Peerless Blood

Chapter 379 Imperial Defense Completed

While Xia Jiang explained the election rules to these kings, on the other hand, Xia Yuner began to refine the magic treasure king shuttle for the kingdom. After refining the Lingwang shuttle, it is guarded by twelve super spiritual peak strong men as guardians, so that Lingsuo can combine the aura of the whole sound country.

Xia Jiang is in this king's conference room, but he has still begun to feel the vast atmosphere.

"It seems that that magic weapon is really the best for Yun'er. In this way, Yinguo's defense power alone is no longer weaker than an empire." Xia Jiang was also secretly aware of the situation of Yinguo in his speech.

After a long time, Xia Jiang's energy was completely concentrated in front of him, swept over everyone, and said, "Then, everyone should be familiar with the voter system in the shortest time. Otherwise, when the economic development of our entire alliance will be great, which country will not look good? What do you think?"

At this position, everyone has also understood Xia Jiang's theory, but some people are still worried about security and said, "If according to the alliance leader, the alliance is mainly based on economic development, how can we ensure the security of the countries of the alliance in the future?"

"Yes, if other empires attack us, how can we resist it?" Some kings are also worried. After all, although they are now magnificent, they are still scattered and do not have a neat strategic plan.

Xia Jiang immediately said, "Please rest assured about this. Next, this is also the first thing I Xia Jiang will do!" Xia Jiang naturally has a plan in his heart. He wants to apply the "Immortal Three Worlds" defense system of Dugudu City to the whole alliance empire.

Looking at Xia Jiang's strategy, it is inconvenient to ask again, but some people can't help but wonder the name of the empire.

Xia Jiang has already thought about the name of the empire.

"Since we beat Dugu with the power of the alliance, of course, the empire is called the alliance empire. In the future, the alliance also hopes that kings will persuade more kingdoms, but those who join the alliance will be immediately incorporated into the territory of our empire!"

When everyone heard this and thought about it, they couldn't help but be a little stunned. Yes, Xiajiang was originally just a prince of a small kingdom, but with his various means of lobbying, he has received the support of many kingdoms. Now, he has to use this method to expand territory and directly expand the empire.

For a while, everyone had something to say, but for the sake of their status and face, some words had to be stuck in their hearts. For example, some kings are not confident in their own ability, worry that economic development will not come, and they are worried about their inability to lobby other kingdoms to join the alliance, and so on.

Xia Jiang glanced over and suddenly knew what everyone was thinking, and immediately announced the end of the meeting.

After everyone dispersed, Xia Jiang discussed the construction of the Dugu Empire with Xia Jin.

After some discussion, Xia Jin immediately returned to Xia and began to mobilize a large number of human and material resources to the Dugu Empire to officially begin the comprehensive renovation of the empire.

At this moment, in all regions of the empire, countless people are in chaos, because the emperor has not been there and has become a masterless place. These people are panicked and thinking about whether to move to other empires to live in.

The managers here can only watch with cold eyes because they have no substantive rights.

But at this time, some people suddenly came to the high altitude where the crowd gathered.

"Listen, people of the new empire, from now on, the empire you live in will be named as the Alliance Empire. In addition to the original largest territory of Dugu, it will also have the territory of more than 100 kingdoms around. Yes, this is your future empire, your home! And from today, our whole empire will begin to be fully repaired and built, and within a year, the whole empire will be restored to a strong period and become the top ten empires of the mainland! In addition..."

These people are surrounded by a shadow, which is the embodiment of Xia Jiang, and these people are all local celebrities. Under their support, Xia Jiang's friendly speech made everyone feel like a spring breeze. Imagine that the country was destroyed and the society was chaotic, but now there is such a powerful ruler and made various promises, how can these people not be happy? Especially when Xia Jiang said that the king of this empire would be elected, everyone was boiling.

In other parts of the empire, Xia Jiang's incarnation still appears and still promotes his elected system.

After announcing the future opportunities of many empires, Xia Jiang secretly began to do various security and defense work, one of which was to build an immortal spiritual world for the entire alliance empire. This is a great deal to connect dozens of surrounding kingdoms as bridges to connect with the center of the empire, and then directly to the perfect cycle of the spiritual power of the whole empire and the Star City, so that portals will be set up in all regions of the empire so that the people can use them.

