
Chapter 1039 Lingbao Achievement

After all, it is a congenital sword weapon. When the five fairy blades kill all the three consecutive waves of clear clouds and seal thunder.

Then there was no more thunderstorm and rushed into the world of Tianzhu.

Yue Yu's body was hit by the thunder, and his hands and feet were almost broken. But after the thunderstorm disappeared, he only took a breath and recovered most of it. Then a glimmer of blue light flashed in his eyes.

"Connate extremely spiritualized life Xuanji real liquid!" A strange force full of vitality spread all over Yue Yu's body. In the blink of an eye, all the dark wounds in the [body] have been fully recovered. Even the depleted qi and blood strength has recovered a little.

When Yue Yu stood up again, Jilan inexplicably felt that the weak young man in front of him was a little different from that of him.

It is not to rely on the treasure of Hongmeng, but on itself, with greater changes. The soul is more solid and powerful. "The depths of the moto god" seems to give birth to a kind of power that makes him feel terrible. Although he is the body of the jade fairy, his soul knowledge is natural, and he has a sense of pressure on him.

Yue Yu directly stepped on the void and flew to the five elements of the sword array. Look at the five in front of you. The light and restrained fairy soldiers, as well as the sword array map, then smiled: "Although this treasure has not been formed, these five fairy soldiers" can be used in the future." The expressions of Jilan and Aoruo in the distance are extremely complicated. At this moment, the sword array map is far from taking shape, but the power of this treasure falls into the hands of those golden immortal ancestors. Even the innate treasure of the Holy Spirit can be suppressed. It is the first spiritual treasure under those Hongmeng treasures.

And when Yue Yu held this thing and urged it with all his strength, even the Daluo Jinxian could resist one or two.

It's just the mood of the two, but they are different. Jilan was born with feelings. At that time, the ancestor also had a Hongmeng spirit, but unfortunately, he had no fate with the Hongmeng Zhidao.

Unexpectedly, after 100,000 years, this Hongmeng spirit returned to their hands. After achieving this Hongmeng treasure, I have finally gained a foundation.

Ao Ruo is extremely depressed. With Yue Yu's current strength, within the dragon clan, unless the green dragon takes action, I'm afraid it will be difficult for anyone to get this son.

Unless Yue Yu dies, I'm afraid he will be enslaved by the other party all his life.

He put this Hongmeng treasure into his own Dantian. Yue Yu turned his head and smiled at Ji Lan and said, "Now that the matter of Xuanling Sect is over, I don't know my brother. What are you going to prepare?"

Ji Lan had already had a headache about this matter. At this moment, when he heard the words, he was even more worried and said, "It's best for me to stay in your cave to practice and avoid the limelight now." Looking around, Ji Lan's eyes were full of surprise. Such a huge and small world that can move with people is already amazing.

And the four-fold difference in time in front of the world is even more cynical. I don't know where his brother came from.

The small world has always been valued by monks. It not only has great advantages in fighting, but also helps to understand the road of time and space. If you practice in this cave, one year can be equivalent to four years in the outside world. In terms of the practice environment, it is almost no less than the thirty-three days.

In only 300 years, he will have the opportunity to enter another level of cultivation.

But after only a moment's hesitation, Jilan still shook his head slightly: "It's just that Shuiyunzong, but I really can't rest assured! If there is no me, "I'm afraid the day of decline is not far away!"

Yue Yu suddenly shook his head again: "Don't worry about this." Since my master asked me to save you, how can there be no arrangement for the matter of Shuiyunzong? In my opinion, it's better to practice with me for a while.

Jilan's mind moved slightly, and with a little calculation, he has already peeped into some of the past. After looking at Yue Yu's external incarnation, he was already a little grateful. He leaned over and saluted, "Thank you for maintaining my water and cloud Taoism! Jilan's respect is not as good as obedience, and he lives here"

Yue Yu raised his eyebrows with a little smile. Then his mind moved slightly and released the extreme abyss again.

Although the old man was surprised, he was silent and stood silently behind Jilan. Yue Yu took a look at him, but he sighed secretly.

Although the old man walked into the realm of jade immortals, he mostly used some kind of secret method. Although there is no defect in itself, the soul seal is already dim, showing that there is no time, and the maximum lifespan is thousands of years.

He can't do this, although it can be said that he can be reincarnated after the earth, but after his cultivation reaches the spiritual fairyland, it is difficult to fully protect the divine power of the earth. If you want to cultivate to this jade fairy realm again, I don't know how long it will take.

Unlike Yuanying, the soul can't maintain its existence in the power of the vast world. "On top of the immortals" has been limited by the law of that day and earth. Those who can fully retain their own understanding of the road of heaven and earth have not been made into the flood since the opening of the sky. At most one or two, most of them are immortal monks with lower cultivation. If it's less, it's only one or two points. If you're unlucky, you still have to be ignorant.

If not, this monk in the world only needs to be reincarnated a few more times. Then even if it is proved by force, it is not impossible.

