Decisive Battle

Chapter 38 Mermaid Raid

Please collect and red tickets. Collection, red tickets are full of peach blossoms every day. O(∩_∩)O~

The polar ice sheet at night is cold and scares everyone from the bottom of their hearts.

I don't know when this long night will pass.

Riao Zhang Bad and others are all practitioners, and they can only find a place to shade the wind in this cold wind.

When the night was about to come, Yueyang stepped on his sword and flew away. Now he has not come back. No one in the whole disciple's crowd can convince the public. When the cold wind hits, he wants to find a shelter.

"Ah." Just as everyone was looking for a hole or the uncle to avoid the wind, suddenly a miserable shout sounded in the cold night, which made everyone feel scared.

Zhang Bad dug a deep hole on the ground with Violet's flying sword. Just as he was about to take a breath and jump in to avoid the wind, he heard the scream and shivered all over. His cold roots stood up, and goose bumps fell to the ground.

"Whose call is it?" Zhang Bad hurriedly jumped out of the deep pit and asked Zilan, who was unhappy beside him.

"Someone should have met a monster." Zilan hurriedly stood up and took her beloved flying sword from Zhang's bad hand and was about to fly away.

"Take me with you." Zhang Bad hurriedly jumped on the flying sword, hugged Zilan's waist tightly and said.

The violet trend flying sword quickly flew to the place where the sound sounded.

" creaking." There was a trembling sound.

The closer to the place where the scream sounded, the more cordial the sound became, and Zhang Bad felt a cool air rising from the bottom of his heart.


A few swords also arrived here at this time.

When Wang Hai and others saw Zilan, they greeted each other and said, "There is danger ahead. Everyone should be vigilant and don't distance themselves."

"Ye." Violet nodded and followed Xiao Long.

Several people flew to the source of the sound together.


"Bum." Wang Hai threw a fire charm at the sound. Under the light of fire, everyone couldn't help taking a cold breath.

The disciple who screamed just now has lost his human form, his body has been branched, and a group of black fish-like things are pressing on the disciple.

The creaking sound is the sound of these things biting the disciple's body.

"What kind of monsters are these?" Xiao Long said coldly.

"It should be a mermaid growing in the polar north ice field." Wang Hai frowned and said in a low voice, which sounded very heavy.


These people's flying fire light all raised their heads and looked at Zhang Bad and others.

Although these people are the body of the fish, their abdomen is full of hands and feet, their teeth are turned out, and some mermaids still have minced meat hanging on their mouths.

"Well." Violet made a dry vomit, and the flying sword shook in the air.

Zhang Bad was almost scared out of his body and hurriedly put his arms around Violet's waist and shouted, "Now is not the time to be disgusting. Let's try to kill these fish monsters. If not, let's go back and inform the disciples and get them ready."

"Zilan, go back first and tell your disciples to prepare them for defense and don't walk around." Wang Hai is the oldest of these disciples. Yue Yang has become the backbone of everyone before he comes back.

"Okay, you should also be careful." Violet nodded, added a flying sword or made a long rainbow, and quickly flew towards the coming place.


"Ah, my God, what the hell is this, ah."

As soon as I returned to the place where the disciples gathered, I heard one after another screams.

"No, mermaids are not only there. Everyone is surrounded." Violet said in panic.

"Bum." Zhang Bad stretched out his hand and took out a flame charm in his arms, threw it into the air, and burst into flames, illuminating below.

"Everyone quickly gathered together, and the disciples outside gathered together at a speed. If you encounter mermaids, don't panic. If there are more, everyone will withdraw. If there are few, let's go up together and destroy them." Zhang Bad shouted loudly.

With a bad voice, the panic in everyone's hearts suddenly subsided and quickly gathered together.

Zhang Bad jumped to the ground, saying that he jumped on the ground rather than jumping in the ice and snow.


Zhang Bad released several flame charms in a row, so that the peripheral disciples could see the position of the brigade, and hoped to attract the attention of Yue Yang, who did not know where he had gone.

"Squeaky, creak."

The sound of biting bones sounded one after another around, like a horrible and life-threatening movement, which made the hearts of these disciples full of panic.

"Don't be afraid. These are just mermaids. Don't be scared by their appearance. In fact, their strength is not strong. As long as you use your general strength, you can repel them, as long as you can hold on until dawn." Zhang Bad knew that if he didn't stand up now, all these disciples would have no confidence.

If they don't have confidence, they are not far from death.

They died and couldn't live by themselves.

In order to live, these people must not die, at least not now.

Zhang Bad's belief turned sharply and shouted, "The weak one stands in the innermost, and the strong one stands on the periphery like me. All 100 before the entry test stand to the outside."

"Who are you? Dare to make us drink?" A sneer sounded.

Zhang Bad looked at it coldly, and the man was Li Yuanqiang.

"Have you not had enough of the ring and now you still want to receive a lesson?" Zhang Bad sneered.

"That's a sneak attack. Do you really think you are stronger than me?" Li Yuanqiang said with a sneer.

"Since you don't want to come out, I'll beat you into the mermaid." Zhang Bad sneered, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing an evil smile.

"The people on our mountain are not what you want to bully." When the words sounded, a group of disciples of Shouyangfeng surrounded Li Yuanqiang and seemed to turn against Zhang Bad.

"Chiyangfeng disciples come out."

"Disciples of Ao Laifeng come out."

At this time, Shangguan Luo and Wang Shao suddenly shouted and walked to Zhang Bad's side and looked at Li Yuanqiang coldly.

The disciples of Chiyangfeng and the disciples of Ao Laifeng actually walked to Zhang Bad when they saw Shangguan Luo and Wang Shao. Although they were a little confused, their position in their respective peaks made these disciples have to follow.

"Do you want to split at this time?" Li Yuanqiang said with a sneer.

"No, we just have to stand outside to help you resist mermaids, as long as you don't sneak up on us behind us." Zhang Bad smiled faintly and said with contemptuous eyes.

"You." Li Yuanqiang didn't expect Zhang Bad to say so. Originally, he wanted to separate Zhang Bad from the circle of these disciples this time, but he didn't expect that Zhang Bad's words put himself and Shouyangfeng's disciples into an embarrassing situation.