Decisive Battle

Chapter 3 Jiao Mingshan

At breakfast, Li Youdao was surprised to see Zhang's refreshing look. He visited Zhang's body and was even a little jealous. Unexpectedly, Zhang Bad was actually cultivated to the realm of skin practice by a common man who had not practiced a trace of skill in just one night, and And the foundation has been successfully built.

It took 100 days to build a foundation, but Zhang Bad only took one night.

On the same day, Li Youdao separated from the two merchants and took Zhang Bad to the north alone.

On the way, Zhang Bad has always wanted to ask why not take a horse. In this way, the time to reach the Dragon Sect will be much shorter. However, since Li Youdao does not speak, of course, he can't say anything more. He can only follow Li Youdao and walk north.

The desert continues to go north to the mountains. Because Li Youdao did not propose to ride horses, Zhang Bad can only walk hard with his second-way car. Although he is tired, it also allows Zhang Bad's body to be exercised. During the rest, Li Youdao intentionally or unintentionally explained some easy marrow to Zhang Bad. Difficulties in the scripture.

When he arrived at the foot of Shizhe Mountain, Zhang Bad had already cultivated to the third type of 'Palm-uptial Gate' of the Yi Miaojing, which has reached the realm of meat training.

In the realm of flesh, marrow, blood, bone and flesh, the skin needs the support of flesh and blood to work, otherwise it will become dead skin.

On this day, under Li Youdao's explanation, Zhang Bad repeated the third-style action of the Yi Sutra over and over, and felt that his muscles were sore all over his body, but under Zhang Bad's persistence, he also persisted.

When it was dark, Zhang Bad was already sore and soft all over, gasping heavily, and sweat ticking like water.

"What you need to cultivate the truth is your perseverance. Only in this way can you achieve success in the cultivation of truth." Li Youdao sat on the bluestone beside him and said to Zhang Bad, who was so tired that he was about to lie down.

"The master's lesson is." Zhang Badqiang stood up again with high spirits.

"The palms hold the eyes of the heavenly gate, and stand on the tip of the ground. The force around the legs is like planting, clenching your teeth and not relaxing. The tongue can lick the mouth, and the nose can adjust the breath and feel at ease. The two punches slowly withdrew the place, and the force will be held back. Li Youdao read the formula aside. Zhang Bad can only endure the soreness of muscles and repeat the action of 'Palm support Tianmen' over and over again.

Each formula of the Yi Miaojing secretly fits the mystery of the human body, and each formula can cultivate a realm of the human body to a perfect state.

For example, the first type, the spirit monkey offering peaches, is to attract air into the body. This is the basis for introducing the qi of heaven and earth into the body of the practitioner, refining the body of the practitioner, and draining noisy things out of the body.

The second type, horizontal burden to defeat demons, is skin practice.

One form after another, one realm after another, allowing people to enhance the cultivation step by step, but will not cause any harm to the practitioners.

"Bum, bang."

At night, every punch is accompanied by the sound of a powerful boxing in the sky, and the speed of each punch is getting faster and stronger.

"Haha, it's finally done." Zhang Bad laughed loudly, and the joy in his heart was indescable.

In less than ten days, you can reach the height of the current realm of meat practice from a mortal without any foundation of cultivation, and the progress is rapid.

Li Youdao sat on the blue stone beside him and looked at Zhang Bad's happy face. The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and the light in his eyes disappeared in an instant. "Haha, I didn't expect my apprentice to have such a talent. The journey of cultivation is really smooth for you."

"This is all the master's teaching to me." Zhang Bad bowed and said hurriedly.

Since Zhang Bad practiced the second style of the Yi Sutra three days ago, Li Youdao has been abnormal, praising Zhang Bad in all kinds of ways, and even changed his previous indifference and gently called Zhang Badtu.

This made Zhang Bad a little uncomfortable, but it made the master agree with himself so much, and Zhang Bad still felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

After a night's rest, the master and apprentice continued all the way north, walking about 200 miles to a mountain.

The dense forests make the whole mountain range look vibrant, much more than the trees in some of the mountains that have been turned over before.

"There are a lot of sycamore trees under the mountain." Zhang said breathlessly.

"This is Jiaoming Mountain." Li Youdao said lightly.

"Jiao Mingshan?" Zhang Bad was stunned for a moment and said happily, "Have we arrived at the mountain gate of the Longmen School?"

"No, our division will continue to go north, through Jiaoming Mountain, pass through Pingqiu, and then arrive at Mount Buthou, where our mountain gate is located." Li Youdao said proudly.

"No Zhoushan? Aren't we going to the Han Dynasty?" Zhang Bad asked doubtfully.

"The Great Han Dynasty? In the land of the secular people, how can we practitioners practice in such places? Li Youdao said lightly.

Zhang Bad realized that he had said something wrong and hurriedly closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"Do you know that the most strange thing about Jiaoming Mountain is the Mengyu beast here, which is definitely the most delicious food in the world." Li Youdao looked at Zhang Bad and said with a smile.

"Meng Yu Beast? Is that the Meng beast that can dispel the evil spirit after eating it? Zhang Bad said in surprise.

"I didn't expect you to know the efficacy of Meng Yu." Li Youdao said with a smile.

