Decisive Battle

Chapter 39 Breaking the Array

What Qingyang Zhenren did in those years can't help but say that it is a right thing, but what the tiger did is also for the whole dragon and tiger faction, but this idea is a little too selfish.

But since people are human beings, they can't escape the reason of selfishness.

People are selfish animals. No animal in the world is more selfish and greedy than human beings, but people have great love that all animals do not have.

Great love is boundless, so people are actually a balanced body. Selfishness and great love balance human character and emotions, so that human beings do not go too far in the dark, walk too long, and finally lose their own direction.

Zhang Bad coughed twice and said to Qingyang Zhenren, "I didn't blame you or him for what happened at that time."

"Oh? What's the solution?" Qingyang asked doubtfully, not knowing what Zhang Bad said.

Zhang smiled and said, "Although you are for the sake of the world, you have hurt the Dragon and Tiger faction, but you have saved the people and let the Dragon and Tiger faction take root in Rongzhou. Although the tiger does not think about the world, it is for the survival of the Dragon and Tiger faction. Therefore, I don't think there is wrong with both of you. It's just the devil that's wrong."

After listening to Zhang's bad words, Qingyang Zhenren fell into meditation, and the elder and others couldn't help frowning and thinking bitterly about Zhang's bad words.

"Haha, you boy, everything is so easy to say in your mouth. It really makes me envy that your mind is so optimistic." Qingyang Zhenren laughed and said to Zhang Bad.

Zhang Bad said with a wry smile, "I'm not optimistic or I can't do it. There are so many things for me to do. I'm not optimistic, and I can worry to death."

"Ha ha, so according to your words, I'm right, and the stabbing tiger is not wrong, so does the stabbing tiger still have a chance to return to the dragon and tiger faction?" Qingyang Zhenren's voice trembled at the end.

The elder and others trembled all over and looked at Zhang Bad with wide eyes, looking forward to Zhang Bad's answer.

Zhang Bad touched his head and said with a wry smile to Qingyang Zhenren, "This problem really embarrass me."

"Who made you the son of fate?" Qingyang Zhenren smiled and said.

"Who is difficult, but I don't think it's impossible." Zhang Bad paused and said, "And it's still very likely."

"Why?" Qingyang asked doubtfully.

"Because the thorn tiger does not have any feelings for the Dragon Tiger faction, just like this attack, in fact, the thorned tiger has a great opportunity to kill the whole Dragon Tiger faction. Although it cannot eradicate the whole Dragon Tiger faction, if the thorn tiger attacks itself in advance, it will be caught off guard by the Dragon Tiger faction. I don't think anyone here can escape the attack of the thorny tiger.

Zhang's bad words are like a pool of ice water, which watered everyone's heart.

If, as Zhang Bad said, the thorn tiger really attacked in advance, then the whole Dragon Tiger faction will be disrupted and unable to effectively counterattack at that time, then the whole Dragon Tiger faction is really in danger.

When Qingyang Zhenren heard Zhang Bad's analysis, his expression was much better. He smiled and said to Zhang Bad, "So according to your words, the thorny tiger really has feelings for the Dragon Tiger School."

"Just like why the elders and others don't they refuse to leave the Dragon Tiger School? This is already their home and everything. Even if they leave here, where else can they fight to the death?" Zhang smiled and said, "The prickly tiger also grew up here and practiced here. Here is his sweat, his original dream, and his blood. How can he forget this place so easily?"

"Even after ten thousand years, you can't erase this feeling that blood is thicker than water." Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Perhaps this is the reason why Tianmomen chose to attack the Dragon Tiger faction." Zhang Bad said.

"You mean they don't trust the tiger so much." Qingyang Zhenren said.

"How can a person who is not grow up in Tianmomen be completely trusted by Tianmomen?" Zhang said with a bad smile.

"Then, we may really have a chance to let the thorny tiger return to the Dragon Tiger School." Qingyang Zhenren nodded and said.

The elders and others are extremely excited. If the thorny tiger can return to the Dragon Tiger School, it will be great.

Even if a family member goes the wrong way, as long as they return home, they are still their own family, because this is home, a loving home.


The night enveloped the whole earth, and the mountains of the Dragon and Tiger School looked more ferocious and even a little scary in the night.

The steep peak is like a sharp sword, standing on the ground and penetrating straight into the sky, as if to pierce the whole sky. The sharp breath does not require any expression at all, so that people who see it can feel it.

A black shadow floated quietly in front of the mountain gate of the Dragon and Tiger School. A pair of eyes looked at the brightly lit Dragon and Tiger School Hall, and his eyes flashed. I didn't know what they were thinking about.

"If only I had listened to me at that time? Why do you want to make those unnecessary sacrifices? The man sighed in a low voice.

This is the place where I grow and practice. Every flower and plant here, every stone, and even every step I remember clearly.

Dream, how many times did the scene appear here in the dream, the young teenager in white, looking up at the sky, dreaming of becoming the hero of the Dragon Tiger School one day, where is it now?

