Decisive Battle

Chapter 102 Kill the old monster of Shenze

Chapter 102 Killing the Old Monster

Zhang Bad still has no half of kindness now. If he has half of kindness, maybe he did not kill the Shenze old monster, and he was killed by the poison gas of the Shenze old monster first, so Zhang Bad mobilized all the black dragon in his body in order to kill the Shenze old monster first. Only in this way can they keep their names and the names of their wives. If they die, it is impossible for Zilan and others to survive in this deep land.

"Ah, go to hell." Zhang Bad shouted angrily, and the true qi of the black dragon had run to the extreme. The pure true qi came from the body of the deep old monster to Zhang's bad body, and the true qi in Zhang bad's body was running more crazily.

"Kill it, kill it, I said, this boy is very strong, and he will definitely be able to kill the old monster." Haha said with a big smile.

Laughing and saying, "When did you say this? Why don't I know?"

"He's talking nonsense again. You won't know if you have the ability to foresee it." Laughing and laughing.

Ha'er hurriedly said, "Of course I said, how can we not think our friends will win?"

Zhang Bad now feels sore all over, and the deep old monster is also dying.

However, Zhang Bad dare not be careless. For this kind of monster that he has never seen, who knows what other means to save the life of this Shenze old monster is that he doesn't know, so Zhang Bad is not relaxed at all. The black dragon's true spirit is still running to the extreme, in order to kill the Shenze old monster, so that Zhang Bad can completely put down. Come on.

"Where is the spirit of the old monster?" Hahaer said doubtfully, "Why can't I see where the spirit of the old monster is?"

"I didn't see it either. Did the old monster of Shenze run away again?" He smiled for a moment and said in horror.

"He has lost his connection with the swamp. How can he escape? It's impossible." He said with a smile.

"But we really don't see the spirit of the old monster." Haha said.

When Zhang Bad heard them talking together, he thought they were talking nonsense again, but after hearing it, they seemed to know something about Shenze and hurriedly shouted, "What is spirit?"

"I said, the spirit is the spirit of the deep old monster, a small ball-like thing, but we didn't see it. Did you see it?" Haha said loudly.

"Why didn't we see it? It's just that you didn't see it." He said with a smile.

"Did you see it?" He laughed and asked.

"I didn't watch it at all." He laughed and said, "I didn't see it at all. How can there be a saying that I didn't see it?"

Zhang Bad was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the soul of the Shenze old monster had merged into one. He frowned and looked for it in the body of the Shenze old monster, but he did not see the spirit of the Shenze old monster, and he couldn't help worrying. If he could not kill the Shenze old monster in this way, he could only Enough to use the sealing space.

"There." Zhang's fierce shock saw a black-gray ball slowly cracking in the deep old man's chest, and Didi** was dripping down the swamp below.

Zhang Bad hurriedly took out the mountain and river fan, put those ** in, and threw the dying Shenze old monster into the mountain and river fan. Then he took a breath and thought that the Shenze old monster should be dead this time.

I waited in the air in horror for a while. Seeing that there was no deep old monster's attack, I was completely relieved. Only then did Zhang Bad feel that his itch all over his body was more severe. He hurriedly ran the real gas and tried to expel the venom that invaded his body.

But Zhang's true qi is originally the black dragon true qi, the true qi that devours everything. Instead of eliminating these venoms, it has refined all these venoms.

Zhang Bad smiled dryly. Anyway, there is no feeling of itching now. That's fine. However, when he saw the swamps full of the whole space, Zhang Bad couldn't help but feel helpless. He didn't know where the passage from the second floor to the third floor was. Is it really under these mud? Question mark

If the channel is really under these silt, it is really difficult for you to find the channel to the third floor, but not to mention the poisonous gas of these swamps, the smell of these swamps is enough to make Zhang disgusting.

"How can I find the entrance to the third floor?" Zhang Bad thought helplessly in his heart.

When the three demons saw that Zhang Bad threw the Shenze old monster into the mountain and river fan again, they all laughed loudly and felt very happy that their friends killed their enemies.

"The old monster of Shenze finally died, and we finally took revenge." Haha said with a big smile.

"Your mother should be able to rest in peace." He laughed and said.

"Wow..." Laughing even more, and then burst into laughter.

The three demons were very excited. The three demons tried to kill the old monster in all kinds of ways, but they failed. Now they finally killed the old monster of Shenze. They also took revenge. With great joy, they were extremely happy and cried.

Zhang Bad's body was sound, and he frowned and looked at the swamp below, looking helpless.

"What's wrong with you? Aren't you happy? How capable are you to kill the old monster of Shenze? Haha, when he saw that Zhang Bad still had a sad face, he asked doubtfully.

Zhang Bad looked at his smiling face and thought that the three demons were much happier than himself. He had no idea every day, but he was happy every day, much happier than himself.

My son of fate is not as happy as these three retarded fantasy demons.

Zhang smiled and received: "Of course I'm happy to kill the old monster, which is certainly good, but I need to find the entrance to the third floor now. What should I do?"

He laughed and said, "If you kill the old monster, you will be able to find the entrance of the third floor. I think it should be under these swamps."

"It should be like this. Why don't you let the old monster carry these swamps into the air?" He said with a smile.

Zhang Bad was stunned and then laughed. He didn't expect things to be so simple. He didn't expect it just now, which really made Zhang Bad feel helpless.

"That's it, then let the old monster of Shenze lift these swamps." Zhang Bad smiled and said that now the old monster in Zhang's bad mountain and river fan is also roaring loudly. Zhang Bad sneered and reached out to catch the old monster and wrapped it with wind to prevent the old monster from falling into the swamp.

