Decisive Battle

Chapter 57 Meet the Master and Apprentice

Chapter 57 Meet the Master and Apprentice

The ice fairy was taken all the way. When she met delicious food, she stopped and had a good meal. She lived a free life.

I wanted to sleep in the same bed with the ice fairy, but all of them were rejected by the ice fairy, but now it's okay to kiss and touch my chest, and it feels very good to open it.

I'm very happy, and I feel that the days pass very fast.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye, and the ice fairy flew quickly along the way. Although there were many delays, five days were enough to come to the black water.

Looking at the rough water, he smiled and said, "This is the black water."

"I know what's good about this place." The ice fairy nodded and said disdainfully.

Zhang Bad smiled and said, "You will know then."

Zhang Bad said and flew to the ground with the ice fairy. Seeing several black water disciples patrolling there on the bank of the black water bank, he smiled and greeted them.

Those black water disciples shouted excitedly one by one, rushed to the switch, turned on the mechanism, and said respectfully, "We have been waiting here for many days. The first ancestor and the master's wife will ask every day, and the master is back."

"Ha, thank you for your hard work these days." Zhang Bad said with a smile.

The ice fairy sucked her little nose and said to Zhang Bad, "Have you become the master of the black water?"

Zhang Bad said with a dry smile, "Well, I can't help it. I had to do this at that time."

"So, what's wrong with the ancestors?" The ice fairy asked again, asking endlessly without explaining clearly.

Zhang Bad scratched his head and said, "It's the same identity as you."

"You are really a little pervert." The ice fairy said with a white look.

"I'm just a little affectionate." Zhang Bad said with a dry smile, "But in my heart, it's still your best."

Several disciples with a lineage of black water next to him saw this situation, and a very good person hurriedly knelt down and said, "Welcome to the master."

"Welcome to the master's wife." The remaining few people also hurriedly knelt down to welcome the arrival of the ice fairy.

The ice fairy, who used to look cold, couldn't help but smile on her face and reached out to make them stand up.

"The doorman's wife is here. I'll go in and inform her." The first person to kneel down said hurriedly.

Zhang smiled and stretched out his hand to take out a top-quality magic weapon from the mountain and river fan and handed it to the man and said, "Go ahead."

"Thank you, master." The man hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, and then ran away.

Why didn't you think of this in the hearts of the remaining followers? At a glance, I know that this doorkeeper's wife is new here. Coupled with what the ice fairy said just now, isn't that clear?

Why didn't you think of telling your ancestors about this first?

However, since he has missed it, there is nothing to say. He can only ensure that he can think of it in the future. After all, there will always be something in his hand beside Zhang Bad. It turns out that in the black water vein, the poor man in his hand. Since Zhang Bad became the master, the development of the black water vein is simply better. Double, everyone has so many good things in their hands.

Zhang smiled and walked into it with the ice fairy. As soon as she entered the crystal channel of black water, the ice fairy was deeply shocked by this crystal channel. She never thought that there would be such a beautiful scene in this world, let alone The black water vein that is despised by himself actually has this treasure.

He wanted to walk to the valley, but the disciples with black water behind him stopped Zhang Bad and said with a smile, "Now we have moved to the crystal palace."

Zhang smiled and said proudly to the ice fairy, "Let's see what our hall is like."

While saying that, he asked the disciples of Black Water to lead him to the Crystal Palace.

The junction of the crystal palace and the crystal passage was originally a secret door, but now it has been opened and expanded a lot, and a gate has been rebuilt with crystal, which looks beautiful.

When you open the door, you can see the whole hall of the crystal palace. Of course, there are many small rooms, but the hall of the crystal palace alone is enough to shock the ice fairy.

Crystal carving, pearl inlay, luxurious and beautiful.

It's simply less than the Dragon Palace.

And in response to the sun, the whole crystal palace looks like a fairyland, rivers and fish. In the crystal palace, it can be seen clearly through the thin crystal walls.

The ice fairy said in shock, "Is this what you call the Crystal Palace?"

"Yes." Zhang smiled and said, "Is it good here?"

"It's average." The ice fairy paused and said, if it was good, it would be a slap in the face, so she said so.

But it seems that the ice fairy has been deeply attracted by the scenery here, and it is not ordinary. Her eyes reveal an excited expression, which can only be seen if she likes it very much.

"Generally." Zhang said with a bad smile.

At this time, Mu Xue and others had come out of the depths of the crystal palace and quickly came to the crystal palace. Mu Xue and Xiaobai hurriedly rushed to Zhang Bad's body and asked for warmth, while Zilan and Bixue jumped into the arms of the ice fairy excitedly, and tears couldn't help flowing down.

Sad for the grievances suffered by the ice fairy, and also happy that the ice fairy can come back safely.

Cry with joy, maybe this is the mood.

The ice fairy also had a lot of emotions in her heart, and she was very moved. Her apprentice could treat herself like this. Thinking about herself, she had no regrets in her life.

"Master, I have made you suffer these days." Violet wiped her tears and said with a smile.

"We also wanted to go, but Zhang Bad won't let us go. If we go, we will definitely make those disciples of Tianmomen miserable before killing them." Bi Xue groaned angrily, pouted her little mouth, looking like I was very angry.

