Peerless Blood

Chapter 203 Of course - it's time to kill!

Then, Xia Xia began to continue to say: "When the news came out from the prison guard, I immediately entered it. After all, he was also my little brother who I grew up. He suddenly died and knew that it was unusual, so I investigated and found that he had committed suicide! But the more I found it, the more puzzled I became. With my father's permission, I began to investigate closely, moved all the things related to Xia Huo to prison, and began three consecutive days of internal and external investigation...

"In this investigation, the things involved are also reported to you again, which are about some bad deeds of this son's life: I found that many years ago, he began to secretly domesticate the killer dead, and the secret king's seal king's uniform has long been rebellious, but in the meantime, his father is still Vigorous cultivation, this son's heart can be imagined! But as I investigated more closely, I found that this son was not completely sure of his identity at this time. It was not until a month ago that he was sure that he was not a prince, but another huge rebel and the illegitimate son of the imperial concubine, so he escaped from the palace overnight and lurked in the capital...

"Guys, do you know who his father is now? That's right, it's my uncle Xia Xiao! He holds the military power of one side, and is the identity of the Lord of the Wanbao Pavilion. Over the years, he has been deliberately gathering strength secretly, secretly disturbing the inner palace, bullying my father, repaying kindness, wolf ambition, and usurping the throne! If it hadn't been for the ninth brother Xia Jiang's rush back in time to track down the assassin indirectly, otherwise I'm afraid it would have been lawless and hegemony Xia Guo!"

Speaking of this, Xia said in a tone and said, "Now, this man's threats have been abolished, including imperial concubine and Xia Huo, all of which are completely controlled and impossible to take any action. However, in this important period of the battle for the crown prince, Xia Huo, who has been sentenced to death, was murdered in prison! Yes, it's not suicide, but a long-premeditated murder!"

At this point in summer, it finally fell down a little.

In the face of such a secret and shocking event, the officials below have long been shocked. At this moment, when they heard that Xia Huo was murdered, how could they not be shocked on the spot?

At this moment, I'm afraid that only Xia Yu, who should have nothing to do with this matter but was forced to be affected, fell into grief. Everyone else began to look for another evil son among the princes to find out the person who will be accused by thousands of people today, and even kill him on the spot.

But unfortunately, their eyes glanced among the many princes and found nothing.

also felt that the pause was enough. Summer had a movement again. One of them turned around, glanced at the brothers, and said, "As for who this murderer is and with what purpose, I think it's better to ask him to stand up!"

With that, his eyes turned to the officials, and seemed to be confident, giving the other party a chance to take the initiative to admit it!

Suddenly, the atmosphere suddenly fell into extreme tension. The princes were present, including the escorts, and thousands of eyes focused. Even the little princes, who obviously did not have any possibility of suspicion, were suppressed and dared not come out.

"There is indeed a problem among these princes..."

"Well, the battle for the throne, the prince's internal fight doesn't seem to be new..."

"I don't know who it will be?"

"This is really hard to conclude. Judging from the announcement of the eldest prince, I think anyone can do it!"

"The adults behind you have some eyesight. What do you think?"

"Hum, I think the ninth prince Xia Jiang is the most suspicious. This son's original qualifications are ordinary, but suddenly he seems to have got some adventure. There must be some character behind his back!"

"That's right. Except for this son, the big prince can't reject suspicion. Although he is outside the matter, if he actually has the intention to compete for the king, or has a long-term vision, this hand will be extremely smart and will play with everyone between applause!"

"And the thirteen princes, although they are not as good as the first two, they are also outstanding and may also be sinister!"


With these people's speculation without hesitation, many officials around him suddenly felt a little speechless, and it was also a chill, which seemed to be true.

also seemed to be aware of the comments of the officials. Xia Xiong, who was no longer ready to speak, had to give a last chance and shouted, "Who killed Xia Huo? Stand up by yourself. You have exposed it!"

Hearing King Xia Xiong's prompt, everyone was stunned, their eyes widened, and paid attention to the reaction of each prince.

It was also at this time that a figure finally stood out among the princes.

shua shua——

Everyone turned their eyes together and immediately saw this person's face. Unexpectedly, it was Xia Yan, who had gone crazy just now!

"Is it Xia Yan?!"

"Why is it him?"

"How is this possible? Doesn't he have the best relationship with Xia Huo?"

"This is unbelievable!"

Suddenly, all kinds of voices of disbelief sounded one after another, and they all shook their heads and felt incredible.

In fact, it's not just them. Xia Jiang was also surprised. He didn't expect it to be Xia Yan.

However, I'm afraid the unexpected person who is really worth mentioning at this moment should be the one, Xia Lei, who has sat firmly on the fishing platform and won the throne of crown prince.

That's right. Since learning that Xia Huo's death was killed by him, and he was considered to be one of the princes, Xia Lei felt a little unnatural, but after all, he didn't kill him, but there were still some clear consciences, but he was worried about whether Xia was secretly playing some conspiracy with Xia Jiang and wanted to pull him down, but he couldn't help but be vigilant. .

But he never thought that the person who killed Xia Huo was the boy Xia Yan!

Speaking of Xia Yan, Xia Lei still has a secret murder, because he has given instructions to the other party to kill the people around Xia Jiang, kill Xia Xin or Xia Ziqi, and kill anyone. As long as he succeeds, he will give the other party enough benefits and will not be suspected.

