Peerless Blood

Chapter 214 Don't kill these people for the time being

Killing the vice captain, Xia Jiang's figure immediately came to the last person.

Xia Jiang just came to the captain of the remnant wolf regiment and immediately felt a sense of disgust. He saw that the man was doing the curse to a mother and daughter.

For the mother and daughter, this moment is more uncomfortable than death, but he feels happy about it and says that it is disgusting to make people want to vomit?

"Captain, have you thought about your own death before doing this?"

Xia Jiang's figure appeared somewhere in the room in an instant. He held his demon-eating sword and leaned on a table in the room, like an idle person passing by, without showing any murder or even hostility.

But even so, the captain stiffened his body and then swept towards Xia Jiang.

Seeing that he was just a teenager, the captain was just stunned and shouted coldly, "Who are you? Who asked you to come in and get out of here?" With that, a magic weapon appeared in his hand.

Hearing the other party's inquiry, Xia Jiang still seemed extremely leisurely and said, "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I hope you can think about it before you die. Has the person behind you guaranteed your life safety? Otherwise, won't you die unjustly?"

"You want to die!"

When the captain heard Xia Jiang's words, he was immediately like an enraged beast. He suddenly jumped down from ** and opened the magic weapon in his hand. He wanted to use the strongest killing move to directly kill the immortal teenager in his eyes! Only in this way can he feel happy again!

But at the moment when he rushed to his opponent, suddenly the surrounding space seemed to freeze. His whole body seemed to be into a quagmire, and his movements became slow in an instant and he couldn't help it.

At this moment, he watched the sword in the teenager's hand come out of the sheath, and the body of the sword automatically flew out, and the tip of the sword pointed to his throat.

"Why is there always a stupid person like you in the world? If you practice well, what do you need to pursue slowly? Do you have to become a beast and lose your life?"

Xia Jiang said lightly, still looking leisurely and murderous, but at the moment he finished his words, his eyes flashed and suddenly shot out murder.

Almost instantly, the person in front of him felt an unparalleled force coming from the tip of the sword and shouted to block the blow and then kill the opponent, but found that the body was completely unable to move at this moment.

Xia Jiang did not intend to kill this person immediately. He grabbed his throat and came to the entrance and exit of this rich area with a wave of his hand to fix it on the entrance of the entrance and exit and hang it in mid-air.

"You still have half a day. If no one comes to save you after half a day, you will definitely die!" Xia Jiang looked extremely indifferent.

At this moment, Xia Jiang no longer concealed his murderous intention, but showed his absolute murderous intention and a condescending posture of killing, and waited for the four people who were still hidden somewhere in this area.

Just now, he was still supreme and ruled this area, but in a blink of an eye, this man became like a prisoner. No, it should be said that he was lower than a prisoner, a prey that was shown to the public by ** on the street, and the time of death was set!

No! This is by no means the result of his plan. His enjoyment is just beginning, and he still wants to dominate here and even become the world hegemon in the future. How can he finish it like this?

The man couldn't help roaring and was extremely unwilling. Seeing that the boy was careless for a moment, he was about to break free and kill the other party, but he instantly found that his body did not have any strength?

How is that possible? What about the power of my blood? Is he... damn it! Hateful!

This man suddenly realized that the power of his blood had completely disappeared, and instead, his body was not even as good as an ordinary person, and he had no power at all, and suddenly gave birth to incomparable resentment.

No! And they, and the person behind them, in that person's eyes, not to mention this little miscellaneous hair, even if the king of Xia comes, he will definitely kill! Yes! Be sure to kill everyone in Xia! I want to kill this little bastard!

Even if there is no power, this person's eyes shines with incomparable resentment, waiting for the arrival of these scenes in his heart.

"The original hidden state can be used like this..."

Xia Jiang stood under the entrance and couldn't help muttering in front of the other party's resentful eyes.

Yes, although Xia Jiang now appears in this person's eyes, he is actually hidden. No one else can see his shadow at all. If someone passes by here, he can only see the captain who is shown to the public.

Xia Jiang waited so quietly, and he was waiting for the rabbit.

Sure enough, soon four deeply hidden people appeared from four directions and came to this entrance.

"Hurry up and kill this boy! No! Don't kill him and catch him. I want him to live worse than death!"

Suddenly, when he saw four secret helpers coming, the captain immediately cheered up and shouted at the four people.