The ice fairy couldn't help but be stunned when she saw Bixue's appearance. Is this still the Bixue she is familiar with? But the blizzard looks much better now.

"Master, this is Sister Mu Xue, and this is Sister Xiaobai." Violet paused and took the ice fairy's hand and pointed out one by one.

"You are the ice fairy sister, aren't you? You are so beautiful." Mu Xue stretched out her hand and twisted her broken waist, walked to the ice fairy with a smile on her face, took the ice fairy's hand and smiled.

"Ge, let's see how the bad time is allocated." Xiaobai giggled.

"Five people, it's not easy to allocate a month." Violet also nodded and said.

"That's only enough to make Zhang Bad this little bad guy more tired." Bi Xue also giggled.

Zhang Bad gave a dry smile and said, "Five at a time is not a problem."

"And you can't satisfy the five of us." Xiao Bai gave a bad look and said.

Zhang's face turned red and hurriedly said loudly, "Ten times a night, it's okay for each person twice."

"That's too little." Xiaobai said.

How could the ice fairy not hear what these people were talking about? She stood aside with a blush and said nothing.

Violet and Bi Xue first saw the ice fairy's shyness. They looked stunned and knew that the ice fairy had not been married to Zhang. They smiled and walked to the ice fairy and said with a smile, "Master, you haven't been like that boy Zhang."

"What is it like?" The ice fairy said with a sigh.

I was really ashamed to be asked this in front of my apprentice.

What's more, I should be with my apprentice's husband now. Anyway, I will be a little embarrassed.

"Master, don't worry. With the two of us here, you are the boss. He won't bully you." Bi Xue giggled.

"You little girl, why do you talk to the master? He doesn't dare without you two." The ice fairy stared at Bixue and said.

"Ge, that's of course. The master is the most powerful." Bi Xue giggled.

After a few women chatted for a few words, they quickly became harmonious. After all, several women knew that these people came together because of Zhang's bad, and several women were not the kind of people who were difficult to get along with, so they quickly talked together.

It made Zhang Bader neglect.

Zhang didn't mind. He sat on the crystal seat, enjoyed tea, and watched the small fish swimming around above the crystal power supply. He was very free.

"Master, you're back, woo-woo, we miss you so much." At this time, those female disciples also knew that the ice fairy had been rescued by Zhang Bad, and they ran out one by one and hugged the ice fairy to the middle.

Now it was lively. Basically, Mu Xue and Xiaobai couldn't get in, and Zilan and Bixue couldn't help it, so they all came out and let the female disciples talk to the ice fairy.

"Do you think you are injured?" Mu Xue looked up and down at Zhang Bad's body and said angrily. She was still very angry that she couldn't go to Bhoushan with Zhang Bad.

Xiao Bai also gave a bad look and said, "If you dare to get hurt, the five of us will go together tonight to see if he can get up tomorrow."

Bi Xue heard Mu Xue and Xiaobai's words and spit out her little tongue, while Violet giggled.

Zhang smiled and said, "Listen to what you said, I still think it would be great if I got hurt."

"You dare." Mu Xue said angrily.

"Didn't the mountain meet the strong man of immortality this time?" Xiaobai said doubtfully.

According to the saying, if there is no strong man in the immortal realm on Zhoushan, then Zhang Bad will not be able to be solved so easily.

Zhang smiled and said, "Have you forgotten that I still have a sealed space?"

The four women suddenly nodded. With the sealed space, the strong man in the immortal realm can't help but be broken. If they can't beat it, just run away.

In fact, they didn't know that Zhang Bad almost wanted to collect the magic sky with the sealed space at that time.

However, Zhang Bad did not dare to say his crazy idea, for fear that he would be abused by this woman.

That's not very good.

"Mu Xue, do you know that there is a purgatory ceremony in the Heavenly Demon Gate?" Zhang Bad suddenly frowned and said to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue nodded and said, "Well, I know that this ceremony was created by the demon, which can open up time and space. In those years, the demon opened the door of heaven with this ceremony, but why do you ask this?"

Zhang Bad said with a wry smile, "Those Tianmomen actually performed the purgatory ceremony in Buzhou Mountain and got a meat ball. I don't know what it is."

"Did you bring it?" Bi Xue said for a moment.

"Well, I was afraid of any danger in staying in Buthoushan, so I put it in the sealed space, but I don't know why, the animals in the sealed space dodged far away after seeing this meat ball, as if they were afraid." Zhang said with a wry smile.

"It's better to take it out and have a look." Mu Xue's eyes lit up and said excitedly.

Xiaobai is also a master who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. He also nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, take it out and have a look."

Zhang Bad looked at his women in consternation and was very worried. Damn, these women are more bold than their own. It's really amazing.

"Well, but it's better for us to go outside and take it out." Zhang Bad nodded and said.

"Then go to the bank of the Blackwater River. There is nothing there." Mu Xue smiled and said, "Why don't I make a big array to prevent it from escaping?"

"Why don't we open it and see what's inside." Zilan covered her little mouth and giggled.

Ice Fairy and others were also attracted. Hearing what Mu Xue and others said, they all agreed.

The ice fairy was a little worried and wondered when her disciples had become so bold.

After thinking about it, looking at Zhang Bad with a confident smile, the ice fairy already knew in her heart that only Zhang Bad can bring them this kind of confidence.