Is that just a dream?

Does it only appear in dreams?

Two teenagers, holding their shoulders, are the two most talented teenagers of the Dragon and Tiger School. They talk about their dreams and dream of leading the Dragon and Tiger School to go higher and become the most powerful sect in the whole world.

They don't know how many nights they look up at the sky in this hazy night, talk about their cultivation experience, encourage each other to practice more hard, urge each other, and encourage each other, just like relatives.

They like the same girl, and even went to 100,000 mountains for her to find life-saving spiritual grass, fighting for their lives and blood, just to see the girl's happy smile again.

But when the girl recovered, the two met and knew each other's thoughts, but they both left the girl and put this love in their hearts just to let the other party get the beloved. It's ridiculous that the two finally watched the girl marry someone else.

That night, the two hugged each other and cried, scolding each other for their stupidity. They didn't even think about themselves and only cared about each other.

They lost the girl, but the two got the strongest friendship between heaven and earth.

Even if this friendship ends with two people going their separate ways, they still have each other's figure in their hearts.

Only in the dream, the two can see each other and talk happily, because they dare not meet, and meeting is killing.

They don't want to kill each other, because they never thought such a thing would happen.

Even if he left at that time, he left with tears, because the man had been cursed, even if he wanted to say goodbye, because he could no longer see his figure or even feel the other party's consciousness.

This cannot be said to be a very sad thing.

But there are too many such sad and lamentable things in the world.

The two went their separate ways.

"I don't know if you are all right now? Is it still the same? Or have you been cursed and fallen into infinite loneliness? This person is a prickly tiger. Now the prickly tiger is like a scholar with a rough face but a gentle heart.

"This is my home, my home, the home in my heart. Am I going to eradicate this place?" The thorny tiger raised the wine jar in his hand and drank it all, with a sad face.

"You know, I actually don't want to do this in my heart. I actually want to come back, but I can't come back. It's too late. I don't have any reason or excuse to come back here." The tiger shouted sadly in his heart.

Who can understand this sadness?

Where is the person who knew himself best, just like his own brother?

Have you left this world? Why didn't you listen to yourself at the beginning? Why did you insist on going your own way?

Tomorrow is a new day. The thorny tiger feels that the time passes too fast. I really hope that time can go slower and slower, so that he can return to reality later.

Because as long as you return to reality, you will face your own home and your family, and what you have to do is not to hug these passionate people for your family one by one, but to kill them.

This may be the biggest punishment for yourself.

The sky gradually lit up, and the first light had shone on the ground. The rooster had announced the dawn, and the next day he had taken his first step.

And I also have to continue my life and continue my life. I have to think about how to break the array of my friends, and then lead people from another place to kill my family.

"Leader, we are ready." The man who broke his neck in anger by the thorny tiger has now come back to life. Of course, even if a person in the heavenly realm breaks his neck, it's not a big deal. They can still live.

"Dark night, do you know what we are going to do?" The thorny tiger turned around and looked at the dark night coldly and said.

He lowered his head in the dark night, trembled all over, and said in a low voice, "Eradicate the Dragon and Tiger School."

"Okay, what do you think?" The thorny tiger asked coldly.

Dark night, this is the person who followed him to leave the Dragon Tiger School, his disciple, his only disciple.

The night lowered its head and didn't know what the thorny tiger was thinking now. Since it left the Dragon and Tiger School with the thorny tiger, the night has rarely been able to figure out the original intention of the thorny tiger.

In the eyes of the night, his master suddenly became irritable, making himself a little overwhelmed and no longer the master who could easily perceive his mind.

So, over the years, the dark night has become deeper and deeper, and some words can't be said.

Or, even if you want to say it, you won't say it. If you hold it in your heart, even if the tiger hurts your body, you won't say it in the dark night.

However, now the night has said, and it is still so resolute, so sure: "Master, you are home."

It's just such a sentence. The dark night doesn't say much, just stand straight and wait for the tiger's words.

"Attack." The thorny tiger closed his eyes, looked back at the dragon and tiger mountains so majestic in the dawn, and said plainly.

The night was stunned for a moment, and then said loudly, "I know."

After saying that, he turned around and flew to the camp at the foot of the mountain, but a tear dripped from the corners of his eyes.

"Master, you're home." The dark night said so.

It's just that in my heart, Dark Night is not saying to yourself, "Dark Night, you boy, you are home, this is your home."

However, the dark night can't roar loudly and can't say it, because he can't say it and dares not say it.

I'm afraid of death. Yes, who in the world is not afraid of death?

But at this moment, even if you are afraid of death and feel guilty, the longing for home in your heart still makes the night full of sadness.

When he arrived at the camp, there was no trace of sadness on his face in the dark night, only indifference.

Indifference is like a thousand-year-old ice, which can freeze people's hearts straight.

"Attack." He shouted coldly in the dark night.


These disciples all shouted loudly and excitedly.

