Decisive Battle

Chapter 10 xiao yao jue

The ice fairy looked at Zhang Bad with satisfaction, thinking that although the man was pregnant with the body of a Taoist baby, he was too beautiful, and her willpower made the ice fairy very worried.

Although the talent of a good monk is very important, it is not all. If a person with the best talent does not want to practice, in the end, he may not even be able to compare with a person with mediocre qualifications.

And what the ice fairy is most worried about is that with Zhang Bad's talent, I don't know how many people will want to win over. She doesn't have much power in the Dragon Sect. Maybe Zhang Bad will be grabbed by other peaks later, so she can't fall behind in the end.

Because of this, the Ice Fairy is not angry with Zhang Bad and her female disciples. In the eyes of the Ice Fairy, she can't wait for Zhang Bad to be free on Xuelian Peak, and may take his manor in the future.

Looking at Zhang's bad eyes blinking and blinking, his eyes turned and turning, the ice fairy couldn't help but be angry. She didn't know whether her wish for Zhang Bad could come true.

Xuelianfeng is all women. Although there are five disciples of Bixue, Qingshuang, Zilan, Qingshou and Huangxiang, they also know that they will marry women in the future. At that time, Xuelianfeng will be compared with other peaks. Their disciples are all females, and they may be angry.

"Since you like it in Xuelianfeng, I will accept you as a closed disciple today." The ice fairy said with relief.

"Closed disciples." Zhang looked dumbly at the ice fairy. I don't know why this cold-faced beauty accepted herself as a closed disciple so quickly. Is it possible that she will no longer accept personal disciples in the future?

"Yes, the future of Xue Lianfeng is on you." The beautiful face of the ice fairy also looked a little lonely at this time.

After thousands of years of inheritance, Xuelianfeng is all women. Although there will be peerless and gorgeous figures, it is also a passing thing. Marrying another woman has nothing to do with Xuelianfeng.

Therefore, even if Xuelianfeng has had peerless people, it is also a low existence among the seven peaks.

"Master, I???." When Zhang Bad heard the ice fairy's words, his heart pounded. The ice fairy's words seemed to be a big mountain, and it pressed on Zhang Bad's heart, making Zhang Bad feel extremely stressed.

"Can you accept this heavy task?" The ice fairy looked straight into her bad eyes and said.

Zhang Bad's heart was seen by the ice fairy and jumped even more, with two red glows flying on his face.

Grandma, that's not afraid, but shy. There has been no pressure in her heart for a long time. What I think now is, is it interesting to me that the ice fairy looks at herself like this?

Of course, the ice fairy didn't know what Zhang Bad was thinking now. Seeing Zhang Bad's silent appearance, her eyes showed loneliness.

Zhang Bad sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart.

Who can bear to see such a beautiful woman's face so lonely? Zhang Bad, Zhang Bad, you are simply committing a crime.

"I, I do." Zhang Bad thought about it, and there was a magnificent masculinity in his heart. He reached out and grabbed the soft hands of the ice fairy excitedly and said, "I'm willing to share the troubles for the master. I will die."

The ice fairy nodded with satisfaction, and the loneliness on her face was swept away.

Since childhood, the ice fairy has not been touched by any man. In the eyes of the ice fairy, all men are dirty. Even those brothers of the Dragon Sect, the ice fairy is cold and has never had skin contact with them.

Now for a while, he was caught by his closed disciple, this guy who had just gone up the mountain for a day. The ice fairy's heart had long lost the excitement of her strong expectations. Instead, she was stunned. The next moment, her whole body soared and her eyes were full of coldness.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Why is your hand suddenly so cold? Zhang Bad's anxious voice sounded at this time. Zhang Bad grabbed the ice fairy's little hand, and his heart was full of softness. He felt the smoothness of the ice fairy's little hand, and Zhang Bad almost flew to the sky.

But suddenly, the ice fairy's momentum changed all over. Even if Zhang Bad was bold, he couldn't help but panic. In a hurry, he could only pretend to be stupid to the end. With a ruthless heart, he dared to pull the ice fairy's little hand to his mouth. He was angry and said worriedly, "Your hands are too cold. I'll call a doctor for you. "

After saying that, Zhang Bad let go of the ice fairy's hand and ran away.

