Peerless Blood

Chapter 359 Dugu "Immortal Three Worlds"

The last defense line of the Dugu Empire, composed of 27 cities, was once known as the immortal three realms of the Dugu Empire.

Rumor has it that there are three mysterious channels leading to a mysterious space on this continent. Because it is too mysterious, it is collectively referred to as the "three worlds", which is the origin of the name "three worlds".

And the 27 cities of the Dugu Empire, which claim to be immortal, seem a little intriguing.

Speaking of Xia Jiang, when he passed through the Dugu Empire many times, he also noticed that the cities around the capital were special, but at this moment, when he heard this rumor, he observed the Dugu Empire and found that the 27 cities around him were extraordinary.

27 cities surround the capital of the Dugu Empire with eight, nine and ten cities respectively, divided into three floors, and these three floors are interconnected. From a high altitude, it only looks like a huge pattern.

"Shaun, it seems that the so-called immortal three-border defense line of this Dugu Empire is not alarmist." Xia Jiang glanced at these 27 city roads at high altitude. He also understood at this moment that the reason why the Dugu Emperor dared to continue to retreat at this critical moment seemed to be fearless.

"No matter what he does not destroy the three worlds, when I release all the puppets to attack at one stroke, I don't believe they can resist!" Sean also glanced at many cities, but he was very disdainful.

Yes, in theory, even if the Dugu Emperor himself comes, the four swallowing puppets can kill him together with Xia Jiang and Sean.

"That's not appropriate. Since they claim to be immortal, there must be a reason for their existence. As long as we find something strange, we will naturally solve it..." Xia Jiang said slowly and said, "Of course, in the process of finding the truth, we can do something else!"

As Xia Jiang said, he immediately divided several incarnations, patrolled all the occupied cities, and then motioned to look at the outermost city connected to the second floor of the 27th city.

Seeing Xia Jiang's words calmly, Sean also withdrew his words with a faint smile and couldn't help saying strangely, "By the way, Xia Jiang, why do I look more and more like a teenager?"

It is also getting closer and closer to Xia Jiang, and his words are not so blunt and polite, which makes him more casual.

Xia Jiang naturally likes the other party to be so casual, but his age is very helpless. After all, it is indeed unreasonable for him to have his current cultivation and IQ at this age. Everyone in this world focuses on practice. Although his mind will become flexible with the improvement of cultivation, his brain application ability such as personal knowledge and judgment still depends on experience, so it is not surprising that he is questioned about his age.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Xia Jiang waved his hand and simply let the other party question.

Then, at the prompt of Xia Jiang, he dispatched the incarnation and the other party dispatched the body, and the two lurked in the city.


Soon, many people gathered on the head of a certain city. If you look in a little, you will find that these people are all at the level of city owners.

"Dear city lords, I will gather you here today. I believe you don't need to ask more questions, right?" The man who seemed to be the owner of the local city immediately told many city owners.

There are also female streamers among these city owners, which are undoubtedly dazzling, and because of their noble status, some people will have some uncontrollable thoughts when they see them. For example, among these city lords, some city lords easily met several female city lords and suddenly showed that they wanted to be close.

"Lord of the Common City, now that several female city lords have also arrived, you'd better explain the matter in detail!" A city owner immediately took this opportunity to show his goodwill to the female city owners.

The co-dushi lord is the name of the city lord who summoned many city lords this time. When he heard the city lord's opening his mouth, he couldn't help sweeping at several female city lords, but he also saw that there seemed to be a trace of doubt between their eyebrows, even when he nodded.

"Since the founding of my Dugu Empire, the empire has never fallen into such a crisis as today. Even if it fights with the surrounding empires, it will lose more than 100 cities at most and will never be attacked to the defense line of the capital. This time, it can be said that it is the shame of my Dugu Empire! ...But also considering the stable foundation of our Dugu Empire, the former emperors strengthened the surrounding defenses for the capital. Generations later, the "Immortal Three Worlds" have been formed today! In the outside world, the three immortal worlds have been rumored to be amazing, but so far we have never carried out a joint defense, which has to be said to be a dangerous signal, because once an enemy can really threaten here, we are bound to be in a hurry and unable to perfectly show the power of 27 cities! ......”

