
Chapter 73 Iron Feather Sculpture Group

Sure enough, as Yue Yu expected, when their party walked more than 50 miles again and entered a piece of woodland.[] The arrangement of the trap began. First of all, several large monsters were captured on the spot, their legs were broken, and placed in the open place, and then the others hid under the nearby dense forest with bows.

After all this was arranged, Yue Yunjie did not let Yue Yu stay with his two juniors, but called him directly to his side.

"Xiao Yu, you have practiced your beast control skills well, but this riding skill needs to be strengthened! The skill of riding and shooting is the foundation of my Yue family's life, but this one cannot be forgotten. If you have spare time, you can usually go to Zhen'er for advice. My child is riding together, which is still very good. There is also the art of controlling beasts. There are only remnants in the library, and there is another secret biography of my family. If there is a chance in the future, I will also ask Zhener to teach you!"

Yue Yu had to nod his head. He knew about his own business in his heart, and his riding was really a little bad. When it comes to the interaction with riding beasts, the auxiliary intelligent system in the body can be done quite limited. In this regard, Yue Yizhen does have a considerable level.

"--You are just wondering, why did I come here this time?"

This time, Yue Yunjie didn't wait for Yue Yu to answer, but looked sadly at the second-order monsters that were used as bait in the open space ahead. About a few months ago, a group of iron feather eagles moved south and built nests near here. I thought that as long as the monsters available for hunting were dispersed nearby, they could be migrated again. I didn't expect this group of beasts to put their ideas on our family's peasants. By the way, since the beginning of this year, more than 1,000 people have lost their lives one after another, including even two martial artists--"

Yue Yu frowned slightly. He also read the iron feather sculpture, a demon bird, in the book. In fact, in adulthood, its level is just a third-order lower level, which can barely be regarded as the edge of the alien beast, but the existence of the lowest level.

However, although its order of order is low, it is also barely extremely difficult to deal with. This kind of demon bird is huge, mixed with iron feathers, and dives very fast. It is difficult for ordinary heavy crossbows to hit it, and even if it is hit, it is difficult to cause damage to it if it is not the critical place.

But what is really sleepy is the characteristic of this iron feather carving that likes to hunt in groups. Often dozens or hundreds of groups, it is difficult to deal with without enough martial artists who are good at shooting.

"Did you see the situation in the field just now? There are all those fields on the periphery, and no one dares to take care of them at ordinary times. If this group of iron feather carvings cannot be removed or expelled before summer, then at least 600,000 mu of land outside the valley of my Yuejiacheng will be exavenged--"

Yue Yunjie's voice stopped, and then he sighed heavily. This family is really difficult!"

Is this to explain to yourself?

Yue Yu looked at Yue Yunjie in surprise. Seeing that the other party's eyes were sincere, he also smiled back. It's really hard for my uncle to maintain this family over the years!"

He knew that the conflict between the old and new forces in the Yue family's city had indeed reached the point of breaking out. Yue Yunjie not only wanted to maintain a strong force for the clan, but also took into account that the interests of the elderly in the family would not be affected. He said that this family was difficult, and he did tell some truth.

Just to reconcile the contradictions, I turned a blind eye to the situation of Yue Zhang and Xiao Yue Yu, but it is still a little chilling. However, this person is not the originator of Xiao Yueyu's death, and the subsequent compensation is also in place. In addition to Yue Yu himself, he also has no intention of turning against the clan. Therefore, he never planned to care too much about the little grudges in the past. Being able to smile is good for both sides.

Yue Yunjie carefully observed Yue Yu's expression. Seeing that the other party was indeed not dissatisfied, he also smiled at the moment. Yuer, it's good that you can understand! Speaking of which, in the past, my uncle was still ashamed to take good care of your mother and son after your father's death. That's it! When I go back to the city later, I will give you the 1,500 mu of fertile land outside the valley near the mouth of the valley, as a little compensation. These years, my uncle and I have been guilty of negligence--"

"How does this work? Those fields should be all clan fields, right? I'm afraid it's a little inappropriate!"

Yue Yu raised his eyebrows. Although the field was also outside the valley, it was surrounded by sentries. Generally speaking, if it is not invaded by level 4 monsters, it is basically safe.

He secretly admired Yue Yunjie's handwriting in his heart. Whether it is the previous Bichao bow, Helong Linma, or this 1,500 mu of land, it is all full of capital and makes people feel comfortable.

"Hehe! It is said to be a clan, but in fact, in recent years, there have been few benefits in the clan. It's also a way to save your family from a lot of trouble! Yuer, you don't have to refuse! The two ancestors of the clan actually mean the same thing!"

Yue Yu smiled when he heard the words, and he was too lazy to be pretentious. At that moment, he saluted Yue Yunjie again to express his gratitude. At this time, Yue Yunjie became a little hesitant.

"Actually, I have another thing here. I want to ask Xiaoyu to do it. Your uncle Yunwen's concubine has offended your family before. I don't know if this matter may change? If it were Xiaoyu, you would let him go--"

"My concubine? Is your uncle referring to that Jin Xu?

If Yue Yu's previous mood was a little cloudy in the clear sky. At this moment, it is completely a thunderstorm with a strong wind. Now he only feels extremely depressed in his heart, and he has the impulse to kill the two people in front of him on the spot.

- He really can't figure it out. Why do the two brothers still want to save the Jin father and son at this time?

With a deep breath, Yue Yu first glanced at the side without saying a word, but his eyes showed a strong expectation of Yue Yunwen. Then he said coldly, "Since it's my uncle who pleaded for him, my little nephew can't help but show his face. It's just that the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime is unforgivable! Just waste the skills practiced by his father and son, and break the tendons and feet of the two of them, then the little nephew will bypass his life--"

Yue Yunjie was slightly stunned. Although he had known about this matter, Yue Yu could never have easily agreed. But he didn't expect his nephew's tone to be so decisive.

- Although the condition proposed by Yue Yu did not directly take the lives of Jin's father and son, if they really do so, their life will be worse than death.

"Xiao Yu, is there no room for discussion at all? Uncle Yunwen will definitely have a good reward for this matter in the future--"

"Hour good report? Ha ha!"

Yue Yu smiled and looked at Yue Yunwen, who was angry with his eyes. If the uncle is for something else, then the little nephew will definitely not refuse. But if it's for Jin Xu, then it's free! The little nephew has been plotted by him several times. Even if he can't take his life now, he will definitely not let him go in the future!"

Yue Yunjie shook his head and laughed, knowing that this matter was yellow. The meaning of Yue Yu's words has been made very clear, even if he promised to let him go under their pressure now. If you have the ability in the future, you will definitely mention the old things again. However, although he was a little unhappy about this matter, he didn't care much. It was his brother's request, so he reluctantly agreed. Now that we can't talk about it, it has nothing to do with him.

It's just that Yue Yunwen's face was gloomy to the extreme, and the blue veins in his neck burst out, showing that he was extremely angry, and he was about to attack Yue Yu.

Just as Yue Yunjie had a headache and was thinking about how to ease the tension between the two sides, the originally silent sky finally made a move.