
Chapter 1235 The Beginning of Change

1235 The beginning of the change

"Wing Fairy! Golden-winged roc?"

Yun Zhongzi and Xuandu both took a breath of cold.

The ancient mythical beast in front of him may not be compared with the first-class figures of Kunpeng and the ancestors of Styx River. But he is also one of the famous chaotic golden fairies, and he is also the son of Phoenix. As soon as Fang was born, he got a little innate yin and yang, and his achievements were almost comparable to that of Kong Yi.

The innate yin and yang light can absorb everything and return to everything. It can also evolve chaos and swallow everything!

Just a moment of surprise, Xuandu's mind suddenly woke up. Then he sighed helplessly. At this moment, he would rather come, who was the top figure at the level of Zhen Yuanzi. Those powers, although the power is boundless, he can always think of a way to deal with it.

This winged fairy is a headache--

How did this character, like Kong Yi, who has not been seen for a long time, appear at this time?

A million-foot wave rolled upside down. It's only a short distance from the coast.

The golden-winged roc in the air is also a long cry at this moment. Suddenly, he opened his huge mouth, and there was a whirlpool like a black hole inside. The huge suction began to devour everything within millions of miles.

"Great Chaos!"

Yun Zhongzi couldn't help but frown slightly, and Master Xuandu shook his head for a while. He held a mouthful of gourd in his hand, which was purple gold and painted with a gossip pattern at the bottom. Throwing it into the air has swelled to more than a million feet.

After the gourd opened, it began to swallow the huge wave at a faster speed than the whirlpool in the mouth of the winged fairy.

It looks like a huge river rolling upside down, but it is an endless stream. The inner space of the gourd seems to be able to load the whole North Sea, and there is no end.

And immediately after that, Xuandu turned his right hand over again. He took out a banana fan again, waved his hand, and the wind blew up immediately.

and the great chaos skill actually have the potential to faintly offset. The wind made the golden-winged roc bird flying in the air shake slightly. The waves rolled upside down, and countless monsters rolled endlessly into the distance.

The Kunpeng laughed for a while, and the two inspirations beside him appeared on the left and the right, protecting both sides. Then he suddenly rushed into the air, and suddenly unfolded his huge body, which was thousands of feet long, freeing up the sky. Go to the south of the sky and rush away.

Under that pair of wings, it is also an unmeasurable demon cultivation monster, rolling inside. At a glance, it is frightening.

Xuandu looked at it from a distance, but finally smiled bitterly and did not stop it.

Yun Zhongzi did not fight with the spiritual bead, but clenched his eyebrows and turned his body: "This demon master went south, but I don't know if he is still in the calculation of the Xuansheng Emperor?"

"It's probably expected! If it hadn't been so, he wouldn't have made Lu suppress the Taoist and sit in the Northern Imperial Court! I just don't know how he is going to deal with these monsters?

Two pieces of spiritual treasure in a row, slightly against the golden-winged roc in the air. Master Xuandu is still at ease. However, at this moment, his face was full of sadness, and he fixedly looked at the demons who were hidden in the tide and clouds and hit the north.

In groups, endless, constantly going to the coast, the tide is surging away--

After only a moment, Xuandu sighed again: "Brother! I have tried my best this time, and the rest depends on how the Yuanming will be arranged. I don't worry about Kunpeng, I only worry about these monsters. If there is a riot, I don't know how many creatures will be robbed in the north of the southern continent. Fortunately, it should not make your descendants unable to turn over--"

Yun Zhongzi's eyes were slightly dark, and then he bowed gratefully: "Brother, Yun Zhongzi is really grateful for his kindness. No matter what the final result is, it must be forgotten forever!

The Xuandu shook his head and smiled, waved his hand and made another golden light. Stretching in the air, it turned out to be a huge purple gold rune, magnificent, golden light, to the golden-winged roc bird in the sky, far away. Unexpectedly, the winged fairy in the distance showed a look of fear.

He laughed at himself at the same time: "There is no need to do this! This time, Xuandu is also planning for himself and his brother, just selling a smooth favor. Besides, in the end, he couldn't stop Kunpeng from going south. It's a pity that Uncle Chisongzi went to the South China Sea--"

The cloud neutron is also dumb.

At this moment, in the north of the southern part of the continent, it is obvious that more than 20 powerful quasi-saints, and more than 60 golden immortals are distributed on both sides of the shore. But they are all far away and can't move at all!

No one can free up their hands to stop these monsters from rushing into Nanzhan's continent!

- Although he is a little selfish, he has indeed done his best.

In this battle, is it possible that the abyss is clear, after all, the luck is damaged, and the wings are cut off?

※ ※ ※ ※

On the sky over Taoshan, the spiritual storm is so fierce that even the Daluo Jinxian can't stand in it.

Looking up from the ground, you can see that the sky is already fragmented. Only a few rays of insignificant sunlight penetrated from the inch of shattered sky.

It is only because of the existence of the blue sky at the top level that it barely maintains this world.

Yue Yu is still standing at the highest point above Taoshan Mountain, looking down indifferently.

The figure holding a three-pointed two-edged knife and covered with golden armor. During this period of incense, it has been continuously to the top of the mountain, hitting more than a dozen times!

Without exception, he was sent back into the nine-chain heart array at the foot of the mountain, and continued to struggle in that fantasy.

At this moment, there should be only about ten breaths before Yang Hao rushes to the top of the mountain next time!

Looking around again, Yue Yu's eyes gradually showed a little bit of expectation.

When the coating is too yellow, it has been led to the distance. Xuanwu has shrunk into a group of turtles on the mountain. Although supported by the Xuanwu stars in the north, the mana is almost infinite, under the impact of the purple gold beast hidden in the clouds on the opposite side, it is extremely embarrassed.

And the belly of Taoshan Mountain, in the fairy palace surrounded by countless chains and nail columns. Although it is as calm as before, at this moment, there is also a faint and uneasy atmosphere.

It's not bad, it's time--

It's not just that this play has been played long enough, which makes him a little boring to wait. I guess that person has long been impatient.

These mixed thoughts flashed in my mind, and then the next moment, I saw Haotian and Emperor Shitian fighting hard in the distance. A golden light suddenly exploded, and the two shadows flew backwards.

With the strength of the waves, it drew a huge scar at a depth of 100,000 feet on the ground.

The Haotian was hit by a huge force and flew thousands of miles to the north, which stopped. After a muffled hum, the figure flashed again.

Then Yue Yu subconsciously looked in the direction of the emperor Shitian. But I only saw a golden armor figure, which suddenly appeared on Mount Nain.

A golden light swept across the top of the mountain, and the huge barracks of six million people were shattered by a halberd! RO