be immersed in your delicious food and can't extricate himself. Don't even think about it with the banquet."

The other party was about to turn around and continue cooking. When he heard Xia Jiang say this, he had a natural expression on his face and could not help but remind him, "Do you know that he is the son of the vice dean of your college?" With that, there is also some kind of related reminder in his eyes.

But obviously, of course, Xia Jiang would not pay attention to any vice president, but pretended to hear a joke: "Some people like to fish for fame and especially try to get satisfaction from people like Tian Qing. Don't be fooled?"


Unexpectedly, when I heard Xia Jiang say this, there was a trace of doubt on Tian Qing's usual smile. Obviously, he didn't understand it for a while, but after thinking about it, he also vaguely understood the hidden meaning in Xia Jiang's words, so he couldn't help looking at Xia Jiang and said, "Xia Jiang, you are more and more surprised!"

Hearing this, Xia Jiang knew that the other party had something else to do at the moment, so he stopped saying more and smiled.

At this time, a person came outside and shouted, "No, everyone, stop quickly. The young city master came, blocked the outside of the pub, and said... Let the chef go out immediately!" The last sentence was said in Tian Qing's area.

"Young city lord?"

Xia Jiang couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, but soon understood that because the vice president invited Tian Qing to cook for him, I'm afraid that the young city owner was unhappy when he learned the news and immediately brought someone over.

Needless to say, Xia Jiang is almost sure that this young city owner must be the second young city owner. This is really a wolf and a tiger, which is more difficult to deal with.

"How did he know about this..." As soon as Tian Qing heard the news, there was a trace of panic on his always smiling face.

Xia Jiang has never seen the other party look like this, and can't help but wonder, "Why, what's wrong with the two of them?" In Xia Jiang's view, this is nothing more than the domineering and aggressiveness of the second young city owner. He did not allow her to cook for the son of a vice president, so he brought someone to invite her out.

If this is the case, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. As long as he deals with it soon, will it be okay?

However, it obviously won't be as simple as Xia Jiang imagined. I only heard Tian Qing say, "I have rejected one of his invitations before, and some reasons are unreasonable. This time he must be difficult for me on the grounds that I perfunctory him..."

Hearing this, Xia Jiang suddenly felt that it was no wonder that the second young master was so well informed. I'm afraid that he took Tian Qing's refusal as a handle and tried to get the other party as he wanted. Because of the relationship behind it, Tian Qing was reluctant to refuse, and the other party was obviously not easy to send it. I'm afraid that people will be entangled in the future.

Thinking of this, Xia Jiang also felt tricky, but he glanced at the preparation of the kitchen utensils and many dishes present, but looked up and said, "Don't worry. If you can push it once, just push it once. This time, borrow the hand of this time and refuse him again!"

Hearing Xia Jiang say this, Tian Qing only nod his head and said, "That's your help!"

Xia Jiang nodded and immediately went out.

In the eyes of countless large, medium and small chef apprentices, Xia Jiang was like a big hero at this moment. Finally, he was known by these people that he was the right assistant of the chef and watched him walk out.

When Xia Jiang came outside, he saw that the group of Jia's group of people were surrounded and controlled by the owner of the second young city. This group of people bowed their heads and dared not say anything. Only the young man looked at each other angrily, but he looked at the disdainful eyes of the second young city owner, but dared not say anything.

Obviously, in this dull atmosphere, Tian Qing is waiting for the arrival of Tian Qing. As long as Tian Qing follows the two young city masters, his entourage will disperse, but the banquet will naturally disperse, needless to say.

But surprisingly, these people waited directly or indirectly for a while and did not see the talented Tian Qingjia's figure, but saw a so-called young man coming out.