Space portal, this kind of existence is generally only set up by a large empire or a very famous city in an empire. However, Xiajiang is not. Xiajiang wants the whole empire, and each city has at least three portals.

In addition to hundreds of incompetent incarnations, Xia Jiang also separated ten powerful external incarnations, scattered everywhere, and began to build an immortal spiritual world.

In the next time, under the instructions of Xia Jiang, everyone kept running around and directing all kinds of work.

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

In this month, Xia Jiang's two splits continued to speak and refine magic weapons everywhere. The former was to solve the people's puzzles, while the latter was to build an immortal spiritual world. Finally, in half a month, almost all the people in the whole empire accepted this alliance empire and began to gradually completely settle down, almost no longer People continue to migrate out of this empire, in addition. Now, a month later, the immortal spirit world has finally been basically completed.

At this moment, in the northernmost city of the league, Xia Jiang faces this portal.

"Master Xia, now that the underground space connection points of the whole empire have been tested, they have been completely connected, and they can reach the extent that they can move the whole body with one hair!" A king reported to Xia Jiang like a construction craftsman.

During this period, several kings came to Xia Jiang in person and tried their best to help him build it, and almost became Xia Jiang's hand.

Xia Jiang swept several people and couldn't help but feel extremely relieved to see that they were all secretly excited.

While talking, Xia Jiang took a step and entered the portal.


Use the portal, that is, to enter a narrow space as the center, and then as the space moves, it instantly comes to another connected field.

Entering the portal, the space suddenly vibrated, and an unparalleled space force pulled, causing the small space in the portal to move rapidly. Yes, the so-called space transmission is actually moving, but the speed of this movement is almost immeasurable.

The movement speed of things naturally has no advantage as the movement of the human body, so even if people's cultivation reaches a divine level, it is impossible to compete with spiritual power. The highest realm of the spirit is that the sky is boundless, and it can travel hundreds of millions of miles in one thought. Of course, this is a theory.

Now, the empire's immortal spiritual system completed by Xia Jiang has not surpassed the Dugu Empire in speed. After entering the portal, it takes more than ten seconds to reach another part of the empire. The overall time is almost ten seconds.

Xiajiang came from the city in the jungle area in the north to the border city of a small kingdom in the south.

Several kings came with Xia Jiang. At this moment, the kingdom of this kingdom has been waiting for a long time again. When they saw Xia Jiang, they immediately came forward to welcome him.

"Lord! So far, the defense of the empire has finally been as strong as a rock!" The king also reported with great confidence.

"Well, but next we will start to strengthen economic construction. In this regard, I think just a few days later, the kings will gather in the capital again. It is necessary for us to talk about the economic development as an alliance! Moreover, this time we can only have three months at most. In three months, we will jump into the top 20 kingdoms of the mainland and have economies that belong to the characteristics of our alliance! ......”

Xia Jiang announced immediately.

When everyone heard about it, they even nodded.

In this month, the whole alliance has finally had an overall prototype. The people of all countries are proud of themselves as the people of the empire and no longer isolate themselves as the people of a small kingdom. In addition, there is no limit to the trade between countries.

Now the whole alliance empire has a total of 12 super cities, including Xia as its capital and some super cities of the original Dugu Empire, each of which can be comparable to the top ten imperial cities of the mainland.

Not only that, the territory of the entire alliance empire is now equivalent to twice that of the original Dugu Empire, which is larger than the surrounding empires. In terms of the imperial territory alone, it has been placed in the top 15 positions of the mainland.

Now, the largest empire is the Chimu Empire in the west of the mainland. The territory is as large as the area of dozens of earths in Xia Jiang's previous life. Xiajiang's alliance empire is only a few large earths.

However, the territory is the largest, but it is not the most powerful empire. That is to say, the Akagi Empire is only ranked ninth in the mainland. The empire is recognized as the strongest in the world, and its territory is only three times larger than that of the Alliance Empire.

In this month, Xia Jiang, who is already the emperor of the alliance empire, began to have a clearer understanding of the pattern of the whole continent. At least he already knows how many empires exist on this continent and which are powerful empires.

is not too far away. Let's talk about their region, surrounded by a total of five empires. Now the comprehensive national strength of their alliance empire has been out of the countdown and has entered a near medium level!