The old monster has no temper for a long time. Although he roared loudly in the mountains and rivers, he was caught by Zhang Bad. After seeing Zhang Bad, he immediately became obedient and knew that this person was not his opponent, so he did not have the arrogance of the past.

"Are you still alive?" Zhang Bad said to the old monster with a sneer.

The old man of Shenze nodded hurriedly and squeezed out a very ugly smile on his face. He did not dare to provoke Zhang Bad, for fear that Zhang Bad would absorb all his true qi with the spell that scared the old man of Shenze.

Zhang Bad nodded and then said, "Where is the passage to the third floor?"

The old monster hurriedly pointed to the swamp, meaning that the passage was there. Zhang Bad sneered and said, "Now you take all these swamps into the air. I'm going to three floors. If you dare to have any superfluous ideas, you know that I will annihilate your soul.

After thinking about it, Zhang Bad stretched out his hand and nodded in the spirit of the old monster, leaving a black dragon's true spirit and a trace of divine consciousness in it and said to the old monster, "If you dare not obey your orders, you will be lost."

The old monster felt that there was a black dragon in his spirit, which absorbed his true qi. He couldn't help trembling all over and nodded.

"Go ahead." Zhang Bad shouted loudly and casually threw the old monster of Shenze down.

"No." The three demons shouted in a hurry.

"He won't attack us." Zhang smiled and received it.

"But he is immortal." Haha, he stamped his foot and said.

"As long as there is a trace of soul, a drop of essence can be resurreshed." He laughed and said in panic.

"So you really shouldn't let the old monster go." He said with a smile.

Zhang Bad was stunned for a moment and connected his divine consciousness with the divine consciousness he had left in the spirit of the deep old monster. Seeing that the deep old monster fled into the swamp, he did not do it in his own way, but wanted to burst his essence.

Zhang Bad's heart was furious and shouted loudly. The black dragon's true qi ran crazily, violently absorbed the true qi in the spirit of the deep old monster, and soon absorbed the deep old monster's spirit without any true qi.

Now Zhang Bad doesn't want to let the old monster of Shenze release the passage to the third floor, for fear that the old monster of Shenze will play any tricks. If that's the case, won't he be a failure?

"Die." Zhang bad shouted angrily, and the divine consciousness left in the spirit of the deep old monster attacked the spirit of the deep old monster and strangled the soul of the deep old monster.

Now the old monster of Shenze is so dead that he can't die again.

After Zhang Bad killed the deep old monster, he was worried about how he could find the entrance to the third floor. The swamp in the whole space was slowly drying up, and then gradually thought about the dead body of the deep old monster, and finally the swamp of the whole space disappeared. Lost, only the dead bodies of the old monsters and the dead bones of those human beings who died here were left.

"There." Hahaer laughed and said, pointing to a shiny hole.

Zhang was surprised by his bad heart, and then flew quickly to the mouth of the cave.

Haha, the three demons also flew here, and they couldn't help laughing and said, "I heard that the third floor is the best."

"Of course, everyone wants to go to the third floor, which is the best place in the world." He said with a smile.

"Let's go there and have fun." He said with a smile.

Zhang Bad listened to the words of the three demons and wanted to know what the third level was, and quickly asked, "What world is the third level?"

The three demons thought that their first layer was a world, the second layer was a world, and each layer was a world, so it followed their statement.

"It is the most happy place, the most prosperous, with wine and meat, everything, and the most important thing is..." Haha said proudly.

"There is also the most beautiful fox girl in the world." He said with a big smile.

"Yes, when we go there, we have to let those fox girls accompany us, so that it's not a waste for us to be a demon." He said with a big smile.

Zhang Bad laughed in his heart. He didn't expect that these three fantasy demons were still lustful demons, which made Zhang Bad feel very funny.

"Let's go down." Haha said.

"We have all arrived here. Of course we have to go down, and there are friends here. What are we afraid of? Even the old monster of Shenze was killed by his friends. Isn't his friend invincible in the world? He laughed and said.

"Absolutely invincible in the world, and the three of us are the second in the world." He said with a smile.

These three demons have fought with the old monster of Shenze. They all thought that the old monster of Shenze was the most powerful in the world. Now Zhang Bad has killed the old monster of Shenze. He is the first person in the world, and the three demons are the second monster in the world.

Zhang smiled and thought that every upper layer of thewan pagoda would meet powerful monsters. They must be more powerful than one layer, and the three demons had only fought with the old monster of Shenze. I don't know what the third floor looks like, but it's also hearsay.

But now that she has arrived here, it is impossible not to go down. She thought to herself, no matter what kind of monster she is, what kind of fox demon she is, isn't her wife a nine-tailed fairy fox? What other fox demon can be better than his wife?

Thinking of this, he jumped into the hole with the idea of the soldiers coming to cover the water and the earth.

The scenery in front of me turned around, and I saw the fragrance of birds and flowers, the voices of people boiling, and the fragrance of wine and food. It didn't seem to be in a closed space at all, but as if it was in the world.

It's just these farming, and the business are all human beings, which makes Zhang Bad confused.

came forward and caught a farmer, who shouted, "What do you want to do?"

Zhang smiled and didn't say anything. He let go of the farmer, but he already knew that the farmer was a real human, but he didn't have any true spirit. He thought he was just an ordinary human.

I'm even more confused. I don't know how there are ordinary human beings here. How can they cross the first floor and come here on the second floor?

If it hadn't been for a closed space, if I hadn't seen four walls here, I would have really thought I had an illusion and had returned to the world.