Decisive Battle

Chapter 16 Ghost Servant (Second Update)

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The blood transferred from the snake to the tiger king and wrapped the tiger king. The snake gradually regained its former image and its body was white again.

However, unlike in the past, the snake's eyes began to become blood red and red.

He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. The snake opened his bloody mouth, laughed wildly, and bit the tiger king wrapped in blood.

"Bold." Although the Snake King has always wanted to trample on the Tiger King, at this moment of life and death, if the snake refines the Tiger King, the strength of the Snake will be much stronger, and his own strength will lose a lot.

The snake king shouted, and his body turned into a ten-foot-long green python.

After the snake king turned into a cost body, he immediately attacked the snake.

Shoot the tiger king comes out before the snake devours the tiger king.

"Roar." The tiger king, wrapped in blood, seemed to have suffered some great damage and made a tragic roar.

Let Zhang Bad treble all over. Just by listening to the sound, you can hear how miserable the Tiger King is now, and how painful it must be to make such a miserable roar.

When the snake king heard the roar of the tiger king, his eyes were cold and shouted, "What evil skills have you got in the past hundred years that can actually refine the spirit of the tiger king."

"Haha, you hit me seriously by relying on the number of people. If I hadn't escaped quickly, Neidan would have been robbed and swallowed by you." The snake said with a wild smile.

"The law is the law." The snake king had approached the snake and shouted loudly, but his eyes looked at the tiger king wrapped in blood, and his eyes flashed.

"At that time, you shot me down in the red water, but you didn't expect that I got a great opportunity to sink into the cave of a human scattered immortal and get a practice technique and blood refining skill." The snake laughed wildly.

"Is that why you can make such progress in just a hundred years?" The snake king looked awe-ined and said with a moving expression.

"Of course." Pengshe licked his lips and laughed in a low voice, "The food is about to be ready. I'm going to enjoy it."

After saying that, the snake opened its mouth and bit at the Tiger King.

"How dare you." The snake king roared, and his huge tail swept towards the snake, trying to shoot the snake away.


The snake king and the friend snake collided, making a shocking sound, and then the two separated. The friend snake showed a proud expression and laughed wildly.

"What are you laughing at?" The snake king snorted coldly and shook his tail. Just now, he hit the snake's body heavily. The huge counterattack made the snake king a little uny, and his tail was very painful.

"It's not good." The fox spirit suddenly screamed and pointed to the snake king's tail in horror and said, "Cut off your tail quickly."

When the snake king heard the scream of the fox spirit, he frowned and snorted coldly, "What are you talking about?"

With that, the snake king looked at his tail and saw a small mass of blood generated on the tip of his tail, and it was rapidly getting bigger and attacking the snake king.


The snake king roared, opened his eyes wide, gritted his teeth, opened his mouth and spit out the inner elixir, and hit his tail.

Blood splashed everywhere.

The whole tail was broken and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

The Snake King roared and rushed into Zhangwei Mountain.

I couldn't see him in a blink of an eye.

"I'm going to run away." Zhang Bad looked at the back of the snake king and couldn't help sighing secretly.

The monster side of Zhangwei Mountain actually lost a general, and now there is only the fox spirit left.

However, looking at the thin and weak appearance of this fox, it doesn't look like a strong figure.

"Fox, it's your turn to play. Don't let the snake devour your friend of the Tiger King, or our Zhangwei Mountain will be destroyed." Zhang said in a hurry.

The fox looked coldly and ignored him. He turned to the remaining monsters and said, "If we can't defeat this snake today, we will have no chance to win in the future. Failure only means one thing. I think everyone knows."

"I know." The remaining freaky body trembled and lowered his head and said.

"Attack." The fox spirit waved his hand and said sharply, "If we take back the Tiger King, we will have a chance to win."

"Roar, ah, kill..."

The monsters roared and attacked the snakes.

After the fox spirit gave an exciting speech, her eyes flashed. Unexpectedly, after all the spirits attacked, she turned around and fled to Zhangwei Mountain.

When Zhang Bad saw the appearance of the fox spirit, he couldn't help laughing and thought that the fox spirit had the same idea as himself, but it was a little different from his own idea.

The fox Jing did not control Zhang Bad and the little Candle Dragon below, and had to flee to Zhangwei Mountain.