But what he didn't expect was that he glanced at it today and found that he had taken action that day, but all these people were present, and none of them died! That is to say, Xia Yan betrayed him! This is definitely a huge hidden danger for him. I don't know if this boy has united with Xia Jiang? ......

From this, it can be imagined that Xia Yan's appearance at this moment does something completely beyond his understanding, how can he not be surprised?

Xia Yan, who finally took the initiative to stand up, didn't know whether he was secretly aware of someone's hostility. His eyes actually glanced at somewhere first, and then glanced at Xia Huo in the prison.

"This summer fire!" Xia Yan opened his mouth and pointed to the cold body in the prison, and then looked at everyone and smiled, "Just like his father, hehe... No matter how much I helped him, he treated me like a dog, never looked at me, and kept pointing me to do this and that! They were all locked in prison and even let me mutilated myself to create an opportunity to get out of trouble? Very good. I don't care about villains, just for the sake of my brothers. Let him go for the time being and continue to be a dog! But I didn't expect that in the martial arts college, he openly took away the woman I like. After playing, he threw it to me as a reward. He looked up to his dog so much! Do you think he should die?

"What's more, his father Xia Xiao actually sneaked into my mother's room and insulted her. Since then, he has done many times, causing my mother to be pregnant. She dared not speak out and couldn't bear to abandon the fetus, so she gave birth to a daughter, but then Xia Xiao sent someone to throw the child into the wild to feed the dog! And what you don't know, almost all of the concubines and princesses who have been expelled from the palace were secretly entered into the harem by him and were violated by him. Haha... Tell me, shall I kill the son of this kind of person or not? Say it! Kill or not?!!"

Xia Yan gradually said that from the beginning, it still made people feel nonsense, to reflecting his true, forbearance to distorted heart, his real relationship with Xia Huo, to those shocking things about his mother, almost everyone was stimulated to be speechless.

In addition to his obviously crazy and distorted mind, all these things he said have undoubtedly disfigured today's kings, and it is also natural for these people to inevitably hate Xia Xiao in prison like a devil and have a murderous intent!

In contrast, these people are not so concerned about Xia Yan's behavior and only rely on the king's words.

Of course, there will be some people who inevitably have to face the problem of Xia Yan. Should he be killed? Or another question, is it guilty of killing him?

Like the basic people present, Xia Jiang naturally finally knew that the relationship between Xia Yan and Xia Huo was not as close as he thought, and there was such a big contrast and internal situation. For this reason, he couldn't help but look at the problem of Xia Yan.

"Of course... it's time to kill!"

Faced with Xia Yan's completely crazy state, even if he knew the answer, the whole audience was silent, but at this moment, Xia Jiang stood up.

Yes, Xia Jiang stood up. At this unwise moment when he knew that justice should be done, he stood up.

Almost in an instant, many eyes glanced at him with incredible and uneasiness.

This undoubtedly includes summer. Originally, he was going to judge Xia Yan. If possible, he would step by step down Xia Lei, who had won the camp at this moment. Even if he couldn't defeat him, he would give him a painful blow and let him leave something even if he ascended to the throne of the crown prince.

But Xia Jiang seemed to disappoint him, or unexpectedly, and ran out to support Xia Yan.

"Hum!" On the contrary, Xia Yan, who heard that someone stood up for solidarity and was almost hysterical, suddenly glanced at Xia Jiang's eyes and satirized without thinking, "Xia Jiang, you don't have to bother. Even if you support me, it's useless. Today's throne is not the second brother Xia Lei!"

In the face of Xia Jiang's solidarity, he didn't know whether it was good or bad, which embarrassed Xia Jiang.

But when he heard the other party say this, Xia Jiang was not surprised, let alone make people feel ashamed and angry, but said calmly, "You're right. Today, the crown prince is the only one, but it has nothing to do with whether you kill Xia Huo or not, right?"

In his words, Xia Jiang did not hide his sincere views or his previous misunderstanding of Xia Yan.

A generous and benevolent brother is only shown in front of one person at this moment.

Even if Xia Yan was hysterical and seemed to be the enemy of all the world, this moment was touched by Xia Jiang and immediately stood on the spot.

Yes, this is also a small bet of Xia Jiang. He feels that Xia Yan has given up everything, so he will not care about any face or embarrassment. As long as he can hit the "point" in the other party's heart, no matter how hysterical the other party is, he will be more or less touched by it!

Strong perception and sound power, which is what he is good at. At this time, if he finds the opportunity, he should take action. As for what other people think at this moment, it is a small fight.

Because Xia Jiang's words touched Xia Yan vaguely, the scene where they had many different views and reactions suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, they all focused their eyes on Xia Yan. I don't know how this son will react immediately.

At this moment, a minute is as long as a day and a month. Xia Yan instantly became quiet and trembled faintly because of Xia Jiang's words.

Obviously, this situation is absolutely intolerable for someone. Seeing that the situation is vaguely going to develop in a direction that is unfavorable to him, someone will immediately open his mouth and shift the eyes and thoughts of everyone present.

But at this moment, Xia Yan, who had been quiet for a long time, moved again, but this action was unexpectedly waved and sacrificed an unknown magic weapon, killing Xia Lei not far away!