
Extra Chapter 2 Love is stronger than Jin

Li Lin didn't expect Chen Minghua to propose to her so suddenly. Since I realized that I have been afraid to marry Chen Minghua for nearly four years, I am afraid of putting too much pressure on him. The family gap between the two sides is very different. How difficult it is to get together for so long.

Looking at Li Lin, who had been stunned, Chen Minghua's heart was about to jump out, and Li Lin was immersed in the shock brought to her by Chen Minghua, but did not speak. Make Chen Minghua like an ant on a hot pot.

Chen Minghua took a deep breath and said, 'Xiaolin, marry me.' Finally, Li Lin woke up and looked at her nervous and loving eyes. She couldn't help blushing her eyes, and two crystal tears slowly slipped down. Ben's beautiful face was a little more touching. He wanted to open his mouth but couldn't speak. He nodded with choking and looked at each other. When I saw Li Lin nodding and agreeing!

Chen Minghua couldn't wait to hold Li Lin's hand and put the ring on her hand, as if this could reassure him. While holding the hand wearing the ring, he gently wiped off Li Lin's tears. He said softly, 'We can get married. I have bought the house keys today and got them. Shall we go home after dinner?'

After saying this, Li Lin stood up and threw herself into Chen Minghua's arms, crying in a mess, causing her neighbors to look side by side. Some people thought something serious had happened, whispering and pointing.

It made Chen Minghua very embarrassed. He comforted softly, 'Good Lin, don't cry, I know the grievances in your heart in recent years. You, a rich lady, are with me, a young man in the countryside. Many people think that we can't have any results. It's just a waste of time. Their words make me feel bad, but I really love you and care about you. You didn't give up on me and looked down on me. How can I give up, so I want to marry you, give you everything I have, make you happy and give you happiness. If you want to cry, go back and cry again. Many people are watching and think I've bullied you!

After saying that, he smiled and was proud. Obviously, he was in a good mood. The success of the marriage proposal is a fulfilling thing for everyone. If people are not plants and trees, who can be ruthless? When Li Lin saw Chen Minghua laughing at him, she pinched him angrily and twitched the corners of Chen Minghua's mouth, but she still hurriedly accompanied her smiling face and coaxed him to escape the magic hand.

Seeing Chen Minghua's funny appearance, he also took back the mood that was moved by Xili. He pouted his little mouth and hummed and pushed Chen Minghua away. He sat back and picked up the dish plate to order food. Chen Minghua hurriedly sat back and looked at Li Lin's eyes moistened by tears, which showed a more flexible temperament, red lips and white teeth, moth eyebrows and pink, so that Chen Minghua is obsessed with watching. Quickly order the dishes, two 7-ripe steaks, salad platter, some desserts, and a bottle of red wine.

When the waiter brought the dishes, he had already discussed some trivial things. How can it be so fast? In fact, they finished everything in just a few words. The two enjoyed dinner happily and returned to their new home hand in hand. Li Lin was also full of joy to see the new home. Although the mahjong was small, it was full of five organs.

This is Chen Minghua's surprise. On the other hand, it also shows that she chose the right person. Although it is not as good as those who have villas and cars, this house is really nothing, but Chen Minghua is a man with unlimited potential and likes in Li Lin's heart, which is the most important thing!

There is the happiness you want to have, snuggle up to each other and discuss wedding events. Now Chen Minghua's economic foundation is weak, and Li Lin doesn't want to run it. Just invite your parents, relatives and friends to have a meal in the hotel. Just get to know each other. Chen Minghua also understands that Li Lin is thoughtful about everything for herself, and vowed to take good care of Li Lin in the future.

Three months later, Chen Minghua and Li Lin held a wedding ceremony. Hold the hand of your son and grow old together. The wedding of the two was held on a sunny day. In a resort near the sea, the sky is clear, the blue sky and the blue sea are connected, and the indescribable feeling of breadth seems to be integrated into this beautiful world. It is also a beautiful thing that you don't have to worry about and have a leisurely.

It depends on now because Li Lin's parents can't bear Li Lin's grievances. Anyway, give them a grand wedding. Now everything falls on their parents and ask them to do everything.

I was busy with Chen Minghua and wandered around. It's like a pair of newlyweds who are going to get married. Fortunately, Li Lin's brother Li Jun is there to support the scene. It's really out of words, but Li Jun can't last long. Well, one phone call urges them.

The ceremony is ready. When relatives and friends from both sides gather in the lobby. The wedding canal sounded, and the wedding officially began. In an instant, the lobby became quiet. Li Lin was led by his father and stood in front of the auditorium. The master of ceremonies on the ceremonial table said some opening remarks to celebrate the blessing. Chen Minghua stood 20 meters away from the auditorium with excitement.

Chen Minghua's nervous heart is about to jump out. The master of ceremonies said, ''Please invite the groom.' Chen Minghua reacted quickly and walked step by step to the auditorium with applause and blessings. The master of ceremonies said solemnly, 'Please ask the bride and groom to exchange rings.'

Chen Minghua took out the ring from his pocket. He put it in Li Lin's hand and smiled. Relax your nervous emotions.

Li Lin also took a ring from Li Zongjie's hand and put the same ring on Chen Minghua's hand. Li Zongjie put Li Lin's hand in Chen Minghua's hand and told her, 'Now I have called my baby daughter to you. You have to treat her well and don't bully her, or you will have good fruit to eat.'

The majestic momentum on his face made Chen Minghua's heart jump up quickly, and he still bravely said; 'Father-in-law, please rest assured that I will not disappoint Xiaolin, let alone treat her badly.' Li Zongjie nodded secretly in his heart. It's good, it's good, and there is some masculinity. Anyone who rolls in the mall has a set of psychological tactics to deal with people!

For example, suppressing people with momentum and not showing timidity in front of the strong man in this middle shopping mall also shows that this person is a little burden. When a series of ceremonies are held. That is to say, toast, bless the newcomers, and those good friends take turns to raise their glasses like pranks, pouring Chen Minghua's feet into floating and swaying around the field.

Li Lin didn't drink much because she was a girl, and Chen Minghua was not so good. The men and women rushed up and persuaded each person to drink a cup. He really couldn't help it. He couldn't run away in panic. The man sweated, and the man, at worst, he got drunk. With such an idea, he did not refuse, but After all, he is just a mortal, not a wine fairy.

Finally, he sat on the chair and drank one cup. Maybe he was too excited today and had exceeded his usual drinking capacity. Li Lin saw that the situation was not good and quickly pulled her brother Li Jun to the rescue. Li Jun is many times better than Chen Minghua in terms of drinking and socializing guests!

Li Jun was pushed out by his baby sister to block the drink. When everyone saw that Chen Minghua was drunk, they let him go and resisted against Li Jun. The lively scene and the people with red faces. This is like an ocean of joy. The guests were very happy at this wedding. Only the groom got drunk and saw Li Lin shake her head and sigh: ''You can't drink, and you have to drink so much. What are you doing so desperately?'

But his heart was still very sweet. He picked up a hand towel and gently wiped off the wine stains on Chen Minghua's face. Men should dare to be. Women need a man who can cover themselves from the wind and rain. This is the so-called sense of security! Over time, the guests also returned with great interest. One month after Chen Minghua and Li Lin got married.

Chen Minghua's parents returned to live in the countryside. The reason is that they are more used to living in the countryside. In fact, they just want to give their son and daughter-in-law a two-person world.

He explained some trivial things that should be paid attention to and went back to the countryside. The two of them also discussed that it was time to go for their honeymoon. It's better to discuss it in China. I chose to go to Island N.