Peerless Blood

Chapter 221 Breakthrough and Death

Xia Jiang, who is in the underground space, is completely immersed in his retreat and feels the aura in the middle of the rock protective film.

With such a touch-like experience of Reiki, Xia Jiang's thoughts gradually became extremely clear, and he felt that what he imagined in his mind seemed to be close to him and immersive.

He imagined the scene of the army fighting on the battlefield at this moment, so the bloody scene, the roaring voice, the wanton magic weapon, and the ferocious impact of the beasts all seemed to exist in his memory, making him unable to distinguish the difference between imagination and reality for a moment.

This is a wonderful feeling.

Suddenly, his thoughts couldn't help moving and thinking of his previous life.

In his previous life, he was still a nobody, struggling in the workplace. He just wanted to rely on his enthusiasm to promote senior management through outstanding performance, stabilize income, and get his girlfriend's unchanging heart. However, as a result, before he realized it, his girlfriend left him and even was taken away by his boss, which made his love career suffer. A fatal blow...

Although he had already seen through it, at this moment, when he thought of these scenes, he was actually immersive, making him feel as if he had returned to that time, as if time had reversed and reincarnation again!


Suddenly realizing this abnormality, Xia Jiang couldn't help but think of the spiritual practitioner's "spirit" in addition to secretly sighing at the magic. Obviously, he touched a deeper concept of "spirit", and he finally made a breakthrough!

Fee that there was a breakthrough, Xia Jiang became more and more focused at this moment, and then concentrated all his spirit into the film.

With this increasing concentration, it began to touch the trajectory of spiritual power in the film. Suddenly, it was found that although the film seemed to be subtle, once there was spiritual power, its defense was so strong.

Spiritual power is also spiritual power in Xiajiang. This power is completely different from the limitations and limitations of physical power. They can vary according to the different caster, which can be said to be infinite possibilities!

"Yes, this is the strength of spiritual power... No wonder the rumored spiritual practitioner is so mysterious, so powerful, and not simple. This is simply a transformation of life, which sublimates the human spirit and begins to really participate in the world and become the leader of everything!"

From the film, Xia Jiang felt more and more spiritual mysteries. Gradually, he began to find that there seemed to be a trace of law in the spiritual power.

"Is this..."

I don't know how long it has been. In the continuous perception, Xia Jiang suddenly felt something. He seemed to faintly feel something. Unexpectedly, he thought of a star trajectory, which is a star field that has been running in the universe for countless years!


At the moment when he felt this law to the clearest, he suddenly only felt that the film emitted a shock, and there was really a star domain in his mind. The whole star domain was constantly running, extremely slow, but at this moment it was extremely fast, so fast that nothing could be seen clearly in the end, and it became model. It's a mess.

And this chaos, like this membrane, seems to flow and seem to be static...


Suddenly, at the moment when Xia Jiang felt this, an extremely weak voice sounded, which made him shocked and opened his eyes immediately.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately saw a layer of the original rock, which began to crack, revealing a crack as if it had been destroyed.


Immediately after a series of cracking sounds, the whole membrane finally completely broke, and then it began to turn into silk aura and pour into it.

In it, what was reflected in Xia Jiang's eyes was a huge egg.


It turned out to be an egg!

Seeing that it was actually an egg, Xia Jiang couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, he had thought that if there was life in the rock, it was likely to be the egg of a huge creature, probably in the form of various young children, and it would probably be an egg, such as the egg of the giant beast in his memory turned into stone after countless years. Same.

At the moment when the shape was determined, Xia Jiang suddenly found that a layer of rock on the outside became extremely fragile, and it began to break apart one after another, and finally completely became a huge egg.

Measure this egg, which is 500 meters high.

Yes, this rock has grown a lot secretly during this period, and now it is bigger than when it was discovered before.

"But how can this egg be hatched?"

Looking at the giant egg in front of him, Xia Jiang crawled on it and immediately began to invade the power of demons.

But almost immediately, he was stopped by a larger spiritual force, and the demon-eating power still could not invade.

The defense of eggshell is more powerful than that of the film, and it is not the special defense of the film, but the extremely pure spiritual defense, just like the spiritual boundary exerted by a super spiritual practitioner.

When he found this, Xia Jiang immediately understood that he could not be in a hurry, but still needed to work step by step. First, he explored the spiritual trajectory of this "spiritual boundary" and found a way to crack it.

Immediately, Xia Jiang entered the retreat again.

However, just as he entered the retreat, he suddenly felt more and more sensitive to spiritual power, and felt how pure the spiritual power contained in the eggshell was!

Eggshell, this is simply the substantive materialization of spiritual power. It is hard to imagine how horrible and vast aura it takes to produce it?

Thinking of this, Xia Jiang couldn't help but feel it.

But soon he immediately denied the idea, because it was clearly not a defensive boundary. Isn't this the egg of a giant beast?

Is this...

Suddenly, Xia Jiang's spirit was shocked again, and something came to his mind - the spirit beast!

Yes, this thing in front of us is definitely not the egg of an ordinary beast, but the egg of the legendary spirit beast level!

Spirit beast?

