Decisive Battle

Chapter 9 War 1

Chapter 9 War (1)

Zhang Bad told his name to the blood crocodile. Unexpectedly, the blood crocodile had no reaction at all after hearing it. He just looked at Zhang Bad in a stunned and looked doubtful.

Zhang Bad gave a dry smile and said to the blood crocodile, "Don't you know me?"

The blood crocodile shook his head in a hurry. Seeing that Zhang's bad face was not good-looking, he nodded hurriedly.

"Do you know the name of Son of Destiny?" Zhang Bad doubted whether the blood crocodile is a smart monster or not. He has never even heard of such a cool name. It's just so reasonable.

Especially after Mu Xue giggled, Zhang Bad felt that his face was about to be lost.

"I really don't know you." The blood crocodile shook his head in a hurry, and tears almost flowed out.

You can't tell the truth, and you can't tell lies. Isn't this life-threatening? Is there any good reason for this?

Zhang Bad saw that the blood crocodile did not look like a lie, and he was puzzled.

If the blood crocodile doesn't know its name, how did these monsters come out? According to the soul-eating beast, these monsters are controlled by a big hand and dragged them out to the bottom of the abyss, so how can this not be explained?

If the devil does these things, it should give them some hints?

In particular, this kind of thing happened as soon as Zhang Bad arrived in Yingzhou. It is impossible to make Zhang Bad doubt whether it is the ghost of Tianmo Island.

But now it seems that the blood crocodile is not telling a lie, that is to say, they don't know that they are the son of fate. Don't they know that they are the son of fate?

Don't you let your strength grow rapidly and suppress yourself?

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Bad didn't think of a reason. He smiled and thought that since he couldn't think of it, he didn't need to think more. If he could gain more strength, he would increase some strength, which was always better than not growing at all.

At least you can have a little more grasp of victory in the future decisive battle.

Zhang Bad still knows very well about his own strength as to win 100%. He will not be proud of his own strength. After all, his strength is here.

Zhang Bad will not feel proud because he is the son of fate, because this is not a great honor for Zhang Bad, and even for Zhang Bad, this is a pressure, a heavy pressure that makes Zhang Bad difficult to breathe.

Zhang Bad can only strive to move forward and increase his strength.

"Well, since you really don't know me, forget it, it's not your fault, but if I ask you, you must tell the truth, okay?" Zhang Bad sneered and said to the blood crocodile.

The blood crocodile nodded hurriedly. Now his life is in the hands of others. It's not a joke to kill himself.

Death is not terrible, how to die.

I just saw that my companion was swallowed by ghosts and others, and the creaking sound of chewing is still haunting my ears, which makes the cold-blooded monster like the blood crocodile feel a little creepy.

People always feel very disgusted when other animals eat their own species.

And other species are actually the same, and they will also feel very angry and disgusting.

Of course, anger is only when you have the ability to kill the other party.

But disgusting, this is not necessarily true. Most of them only feel this way when their own strength is not as good as that of the other party, and their lives are still in the hands of others.

Disgust and fear are actually accompanied by each other.

Zhang Bad nodded and was satisfied with the panicked expression of the blood crocodile and enjoyed it.

"How many monsters do you have in total? What kind of talent and strength do they have? Zhang Bad asked.

The blood crocodile hurriedly said, "We have more than 2,000 people in total, and the large army is moving towards the Miaozhen Taoist Gate, and the destruction of the Miaozhen Taoist Gate is just around the corner."

Zhang Bad picked up the mountain and river fan, knocked on the head of the blood crocodile and said, "You think it's good."

"This is what Lord Jiuzhao said." The blood crocodile said blandly.

"Tell me what you asked." Zhang Bad stared at the blood crocodile and said, but he was very interested in Lord Jiuzhao. He didn't know the strength of this monster that could bring these monsters to one place with his own strength.

"We have about dozens of ethnic groups here. Most of their talents are different. Some can petrify their skin, some can breathe fire, and some can be invisible. It can't be said, but Lord Tianzhao is very special. His talent is that he can be mixed with the power of thunder and lightning in the attack, which is very powerful. Basically, we It will be killed by Lord Tianzhao at once. The blood crocodile licked his mouth and said, "You can see our strength. We are just an outpost, and our strength is also in the divine realm, but most of the monsters behind us can be in the realm of babies."

Zhang Bad looked at the soul-eating beast beside him and said, "What strength do you think he is?"

The blood crocodile glanced at a child-like soul-eating beast and said with a disdainful face, "This is just a child. What kind of strength can it have? Even if it is talented, it is at most the strength of the divine realm.

When the soul-eating beast heard that the blood crocodile looked down on itself so much, it actually said that it was only the strength of the divine realm. It was furious and pointed to the blood crocodile and said, "Do you think I am the strength of the divine realm? Don't you have long eyes or lack eyes? Can't you see that I have reached the peak of the realm of confinement now?

The blood crocodile glanced at the soul-eating beast, curled its lips and said, "I didn't see it."

The soul-eating beast was furious, with black air flashing in his eyes, and his small chest fluctuating up and down. It looked very angry and fought without saying a word.