At present, I can only X the fairyland. With the power of long-reaching wishes, I will help him prolong his life, and then think about whether there is any other way.

It's just this extreme abyss, but he may not be willing to promise Yue Yu to look at this person again, still shaking his head slightly. It can be seen at a glance that the old man is the most traditional monk, and most of them refuse to join the heavenly court.

After dealing with the matter of Jiyuan, Yue Yu has returned to Yan Tianzhu. Most of the spiritual array in front of him has been destroyed. It is only barely maintained, and a few lines shield the ability of the air machine.

Yue Yu didn't go to the sheep." Instead, he reached out and made another move and took the anti-sky knife and the heavenly sword in his hand.

These two things are the same as the previous five-eword, which is only one step away from the last step and cannot really shape.

It's just that the latter is suppressed by his mixed five elements of mana, while the former is because of the inner spirit.

Gently stroked these two fairy blades, and you can clearly feel that the innate weapon spirit inside is still tenacious, resisting the devouring of the bloody dragon soul. And these two dragon souls only barely have a little advantage.

"It's just right!"

With a slight thought, Yue Yu took out the innate sound snail that was also collected in the mysterious world, and then patted it with his big hand to strengthen his magic power, and suddenly hit it into the anti-sky knife.

Then he smiled coldly and shook the pair of swords in his hand, which made the innate weapon instantly hit hard.

These two swords immediately emerged the shadow of hundreds of thousands of dragon souls and roared angrily. The last part of the rune began to condense on the blade body. The last one disappeared.

Finally, there was another sound, and the blade of the sword opened a sharp edge. There is no huge momentum when the five-ecut sword is achieved, but it is also magnificent and sharp.

Yue Yu could hardly suppress it and tore these small worlds of 100,000 square meters into pieces!

Yue Yu tried to urge him to use it. "Except for the native weapon in it, he resisted from time to time, which was slightly worse than the blood refining thing, and it was barely a royal envoy.

He couldn't help shaking his head secretly. This is the sequela of devouring Lingbao. As early as he made this plan, he expected it and couldn't avoid it.

If you want this pair of swords, it will be completely used by him. I'm afraid it will take some time after sacrificing them carefully.

Then with the anti-sky knife, he urged the sad seven hates and seven killing sound knife, and only heard that it was the sound array of the knife.

The congenital snail inside is many times stronger than the real dragon's throat bone! Only this thing can make him show his power to the full power of the sad seven hates and seven kills after several modifications.

Even if he meets the four people of Luo Xuan and Yang Hao again, he can retreat completely even if he can't win with a few spiritual treasures in his hand now!

Yue Yu's smile finally lost some regret. Then I remembered something again, and I couldn't help but feel a little sad in my eyes.

"The matter of this mysterious world is over! Master Ziyun's previous explanation has also been done. Only after these 20 years, it is the birthday of Zhenyun Daxian. Listening to the meaning of the earth behind the purple clouds, this trip must be gone. It's just that as the emperor of An Tianxuan in the north, if I leave empty-handed, I can only lose face." Yue Yu rubbed his forehead and looked annoyed. The soul was swept one by one in the Xumi space where he stored several treasures.

This time, I gained a lot in the innate killing array. The greatest value inside is naturally those few, the mixed spirit he deliberately left behind. It's just this thing. He wants to repair the three spiritual treasures of Xihuang Mirror, Kunlun Mirror and Jiujiu Red Cloud Scattered Gourd. It is not enough in itself, and it is definitely impossible to give it to others.

Then there is the golden net bowl and the golden sword taken from the two arhats.

It's just a magic weapon to teach below, relying more on willing strength and luck. Falling into the hands of those two people, it is enough to compete with the second-grade innate spiritual treasure, but if Yue Yu comes to urge them, it is not as good as ordinary fairy weapons. Shuboga and Noriluo would give up quickly, and even didn't ask, so they were all because of this.

And the rest of the harvest is mostly stolen goods. It really can't be used to see people.

"It's bitter! Where did this ask me to find the gift?" With a long sigh, Yue Yu dodged and left the small world. But he did not return to the fairyland, but went to the Yuan world again.

The five-color sword array was formed, which made him rise again. Even if it can't be compared, those ancient demon saints, who can almost reach more than 100,000 miles, are not much worse.

In just a moment, it has arrived near the Tianyuan world.

Looking at Zi's direction, Yue Yu threw it casually and hit the Zique Tianzhang and countless Lingbao elixirs far away from the Yuan world that day.

Then he opened his pupils again and penetrated countless empty worlds. After a while, his eyes were slightly fixed and he locked a place.

"The world of the Divine Kingdom is still the same as before!"

Yue Yu sighed in his heart, but he did not hesitate to grab his big hand and firmly absorb the world of the Kingdom of God.

In an all-time, countless time and space blades, come out from the inside and hit directly. Yue Yu didn't care at all and forcibly dragged the world in front of him!