At this time, the momentum that the ice fairy had just gathered suddenly disappeared. She hesitated and looked at Zhang Bad's anxious look and thought, "It seems that this bad thing is just caring about me."

"You don't have to go. I'm fine." The ice fairy faintly stopped Zhang Bad, who ran outside and said, "It's getting late. I will teach you the unique learning of Xuelianfeng, go back for a good sleep, and then practice diligently to strive to reach the divine realm as soon as possible."

Zhang Bad stopped hurriedly, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a proud smile.

Turning around, the proud smile on the bad face had long disappeared, and it was an expression of disbelief.

"Are you really all right?" Zhang asked in disbelief.

"Of course, it's all right." The ice fairy smiled helplessly and said that she was relieved that Zhang Bad dared to grab her hand just now and dared to 'kiss' with her mouth. It must be her concern for herself.

Zhang Bad breathed a sigh of relief and walked over while muttering, "I thought you were sick. I was scared. If Master was sick, I would be very worried."

"I'm very happy that you have this heart. Now I'll teach you to be free. I hope you can practice well." The ice fairy stretched out her hand and said lightly on her broken forehead.

Zhang Bad was gently touched by the ice fairy and felt that his head was forcibly loaded with something. He checked it with his divine consciousness. It was a skill and was free.

"This Xiaoyao is the secret method of my Dragon Sect. To practice this wonderful method is to cultivate open-minded people. After cultivation, the world will be free and unrestrained." The ice fairy said.

"I will definitely practice hard and live up to my master's expectations." Zhang Bad got to practice the secret method. Hearing the ice fairy talk about the origin of this secret method and the power after cultivation, he was so excited that he knelt on one knee and said excitedly.

The ice fairy looked at Zhang Bad with satisfaction and said with a faint smile, "I'll go first. You go back and have a good rest and practice well tomorrow. Don't fall down the Yi Miaojing. Before turning into the divine realm, the Yi Miaojing is more helpful to your cultivation."

"Disciples remember the teachings of the master." Zhang Bad nodded and said.

The ice fairy paused and said, "If there is anything you don't understand about cultivation in the future, you can ask your senior sisters, and they will give you some advice."

"Yes." Zhang Bad said.

"Then I'll go." After saying that, the ice fairy stepped on it out of thin air, and there were white snow lotus flowers under her feet. She had reached a few feet away in one step, and disappeared in a few steps.

"Is this the wonderful way to walk by step?" Zhang Bad looked at the ice fairy walking away, and infinite yearning rose in his heart. When will he be able to be as powerful as an ice fairy?

"I must work hard to practice and work hard." Zhang Bad stood up and shouted to the sky.

"Who is roaring there?" At this time, there was a sneer in the air.

Zhang Bad looked up and saw a man in white and stepping on a golden sword. A handsome man flew to the sun cliff, and the man who sneered was him.

"Who are you?" Zhang said angrily.

"Who are you?" The man sneered and said, "You are the person at the foot of that mountain, how dare you come to Xuelian Peak?"

"I'm Zhang Bad, an ice fairy's closed disciple. I don't know who you are?" Although the man stepped on the flying sword and looked like a fairy, Zhang Bad was not afraid. He had held the little hand of the frost fairy and was still afraid of a fake fairy?

"Oh? Are you the bad one? The man sneered and said, "Kid, remember, I'm Yang Yue, the eldest disciple of Shouyangfeng."

Zhang Bad snorted coldly, "Yang Yue, what's the matter with you coming to Xuelianfeng?"

"Shit, kneel down, don't you know the reason for respecting your teacher? Today, I will teach you a lesson for Uncle Bing. Yang Yue shouted coldly and stretched out one hand to Zhang Badyao.

Zhang Bad felt that his body seemed to be firmly grasped by an invisible hand, as if Yue Yang's hand really grabbed him, and he was like a trivial ant, playing with Yue Yang.

"Kneeling down." Yang Yue sneered and turned his palm down.

Zhang Bad knelt on the ground with a bang.

"Remember, you must be respectful when you meet your brother, haha." Yang Yue laughed wildly and stepped on his sword without looking at his hands on the ground because of the hard resistance to the pressure.

"Today's revenge will be avenged every day." Zhang Bad raised his fist tightly, and his eyes were full of ferocious and low roars.