Peerless Blood

Chapter 279 What a strange

It is also those low-level civilians who do not know the truth and are cheering everywhere at this moment, cheering for this person who is obviously blackmailing the city owner.

And Xia Jiang also looked at the city owner's ugly face, obviously angry at the other party's behavior of begning for land.

"No!" Then after listening to the city owner's consideration, he looked extremely tough and said, "I'll give you up to 15 spiritual crystals, which is far more than the commission of this level of task, and since these dragon beasts have been suppressed by you, they must not dare to attack here again. Maybe they will gradually decrease in the future!"

Yes, Xia Jiang listened to the words of the city owner and felt that it was reasonable, and even in the face of the other party's excessive price, he still said so politely. If the other party did not agree, it would be a little too much.

Then Xia Jiang looked at the man as if he knew how to restrain, and also nodded to accept the price of 15 spiritual crystals.

After negotiating the price, the man was not ready to continue to stay, but immediately dodged and left here, which made the city owner a little dissatisfied.

From the dialogue between the two, Xia Jiang heard that the man was probably a mercenary who accepted the task, that is, the city owner specially invited to deal with these dragons and beasts, and there should be a long time limit.

At this point, Xia Jiang recalled that he still had to fight with the male homeowner, but at present, due to the destruction of the earth dragon beast, many houses around him collapsed and the earth collapsed. It was the time for the residents to help and support each other. It was obviously inappropriate to fight at this time.

The owner also knew the moderation and offered to suspend the duel. When the families of the dead and injured were rescued and appeased, the surrounding areas calmed down and fought again.

That night, Xia Jiang, as an outsider, naturally joined the rescue. He also secretly used his powerful demon-eating power to forcibly repair some damaged ground and make the earth stable and flat.

It seems that he is constantly carrying and piling up at any time, and then cutting and provoking with his sword. In a blink of an eye, the large area that collapsed has been repaired by him, but he can't help but be surprised.

is also to hide his strength, so Xia Jiang, who is a small and exquisite teenager in the eyes of everyone, smiled and said that he was also half an architect, and happened to have some means in this regard.

Then, after two days of repair and appeasement, the dead and injured family members received care and help, and the residents of this area also eased with a long sigh of relief.

However, I don't know if it's bad luck. I just repaired the damage. Of course, it was a rumble at night, and the earth dragon beast appeared again.

And what is even more frightening this time is that there was abnormal movement in four directions at once, and four earth dragon beasts that were even bigger than before got out of the ground and devoured humans.


The shocking destruction and bloodshed made many people unbearable, constantly screaming, or running for their lives or purely crazy running, and suddenly became a mess.

was also a little slower than the last time. Xia Jiang noticed that two fluctuations came quickly. He almost didn't need to look at it. It was the mercenary and the subsequent city owner.

However, this time the mercenary came even more excessively. He actually sat on the ground and asked for the price before he began to save people: "Lord, what should we say about this situation now? Four heads appear at a time, and this time you have to promise at least 100 Lingjing, otherwise I will immediately withdraw from this guardian mission!"

Yes, when he came out this time, he also thought that if he was outside, no identity seemed difficult to maintain what he needed, and a mercenary is a relatively good choice. After all, no matter where the rumor is, there will always be many challenging ultra-advanced tasks. Waiting for the strong to carry out, and those tasks may not only have super-priced returns, but also some unexpected adventures.

How can such rumors not make Xia Jiang optimistic about his longing for mercenaries, but he didn't expect that after only a few days, he first met a group of fakes, then a murderous cold-blooded guy, and then met this kind of self-directed extortion, which completely subverted the beauty of mercenaries in his heart. Good image and such a glorious profession in the dark.

Now he also completely understood the truth, and immediately took the dragon beast directly to the storage ring, and then moved quickly to approach the man.

Even if he doesn't kill such a person, he will abolish it so as not to harm others again.

However, when he saw Xia Jiang coming quickly, not only said that the man's face was simply green, but that the city owner suddenly felt extremely moved, like this strong teenager in his eyes. If he had to spend 100 spiritual crystals, he would rather give it to this teenager than to that guy.

"Lord, I think you'd better leave this guy's origin, at least before I'm about to tell a certain truth!"

Xia Jiang came to the two and did not immediately look at the man's face, but said to the city owner who was also four or five meters tall.

Obviously, Xia Jiang's words were too harsh. The city owner reacted almost immediately, quickly dodged away from the mercenary, and looked at him with great vigilance.

Anyway, this person may have been able to get 100 crystals, but now his credit has been robbed by others, and he has lost his qualification to ask for a price. Maybe he will do something more incomprehensible! In the same way, the city owner's reaction was so rapid.

"Ky! No matter what you are from, I advise you not to talk nonsense!" When the man saw Xia Jiang coming, he did not seem to be afraid at all. Instead, he threatened him.

Hearing this man's threat, Xia Jiang felt like a fly in his ear all the time and was extremely disgusted: "If you saved people for the first time just now, I may be able to forgive you, but you are too inhumane, so today..."

Speaking of this, Xia Jiang finally turned his eyes to this person.

However, this man's reaction was also extremely rapid. Before Xia Jiang finished speaking, his hands suddenly moved together and released a huge creature from his sleeve. It turned out to be a dragon beast!

The two earth dragon beasts released shot out of their sleeves, and their bodies were getting bigger and bigger, which was simply not proportional to the range of their source. In a blink of an eye, they completely separated from their sleeves and became two huge earth dragon beasts that were exactly the same as before.

Seeing this situation, the city owner on one side did not need Xia Jiang to explain anything more. He almost stared at all this in disbelief.

"This city has been attacked by dragon beasts, and it's all your trouble?" The city owner was extremely angry.

However, at this moment, it was obvious that the man had no time to answer him. After releasing two huge dragon beasts, the whole person exploded directly and burst into a pool of blood fog.

But this little trick could be hidden from Xia Jiang, and he almost immediately felt that the other party was using a magic weapon to hide his body, and the blood fog was just a way to hide his eyes.


Xia Jiang's magic shadow stepped out and disappeared directly in place. The next moment, he appeared in a place and grabbed something invisible. At the same time, his demon-eating power instantly invaded the other party's body and forcibly controlled the operation of his blood power, making the whole person appear instantly!

Almost immediately, Xia Jiang flashed again, and the figure returned to the original place and stood in front of the city owner.

"Lord, how to deal with this person is up to you. Let's deal with the two small insects first..." Xia Jiang said, and immediately swept towards the two dragon beasts.

As for that guy, Xia Jiang will naturally not worry about what else will happen to him, because he has just used the power of demon-eating to burst out and absorb the power of his blood. Now he is at most a monk with a bloodline fit of five or six.

The two dragon beasts can't even resist Xia Jiang's split. For Xia Jiang's body, it is not worth mentioning. He waved his hand casually and directly absorbed the two dragon beasts.

After completing this step, his figure disappeared.

Because after all, everything just happened so fast that most of the low-level civilians did not see it clearly, but vaguely knew that it was not the previous person who helped them solve the disaster, but another small teenager. Therefore, in order not to affect his next small duel, he should try to keep a low profile first.