What concept is it? It is much stronger than spiritual practitioners, because they themselves are the embodiment of spiritual power and are not cultivated step by step by step by human beings.

The spiritual power is vast at birth alone. If you grow up to maturity, how strong will it be?

No wonder it is rumored that beasts of the same level are stronger than human beings. This spiritual practitioner and spirit beast are more obvious. After all, he has also seen the strength of spiritual practitioners, although the other party may be at the bottom of spiritual practitioners.

Realizing that he had definitely picked up the treasure, Xia Jiang immediately stopped hesitating and immediately devoted all his energy to the exploration of spiritual power.

However, after all, it is such a huge spiritual impact. How can Xia Jiang resist it**? He completely involuntarily threw himself into it, but he ignored the time and almost forgot that the current national war is fierce. The outside has fought fiercely and failed to form an army. Xia's territory is It will be trampled by the ferocious beast army.

It was not until three days later that Xia Jiang finally came from the retreat again. His eyes suddenly opened, and there was no time to feel the spiritual perception that had broken through again. His whole body immediately flashed out of the underground space.

"It's over! I didn't pay attention to the time this time, and I actually retreated for nearly five days. I don't know what happened!"

Xia Jiang, who rushed to the battlefield, couldn't help but regret his carelessness, thinking that if there were any mistakes on the battlefield or everyone, he would really be a big sinner.

If his father Xia Xiong knew Xia Jiang's thoughts at this moment, I don't know if he would go crazy? Because in terms of practice alone, from the bottleneck period of the great repairer to the spiritual practitioner, some people have had an epiphany idea that they have made such a huge breakthrough in five days, and they have complained that they have been too long.

In contrast, his father Xia Xiong thinks that he is talented and has super potential to practice, but it took nearly ten years to finally break away from the realm of a great practitioner and now breaks through to a spiritual practitioner.

Yes, the degree of Xia Jiang now is equivalent to the state before Xia Xiong's breakthrough, which can be said to be equivalent to being a real half spiritual practitioner. The rest only needs a little time to concentrate on cultivation, and the transformation is just around the corner.

Xia Jiang's practice time is naturally not as long as Xia Xiong's, and naturally he will not investigate the breakthroughs of spiritual practitioners, so he feels that it takes a long time. However, not long later, he finally and deeply understood how difficult it is for the world's great practitioners to break through to spiritual practitioners!

At this moment, it was also in Xia Jiang's uneasy mood that he finally came to the battlefield and immediately witnessed a terrible scene.

In the whole battlefield, there is no half of the soldiers of Xia. They have been completely submerged by endless beasts, and occasionally only the spotted bodies of the soldiers of Xia can be seen.

Immediately, following the trajectory, Xia Jiang's eyes immediately turned to the nearest city.

Almost without thinking, Xia Jiang came to the city under a jump of the Frog King, and when he was in mid-air, he also suddenly saw Xia Yuner and other people in the sky.

"Yun'er!" Xia Jiang took the jump of the frog king and came to the sky. In the high sky, he waved his hand and directly sealed the giant frog into the storage ring.

This hand has the mysterious and powerful ability of the summoner, which opened the eyes of several people on the giant bird. At the same time, it is also natural that all the corners of their eyes are wet, showing a sad look again.

When she heard Xia Jiang's shouting, Xia Yuner immediately responded and looked at the battlefield, without revealing the same grief as everyone else.

But how could Xia Jiang not notice this grief? He even asked Xia Yu on one side.

"Xia Jiang, thirteenth brother..." Xia Yu's voice, with crying voice and incomparable sadness.

Here, I'm afraid that only Xia Yu has really had close contact with Xia Xin. Like Xia Jiang, Xia Yu has an unusual good impression of Xia Xin from the beginning. She really treats him as a younger brother, and even often enjoys him, because Xia Xin is a little tiger-headed. The personality makes people who are close to know him can't help teasing him.

However, at this moment, Xia Yu was not alone. In addition to Xia Ziqi, who was almost sad, Hua Xue and others on one side were the same, because they not only heard about Xia Xin's misfortune, but also learned that he was purely because he could not get reinforcements. In order to delay time, he gave more time to prepare for the city behind him. Go to death bravely.


Xia Jiang widened his eyes and looked at several people to confirm the authenticity of the news.

Is Xia Xin dead? Fighting in the territory of Xia, there are several passes and strong cities. No matter how strong the enemy is, how can a commander of the whole army die? The commander of the whole army is the most important person in the army. No matter how difficult it is, everyone will die to protect the commander's safety.

In the face of Xia Jiang's complete doubts, everyone could only be silent at this moment. They could not say anything more at this moment, because they believed that Xia Jiang would always know why it was like this.

Yes, fighting in the country, it is true that even in the face of great adversity, as the commander-in-chief of the whole army will never be threatened, and countless soldiers and generals have lived up to their title of heroic soldiers. They have not lived up to their mission and succeeded in ensuring the safety of the commander-in-chief even if the whole army is destroyed-- According to the accurate information finally obtained by the spies, 500,000 troops in the east, together with the commander-in-chief, were really destroyed, and there was no life!