Peerless Blood

Chapter 234 Special Confession

Listening to such a melodious and far-reaching song, Xia Jiang felt extremely pleasant to listen to, at least without any discomfort, but then he saw the overhaulers look even more frightened.

One person immediately shouted, "No! This is indeed the lost 'Magic Realm Repression Song'. We are all within the scope of her magic sound. If we don't kill it immediately, we will all reverse our lives and die!"

The big repairers around obviously expected that all of them turned pale and immediately roared, sent magic weapons, and launched the strongest attack.


Not to mention the eight people sacrificing their own magic weapons at this moment, and some people sacrifice several magic weapons alone. In addition to attacks, they also have various effects such as binding and restricting the operation of the opponent's blood.

Xia Jiang was more than ten meters away from Xia Yuner, but he was also affected by this range. Suddenly, he felt that the power of blood began to be chaotic and a little uncontrollable.

Just when he couldn't help worrying about Xia Yuner, the power of blood in his body immediately calmed down because of a slight change in the sound of the flute.

"Huh? What kind of magic soul song is this? In addition to attack, there are also defensive means? And it looks like it's both offensive and defensive!"

Aware that his bloodline was reconciled by Xia Yuner, Xia Jiang suddenly felt more and more powerful this magic skill, and combined with Xia Yuner's own bottleneck of the cultivation of the major repairer and the early boundary of his sharing of demon-eating power, the power of this magic power doubled!

Among the strongest attacks that broke out at the same time, in addition to those effects, there are naturally more effects, but under Xia Yuner's slight change of tune, all the attacks hit her body and could no longer enter at all. They all began to rotate around her body, and then continued to fade. At the same time, the magic sound she blew became more and more continuous.

Almost with these changes, Xia Jiang gradually realized that the cultivation of those major repairers was really declining, and the bloodline fit decreased by a few points almost every second, and the decline of cultivation was getting faster and faster!

"This... is more perverted than my demon-eating swordsmanship!" Xia Jiang couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

However, almost at the moment when Xia Jiang said this, a voice sounded in his body: "What kind of skill can be better than my demon-eating swordsmanship?"

The sudden appearance of this sound shocked Xia Jiang. It was mainly not the old man's complaint, but that the old man would not appear even at a dangerous moment, and at such an ordinary moment, it came out silently, which was really strange.

But he soon knew why. The old man seemed to listen to this song and said, "Sure enough, it was the sound of the little girl's flute in the iceberg. No wonder I felt so familiar."

The old man actually said something that shocked Xia Jiang for no reason.

Iceberg? Little girl? ......

However, when Xia Jiang was waiting to ask the old man, he found that it had disappeared without a trace, just like when he appeared.

"Old man, please don't be so sudden when you appear again next time, okay? And I have something to ask, how can you leave without saying a word? Xia Jiang couldn't help scolding, feeling that the old man was getting more and more outrageous. It seemed that he began not to pay attention to his body as the owner because he had recalled something!

However, no matter how Xia Jiang shouted and scolded, the old man was silent again and had no reaction, but Xia Jiang knew that it was not really silent, and his consciousness had always been awake in his body.

Since he completed a series of achievements and reached his current status and cultivation, the old man has been looming and has never disappeared.

If you can't call the old man, Xia Jiang has to immediately turn his thoughts back and stop thinking about these.

And when Xia Jiang focused his attention in front of him again, he saw that the cultivation of those major repairers had only regressed to the initial level, and the subsequent attack was like scratching. I'm afraid that even if Xia Ziqi is here, he can defeat these people.

But all this has not been heard. As the sound of Xia Yuner's flute began to slowly become exciting, the speed of these eight people's retreated faster and faster. More than ten seconds later, the eight people directly retreated to the level of a practitioner. Their bodies could not be maintained in mid-air and fell one after another, and even several of them were in mid-air because of the huge changes in body and mind. And become dull, like becoming an idiot.

However, at this moment, Xia Jiang suddenly found that the boundary around Xia Yuner began to become less stable.

"Yun'er..." Xia Jiang came forward to investigate a little and immediately found that the blood power in his body was chaotic. Unexpectedly, he was still affected by the full blow effect of those people, but she forcibly stabilized herself and persisted until now.

Almost after Xia Jiang found out, Xia Yuner's flute sound also became less natural. Xia Jiang immediately came forward, opened the demon-eating boundary, immediately helped the other party reconcile the chaos of his body, and gave the support of the other party's blood power.

is also a little overconsumption. With the support of Xia Jiang, Xia Yuner's spirit instantly recovered and returned to its original state.

"These people are afraid of your magic soul song. I think it's really strong, but Yuner, you seem to need to practice more!" Xia Jiang can naturally feel the strength of Xia Yuner's skill, but he also found that the weakness is that the consumption of individuals is not a little bit. I'm afraid that in addition to the power of blood, he also needs to consume a huge amount of mental power.

Listening to Xia Jiang's words, Xia Yuner shook her head helplessly and said, "When my father taught me, this song was incomplete, otherwise my father would not..." Speaking of this, Xia Yuner looked sad.

