
Chapter 8 Ultimate Source

They were originally the yuan spirit body bred by the yuan spirit body of half of the ancient ancestors!

Naturally, countless memories and laws of the ancient ancestors were inherited, all of which were deliberately done by the ancient ancestors. The ancestors hoped that they would continue to embark on their own supreme era, open up a new situation, and promote the evolution of the universe, so that the ancestors would have the opportunity to reappear in the universe.

In the universe, all kinds of matter in space became clearer and brighter, and the remaining energy was attracted by Xuanyuan's supreme prohibition, and a tsunami surged towards him.

Xuanyuan looked up and glanced at Xingyuan and Mingyuan and smiled and said, "Strong strength depends on accumulation. In the future, everyone will work hard together to promote mutual respect. The wishes of the ancient ancestors are also our way, which is why the three of us exist! The universe needs creatures, and we let countless creatures in this universe, and our cultivation road can also find a trace of trajectory among countless creatures. This is the wonder of the laws of the universe. Now I have inherited half of the laws of the universe and the other half is still with the ancient ancestors, so I must rely on myself in the future. Understand the remaining half of the law power of the universe, and what you get is one of the most original laws of the universe, the law of starlight power and the law of light and dark power. Each of you represents the power of the original forbidden law of the universe. The power of these two divine sources is unparalleled. The original law is that creation and destruction coexist. The law of starlight can bring light, warmth, heat, power, and light to life. This is the magical law of fate. On the contrary, it is infinite destruction. The law of light and dark has become the double nature of life and death. Originally, Mingyuan only inherited the power of the dark and destruction of the universe of the ancient ancestors, but it is really a congratifying thing to understand the law of Mingsheng from the original power input from Xingyuan. Mingyuan's comprehension ability is really good. Any law power has its two-sidedness, and the original power of the universe is even worse. You two will naturally have a deep understanding of their great effect. There are only a few original forces in this universe. The most powerful is the law of emptiness disillusionment and the law of integration of all things. These extreme laws have surpassed the origin of the universe, and even the original power can be eliminated! If their ability is stronger than the whole universe, they can directly turn the universe into nothingness, or directly devour the whole universe, so they are the most powerful. The era realm that transcends the power of the universe, that is, that is, the ancient ancestors of Pan ancient ancestors have been pursuing. It is an unknown realm. Only when Pan ancient ancestors and the chaotic realm reach the extreme peak of the universe can they understand the two opposing peak laws of the universe. In addition, they themselves are already one They have stepped on the realm of the era, so the power they exerted is not comparable to our current universe, so we must follow the road of the ancient ancestors before we have the opportunity to pioneer the universe. There are countless changes in the original power of the universe, and the power of the strong law also depends on its own level to give full play to the ultimate power of the law. Therefore, now everyone's own original power does not mean that the power of the law will be strong. The realm represents everything. Only when you reach a high level can you feel the power of strength. That is, it is a kind of untouchable thought power. Now I just peep a little bit.

Xingyuan and Mingyuan, who stood on the planet, listened very respectfully, and then nodded solemnly and said, "Thank you for your guidance. Big Brother's guidance will definitely make us go further."

The handsome Xuanyuan has a faint smile on his face! The innate power can make all things submit to worship, which is the supreme spirit of the universe.

He waved his hand slightly to signal the two stars to relax a little, and raised his hand to put all kinds of energy absorbed by the void into them.

Xuanyuan said loudly: "The power of the law needs to be thought out by ourselves, but we can slowly cultivate and absorb the original power of the universe, so you still focus on the realm in the future. Now I use the law of the universe to attract all kinds of free energy in the universe and form an absorption whirlpool in our own. The vortex forms a huge and surging divine prohibition that can connect the universe, and the cosmic divine prohibition will never stop absorbing energy! After I was born, I also felt the far side of the Yuanling world! The two spirits of the chaotic ancestor are also about to break through the planet, so now the most important thing is to refine the energy of the universe to strengthen themselves, and then find a way to destroy the two meta-body souls. At this point, we still have a little advantage, that is, we have one more meta-body soul than them, and the power is enough to suppress them. , so you two can now absorb energy at ease and understand the mystery of the universe and the power trajectory of the original law.

Xingyuan, Mingyuan was shot by energy, and his body was slightly shaken. Then his eyes were deep and his face began to move solemnly!

The two of them waved their huge hands, and all kinds of brilliance hovered on it. Their jade-white fingers gently pinched the forbidden fingerprints, and in an flash, all kinds of light began to wander out!

These arcesian fingerprints connected to the universe exert unparalleled power in their hands. In addition, they carry the original energy of the universe and master the infinite light and dark life destruction law of the fate of all things, forming a divine prohibition enough to cover the heaven and earth in the yuan divine world.

Space fluctuations roared fiercely, easily cutting the space like a huge blade, breaking through huge space cracks, and roaring hurricanes permeating out of the cracks, sinking into the palm of Xuanyuan's giant's hand, silver light and purple flames capture all the free power, and countless energy penetrated the space and appeared in this antama world. The center of

Silver purple light and golden light, the three blue planets shine, forming a large aperture full of hundreds of millions of miles to wrap the three gods and their own planets in it, but the surrounding space cracks are endlessly broken! From it, all kinds of energy are shot into the cosmic forbidden by Xuanyuan.

The forbidden law run by Xuanyuan is called: Sanxingyuan Lord God Ban! The surging energy volatilized by Samsung's circles also gradually disappeared, surrounding their rotating stars. While practicing, Xuanyuan did not forget to drive the surrounding stars to rotate. They hope that these stars can also be born into spiritual bodies in the future, which can achieve the real evolutionary road of the universe!

Inheriting the souls of the ancient ancestors let them deeply understand that the universe with creatures is the most powerful and becomes a cosmic space with infinite vitality, and then the original power of the universe will gradually increase.

It's like a child grows up, and his strength increases exponentially.

The center of the yuan spirit world is constantly shining with all kinds of light, and hundreds of millions of miles are permeated in it. The great momentum makes the whole yuan spirit world begin to shake violently!

It is hard to imagine how much power it will take to cover the whole void.

The most horrible thing is this. The divine forbidden shield left by the remnants of the ancient ancestors surrounding the spirit world was also opened by the strong force, breaking countless thousands of miles of mouths!