"These are also what I heard from my husband in the school, but I don't know that a porcupine like Meng Yushu actually grew up on Jiaoming Mountain." Zhang Bad scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"You know these are much better than those stupid villagers." Li Youdao said with a faint smile.

Zhang Bad bowed his head and smiled, "It's my greatest honor to be praised by the master."

Li Youdao smiled and walked towards the mountain. Zhang Bad only felt that the mountain was sparsely populated, and the trees cast huge dark shadows under the sunset, which looked a little gloomy.

"Good boy, this is simply a ghost in the world." Zhang Bad said in panic.

"Is there such a thing as Meng Yu beast here? If you don't eat some food to avoid evil here, it seems that it is extremely difficult to survive." Zhang Bad said secretly.

Things will be reversed, and the moon will be lost. No matter what happens in the world, there will be some mysterious balance.

For example, in this Jiaoming Mountain, there will be a creature such as Mengzhi beast. If you eat the meat of Mengzhi beast, you can be comfortable in this Jiaoming Mountain and not be troubled by evil spirits.

Suddenly, a red shadow passed by, and Li Youdao hurriedly said, "Chasing, that's Meng Xiao Beast."

Zhang Bad has long been uncomfortable by the ubiquitous cold smell in Jiaoming Mountain. Hearing Li Youdao say that it was Meng Yu beast over there, he immediately spread his feet and rushed to the red shadow.

Thanks to the cultivation of more than ten days, Zhang's bad body has made great progress, and it's really windy to run.

"Haha, don't run away. Stop quickly and let the Taoist master enjoy your delicious food." Zhang Bad Run became interested and pointed to the red shadow in front of him and laughed.

Really think of yourself as a real monk.

"This boy will let you live for a few days first, and it won't be too late to let your soul fly away." Li Youdao heard Zhang's arrogant laughter, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes and said with a sneer.

Zhang Bad runs fast, but the Meng Yu beast in front of him is not a vegetarian. Whenever Zhang Bad feels that he is about to catch the Meng Yu beast, the Meng Yu beast can turn around, turn to run, pull Zhang Bad away again, and even change his direction several times. His footsteps are unstable, and he fell to eat mud, and his heart is angry. Burning in the fire.

Zhang Bad was originally born as a ruffian, and it is common for him to be brave and fierce. Is it okay for a small Meng beast to make himself so embarrassed?

Can't you run? I will run with you to see who gets tired first.

In his heart, Zhang Bad has also spread the resentment in Li Youdao's heart in the past few days. In the past few days, Zhang Bad is a grandson and a fool, which really suffocated Zhang Bad. Doesn't Zhang Bad know that Li Youdao also wants to kill himself? After all, I also want to kill Li Youdao.

Running all the way, Zhang Bad was like a male dog chasing the Meng beast in front of him.

The Mengyu beast was depressed. How could anyone be so persistent, even more patient than the hateful wolf?

Zhang Bad felt that his heart was about to be blown up. He wondered if he would let go of the Meng beast in front of him. When he was about to stop, the Meng beast in front of him stopped in advance and turned to face him, pulling the ground with his hoofs.

At this time, Zhang Bad really saw the appearance of the beast, which was very similar to the porcupine. It was also scary to have two fangs sticking out their mouths, but the body was not sharp spines but red fluff.

"Beast, you run again." Zhang Bad saw Meng's beast stop and roared loudly.

However, Meng Xiao beast will not be so scared by Zhang Bad's roar. As usual, he pulled the ground with his hoofs and stared at Zhang Bad with two small eyes.

One person and one pig are so deadlocked.

Meng Beast is afraid of Zhang Bad, but Zhang Bad is also worried about the two fangs of Meng Beast.

However, the patience of the animal is always longer than that of a little ruffian. Zhang Bad and Meng Yu beast looked at each other for a while and felt that their eyes were a little sour. They squatted down angrily, picked up a stone and smashed it fiercely at Meng Yu beast.


Zhang's bad luck was also extremely good, and he actually hit one of the eyes of the Meng Yu beast.

"Haha, look, you're still running. Master Dao will surpass you today, die early and get rid of you early." Zhang Bad didn't expect his technique to be so accurate, and laughed proudly.

However, under the pain of the beast, the wildness was also stimulated and roared towards Zhang Bad, which meant to die together.

Zhang Bad hurriedly rolled down a donkey, avoiding the straight rush of Meng Yu beast, hurriedly stretched out his hands, grabbed Meng Yu beast's two hind legs, and pulled it back vigorously.

Meng's beast was already fierce. It was pulled by Zhang Bad and fell to the ground.

The broken feet pedaled to the ground, and the body jumped up, which pressed the Meng beast, grabbed the fangs with both hands, and pulled them to both sides.


The tusks cracked in response.

The beast shouted twice and arched violently, and half of its fangs inserted into the broken left arm without paying attention.

"I wipe it. I'll wipe you old." Zhang Bad took a cold breath and grinned.

His right hand was not idle, and he hung fiercely at Meng Yu's head, punching and punching the meat, which was crazy.

"It's dead." A faint voice came.

Zhang's bad head woke up and hurriedly jumped off the body of Meng Ke beast, smiled shyly, and then took a look at the unlucky Meng Ke beast. His head was almost broken, and it was a little scary.

"This, this, hehe." Zhang Bad can only bow his head and stop talking.