
Chapter 3 The Original Universe

At this moment, the ancient ancestor and the chaotic ancestor have not known how many rounds they have fought in the Optimus Prime Axe, and they are gradually a little unresponsible. Such a self-consumption battle is the result of both defeat! Even if Pangu devoured the power of the chaotic spirit, he had to provide the support of the Optimus Prime Axe to seal the escape of the chaotic ancestor.

Pangu thought hard and was determined not to let him go any longer. If it goes on, it will be endless. It will always be a deadlocked ending. If he can't break through the realm and break the suppression of chaos on cosmic space, then this primitive universe will lose its meaning, and its own existence will become meaningless.

After thinking hard for a long time, Pangu separated three wisps of soul in his own body. Because it has devoured a lot of chaotic spirit forces, the soul of the ancient ancestors has also become more and more prosperous. It is very reluctant to separate three souls.

Although the chaotic ancestor in the sky axe is very strange in his heart why Pangu weakened his spiritual power, it is strange that the chaotic ancestor has become a spirit. He did not hesitate to kill it, and the gray gas rushed out and is ready to devour the three souls separated by Pangu. This is a good thing. Xi can evolve into a real spirit body. Each is the top tonic in the universe, because the original soul is full of pure power, comparable to the original power of the universe.

The golden light bloomed in the eyes of Pan's ancient ancestors, and his solemn face showed an extremely determined look. He looked down at the three Yuanling and shouted, "My Yuanling exists, so I can also break the shackles of the era. Haha, you have no chance."

The giant hand waved out and directly hit the three wisp of soul out of the seal of the Optimus Prime axe.

Chaos suddenly scolded: "Well, you cunning Pangu, you actually want to regenerate with the help of the Yuanling, won't I! Haha."

While scolding Pangu, the chaotic ancestor also pulled out the yuan spirit on his own body. When he wanted to pull out the third ray of Yuanling, Pan ancient ancestor appeared in time through the space. He waved his powerful right fist as heavy as a mountain, and abruptly dispersed the original soul that the chaotic ancestor finally gathered!

Originally, he was suppressed by Pangu, but now he has extracted the soul of the body and become weaker.

The roaring voice of the chaotic ancestor flew out of the seal of the Optimus Prime axe with two gray souls.

Pan ancient ancestor waved his huge hand to bombard the chaotic ancestor. Seeing that he only played two Yuanlings at the last moment, he couldn't help sneering and said, "Chaos, you are destined to be suppressed by me. There is no hope."

The cold words made Chaos understand that the final battle has come.

"Is there no chance for me, the gen spirit of the universe, to live together? No, this is absolutely impossible. I still have the gen spirit inheritance." The chaotic ancestor roared angrily.

The sky is full of strong light flashing in the space of the big axe. The ancient ancestor of Pan has an incomparable determination and ruthlessly looked at the opposite side not far away. The hysterically madness is constantly shining gray gas. The chaotic spirit like a demon fluctuates violently in it, and the peak breath is emitted.

The ancient ancestor looked majestic, and the ancient well was waveless, and the long black hair kept drifting behind his back! The indifferent eyes shot out cyan light and stabbed directly at the crazy roaring chaotic ancestor. Pangu, do you think your calculation will win? Humph, my soul can also suppress your spiritual growth. In the end, this universe still belongs to me. No one can compete with me. I am the only one in the universe. Chaos ancestor roared with some hysterical anger.

Pangu waved his hands and bombarded Chaos while sneering: "The only one in the universe? Humph, your chaotic thinking is quite beautiful, so what does my existence prove? It proves that this universe needs creatures. Only such a universe is complete. Chaos, you are really a fool. Since you are accompanied by the universe but don't understand such a truth, you have greed for the soul of the universe to make it dead. Fortunately, my appearance, I also got the inheritance of the universe. My meaning of existence is to destroy you, a fool who dares to block the progress of the universe. Now let me block you in this space. You will never have a chance to stop the universe from moving forward.

As soon as the words fell, Pan ancient ancestors quickly raised the momentum of his body to the extreme, and the volatilated ripple halo gradually rippled out, taking the gray chaotic body.


Chaos ancestor roared angrily. He seemed to be aware of the crisis. He must not be blocked in Optimus Space, so that he would lose the opportunity to enter the era, which was unacceptable! His whole body was filled with confused gas, shooting out from his figure to resist the cyan light of the ancient ancestors.

The sky space seemed to be frozen in an instant, and layers of invisible ripples quietly spread out. Pan's ancient ancestor is determined, and he is no longer planning to go out! He left a way for himself and released three gens, that is, half of the gen spirit power of his body. As long as they grow up, half of his genrei bodies can also break through the realm of the era, but the other half of them will stay to restrain the gen body of the chaotic ancestors.

Compared with the two spirits of the chaotic yuan spirit, they are already the first to beat him at the same starting line. This is really the only news that makes the ancient ancestors happy.

If Chaos has a mouth, a nose and eyes, he will definitely scold loudly and stare with a nosebleed.

Then he stared fiercely at the ancient ancestor on the opposite side, the figure who made himself fall into the Jedi until his eyes were round and could not vent the resentment in his heart. He was originally the only one in the whole universe. Unexpectedly, in his deep sleep, such a character suddenly ran out, a self He could have ignored the character who twisted and swallowed it at will, but he actually trapped himself today!

And even his most powerful integration law can't break through the space blockade of his axe. The cyan divine light is a derivative of the law of void. The cyan divine light desperately restrains the all-encompeting gray gas of the chaotic ancestor.

The chaotic ancestors kept thinking about how to break through the blockade of space and escape. Because everything ahead is very clear that I have fallen too far behind in one move. How can my two Yuanlings compete for half of Pangu's Yuanling? In the end, the control of the universe may be taken away by the spirit of the ancient ancestors, which is the most humiliation!