When the lord of the city said this, he received: "And now, this enemy has appeared. He has now incited almost all the power of the surrounding kingdoms, occupied most of the territory of our Dugu Empire, and also issued a declaration vowing to destroy the Dugu clan and give justice to the people who have been bullied by Dugu. This man is Xia Jiang, the ninth prince of Xia! Yes, it is said that he is the only survivor of a kingdom that was destroyed by my lonely empire. This son has resurfaced. Now he has successfully encouraged the surrounding kingdoms to form an alliance. Now, with this alliance, it has attacked under my 27 cities... That's why I called you here today. ."

As the common epidist voice fell, the surrounding city owners suddenly showed all kinds of eyes, and without exception, they were all extremely strong.

Some of the city owners have known about this matter for a long time. At this moment, when they heard it again, they felt that Xia Jiang was getting more and more damned. If he succeeded in counterattacking the alliance, even if the lonely family was not destroyed by him, it would be more miserable than being destroyed, because it itself was a great humiliation!

Some little-informed city owners suddenly looked surprised after hearing this complete situation, and had to have some doubts about the existence of Xia Jiang. They did not want to believe that there were such wizards in the world, especially in a small kingdom.

And some city owners who usually practice in isolation without asking about the world seem to be a little calm at this moment. In their opinion, although small people like Xia Jiang dance happily for the time being, as long as their lonely empire is serious, they can crush them in an instant.

Looking at the different reactions of these people, the lord of the city immediately said, "At this moment, gather everyone, it's not that my Lonely Empire will really be destroyed by the other party, but we have to settle this matter before the emperor exits the customs to show my prestige of the three worlds!" While speaking, he was also magnificent and seemed to have incomparable confidence.

When the city owner heard this, he quickly questioned, "The three worlds are just an external evaluation of us. Why do you take it seriously?"

When everyone looked at it, they saw that the city owner was extremely young. Obviously, they did not know the universe in the three immortal worlds.

"Well, it seems that the little brother doesn't know much about our real prestige in the three worlds!" The lord of Gongdushi glanced at him, immediately looked in a certain direction, and said, "Do you know why our twenty-seven cities are called the three immortal worlds? That's because..." Then, the common deity told the secret of the three immortal worlds.

"What? Independent world?" The youngest city owner suddenly showed surprise after listening to the description of the city owner, which further showed that he was still young.

"Yes, the so-called immortal three worlds refer to three huge independent spaces between our 27 seats. To a huge extent, it is not too great to call them one world! And these three spaces just divide the 27 cities into three parts, so that the power of our 27 cities can even be perfectly interconnected, closely related and interlinked! In short, if the enemy wants to defeat our 27 cities one by one, it is absolutely impossible!"

27 cities are divided into three levels: eight cities, nine cities and ten cities. Each level is interconnected, and the levels are closely connected, and then the three levels are connected by three spatial cycles. In this way, it is simply a huge array pattern of the Star City, which moves the whole body with one hair, fights together, and jointly defends. Royal, no matter how strong the offensive is, it can definitely be cracked or defended, almost immortal!

After listening to the description of the co-detic city owner, some city owners suddenly became enlightened and their eyes suddenly lit up, knowing that it was indeed significant for everyone to gather here this time.

"Lord of the Common Du City, in this way, we must speed up the progress, connect the 27 cities and give full play to all their strength at the fastest speed, so that even if the boy of Xia is supported by all the big and small kingdoms, it will definitely collapse!"

"Yes, even if that boy is a peerless genius, he must not be dry. His practice must be smooth sailing. This time, we will unite to surprise him and kill him on the spot to correct my loneliness!"


Son of a sudden, the city lords showed incomparable confidence.

After sweeping everyone's eyes, the city lord immediately nodded and said, "Very good. It seems that all the city lords also know the importance of me summoning everyone, so let's talk about the union next!"

This common dominum also did not waste any time and immediately took everyone to the point. You know, Xia Jiang has brought his army to the first city. According to his usual style, once the army arrives, he may take action immediately, so they must seize every second.

Originally, it was a little late to summon the arrival of the common people. Even if the study of the combat strategy is completed, it may not be possible to cooperate immediately, but the cleverness is here. After the research is completed, he will immediately let the people cooperate once to enter the "three worlds" of the three legends. Because through these three spaces, he can realize the teleportation between the city and the city!

In short, once they master the secrets of the three worlds, they can shuttle between these 27 cities without restrictions, so that it is not difficult for them to quickly return to their respective towns to implement strategies.