Zhang Bad hurriedly stopped and said, "As soon as you take action, this blood crocodile will really become a real unwise monster."

The soul-eating beast took a deep breath, so it didn't take action.

The blood crocodile is now frightened. He looked at the soul-eating beast and said, "Are you a soul-eating beast?"

"What? Do you also know that we are soul-eating beasts? The soul-eating beast snorted coldly. Obviously, the soul-eating beast is still angry with the blood crocodile saying that it is just a divine realm.

When the blood crocodile heard the soul-eating beast say this, he said with a dry smile and said, "Of course I know that you are soul-eating beasts. In those years, you unified half of the whole demon world."

The soul-eating beast dimmed and said, "What's the point of saying what happened back then now? With the changes of events, we are no longer the soul-eating beast family of those years.

Zhang Bad was surprised to hear the dialogue between the blood crocodile and the soul-eating beast. He didn't expect that the soul-eating beast family was so powerful that he could become the commander of one side in the weird demon world. This was not a joke.

After thinking about it, Zhang Bad said to the blood crocodile, "What kind of monster is that Jiuzhao? Unexpectedly, it can use the power of thunder and lightning.

The blood crocodile thought for a moment and said, "I don't know. I've never heard of such a monster before."

The soul-eating beast sneered and said, "Jiu Zhao, I think this should be a thunder dragon."

"Thunder Dragon?" Zhang Bad said coldly, "You mean he is a dragon?"

"Thunder dragons are not dragons, but because they have scales on their bodies and can use thunder and lightning, so they have this name." The soul-eating beast explained.

"There are scales all over his body. Doesn't this mean that his body is invulnerable to water and fire, and knives and guns are invable?" Zhang Bad said.

"It can be said that his defense is still very strong." The soul-eating beast nodded and said.

Zhang Bad smiled bitterly and thought that if it was really the same as the soul-eating beast said, then this nine photos are really difficult to do. Since water and fire are invulnerable and knives and guns are invulnerable, then only Miaozhen Taoist can destroy it.

can only kill it with absolute power.

"Then the strength of the rest of the monsters should not make us feel too tricky." Zhang Bad looked at the blood crocodile and said.

The blood crocodile trembled and said hurriedly, "Lord Jiuzhao also has a group of close bodyguards. Most of their strength have reached the strength of the realm of babies, and they are also lava giant beasts, and their defense is not under Lord Jiuzhao."

"The lava beast was also born?" The soul-eating beast was stunned and said.

Zhang Bad was surprised to see that the soul-eating beast was so shocked by the lava giant beast. You know, even Jiuzhao did not shock the soul-eating beast much, but now the appearance of the lava beast has changed the face of the soul-eating beast. Is it possible that this lava beast is more harmful than Jiuzhao?

"What is the fall of the lava beast to the ground that makes you so worried." Zhang asked with a bad smile.

I will never rely on my imagination to judge what I don't know. This is a good habit and a bad motto.

Originally, I thought this should be a shameless question, but in order to satisfy Zhang's vanity, I can only be shameless to ask.

The face of the soul-eating beast changed a few times, and it looked very excited. It was not until it calmed down that the soul-eating beast smiled bitterly and said, "Those lava beasts are all created by our family."

"Can you create this kind of thing?" Zhang Bad asked in shock.

This shows that the soul-eating beast can create a species that has never been seen before, which is simply the creation of heaven and earth, which makes it difficult for Zhang Bad to imagine how this happened.

"It's actually not difficult. We created these lava beasts, just hope that they can become our loyal guards." The soul-eating beast said with a wry smile.

"Didn't they agree?" Zhang Bad asked doubtfully.

"At first, they were very loyal, but later, their wisdom gradually became strong, and some things were enough to make their own decisions, so they left us." The soul-eating beast said with a wry smile, "Maybe because we have never treated them as a life, so let them do some hard work or something."

"So that's it." Zhang smiled and said, "It's enough to be proud that you can make such a living thing."

"Ha ha, they have always recognized us as the Creator, so although they left us, they also helped us when we were in danger, so that all of them died. I am shocked why they are resurrected now." The soul-eating beast scholar touched his nose and said, "I think there must be a soul-eating beast among them."

"I haven't heard of it." The blood crocodile curled its lips and said.

"You don't know that this is certain. Do you think I will tell you about such a confidential thing?" The soul-eating beast stared at the blood crocodile and said, "We are all secret weapons, and soul killing is not a joke."

Mu Xue listened to the questions and answers between several people, and they were about to fall asleep. She yawned and said, "Have you finished asking?" After asking, kill the blood crocodile. Let's go back early. I'm going crazy if birds don't shit in this kind of place.

The blood crocodile hurriedly shouted, "Don't kill me, don't kill me. I said everything. Why did you kill me?"

Zhang smiled and looked at the soul-eating beast and said, "This blood crocodile is handed over to you and is under your jurisdiction."

Zhang's bad sentence is equivalent to graivating the life of the blood crocodile and giving it to the soul-eating beast. The soul-eating beast has now become a person of its identity, at least there is a blood crocodile under management.

Imuchly, the blood crocodiles and soul-eating beasts are very excited.