Peerless Blood

Chapter 201 Then I'll talk about it!

After the assassin incident, Xia Xiong rarely appeared. Even if he summoned the ministers, he still sat in a safe place. Outsiders could not see his physical condition.

At this moment, Xia Xiong sounded, and almost everyone knew that the king in front of him was still the king of the past, and his cultivation only rose and remained unabated.

The whole audience suddenly became silent.

"Gentlemen! For more than 100 years, the former king of Xia has worked hard to expand its territory, which has been accumulated so far. Now that I have finally got the opportunity to expand by chance and made it a new territory of Xia, and finally fulfilled the last wish of the previous king! However, the surrounding countries have never stopped fighting. Now that our country has taken this opportunity, although the momentum is expanding, there are also many crises. If foreign countries attack, it will definitely hinder new development and growth, which is a big hidden danger... All these, I will not try my best to lift and defend all the fundamental things related countries... Now I have encountered Test, it is just a blow, and I will have to consider the future rise and fall of our Daxia Kingdom. For this reason, today I will make a special crown prince to prevent national changes and stabilize the hearts of the people!"

Xia Xiong's words, like thunder, were rolling for a long time, and the bottom suddenly shouted in unison.

"King Xia!"

"King Xia!!"

"King Xia!!!"

It was not until nine shouts were finished that they stopped together.

At this point, Xia Xiong's eyes swept over the princes and then said, "In accordance with the most fair, rigorous and serious rules of the former king, as the crown prince, there must be three qualifications to be met! First: as a crown prince, you must have extraordinary achievements; second: as a crown prince, you must have the great intentions of the people; third: as a crown prince, you must have benevolent virtues! One of the three is undesirable!"

With that, Xia Xiong's eyes immediately glanced at the princes again and shouted, "Princes, come to me."

With Xia Xiong's call, all the princes, including Xia Jiang, came forward and stood in front of Xia Xiong.

"Officials, open your eyes and take a good look at the princes to see which one can get your eyes. Today, you will represent the hearts of the people, and those with the highest voice will be the most popular among the people; the princes will report many achievements, integrating the best ones will be the most successful achievements; the princes will compare morality, and the one with the highest voices of brothers will be the most noble character..."

As soon as Xia Xiong's words fell, the eyes of all the officials immediately began to focus and wandered among the princes.

Listening to the introduction of his father's rules, Xia Jiang couldn't help but feel relieved and found that everything was not as fair as he thought, or without his so-called rationality, but it doesn't matter, because no matter how the rules change, people are always alive, and people with means will never fall behind in the end.

He suddenly had a hunch that it might really be him and Xia Lei who would finally fight for the throne today.

Then, he only listened to Xia Xiong lead the officials and turned his eyes to the youngest prince.

Seventeen Prince.

The 17th prince is only a few years old, but his achievements change according to age, so he is not completely free of opportunities.

However, it seems that he has not received much guidance from his mother. In the face of Xia Xiong, he is nervous to hide behind a brother around him.

followed by the sixteenth prince.

But it is obvious that the prince, who is less than ten years old, is also timid and has no desire.

It was not until Xia Xin, the thirteenth prince, that everyone's eyes suddenly lit up and they felt that he should be a little different.

Sure enough, it was also because of Xia Jiang's relationship that he was very different from his previous younger brothers. Although he ranked 13th, he was stunned when he opened his mouth. His voice was loud and powerful, and he reported his outstanding achievements.

The first achievement: the cultivation has reached the master!

The second achievement: I have defeated a super strong man of the same level in the college.

The third achievement: now he is a "quasi-schore" and a "businessman" in business school.

It is absolutely impossible to call it a super genius at such a young age!

Many of those officials immediately supported and raised many wooden cards in their hands.

Found that there are so many people supporting it, and Xia Jiang also has a lot of confidence in it.

Then the brothers commented on their morality.

There is no doubt that Xia Jiangdangren did not allow him to raise his hand, and he naturally had no doubt about Xia Xin's character.

However, what made Xia Jiang couldn't help sneering was that those brothers who had always supported Xia Jiang were all united at this moment and did not raise any of them.

Only have no entanglement with Xia Lei, and there is no malice towards Xia Lei, and most of them raise their hands.

The total result is calculated, but it is less than half.

An official specializing in statistics immediately recorded the obtained data and asked Xia Xin about his feelings and opinions on the results.

Xia Xin said that he was a person who rarely talked, and even when he faced Xia Jiang, there were not many, let alone at this time?

Therefore, the opportunity is just to say two words of thanks that are completely unnutritious in people's eyes, and don't say more.

"After all, it's too small, it's a pity..."

Some people heard that there was no bold words and no opinion on the result in all aspects, and immediately knew that the thirteen princes had no chance.

Then the twelve princes, eleven princes and ten princes appeared one after another, but because of their poor performance, they made the thirteen princes look slightly better, which can be regarded as a slight recovery of trust.

Although failure is a failure, Xia Jiang deeply knows that the competition here is not a complete battle for success or failure, but as long as they are still alive, any result obtained today may have immeasurable benefits for them in the future!

Also because of the ranking, Xia Jiang unexpectedly appeared in advance.

Obviously, Xia Jiang's reputation was also a little big. Many officials almost immediately raised their cards to support him when they saw him.

Xia Jiang was very calm and slowly reported some of his good achievements.

Cultivation: the peak of the great repairman?

College: prospective university president?

Strength: Overcome many late or peak masters of major repairmen?

Contribution: Inventing many strange but fast-hot super mounts?

