Peerless Blood

Chapter 188 A Clear One

This strange situation made Xia Jiang a little dull in an instant, and turned into endless despair, because until now, the other party has really demonstrated the ability of spiritual practitioners. At this moment, the other party showed real invincibility!

How strong is the spiritual practitioner?

It's not that Xia Jiang hasn't asked the old man, but no matter what answer he gets from the old man, it's just a concept. Without his own experience, he will never know.

But now, he finally knows what the gap is between ordinary people and majors.

What are the so-called monks, monks, majors...

In fact, these levels can only be regarded as the first stage of cultivation. It was not until the spiritual practitioner that he stepped into the second stage. The whole person was completely out of change, as he understood in his previous life that he became an immortal.

The person who has not reached this stage will always be a practitioner in the first stage. In the eyes of the other party, it is indeed an ant-like existence.

Pushu and spiritual practice, man and immortal, the difference between heaven and earth.

At this time, Xia Jiang couldn't help thinking about why the great people in the temple who were worshipped could only be worshipped by reaching spiritual practitioners, and why not many people in his great Xia Kingdom have reached the realm of spiritual practitioners for thousands of years.

It's only one step away, and it's as difficult as climbing to the sky.

"Xia Jiang! If you are my son and have such a high qualification, I will definitely cultivate you well and let you break through to the realm of spiritual practitioners, but it's a pity! ..." Gao Gao, Xia Xiao, who existed like a god at this moment, looked at Xia Jiang among the two below and said in a deep tone.

Listening to the other party's big words and complacent, Xia Jiang's blood in his body was boiling to the extreme at this moment, but he suppressed himself and did not move.

I often hear people say that he is a brave man who knows that he can't do it, but at this moment he doesn't have the courage to challenge. It's not that he is timid and retreating, but that he deeply knows where the gap between himself and the other party is.

At this moment, he felt that his father Wang Xiaxiong had a chance, because he had touched the realm of spiritual practitioners, and it was possible to break through to spiritual practitioners in battle and then fight back in one fell swoop!

Although, the probability is very low.

But this is another delusion, because it is impossible for opponents to give them this opportunity. Now they have completely lost themselves and have been completely controlled by the other party's strange ability. Their bodies do not obey their own instructions at all, and their tacit understanding has been completely lost.

It also seems that the two below are still afraid that they don't know the situation at this moment, but Xia Xiao said lightly, "I think you still want to resist? I might as well tell you that under my spiritual pressure, your will can no longer drive your body and has become a walking corpse. I can separate your spiritual flesh and turn it into a pile of mud at any time.

While talking, Xia Jiang only felt that there seemed to be a change in his body, and he had a premonition that he would explode and die at any time in the state of the demon body.

And at the moment when the other party said this, he also found that his father on one side almost immediately gave up a strategy, completely relaxed and stopped resisting.

At this moment, maybe they can survive only if they fully follow each other's instructions?

What is this? Do you want to survive?

"Xia Jiang! You are qualified. Although you are still worthless in my eyes, I will give you a chance now!" At the moment when Xia Jiang felt that they fell into despair, the other party's voice sounded again.

After saying that, the other party waited quietly for Xia Jiang's reaction.

Yes, Xia Jiang had no intention of saying a word to the other party, but at this moment he had to open his mouth and wanted to hear what the other party wanted to say.

"Tell me! ......”

"Good, you finally opened your mouth, which means you don't want to die yet!" Xia Xiao listened to Xia Jiang's voice and seemed to make fun of him, and said, "That's very simple. You just need to use this sword to kill the two people around you. Your father and your eldest brother, kill these two people, and I will accept you as my adopted son. In the future, you will still be the ninth prince of Xia, and your identity will remain unchanged!"

With that, Xia Xiao directly threw the demon-eating sword at Xia Jiang.

At this moment, Xia Jiang was almost out of his control and took over the demon-eating sword.

It was also almost at the moment when the demon sword was eaten, and Xia Jiang really knew what despair was!?

The road in front of him now seems to have a choice, but there is no choice at all! Yes, he can indeed choose to refuse the other party, but as long as the other party is willing, he can even forcibly control his body and let him kill his father and summer. What's the difference from killing him himself?

But then he agreed to kill his brother and father, isn't it more desperate?

The other party, this is not only to seize the country of Xia, but also to spread such a scandal in his royal family, which will spread all over the country of Xia for thousands of years, so as to further stabilize his next kingdom rule!


Absolutely sinister and vicious!

It's also absolutely cruel!

At this moment, Xia Jiang's eyes began to become a little cold. The other party's naked conditions and naked threats all exposed their cruelty and viciousness, and even deeply tortured them, making his father fall into more endless despair than him at this moment.

"Father! ..." After thinking for a while, Xia Jiang's expression changed and turned to Xia Xiong beside him.

On the one hand, Xia Xiong, who had fallen into endless despair, almost committed suicide by being tortured by this despair, but was abruptly awakened by the voice of Xia Jiang.

"What, Xiaojiu, do you need a last word from your father?"

