Peerless Blood

Chapter 384 More than one

After crossing the seven empires, they finally came to the high altitude of the Shengya Empire.

At this moment, Xia Jiang is more cautious and unfolds in a demon-free state, so that from a distance, he can't detect any trace in the sky. It is repeated that these people are no longer in this time and space.

"Gentlemen, we are about to cross the Shengya Empire. Because of the control of the sea, there will be strong surveillance even in this high altitude, so please keep in formation and never be separated and loose, otherwise this plan will fail."

Xia Jiang announced that he also took more than 100 people to fly higher.

Some of those people are still not slow and arrogant, but under Xia Jiang's serious warning, they did not show much neglect and followed one by one.

Unconsciously, three or four people gathered together and looked at Xia Jiang with some disdain.

"I think this so-called alliance leader is not suitable to be a commander at all. Along the way, I keep reminding everyone to be careful. I'm more guilty than being a thief. Humph, I won't care so much then. Since I want to look for fruit, it's good to collect it in the shortest time. If anyone dares to stop it, I will move first. Hand, when there are so many of us, are we afraid of some guards?

"Yes, this Xia Mengzhu is young and should have been more vigorous, but he turned out to be so timid. I really don't know where he has cultivated his whole body."

One of the women also disdains: "Although it's right to be cautious, I don't like Xia Jiang. I don't know if he has any ability. After all, he just picks some seeds and still needs to bring so many people?"

In the end, the person beside him was a little cold, but silently glanced at Xia Jiang and did not agree with several people.

In addition, there are several people who gather together and say something in private like these seemingly familiar people, among which I'm afraid there are various doubts about Xia Jiang.

Of course, more people follow Xia Jiang's instructions for a reason, and they seem to be extremely cautious and try their best not to be found by the local passers-by.

According to Xia Jiang's description, as long as you pass the area of imperial airspace, it will be much better after entering the sea. Although there will still be guards of the Shengya Empire there, at least it will not be so dense.

The sky darkened as people continued to fly, and it seemed that it was not far from the end of the next day.

"Everyone, we must log in to the island before dawn, so that we can make a mistake." Xia Jiang quickly reminded the other party again.

At this moment, on a city in the border of Saint-ya.

"Report to the city owner, there are some cave beasts on the Flo Island. They are destroyed everywhere, and I'm afraid the fruit will be damaged. I don't know if I should go to suppress it?"

A small guard asked the city owner.

"Don't pay attention to it for the time being. Those creatures will not be interested in double cultivation fruits, but you should be absolutely vigilant against human beings entering there. If there is any change, please inform me immediately!"


After the report, the guard immediately turned around and left, and the city owner's eyes began to glance in the direction of the distant islands, as if he wanted to check something through the air.

"What's going on? Why do I always feel something is wrong recently?" Looking at the distant direction, the city owner couldn't help muttering to himself.

This city can be said to be the core city of the management and control of the islands in the whole Sanya country, so there are also some special materials that are not found anywhere else, which are undoubtedly local materials. Many locals can get permission to form a team to go to the islands by making transactions with local management.

Today, a group of merchants finally got the authority to go to the islands to collect after paying a large amount of crystals.

The team led by Xia Jiang flew in the sky, while the merchant caravans who got permission were in a giant mount in the sea.

The creatures in the ocean are much larger than the land. Humans completely conquered some of the huge sea beasts in the ocean hundreds of years ago and tamed them as mounts. Once tamed, this kind of mount can be used like a boat and can carry thousands of people at the same time.

However, at this moment, there are only a few people on this turtle-shaped sea beast, which is comparable to the number led by Xia Jiang.

Because it is also in the incomparable high altitude, Xia Jiang can't detect the movement on the sponge, and his energy is completely focused on the surrounding several kilometers.

"Sean, Lila, we will go to the three medium-sized islands separately. Remember, once you log in, you should find a hiding place immediately. Get ready and don't be in a hurry to find the fruit first!"

Because some people in the team did not abide by discipline, Xia Jiang also reminded them in advance. The medium-sized islands he said can be said to be extremely large, because the whole archipelago controlled by the three countries is only more than ten medium-sized islands, and less than five large islands.

Then, the whole team began to fly high in the sea. During the flight, people couldn't help but have a kind of lost citrus, because not long after looking around, there was only water in their eyes, and there was no trace of land.