Deeds: Arresting the fake prince Xia Huo's family? Have a college apprentice? Destroy many members of the college cancer organization?


Xia Jiang seemed to open the river and said it all in one breath.

Needless to say, many people immediately asked him to prove it.

It's a pity that in addition to some achievements that the king himself can prove, he really can't take it out for the time being. On the contrary, many brothers and sisters are willing to testify on the spot, but the statement is groundless and the recognition has been cancelled.

In the face of this situation, Xia Jiang's performance is a little understated and seems to be indifferent.

also seemed to be affected by this, resulting in the fact that the officials who immediately raised their cards and shouted for him were not as much as most people thought at the beginning.

In total, it's just a little more than seven floors.

That is to say, only about 80 of the more than 100 officials at the scene supported it.

The "people's heart" aspect has ended, and it immediately turns to personal morality.

Suddenly, many brothers and sisters supported Xia Jiang and admitted that Xia Jiang's personal character was absolutely excellent.

And Xia Jiang swept slightly and found that it was similar to what he expected. Many people on Xia Lei's side ignored him, just like treating his thirteenth brother Xia Xin.

Although in Xia Jiang's view, he is likely to fail today, in the eyes of many officials at this moment, he has definitely lit up and will definitely become one of the strongest contending for king today!

The record officer recorded Xia Jiang's results and immediately asked Xia Jiang as usual.

Of course, Xia Jiang had something to say. Even if he swept around the scene, his eyes fell on the officials and said, "Since today these three qualifications are the conditions for the crown prince, I, Xia Jiang, will talk about my views on these three aspects! First, achievement! Whether we are civilians or princes, we will definitely achieve countless achievements from childhood to age, no matter how big or small, and there will be a few special achievements to show off! But in the end, I can't help but ask, in everyone's eyes, is the achievement itself important, or some objects that represent achievement more important? I hope you don't put the cart before the horse!

"Second, the hearts of the people! Regarding the hearts of the people, Wang Shang has said in detail that it is to ask residents from all over the world to give their support, not everyone's own support! Therefore, when considering supporting a prince, I hope that everyone may be a little alert and ask themselves whether they have understood the people's feelings enough?

"Third, morality! Here, I have to apologize to my brothers! I, Xia Jiang, will not agree with all your approval or denial, because I think that a person's morality is not necessarily the same internally and externally, nor is it not necessarily stable! Today, I eat the garbage in the ditch, tomorrow I eat the banquet in the palace, or today I owe people 3,000 crystals, and tomorrow others owe me 3,000 stones. The situation is different before and after, and the mood is naturally different... Therefore, Xia Jiang believes that my moral character is good or bad, but you brothers are unable to comment. Most of the gifts are subjective and have nothing to do with objective products. Deye!"

"From this, I would like to declare in advance that there are only two meanings for my previous and subsequent moral evaluations of your brothers: first, it's good; second, I don't know...

Although almost all the people present are older brothers and seniors than him, Xia Jiang is not afraid at all. In his eyes, even the old people among these people may not see more thoroughly than him, so he has something to say without covering up.

However, the recorder was stunned by Xia Jiang's wild words and didn't know how to end it.

And more than 100 officials were also shocked at this moment. After all, Xia Jiang is just a 16-year-old yellow-haired child. At most, he can add the title of nine princes. How can he say this sonorous and powerful truth? How can he not make these models who think they are enough to be his mentor grandfather feel good? Shocked?

"Is this little prince too rampant?"

"No! This boy is more than crazy, he is simply arrogant!"

"But what should I say? He always said something useful, didn't he?

"Is it more than useful? Don't you doubt that these nine princes have kings and even emperors?!"

"Yes, although this son is a little rude, his head is clear and clear. He is simply smart. He will definitely make great achievements in the future!"

"It's really not simple. I didn't expect that this ninth prince was a hidden all-rounder, and his achievements are scary just to say. Which one is not afraid of offending words? I'm afraid that among all the ancestors of Xia, I can't find anyone comparable to him! ......”

"Well, don't be impatient. At present, it's still the ninth prince. There are at least two or three people on it that are worth considering. Don't say it all..."


For a while, among more than 100 officials, there was a lot of discussion, and there was no doubt that all of them were moved by Xia Jiang's remarks.

silently looked at the movement below, but Xia Jiang was very indifferent. His remarks were not entirely for the sake of fighting for the king, but also for many plans in the future. In this way, today, whether he defeats Xia Lei or not, he will be invincible!

However, at this moment, the afterglow of the corners of someone's eyes swept Xia Jiang disdainfully and hummed secretly, "Huh, jumping clown, the real good drama is behind!"

Almost at the same time, Xia Jiang's eyes met this afterglow, and the corners of his mouth floated slightly, completely ignoring the hidden offensive of the other party.

But when he saw Xia Jiang's indifference, the man was stunned, as if he had thought of something. He couldn't help but glance at another prince, and his face suddenly changed greatly.

Yes, this person thinks that everything is in hand today, but there is only one thing that he is worried, that is, he doesn't know whether Xia Jiang and a prince are also secretly colluding. As long as it is not, the overall situation has been decided today!

"Well, even if he secretly colludes with that boy, he won't turn upside down today!" As long as those officials and princes strongly support, I, Xia Lei, will definitely be the crown prince of today, the king of Xia! When I am in power, Xia Jiang and the damn boy, as well as those fox friends and dog parties, will all die! ...Or attribute them all to my name, hum, I'd like to see what you're fighting with me?"