Peerless Blood

Chapter 197 Teaching Skills and Entering

Under the continuous conditioning of Xia Jiang's demon-eating power, Bi Liuxia's injury quickly recovered. After all, it was only physical damage, which is naturally nothing to today's Xia Jiang.

"Xia Jiang... Thank you very much!" Bi Liuxia obviously felt the current physical condition and immediately thanked him.

Xia Jiang didn't care about thanking him, but turned around and saw Bi Liuxia still lying down. He couldn't help saying, "Should the senior get up and explain that Xia Jiang is stupid and doesn't know where this 'master' comes from?"

After all, it would be strange for Xia Jiang to pretend not to hear such an abrupt thing.

Sure enough, when Bi Liuxia heard Xia Jiang's words, he suddenly turned over and stood down.

But then, it made Xia Jiang feel more abrupt, and the other party knelt on one knee.

"sor!" Xia Jiang hurried forward and helped Bi Liuxia up, but found that the other party was extremely persistent and refused to get up.

"Xia Jiang, you must accept me as an apprentice, or I can't afford to kneel!" Bi Liuxia directly said what Xia Jiang expected, but it was obviously inexplicable.

"Sep. Bi, can you take a closer look? Are you sure you didn't see the wrong person? I'm just a primary school head, and I don't have any reputation, right?" Xia Jiang's tone turned and became extremely solemn.

But Bi Liuxia hardly looked at it, but said firmly: "As long as you call Xia Jiang, you can do it! So are you Xia Jiang?" After saying that, he turned his eyes to Xia Jiang.


Being looked at by the other party so long, Xia Jiang couldn't help but have an impulse to spray blood, but through these eyes, he immediately felt a wisdom in it, and suddenly couldn't help but be shocked - the other party has paid close attention to him, so he has absolute confidence in his strength!

So that's it!

From the other party's eyes, Xia Jiang was sure that the word "master" in the university president's mouth was not casually said, but that he had been thinking for a long time!

"I..." Xia Jiang immediately let go of his hands, stood up and said lightly, "Of course it's Xia Jiang."

The tone has shown his understanding of the other party.

Hearing Xia Jiang's meaning, Bi Liuxia suddenly looked a little too hot and said, "Brother Xia, have you promised to accept me as an apprentice?" At this moment, he suddenly glowed the spirit of his university president, which was surprising.

Xia Jiang is actually just to test the sincerity of the other party. Seeing how he did not agree to this situation, he said solemnly: "I know that the senior has never seriously considered the strength of martial arts and is dedicated to commercial development. Since the senior has come to pay attention to force, he will follow the fate and accept you. Apprentice..."

However, just after Xia Jiang said this, a voice came from the depths of his mind: "Good boy, how dare you accept apprentices without my consent? Humph, whatever. Anyway, you can't teach anything according to your level. If you want, take it!"

For good, it was just a painless reprimand, which did not prevent Xia Jiang from doing things.

Xia Jiang secretly wiped his cold sweat, and then naturally said in the name of the master: "Mr. Bi, although you worship me as your teacher, I don't like to call you an apprentice. In the future, I will call you Lao Bi, and you can call me little master casually, so that you don't look embarrassed!"

I didn't expect Xia Jiang to think so much about others. How could Bi Liuxia disagree? Even if he agreed, he still said, "That 'little' forget it. It's easier for me to call you to be a master."

"It's up to you!" Xia Jiang nodded and continued, "In the next time, I will teach you several sets of skills as soon as possible. You need to practice carefully. During this period, you will be closed, and time will dilute everything. At that time, if anyone wants to use this matter to hit your university president, I believe it can be solved with your strength!"

Bi Liuxia had long foreboding that Xia Jiang's strength was strong. Unexpectedly, the other party was really so confident. Suddenly, he secretly felt that he had not seen the wrong person. This time he was blessed by misfortune!

"Lao Bi, I still have a task to give you. I don't know if you have been affected by this incident." Xia Jiang said and quickly handed out the necklace.

When Bi Liuxia saw the mission necklace handed over by Xia Jiang, his eyes suddenly widened and he felt incredible.

Yes, this necklace, which has been refined again by Xia Jiang, is no longer as simple as the super ten products. It is definitely the super peak of the super ten products, and even its real value can be called a genuine spiritual weapon!

At this moment, he looked at Xia Jiang hotly. Bi Liuxia found that he could not see through the Xia Jiang in front of him more and felt that this person was far stronger than he expected!

As a university president, the most important step is to cultivate talents. Only when they have excellent vision and find two or three talents who are not inferior to themselves can they be promoted again and become honorary university presidents, even including the head of the university president!

From this, you can think about it, how can Bi Liuxia not be blessed by misfortune today?

However, after the dark joy, his eyes fell on the necklace again, but the Bi Liuxia couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

"Unfortunately, I don't know if Shasha is already famous after I get out of the customs. It seems that I can only accept my fate..." With a slight sigh, Bi Liuxia said extremely solemnly, "I'm very satisfied with this task! No matter what I say and do it, you just wait to accept the promotion of honorary seniors and a task of promoting prospective university presidents!"