However, when Xia Yuner heard what he said, Xia Jiang couldn't help thinking of the old man's words just now. He couldn't help but say, "If this skill is really passed down from generation to generation by chance around the world, resulting in incompleteness, and the creator is still the so-called 'little girl', isn't that old man really a super antique? The existence of

Thinking of this, Xia Jiang couldn't help but feel ashamed.

It was also at this time that eight people had already fallen down, and this time they were either dead or disabled.

"Xia Jiang..."

Just when Xia Jiang was a little distracted, Xia Yuner's voice sounded, but woke up Xia Jiang.

"Hmm?" Xia Jiang was stunned and couldn't help but find that he was staring at Xia Yuner's chest in a daze. He looked up and saw that Xia Yuner's eyes were a little wrong.

If there is a crack here at this moment, Xia Jiang may really get in immediately. The relationship between him and Xia Yuner has always been extremely pure, and he also hopes to keep it like this. At this time, he actually let the other party find out his unexpected move.

This feeling is like a man who is proud of being clean and self-sufficient, accidentally strayed into the kiln and then recognized in person.

However, the situation is obviously not what Xia Jiang thought. Xia Yuner looked at Xia Jiang and seemed extremely hesitant, and her eyes deliberately avoided Xia Jiang while talking, which made her look unusually nervous.

This is also almost the first time Xia Jiang has seen her nervous side since he saw Xia Yuner. He couldn't help but thump in his heart, and he increasingly suspected that he had inadvertently caused some kind of misunderstanding of the other party.

"Xia Jiang, I..." Xia Yuner seemed to finally say something, but there was a moment of hesitation.

Compared with just now, Xia Yuner's hesitation again made Xia Jiang feel relieved. He felt that the other party did not suddenly have something to say because of his behavior.

Originally, when the surrounding war was fierce, Xia Jiang had to quickly support various regions and assist in the battle. However, Xia Yuner's abnormality made him have to put aside everything around him, and he said with half embarrassment: "Well, I feel strange to hear your name me recently. I won't say anything about this matter. Right?"

Recently, Xia Yuner's name for him is no longer "Ninth Brother". Although there is a relationship between Yinguo's attack, it still makes him a little unaccustomed.

Then what Xia Jiang didn't expect was that Xia Yuner's hesitation at this moment was really related to what he said casually. Xia Yuner's cheeks turned red in an instant, as if she had summoned up her courage and said, "Yes! That's Yun'er also wants to... want to be your wife!"

Xia Yuner finished speaking, but her whole body was a little stunned and motionless.

If it hadn't been for the long contact between Xia Jiang and Xia Yuner, I'm afraid he would have misunderstood it as one of the thousands of idiots in the martial arts college. It was the first time he had seen Xia Yuner have such an unnatural moment.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the other party's words make him feel a little inexplicable, or to be precise, too sudden!

"Yun'er, that won't be my just now, my..." The other party's nervousness made Xia Jiang a little uncontrollable at this moment, and he was embarrassed to say what happened just now.

"Hmm!" Then it also made Xia Jiang immediately understand why Xia Yuner suddenly made such a decision, and only listened to him: "I'm afraid that if I want to make a breakthrough in my 'Magic Realm Soul Song', I'm afraid I can only be husband and wife with you..."

It was not until this moment that Xia Jiang suddenly saw Xia Yuner's eyes and was sure that the other party did not notice his carelessness at all, but because the other party wanted to improve his cultivation and strength faster by married him and then through some things.

Understand, but Xia Jiang has to have a sense of rejection.

Yes, his wife Xia Yu did have an obvious improvement in her cultivation after her husband and wife, but that is only an auxiliary improvement. The real improvement of a person lies in the breakthrough in the state of mind, especially in the realm of spiritual practitioners. Xia Xiao is the most obvious example of poor cultivation because of insufficient mood. .

And for those who want to improve their cultivation in this way, the last thing he wants is Xia Yuner, because the other party is even more qualified than him, which is enough to rely on his own ability to impact the realm of spiritual practitioners.

"Yun'er, can you allow me to think about this matter? It's not because of Xia Yu, but I think you break through to the spiritual practitioner by yourself, which is better than the auxiliary effect of the power of demon devouring..."

However, before Xia Jiang finished speaking, Xia Yuner also recovered as usual and looked extremely firm: "I'm afraid that before that, there will be a lot of things I need to do with greater ability waiting for me, so... can you agree?"

As a man, in the face of such a request, Xia Jiang was selfish and absolutely did not hesitate to agree, but at this moment, he still could not reply immediately.

"...If I can really help you then, can we talk about it then?" After thinking about it, Xia Jiang had to give such an answer.

Xia Jiang thought that although Yinguo invaded at present, it seemed that it was far from the time when he could lead troops to fight back against Yinguo to seize power. Only then did she need to avenge her parents, brothers and sisters and even the whole family with her own strength. But by that time, she might have If you have broken through to be a spiritual practitioner, why do you need to do this?

In Xia Jiang's view, chastity is as important as a soul for a woman! Even in a certain world, that thing is no longer worth mentioning.

Hearing Xia Jiang say so, Xia Yuner nodded and said "thank you", but immediately turned her eyes to the battlefield.


It's a little embarrassing to write here, because if one can't handle it well and the follow-up plot unfolds, it will make the protagonist become a thing or something. In short, you have to be careful.