Peerless Blood

Chapter 335 Sean's Strength

After Xia Jiang and Sean left, the frost woman suddenly frowned and looked at Xia Jiang's back. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Of course, Xia Jiang would not pay attention to her anymore. He soon came to the place the woman cared about with Sean and immediately began to explore this place. In a while, he found that there was a faint biological fluctuation below!

"What? Is there anything in it?" Sean faintly saw Xia Jiang's strange expression and immediately asked.

"Yes, but it doesn't seem to be human!" Xia Jiang carefully explored the movement and began to feel like the fluctuation of a powerful beast.

"Not human? Is it... the lair of a spirit beast? Sean suddenly thought of it and couldn't help but be stunned. The value of the spirit beast is extremely high. Sean has not been predestined to get the spirit beast so far, and he has long wanted to have one.

Under the careful investigation of the two of them, suddenly there was a violent wave of strong people above their heads.

"Wait, someone is coming!" Xia Jiang reacted quickly and immediately noticed someone coming from the sky.

Turning around and looking up, I saw a burly middle-aged man in armored suit coming at a high speed.

Shaun deserves to be knowledgeable. He almost immediately recognized who this person was. He couldn't help but say, "Be careful, one of the ten kings, the barbarian king!"

Xia Jiang was shocked when he heard that and immediately understood that it was the Dugu Empire that found that the king had been killed and was tracked down!

"Two children, don't you really pay attention to my lonely empire?" The middle-aged man who was determined to be the king by Sean suddenly had a strong sense of murder after seeing the two, especially Xia Jiang.

After all, he is a quasi-king level, and it seems to have a very high perception. With a trace, it can be seen that Xia Jiang has a close relationship with the death of the king.

Xia Jiang was stared at by this man and knew that the traces of his killing of the king had been captured by the other party, but he swept his breath and found that only this person had arrived, but he immediately calmed down. Thinking of the previous secret agreement between him and Sean, he even signaled, "This man, just give it to Brother Xiao, right?"

Although Sean still wanted to continue watching Xia Jiang's battle, listening to Xia Jiang's hint suddenly stimulated his desire to show, and immediately said lightly, "Then let me take the lead..."

At this time, the frost girl on the other side also came. Suddenly, she saw this unexpected scene and couldn't help but be stunned.

Xia Jiang retreated and gave up his position completely to Sean.

However, it was obvious that Xia Jiang's move immediately angered the barbarian king suspended in mid-air. He roared, and his whole body blew up like a balloon in the air, and then punched Xia Jiang like a gas.

This punch made people feel terrible just by looking at the posture, and then I saw the huge energy fist that seemed to explode and hit with dazzling light.

Since Xia Jiang has retreated, he will naturally not take action, so Sean on one side summoned a huge steel giant-like puppet, which actually blocked this terrible punch in the huge roar.

When the light faded, the steel giant was holding a huge shield made of unknown material, which made him block the blow.

Under the attack, Sean summoned three different giant puppets one after another.

A giant held a bow and arrow and aimed at the barbarian king in mid-air. A giant actually held a huge axe and cut at the barbarian king in mid-air.

Three giants, one defense, one attack, one long-range!

And Sean himself, under the three giants he summoned, his whole figure was nowhere to be found, and Xia Jiang almost didn't know where he flashed.

The barbarian failed with one punch and became even more furious. He roared and burst out several consecutive punches again, still attacking Xia Jiang, but all of them were blocked by the huge shield of the steel giant. It's just that the power of this record is huge and abnormal. The huge shield is sunken in and almost pierced.

At this time, the bow and arrow giant shot an arrow. Seeing that the arrow is several meters thick, when shooting, the sound of stripping will pierce the eardrum. You can imagine how powerful it is!

When the barbarian heard the sound, he roared and did not avoid it. He faced the arrow head-on and even planned to smash it with his fist. But the speed was slow, and it saw some unknown things bulging from the waist of its body, as if the body had been pierced by a huge boomerang, which was indescribable strange.

Xia Jiang doesn't know what it is, but veterans in the mercenary world will certainly recognize it. It is a violent star shuttle, a magic weapon with extremely strong defense. The main feature is that their defense depends on the degree of rage wearing blood.

Under the roar of the barbarian king, he immediately stimulated the star shuttle into a diamond protruding on all sides, almost except for the strongest defense state of this magic weapon.

also surprised Xia Jiang. Seeing such a strong arrow, he was blocked by this shot and bent all the arrows!

At this time, Xia Jiang suddenly noticed the trace of Sean himself. He didn't know when he got on a goose and flew high in the sky. Then he saw that the goose's body suddenly seemed to be absorbed by something and fell uncontrollably down. Then, he saw a A thin and tall humanoid puppet.

