Decisive Battle

Chapter 1 Little Devil 1

Please collect and collect. At the beginning of the second volume, the story will unfold one by one, and the wonderful beginning...

Zhang Bad smiled faintly at the ice fairy and said, "Actually, the master's smile will be more touching than now."

"What did you say?" The ice fairy was extremely angry, but she didn't expect that Zhang Bad's voice turned 180 degrees and said such words, and she couldn't help blushing.

"You have a beautiful smile." Zhang laughed.

"Violet, wait for me to come back." Zhang Bad laughed loudly. Before the ice fairy got angry, he reached out and pressed it on the spiritual shuttle. The whole person turned into a faint virtual shadow and disappeared.


The shuttle fell to the ground in the air and made a crisp sound.

"Master." Zilan lowered her head with tears in her eyes, and her bad departure made Zilan feel very painful, but the man in front of her was her master.

"I hope the master will not be angry with his bad brother. He is this temperament. Don't care if you don't talk at all. Violet said sullenly, and tears fell to the ground.

"Here you are." The ice fairy went to the spiritual shuttle, reached out and picked it up and handed it to Zilan.

Violet's expression was shocked and looked up at the ice fairy in surprise, with doubts in her eyes. Although she wanted to reach out and take the spiritual shuttle she had left for her, she did not dare to make a bad decision before she understood the meaning of the ice fairy.

"Take it." The ice fairy said coldly.

"Yes." Zilan hurriedly reached out to take the shuttle and bowed her head and said.

"You made a big mistake, just wait for Zhang Bad to come back, or whether he has the courage to come back." The ice fairy said with a sneer.

"He will come back." Violet looked at the sky and said.

"How long have you been with that boy? You are so sure that Zhang Bad will come back. You are so stupid." The ice fairy looked at Violet and said.

"Since today, you have thought about it on this wall and wait for the arrival of Zhang Bad in ten years." The ice fairy said lightly.

Zilan was even more shocked and hurriedly bent down and said, "Thank you, master."

"Hmm." The ice fairy snorted coldly and turned around and left the retreat.

It is also reasonable to know that this cave can become the first place for the first retreat of Xuelian Peak in history. This is the gathering place of the whole Xuelian Peak spiritual vein. The aura is very strong, and it is twice the result with half the effort.

The ice fairy let Violet stay here and think about it. In fact, it is the same as Taoist Lingzi asked Yueyang to go to the spiritual pool to think about it.

"Zhang Bad, you must come back." The ice fairy looked at the sky, and her eyes were full of wings.

"Zhang Bad, you must not come back, don't come back." After the ice fairy left, Violet put the spiritual shuttle in her heart, covered her hands, and tears slowly flowed down.


"Ah." A miserable shout suddenly appeared from the air until it fell on the branch and stopped.

"Daily, what kind of spiritual shuttle is this? I can't even choose the way." Zhang bad hung on the branch and groaned with his teeth cracked.

"You didn't choose where to go and where to land." The fire unicorn curled its lips in the bad sea of knowledge and said.

"What the hell is this place?" Zhang Wei slipped from the tree, untied his clothes and looked at his chest, cut several cuts, and the ribs that had just been broken by the ice fairy, which was simply adding insult to injury, but now you still need to know where you are.

"This seems to be Zhangwei Mountain." The fire unicorn said helplessly.

"Where is Zhangwei Mountain?" Zhang Bad gritted his teeth and tore his coat, tied his wound, and swallowed another raw blood elixir. Violet gave her the raw blood elixir, and now there is only one left.

"You don't even know Zhangwei Mountain?" The fire unicorn roared.

"I know what kind of bird place Zhangwei Mountain is." Zhang Bad wiped the sweat from his face and looked up at the sky.

The sky is still blue, the clouds are still blue, and the surrounding mountains and rivers are beautiful, and the birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, like a fairyland outside the world.

However, listening to the tone of the fire unicorn, it seems that it is very dangerous here.

"You can heal the injury first." The fire unicorn sighed helplessly.

Following Zhang Bad, Fire Kirin felt that all the glory of his life had been deleted by Zhang Bad.

"This is the only stain in my life." Fire Kirin shouted in his heart.

Zhang Bad heard the words of the fire unicorn and nodded. No matter where he is now, the first thing to do is to adjust his body to the best state, otherwise nothing will be discussed.

Slowly running the true qi in his body, Zhang Bad thought about it and slowly let the meridians run according to the practice formula of free decision.

xiao yao jue is one of the seven major cultivation methods of the Longmen School. The essence is to practice according to nature and practice nature.

At the beginning, the ice fairy passed on Xiaoyao to Zhang Bad, which took a fancy to Zhang Bad's character, which was not limited to old-fashioned, and even acted recklessly.

Just in line with Zhang's bad temper, he passed on his free decision that he could not practice to Zhang Bad.

Now Zhang Bad is the first time to practice freely. With the idea of trying, Zhang Bad began to practice.

The true qi operated in the body for a large week, and the main veins and eight strange meridians in the body were all circulated.

The physical injury has actually healed.

This is also thanks to Zhang Bad's use of fire unicorn beads to refine the body, so he has such domineering resilience.

When I opened my eyes, the sky had gradually darkened, and the mountains in the distance blocked the sun and folded the dark shadow, which looked very depressing and ferocious.

As if it were an ancient giant beast, it slowly woke up in the dark and wanted to show its ferocious face.

There is no previous fragrance of birds and flowers around, and the mountains and rivers are beautiful.

No birdsong, no insects.

There is only silence left.

"Goo-dong." Zhang Bad opened his eyes and saw this scene, and his cold heart twitched.

"What kind of bird place is this? Why is it so dark?" Zhang Bad said nervously.

"This is Zhangwei Mountain." The fire unicorn said angrily.

"Why didn't you choose a good position at the beginning? Don't you know that you will die if you use the shuttle but don't choose a good landing point? Fire Kirin said angrily.

"At that time, things were relatively anxious, as you know, cough, is this Zhangwei Mountain dangerous?" Zhang Bad said with a dry smile.

"What do you think?" The fire unicorn said angrily.

"It should be very dangerous." Zhang Bad Gudong swallowed another mouthful of saliva.

I hope this Zhangwei Mountain is not too dangerous. Now I am just the strength of the divine realm.

I still have a ten-year appointment, and my purple wife is still waiting for me to go back to the wedding night.