After the fox spirit ran far away, Zhang Bad looked back at the blood-red spirits that had been killed, reached out and patted the little candle dragon on the head and said, "Son, take me to fly around again."

"Roar." The little candle dragon roared sadly and reluctantly flew up to wait for Zhang Bad to sit up.

Zhang Bad smiled and shouted, "Hold on, I'll call the big candle dragon. Hold on until Lord Candle Dragon comes, and you will win."

After saying that, Zhang Bad stepped on the body of the little candle dragon and chased in the direction of the fox spirit.

When the rest of the spirits heard that Zhang Bad was going to call Lord Candle Dragon, they were bold. As long as Lord Candle Dragon came, this snake was just a jumping clown.

The attack became more violent, and he almost rescued the Tiger King several times.

But now the tragic cry of the Tiger King is getting smaller and smaller.

And when Pengshe heard the bad voice, he couldn't help but panic.

Candle Dragon, an insurmountable superior, if Lord Candle Dragon comes, he will really fall here this time.

And I also took down the Tiger King this time, and seriously injured the Snake King. Only one fox spirit can't turn over the big storm, and this time it is not nothing.

Thinking of this, the snake once again used its magic and condensed a water snake like itself, blocking most of the attacks and swallowing the tiger king wrapped in blood.

will enter Chishui, avoid the entanglement of these small characters, and slowly devour the true element of the Tiger King and turn it into its own true element.

But what Pengshe didn't expect was that these little characters showed strong perseverance at this time. Several people actually exploded Neidan in order to prevent Pengshe from returning to the Chishui River.

For a while, the Chishui River became bloody, and the two sides held each other.

Zhang Bad didn't expect that his words would cause so many waves, but now Zhang Bad is not in the mood to care about what happened on the Chishui River.

Now Zhang Bad is riding on the little candle dragon wholeheartedly, chasing the figure of the fox spirit, trying to find the fox spirit.

Finally, God lived up to his expectations. Finally, when the little candle dragon was so tired that he was about to lie down, he caught up with the fox spirit.

"The bold fox spirit dares to escape from the battle. Lord Zhulong sent me to take you down." Zhang Bad stood up on the little candle dragon and pointed to the fox spirit and shouted.

"Well, Lord Candle Dragon is not here at all." Hu Jing sneered and said that she no longer ran away. Instead, she looked at the little candle dragon under Zhang's feet with great interest, her eyes flashed and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"What are you thinking? Is it possible to kill the little candle dragon? Zhang Bad shouted coldly.

"Will I be stupid enough to kill the little candle dragon?" The fox said disdainfully.

"I want to be him." The fox spirit laughed and said, looking at the little candle dragon's eyes shining, as if it was himself standing on the little candle dragon now.

"With the little candle dragon, Zhangwei Mountain is my world." The fox said with a sharp smile.

"Roar." Hearing what the fox spirit said, the little candle dragon roared, opened his mouth and spewed out a flame, shooting at the fox spirit.

The fox spirit immediately dodged and dodged the attack of the little candle dragon.

"Although the power of Longxi is extraordinary, you are still too small now." The fox said with a wild smile.

"And you, human, you are going to hell." The fox essence stretched out her hand and pointed to Zhang Bad Yin and said with a smile.

"Go-you-fuck-." Zhang Bad spit and said.

Zhang Bad- came to chase the fox spirit not to die, but to see that the strength of the fox spirit was not strong, so he wanted to catch up and swallow up its inner elixir. With such a beautiful wish, he found the fox spirit. Unexpectedly, the fox spirit actually said that he would send himself to the hell, which was really a disappointing thing.

"It's good to spit out dirt and feces when you die. It's better for me to imprison your soul and make you a ghost servant." The fox laughed proudly.

In the view of the fox spirit, he has now had an absolute upper hand, a small candle dragon that has not yet grown up and a weak human being.

I didn't miscalcify at all.

"Where did the ghost come from, looking for death." Suddenly, the fox spirit felt that the five ghosts appeared beside him and grabbed his hands and feet.

The fox spirit shouted loudly and was about to devour these five ghosts.

A bad smiling face and evil smiling little face suddenly appeared in front of him, and he couldn't help feeling cold in his heart.