Decisive Battle

Chapter 24 Divine Realm

Like a moment, like a hundred years, Zhang Bad felt that he was always dizzy and floating in a golden ocean. He could feel that these golden oceans were the mother soil, but he always couldn't figure out why he was here and who he was. He wanted to figure it out clearly, but how I can't figure it out. It really makes Zhang Bad very depressed.

"Why am I here? What the hell is this place?" Zhang Bad woke up again and looked at the golden ocean around him and roared crazily.

"This is your sea of knowledge and your life." At this time, a chaotic sound like an imperial bell sounded in the golden ocean, full of infinite mystery.

"Why am I here?" Zhang Bad was afraid that the voice would escape and shouted in a hurry.

"This is your belonging." The sound sounded again, shaking the broken soul.

"My belonging?" Zhang Bad said doubtfully.

"Your belonging, your life will not be ordinary." The voice said.

"My life is up to me." Zhang Bad roared, and his voice was full of anger.

"Sometimes, your fate is not decided by you, because that's not what you can decide." The voice was as cold as ice iron, without a trace of emotion.

"My life will not change because of anyone." Zhang Bad said with a sneer.

"Your life has changed because of some people." The voice also said with a sneer.

A golden figure appeared in front of Zhang Bad. Zhang Bad looked at the figure in shock. His appearance was exactly the same as himself. If it hadn't been for his golden color, Zhang Bad would have thought that another self had appeared.

"Who are you?" Zhang asked in shock.

"I'm you, I'm you." The golden figure said with a sneer.

"Are you me?" Zhang said in astonishment.

"I am your heart, your heart, the real you." The golden man said with a smile.

"You are me, so who am I?" Zhang Bad patted his head and said.

"You are nothing." The golden figure said with a sneer.

"How can a person who can't even accept fate become a person?" The golden figure said with a wild smile, and his voice was full of contempt.

"Is there still one person who only accepts fate?" Zhang Bad suddenly said with a sneer.

"You should be my demon." Zhang's bad head gradually regained its emptiness and said with a sneer.

"What did you say?" The golden figure suddenly changed his face and said angrily. His whole face was twisted and looked particularly ferocious.

"I mean, you're just my demon. Am I wrong?" Zhang's bad mind became clearer and clearer. He recalled what had happened and said with a sneer.

"Although you want to kill me, I don't think you can become the real me even if you kill me." Zhang Bad looked at the golden ocean around him. He felt that there was a soul fluctuation in these golden oceans. His muddle-headed feeling was caused by the soul fluctuation emitted by these golden oceans.

"But I also want to thank you now." Zhang Bad said with a wild smile,

"Because your appearance indicates that I should have successfully broken through to the divine realm now." Zhang said with a faint smile.

"The divine realm? Is this also something you can imagine?" The heart demon said with a sneer.

"No, no, not only can I reach the divine realm quickly, but even the realm of immortality." Zhang Bad said with a sneer.

"And you can disappear." Zhang Bad slowly stood up and walked towards the heart demon.

"No, no." The demon roared in horror, "I haven't been out for a long time. I don't want to die like this."

"You're not dead, you're still hiding in my heart." Zhang Bad sneered and reached out to touch the forehead of the heart demon.

The heart demon shouted sadly, and the whole body slowly broke. Before disappearing, the heart demon roared, "I will come back again. You can't destroy me, because I am you and a part of you."

"Of course I know, but will I let you dominate my body?" Zhang Bad looked at the slowly broken fragments of the heart and said with a sneer.

After the demon disappeared, the whole golden ocean also changed, integrating a golden beam of light into the broken body.

A omnipotent feeling made Zhang Bad just want to look up to the sky and roar to vent his excitement.

"The divine realm, haha, I'm coming." Zhang Bad laughed wildly and danced.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Xiaobai's voice sounded aside, and his voice was full of surprise.

Zhang Bad looked left and right doubtfully, but he couldn't see where Xiaobai was. He couldn't help saying doubtingly, "Xiao Bai, where are you?"

"You can't see me until you open your eyes?" Xiaobai's helpless voice sounded.

Zhang Bad hurriedly realized that he was still in the sea of knowledge, and hurriedly withdrew his consciousness into his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xiaobai's angry expression.

"Baby, do you miss me?" Zhang Bad held Xiaobai's head excitedly, put his big mouth directly on it, blocked Xiaobai's little mouth, and plundered the sweet water in Xiaobai's mouth.

"You, you bad guy." Xiaobai whined, but the anger in his heart turned into nothing at this moment, but his body slowly became hot.

"My baby, have you been sad and scared these days?" After kissing Xiaobai, Zhang Bad reached into Xiaobai's skirt, caught the two big white rabbits, and played with them pleasantly.

Warm and elastic, such breasts are men's most favorite to play with.

"You, you bad guy, you fell into a coma without saying a word, don't you know that I'm sad?" Xiaobai said angrily.

In fact, seeing the tears on Xiaobai's face, Zhang Bad knew that Xiaobai would definitely be sad.

When a woman falls in love with a man, as long as a man doesn't do anything out of line, women will love this man as always. When this woman no longer loves this man, men should not think about how bad this woman is. It's just your fault.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Zhang held Xiaobai in his arms with a guilty face.

Although most of the reasons you do this are to protect Xiaobai, it's useless to say anything now. Even if you protect your lover, do you have the right to make your woman's face full of tears and heartache?

This is all wrong. Zhang Bad will never think how good it is to protect Xiaobai and make Xiaobai worry after he falls into a coma.

"It's not your fault. I'm too narrow-minded." Xiaobai wiped his tears and said with his little mouth.

"No, it's my fault. I made you worry." Zhang Bad hugged Xiaobai tightly, but his hands unconsciously swam on Xiaobai's body.

"You bad guy." Xiaobai's eyes smiled with blurred eyes.

"Then let me break down once." Zhang Bad laughed and peeled off Xiaobai's clothes, revealing the jade-like body.

"I'm coming." Zhang Bad felt that he was full of blood now, and even the blood lost due to blood refining had recovered and increased.