In such a short time, the thorn tiger came up with a way to break the big array of heaven and earth, which made the disciples of the demon sect admire the thorn tiger.

It can only be said that this is an extremely difficult thing to think of a formation like the array of heaven and earth in such a short time.

It is impossible to think of it so quickly without strong strength and understanding.

The array of heaven and earth can bring together the aura between heaven and earth, and then form a huge aura pool of reiki. If the enemy attacks, then these rare auras will instantly become fierce monsters that devours the practitioners' meridians and Dantian, and will tear their bodies to pieces.

Let them become a pile of waste and disappear between heaven and earth.

This is the most worrying and scary part of the world.

However, any array has its shortcomings, and the heaven and earth array is no exception.

How much aura can a large array of heaven and earth have? Even if it is as magnificent as the sea, it is impossible to swallow up the whole continent.

If the disciples of Tianmomen are allowed to enter one by one, then it is suicide, but if all the disciples of Tianmomen are allowed to enter, then the heaven and earth array is not a killing array, but a living array.

A holy place for strong and strong aura cultivation.

All the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect will enter. Of course, the thorned tiger will also enter. He will absorb most of the aura, and the rest of the aura will be absorbed by the disciples of these Heavenly Demon Sect.

Then collectively eliminate the elders who presided over the array.

However, what this matter requires is to be fast and fast, and you can't slack off at all, because a little carelessness will set yourself on fire, become a corpse, and even scatter your soul.

However, this is not what these demon disciples care about. Death is a very common thing for them, because they have seen too much death, killed by themselves, or killed by others, but they have seen too much death.

Many make them numb to death. Only keep your own excitement about killing.

With an order, all the disciples of Tianmomen flew to the sky excitedly.

Gathered in front of the array of heaven and earth, the elders who presided over the array saw the arrival of the disciples of Tianmomen, and they all cheered up twelve points. I don't know why these disciples of Tianmomen were so excited in the face of their own heaven and earth array, which simply made these elders at a loss.

I don't know what will happen to make the disciples of the Demon Gate so excited, just like a hungry wolf, with fierce eyes shining with excitement.

"Chong." The thorn tiger shouted loudly and rushed into the array of heaven and earth first.

Just before these elders reacted, the remaining disciples of Tianmomen also rushed to the heaven and earth one by one, and rushed into the heaven and earth array one by one. Some were broken by the aura before they could react, but more absorbed a small part of aura. He rushed to the elders who were the host.

Excited and excited.

In this case, most people will be fearless. Even death will abandon their fear and ignore it, because they don't know what fear is now. They are just excited and just want to kill.

Because they don't know whether they can survive, only killing can make them feel happy and make them feel that they have not lived in vain.

The elders were shocked and hurriedly resisted these disciples of Tianmomen who suddenly became strong.

Although most of the disciples of Tianmomen are just in the realm of making babies, the continuous aura rushes into their bodies like no money. At this time, their true qi is endless.

Only when the aura in the array of heaven and earth is exhausted will they show their original faces.

However, these elders will not think of this now. They are still struggling to resist the attack of these disciples who have become crazy.

While working hard to maintain the operation of the whole world.

However, this is like a vicious circle. Although many disciples of Tianmomen died at this time, these elders of the Dragon and Tiger School were also injured, and several of them are now just bitter support, because the next moment, they don't know whether it was the disciples of Tianmomen who besieged him or themselves.


The thorny tiger roared and stretched out his hand to grab the elder closest to him. His whole body was full of air. If this grasp was solid, it would be a fatal blow.

"Big elder, don't kill me." The elder suddenly shouted loudly.

The thorny tiger trembled all over, and the original claws suddenly changed into a palm, which hit the elder away.

gritted his teeth, and the sting tiger then swam in the array of heaven and earth. Every elder of the dragon and tiger faction he met was slapped away.

Although it will definitely be seriously injured if it is blown away, his life can indeed be saved.

"Withdraw the array." At this time, Zhang Bad ran over and shouted loudly.

When the elders of the Dragon and Tiger School, who were still struggling to support, heard Zhang Bad's words, immediately broke through the big array of heaven and earth and quickly flew to Zhang Bad's side.

"Who are you?" The prickly tiger looked at Zhang with a sneer and asked.

"Bad." Zhang smiled and said, "And you are a thorny tiger."

"You know the name of the uncle." The thorned tiger smiled wildly and said, "Are you a disciple of the Dragon Tiger School?"

"No." Zhang Bad shook his head and said.

"So what is your identity?" The thorny tiger asked doubtfully.

Who can order these dragon and tiger disciples? Not a disciple of the Dragon Tiger School or who?

"I am the son of fate." Zhang said faintly.

seems to be talking about something that is not about yourself.

When the thorned tiger heard Zhang's bad words, he was stunned, and the rest of the disciples of Tianmomen also trembled.

Zhang Bad, the son of fate, the name is simply too familiar to these disciples of Tianmomen. They are even more familiar than their parents, because they can hear the name every day.