"Well, thank you very much..." Xia Jiang nodded immediately, but suddenly heard the other party's words, which seemed to be a little lost, and I don't know why, but this was obviously not something he should worry about.

Next, Xia Jiang made a prompt decision and immediately came to his personal residence, a practice site, with Bi Liuxia.

What Xia Jiang intends to teach is naturally demon-eating swordsmanship and nihilistic magic shadow. Since he intends to accept apprentices, he will never be vague, but will teach each other. As for how much the other party can understand, it depends on the fate and creation of the other party.

Throughout the day, Xia Jiang has been teaching him these two unique skills, which also made Bi Liuxia constantly shocked, but also began to gradually enter the state and began to initially master these two absolutely shocking unique skills.

At night, Xia Jiang will no longer have too many professors and guidance, but it is stipulated that Bi Liuxia cannot casually teach these two sets of skills to anyone, at least he must know in advance.

Of course, Bi Liuxia knew the rules and immediately said that he would never pass on the skills, even if his future descendants would ask Xia Jiang for instructions in advance.

In this way, Xia Jiang also returned to his residence.

When he came to his residence, Xia Jiang found that his thirteenth brother Xia Xin was focusing on practicing here. It seemed that he had learned something from his reprimand and began to focus more on practice.

As his brother, Xia Jiang has such a convenient opportunity. Naturally, he will not let go of it. He immediately took out the few remaining best materials and arranged a large array of materials for Xia Xin. In cooperation with the boundary, he is confident that he can improve Xia Xin's cultivation ten times and make rapid progress in his own understanding of his skills.

At the same time, he also began his own retreat and refreshed for tomorrow's World War I.

Un until the next morning, Xia Jiang's side did not stop practicing. The giant hammer tiger in his hand has improved significantly compared with last night.

Last night, Xia Xin's cultivation was still in the early stage of the training, and at this moment, Xia Xin's cultivation was already in the middle and late stages of the training, and the progress was simply one step to the sky!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xia Jiang would not have believed it. Obviously, his thirteen brother was also a super genius, and he was a qualified superman. Coupled with his extraordinary assistance last night, the effect was even more unbelievable, and it was improved by half a level overnight!

Seeing that the other party has practiced for a day and a night, he is still tireless, but Xia Jiang does not disturb him. He knows that this is a rare opportunity for him. His spirit is united, and an unyielding will is tempering and growing, which is the most valuable moment for practitioners!

He silently left it here to continue his practice. Xia Jiang was also like lightning. After leaving his residence, he swept away to the duel qualification application.

Top martial arts arena.

Since Xia Jiang proposed a life-and-death duel yesterday, many people have begun to secretly spread this news. As he reached a challenge with Kuang Shao, the whole college was transmitted in an instant. Naturally, more outsiders came because of Bi Liuxia as the cause of the incident.

Before the sky came up, there were more than five million people in this martial arts platform. When Xia Jiang arrived and stood on the martial arts platform, the number of people exceeded 10 million in minutes, and the whole top martial arts platform was full.

But even so, Xia Jiang still doesn't pay much attention to this challenge after sweeping the whole audience, because after all, he doesn't want Xia Lei to improve his reputation and achievements, and for the throne of Xia.

Contrary to Xia Jiang's attitude, because of the importance attached to this duel, the college specially invited an unfathomable academician to start the duel broadcast and transfer the scene of the duel to another martial arena, so that more people can watch the duel.

I have to say that this is definitely a big deal. To do this, there is no doubt that it requires at least the cultivation of the spiritual practitioner to do it. Therefore, some people can't help but argue that the college can ask the spiritual practitioner to take action, which is enough to illustrate the importance of this duel!

As the second super martial arts arena was almost full, and more than ten minutes after Xia Jiang's debut, the old figure also appeared and boarded the martial arts platform.


The whole martial arts arena suddenly burst out louder and louder, which was more enthusiastic and crazy than the duel the day before.

In this tide, there are naturally all kinds of voices, thousands of voices, there is no way to count, supporters, opponents, supporters, curious people, learners, etc., etc. All the audiences that can be


"Xia Jiang..."

"Look, it's my ninth brother!"

"Nine Kings..."

"It's Xia Jiangjun!"

"Oh, it's him?"

"What, it's really Xia Jiang..."


In this martial arts arena, Xia Jiang's relatives and friends are scattered in various regions and are almost far apart from each other, but they undoubtedly made their own surprised or unexpected voices at this moment.

is also natural, and there are so many voices, which are also distributed in various regions. In contrast, they are all unpleasant words. At the same time, they are accompanied by different attitudes and eyes.

Of course, the most typical person is Xia Lei.

After all, at the most critical moment of the battle for the throne, Xia Lei is the only one who can really have a direct conflict of interest with Xia Jiang.

In his eyes, other people are just temporary hatred or entanglement, but they can't be compared with them.

"Xia Jiang, it seems that your boy is really not simple. He took advantage of my opportunity to defeat Bi Liuxia and created such a duel in turn. If I guess correctly, this crazy old man is probably also invited by you to fake it? Or there must be a lie in it, otherwise the 'life and death challenge' will be fighting with me for your life! Humph..."

In this Xia Lei's secret disdain and hidden calculation, on the martial arts stage, with the referee's announcement, the duel began!