But obviously, these four people didn't find Xia Jiang at all. When they heard the captain shout, one of them swept at him with some disdain: "Are you scared crazy? I can't even figure out where the opponent is?"

"What?" When the captain heard that the man called him "Kid", he didn't seem to pay attention to him at all and immediately wanted to scold him, but when he suddenly thought about it, his strength had disappeared, but he still turned against these dogs for the time being. He resisted his anger and pointed to somewhere under him and said, "This boy who ignores your existence is not here. ?"

What it refers to is indeed where Xia Jiang is, but where the four people can't see half a person.

The man glanced at him and couldn't see anything. He immediately snorted coldly and said, "How dare you play us? Don't think that the young master gave you this opportunity, as if you were united with you. You are just a piece of shit. When the country is destroyed, you will also hum..." This man said this with a sarcastic sneer.

However, it was obvious that these words meant nothing to the captain, but he didn't believe it at all and shouted, "You are so bold! If you dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not, I will immediately rebel and tell your conspiracy. At that time, in front of the young city owner, I will say that I was forced by you!"

When the man heard this, his face suddenly changed and shouted, "No, I'll kill you now. Let's see how you say goodbye to the young city owner!"

The words fell, but the man was not ambiguous at all. Unexpectedly, he really did it. The figure jumped into mid-air, and his hand fell with a knife and directly cut directly to the captain's head.

I don't believe it!

The captain's eyes widened and couldn't believe that he was obviously just doing things under someone like him, and the other party dared to kill him casually?

But now it is obvious that he can't believe it. The man's casual knife cut on his head directly, instantly splitting his head and body like cutting tofu.

One of the three people accompanying him immediately said, "I've always seen this boy unhappy. He really treats himself as a thing. Bah!" With that, he spit on the ground.

The two people around him were motionless, as if nothing had happened in front of him, which was extremely indifferent.

The first person immediately withdrew from the meeting and said, "But after all, there seems to be something going on here. There is no movement here. Isn't it... All of them have been killed, right?"

With that, his eyes also shot like a torch on a tall building in the rich area.

"What do you care about? If you are all killed, you will be killed. Anyway, the purpose of the young master has been achieved, and it is meaningless for these people to live or die." One person behind him said again.

Hearing the person behind him say, the man also nodded immediately and said, "Well, let's go straight back. There is no need to fight here!"

The latter listened to what he said and immediately agreed. He immediately turned around and did not enter the rich area to assist the wolf corps they should have assisted.

At this moment, Xia Jiang was about to appear and kill these people here, but suddenly he gave up the idea.

"No, if I kill them here, I will expose their whereabouts. It happens that they don't know my existence. I can let some special gyrobugs follow them silently and get more information to see what the people behind them are doing. Is it purely just to let him perish Xia?"

Yes, through the infiltration of this captain, he already knows that the person behind him is actually the second young city owner of Yanqiu City, who secretly communicates with their surrounding countries and wants to unite and use extraordinary means to eliminate them, Xia!

However, Xia Jiang is still not sure whether the two young city lords have communicated with his father and whether there are any other considerations for the consequences of this kind of thing. After all, this matter is not a joke. He wants to destroy their Xia Kingdom. In case of failure and involve it, as long as they communicate with the emperor of the Dugu Empire, they can immediately let Yanqiu City The Lord's father and son died without burial!

Yes, their Xia Kingdom is indeed just a small kingdom, but for the Dugu Empire, they are also a subordinate country, a courtier, and even a prestigious local prince. The princes have not made no mistakes. How can they kill as kings at will? What's more, he is not the king, but the son of a young general under the king? Is this reckless?

This is the problem Xia Jiang considered and did not kill the four people directly.

After the four people left completely, Xia Jiang immediately left and went to the city owner's mansion and quickly reported the current situation to the city owner. He also immediately returned to the summer.

Summer is still fully controlling the epidemic in the west, and with the help of Xia Jiang, he has completely controlled the epidemic and completely separated the infected from the infected person.

Waiting for half a day and finally waited for Xia Jiang's arrival, Xia suddenly showed relief and said, "Xia Jiang, I found that I really can't do it without you now, and I don't know how you practiced. Your distinction is really right. According to your distinction and plan, the epidemic has been completely controlled now..."< /P>

Speaking of this, he also seemed to be much relieved to see Xia Jiang's expression. He couldn't help asking with a trace of expectation, "Well, by the way, how is the situation over there? Have you found out what's going on?"