The so-called connection between water and sky is such a situation.


Suddenly, at this time, a huge lightning storm broke out in the sky not far away and bombarded the sponge.


Suddenly, everyone in the flight couldn't help looking there.

At a glance, I only saw a huge energy fluctuation bombarded the sea under the flash of bright light, and then a huge tide broke out. Obviously, someone there was resisting this energy shock.

is a human!

I don't know who had sharp eyes and immediately saw the scene there.

Xia Jiang also saw clearly under his full concentration. When he got to the sea, a man was looking up at the sky with his head held a magic weapon similar to gongs and drums in his hand. Obviously, there is a fight here.

"It's okay. It's just that someone is fighting again. Don't pay attention to it." Xia Jiang said immediately after seeing it clearly.

But these seem to be useless. Some people still flew down at a high speed, came to a height of less than 1,000 meters from the ground, and then checked with all their strength.

Xia Jiang knew that there would be such a person. Even if he signaled, "No. 73, don't leave the team. It's time to rush. Don't mind your own business."

Xia Jiang's tone was very plain and did not mean to blame him. Originally, he was already destroying the plan by doing so according to the rules.

But listening to Xia Jiang's warning, the man was unmoved at all and continued to fly over the bottom.

When everyone saw this, they were a little surprised and didn't know what was going on with this person.

Originally, these people were all top masters sent by more than 100 kingdoms of the alliance empire, and there is no doubt that they are all subordinates of Xia Jiang, the leader of this operation. Everything should be arranged by Xia Jiang. And now this man openly ignores Xia Jiang and simply doesn't pay attention to Xia Jiang. In this way, Xia Jiang, as the leader, must not let go.

Suddenly, many people began to look forward to it secretly for fear that the world would not be chaotic. They hoped that Xia Jiang would take immediate action and it would be better to teach this disobedient guy a lesson.

"That guy is so bold. Although we don't care about Xia Jiang, at least he still gives face to the king, but this guy is a little too much..." One of the four people who stayed in a place temporarily before immediately said.

Although these four people are also close to the ground at this moment, they at least keep their formation moving towards the islands.

Seeing that the other party completely ignored it, Xia Jiang was also secretly unhappy, but he also said before that after arriving here, it was much safer than the sky over the empire. However, the doubts in his words are not misunderstood.

Knowing that the other party obviously didn't give him face and wanted to give him a majesty, Xia Jiang immediately passed an order: "Now the team will rest here for a while and wait until he comes back!"


Many people were stunned when they heard Xia Jiang's words.

"Isn't it? I thought he would punish that guy, but I didn't expect to accommodate him and let us all wait for him here alone?

"Well, this guy is so funny!"

"Forget it, wait a minute. That guy dares to do this. I believe Xia Jiang will not be indifferent, right?"

Listening to the man's words, he immediately answered, "What if this is true? Maybe he will turn around and forget about it..."

"Then he is really a waste. When I complete this task, I will never be appointed by the king again!"

A few people said a few words, and then waited a little peacefully.

More than 100 people waited like this for a while, suspended in the sky, waiting for the person who left the team to come back.

As time passed, everyone looked at the man as soon as 100 meters away from the ground.

"Look, that guy is going to have contact with people on the ground!"

Some of the people with super eyesight also saw the following situation clearly after maintaining the height of Xiajiang closest to the team.

Just as the man's voice fell, everyone saw that the man suddenly accelerated his speed and landed on the sea, which was extremely close to the man.

As the two seemingly unrelevant two were close enough, everyone only looked at the guy who left the team and began to talk to the man on the sea.

"What's going on? That guy seems to know the man who fights with people at sea?

Suddenly, someone saw that it was tricky, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Xia Jiang, do you want me to get rid of this guy so as not to delay the team." Lila, who was originally extremely silent, looked at Xia Jiang's eyes at this time, but suddenly said.

Shaun on the other side of Xia Jiang suddenly became excited when he heard this voice. I can't help looking at him.

"No! You see, he seems to know the people on the sea. Xia Jiang couldn't help but be surprised by Lila's murderous words.

But Lila listened to Xia Jiang's words, but there was no change at all. It seemed that she knew that the guy knew the seaman, and even so, she also intended to abolish this person directly from the team.