
Chapter 19 Jedi Pursuit

Xuanyuan's idea guided the silver purple light source to shoot into the demon realm without hesitation and directly bombard the dark element whose body had been broken.

The dark element spirit was shattered into powder by the destruction power of the silver-purple light source. The residual power of the silver-purple light source deterred him from the outside and tender inside to save himself. The dark element ghost crying and roared in pain from the black hole.

The pain can be imagined that the pain of being wiped out by the Yuanling is the greatest damage to the Yuan body, and the damage to the soul realm of the Yuanling is self-evident.

The giant blade of space thousands of miles in size ignores the space to cut the outer layer of the demon realm and passes through...

Countless practiced thunder in the black hole crossed the passage opened by the huge blade of space to hit the center of the demon realm, just like a swarm of bees of poisonous fire and hit the crazy spread of the surface of the demon realm at this moment, which is bound to completely burn the demon realm in one breath.

The current black hole is no longer a dark advantage, but becomes bright, with thunder, Yuanyan, hurricanes raging*, and the sound of explosions disturbs this already chaotic enough black hole space.

In this shocking change, the black hole space has been bombarded more and more unstable by countless forces. In the void of the universe, you can see thousands of miles of space cracks on the edge of space.


Some broken material was blowed out of the crack, and the light thought that a flash of lightning suddenly passed through the sky.

The earth-shaking loud noise came from the black hole cracks out of the void of the universe. Such a destructive force made Xuanyuan, who was sacrificing infinite space, involuntarily look at the crack.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes slightly and showed a thoughtful look on his face. In an instant, the corners of his mouth slightly raised and muttered to himself, "When you are unlucky, you can't hide."

Those stars that remained in the war were crushed by the chaotic forces bursting out by space cracks. It becomes a pile of cosmic dust wandering in the empty space, like a mess after the end of the world.

The dark element was hit by the chaotic force and had no power to fight back. Such a head-to-face attack made him reluctantly use the power to protect his body. The gray and dark light formed an aperture of hundreds of thousands of miles on him.

In fact, the simple black hole chaotic power is still difficult to really damage the element of the dark element. After all, the power in the chaotic power is still relatively weak and difficult to destroy the body of a yuan spirit in the later stage of the universe.

The power of chaos cannot be compared with the law power exerted by Xuanyuan. However, it is better than the continuous impact of these forces, and the quantitative change produces qualitative changes. It is also a truth that more ants bite the elephants to death.

In addition, Xuanyuan's intention guided the silver purple light source to fall into the well behind him, and the defense of the dark element was defeated in a mess. For Xuanyuan, it is to use all the power that can be used to attack his opponents, which is the best way. Natural enemies have this kind of hostility from each other, which can be covered up but indelible.

The unpleasant thing is that I wish I could directly swallow him alive to dispel the hostility between them.

The dark element, who was originally disgraced by the chaotic power, gradually gained a foothold in the center of the demon realm. Although it still looks very embarrassed with long scarlet hair, it is no different from a madman, but at least it has been able to resist the endless invasion of those chaotic forces.

The silver purple light source was also indiscriminately attacked by the chaotic power of the black hole in the magic realm, and the deterrent breath of the light source gradually weakened a lot. This discovery made the dark element involuntarily sighed a sigh of relief and cursed: "Will your luck be better than me? It was not that the light source was bombarded and almost collapsed. It seems that this brother also knows how to comfort himself!

Because if the silver purple light source is stirred up again, the dark element will at least take off a layer of skin. He has vaguely felt that his soul realm is a little dangerous. The realm in the later stage of the universe began to feel unstable. He is very unwilling to admit that he was so embarrassed by Xuanyuan and three people, but the realm fell to the damage to the Yuanling. It's unimaginable.

This discovery made him feel a little chilled. How much cosmic energy does a realm class need to replenish and how much time it takes to recover, and his realm will fall, let alone be Xuanyuan's opponent. Will he be suppressed so endlessly in the future until he can't resist being completely sealed by them?

"No, no, this kind of thing can never happen. I won't let you succeed. If you want to destroy this demon Lord, don't think about it, I won't fail so easily, hahahaha..." Anyuan roared for no reason in the depths.

The dark element roared like a peerless mad demon. Regardless of the attack of the chaotic forces, it rushed out of the center of the demon realm and shot countless dark lights of thousands of miles directly into the void of the demon realm, constantly sprinkled the silver-purple light source that shot out the beam of light.

It seems that you want to wrap the whole light source with the dark light, and the overwhelming dark light directly returns the whole magic space to the darkness again.

Even the attack of chaotic forces can only make a shocking noise, and even the light splashed out is swallowed up by the dark light.

Xuanyuan's intention seemed to understand the intention of Anyuan, and the figure of Xuanyuan in the void snorted coldly and said, "Dark Yuan, Anyuan, you are really not stupid and finally understood my intention. Hahaha... There's nothing wrong with what you think. I just want to solve your seal into the black hole space at one time, so that you can never turn over, stop my way, and block the evolution of the universe. Haha... The calculation of the ancient ancestor is much better than chaos, so I must be much stronger than you, otherwise it's not very right. I can't afford the thoughts of the ancient ancestors. In the yuan spirit world, the three of us are enough to suppress you two hahahaha... The universe can evolve without worry, and you will be completely sealed. When I completely master the laws of the universe, you will not worry. Do you want to escape now? Guess if I will give you this opportunity. Haha! Haha!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah... Xuanyuan, don't be proud now. How can you underestimate me? Even if you can suppress me now, you can't suppress me for long! Hahaha... Don't forget that I am the inheritance spirit of the dark world of the universe. He is still far from Mingyuan. He wants to get the inheritance law of the dark world of the universe. Haha, I am the immortal spirit. If I disappear, the dark world of the universe will collapse, and the universe will fall into crisis and chaos. Don't talk about evolution. I will destroy the universe. Zhou will be dark forever! Hahaha..."

The magic flame on the dark yuan's body smiled extremely wildly, like a madman's hysterical and desperate eyes, like a vicious wolf who chooses people, with a breath of completely destroying all invincible things, which makes people can't help but feel palpitable.