This thin and tall humanoid puppet, as long as a mantis, burst into a huge suction on its back, so it adsorbed the flying geese to its back and became its wings. At the same time, a rotating flight caught Sean falling.

Xia Jiang looked at Sean at this moment and completed this step extremely skillfully. He couldn't help saying, "This guy really has some strength. No wonder he has always been so confident!"

After taking over Shawn, the mantis puppet approached the barbarian king almost immediately. At this time, he saw the half-human and half-worm monster puppet, whose hands and feet were as sharp as an awl, with a residual green cold light.

I can't see how strong the monster puppet is. I saw the barbarian turn around and hit the puppet with a punch, but only knocked the puppet back dozens of meters, causing no damage to the puppet at all.

"Thunder thorn!" The mantis, who was punched back, then sounded Sean's secret shout. In the chest of the monster puppet, a hidden mechanism was opened, and then suddenly shot out a large number of half-human thick and dark green hidden weapons.

A large number of hidden weapons broke out. At the same time, the bow and arrow giant below was also a three-shot heavy arrow explosion, and the giant roared out with an axe. Even the steel shield giant protecting Xiajiang burst out of glory from the shield and shot at the barbarian in mid-air. .

Facing four attacks at the same time, the barbarian king suddenly roared, and the diamond defense magic weapon also appeared all over his body again. This magic weapon suddenly rotated imperceptibly. Suddenly, these attacks seemed to be sucked by magnets, all of which were bombarded at the brother of the diamond magic weapon's fork, click, with the collision and explosion of metal. The sound of explosion, all attacks were absorbed clean by the magic weapon.

"What kind of spiritual weapon is this? It also has this magical effect?" Xia Jiang was also stunned this time. He is not envious, but vaguely feels that this magic weapon contains a power about the use of energy. If he can understand it, he will definitely gain a lot from him.

was also surprised by Xia Jiang, and then saw Sean's offensive become more and more fierce. Not only did the puppet's attack begin to change, but also in the eyes of the monster puppet, a dazzling light suddenly burst out and shot down, almost blinding Xia Jiang's eyes, as if the sun suddenly exploded. However, it completely makes everyone lose their visual ability.

Under this dazzling light, the barbarian's movements were obviously slow, and the defense that followed the instinct was no longer so coordinated, and only saw that the diamond defense around him was not formed at all.


All kinds of dazzling attacks swarmed from the sky and the earth, and the barbarian's body was directly bombarded with blood and blood!


When Xia Jiang saw this, he had to be shocked by these puppets. It can be said that the strength of each puppet is almost to the level of a quasi-king! Imagine how horrible this is? How strong should a person be if he can control so many quasi-king-level combat puppets?

Then needless to say, although the barbarian king whose defense was broken by Sean began to show some powerful magic weapons, he had been completely dragged by Sean. With the perfect cooperation of several puppets, the initiative of the battlefield was completely controlled by Sean, just like he was playing a play game.

I also saw here. Xia Jiang is sure that Sean's strength is absolutely above the quasi-king. Although he can't be a spiritual king, the quasi-king master is nothing in his eyes.

However, Xia Jiang also saw that Sean was a little weak, that is, he lacked explosive power. Even if he trapped the barbarian king and led him by the nose, it took a long time to completely kill him. Of course, Xia Jiang also had to admit that the barbarian king's defense weapon and vitality were absolutely stronger than everyone he had seen, so that Sean could not destroy him.

But no matter what, after nearly ten minutes of fierce battle, Sean finally didn't let Xia Jiang despise and killed a king on the spot.

With away the huge monster puppet, Sean fell from a high altitude and fell to the original ground.

"Well, it's so close that I almost fell..." When he came to Xia Jiang, Sean actually put on a look for the rest of his life after the disaster and deliberately wiped his sweat, as if he was afraid that Xia Jiang would not understand what he meant.

Xia Jiang looked at the action and was ashamed. He couldn't help but despise him: "I can't see Brother Xiao coming down. Where is the danger? Brother Xiao opened Xia Jiang's eyes!" In his words, Xia Jiang did not hide his admiration for Sean.

At this moment, the frost woman on one side slowly approached and glanced at Sean without a trace. Obviously, she had seen this person for a long time.

The two had their own thoughts. At this moment, they saw the woman coming and suddenly thought about this underground secret, and immediately turned their thoughts to it. I don't know if there was anything that shocked the underground!

"You just killed a king of the Dugu Empire?" The woman is still as cold as frost, as if she is indifferent to everything, but at this time, there is a slight doubt in her words.