Xia Jiang's voice actually had a completely independent will at this moment. Under the transmission of the magic sound, Xia Xiong slightly broke away from the other party's spiritual pressure and restored more spiritual will, but the current situation became more and more clear, and he actually said to Xia Jiang in a tone of forgiveness.

Xia Jiang naturally heard it. His father thought that he chose to compromise and kill him and his eldest brother with his own hands, but even so, the other party could still forgive him, saying that it was not his fault.

"No!" Xia Jiang immediately shook his head and said, "Father, I just want to tell you that you should not despair at this moment. No matter how strong your opponent is, you can never compromise spiritually! You...should believe in the child!"

Xia Jiang said word by word. After a brief pause, he immediately looked up and looked high.

Xia Xiao, who looked down at the bottom, saw something strange in Xia Jiang's eyes at this moment, which was not despair.


Seeing this situation, Xia Xiao just moved slightly and snorted coldly, disapprovingly.

Then listen to Xia Jiang and then said to the sky: "Xia Xiao! You can break through to the spiritual practitioner, which shows that you have great luck in practice. You must have great potential, but you don't know why you are short-sighted and have to seize my father's things here?

Hmm! This tone?


Almost at the same time, the two people present were stunned and looked at Xia Jiang.

Yes, as just now, Xia Jiang's tone at this moment seems to be in despair, or directly like a person under spiritual control? He actually got rid of the influence of spiritual pressure and recovered as before!

In contrast, Xia Jiang's voice had the greatest impact on Xia Xiao. The other party almost immediately strengthened the spiritual pressure again, stared at Xia Jiang with light eyes, and locked the other party as the central target!

But even so, Xia Jiang's eyes remained unchanged.

"That's right, it can resist my spiritual pressure. It seems that I underestimate you a little?" Xia Xiao still stared at Xia Jiang, showing a little surprised, but he still replied to Xia Jiang's doubts disdainfully: "Well, just because you say I'm short-sighted? Do you know what the realm of spiritual practitioners is? You are such an ignorant child! As for your father's things, this should have belonged to me, but I just let him take care of it for the time being!"

"Is that right? So for you, spiritual practitioners still have to rule this kingdom to make your cultivation more rapid? When Xia Jiang said this, he said disdainfully, "Then I have to say that you are really short-sighted. Even if you finally achieve your goal, it is still nothing in my eyes."

Arrogant boy!

Xia Xiao was originally extremely indifferent, but when he heard that Xia Jiang's tone was not only flat, but also looked disdainful of him, he suddenly became furious, and his whole body flashed and directly bullied Xia Jiang near him.

The two are 100 meters apart, and the spiritual pressure of the other party has made people unconscious, not to mention the face-to-face distance?

Almost approaching the other party, Xia Jiang immediately felt that his body lost contact at this moment, and he was really going to become a walking corpse.

But just as he was about to be crushed by the other party's horrible spirit, there was always a clearness in his body to disperse him again and recover as before.


Xia Xiao came to Xia Jiang and grabbed Xia Jiang's neck, which had not been in a demon state for a long time, as if he were carrying a chicken.

Compared with just now, Xia Jiang still has no ability to resist at all, and he doesn't seem to have changed much.

He also grabbed Xia Jiang. Xia Xiao roared and exerted a little force in his palm, and only heard the click of Xia Jiang's neck, and his neck bone was pinched in an instant.

It's completely fragile. Isn't it just a small major repairer?

Getting such a result, he actually surprised this Xia Xiao a little. He thought that the other party was so arrogant that he suddenly used some powerful self-defense magic weapon. It turned out that he just kept a piece of wisdom and bluffed here.

"Child! What else do you have to say now?" Holding Xia Jiang's neck and lifting it up like a chicken, Xia Xiao showed his murderous intention and seemed to have lost interest and began to kill.

Xia Xiong on one side also ignited a trace of hope, but when he saw this scene, especially when he heard the sound of Xia Jiang's neck being pinched, his heart beat violently, and then he sank in pain.

But at this moment, he knew that he could not stand it any longer. Even if he died, he would strive for even a little impossible opportunity!

Xia Xiong's eyes suddenly flashed fiercely, and a spiritual pressure like the other party burst out of his eyes. At the same time, he shouted and punched Xia Xiao.


As soon as the punch came out, the flames suddenly splashed, turning into countless stars, and then connected into fire snakes to surround each other.

Compared with what Xia Jiang saw at the beginning, his father's boxing power was stronger at this moment. A punch was like hitting a whole space, which seemed to smash this space and all the people in it into powder!

At the same time, the fire snake is also stronger than the real fire seen by Xia Jiang. This is the true fire that carries a soul power of the person. Not to mention the master, even if the spiritual practitioner is hit, it will be burned.

In such a moment, Xia Xiong suddenly burst out with the strongest blow, and the other party was still within the range of his final attack!

At this moment, even Xia Jiang has an illusion at this moment. Perhaps this punch is enough to make this Xia Xiao retreat and at least lose a layer of skin.