
Chapter 52 Coming to the mortal world

Hainan Island, the largest island in China, is now also a world-famous tourist destination. There is an endless stream of foreign tourists coming for vacation, a special summer season.

After just a few decades of rapid development, China's comprehensive national strength has caught up, which is no worse than the old powerful countries. In terms of those countries that speak birds, they can only look up. However, the humiliation of the past has made China, a powerful country, a temporary joke, but Chinese men will never give up. Decades of unremitting efforts, perseverance, and profound understanding of the Chinese people have begun to take off, a powerful country that speaks the first word in this world of science and technology.

Li Lin prepared a day at home. She prepared all the salutes for the trip, while Chen Minghua booked a ticket to Hainan Island.

The newlyweds, happily holding hands, set out to salute and start their honeymoon journey.

It doesn't take long to fly from Nanshi to Hainan Island. Besides, the current plane is super fast, and it will arrive in a neighboring province in more than an hour.

The two of them went out of HN Airport and took a taxi directly to the hotel, and the two took a short rest.

Li Lin can't wait to take Chen Minghua to visit the ends of the earth.

Chen Minghua, who is happy with happy events, smiled stupidly, and his face was full of happiness and said loudly, "Xiao Lin, I will definitely accompany you to the ends of the earth." Chen Minghua laughed and was obviously in a good mood.

As long as Xiaolin wants to go, no matter where he is, he is indomitable. Li Lin, with an excited smile on his face, took a car out of the hotel and went straight to the ends of the earth. Li Lin kept talking about the world legends in the car.

Chen Minghua plays the role of a listener, occasionally interrupting a few words to tease her.

Happy time always passes quickly. An hour passes unconsciously and soon arrives at the destination, the most famous place to visit Hainan Island - the ends of the earth.

Chen Minghua paid the fare, and the two got out of the car. Li Lin, who couldn't wait, ran to the seaside like a caged bird, stepped on the soft beach, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the blue sea and the sky. The sea illuminated by the sun ripples, very charming, as if it were a real dream. So ethereal and fresh.

She took a deep breath and shouted excitedly, "What a beautiful sea."

Chen Minghua rushed up to take her hand, held it in her hand, smiled and felt her happiness and excitement, looked at each other, felt each other's love with his heart, and smiled happily.

Chen Minghua couldn't hide his excitement and looked at Li Lin with a smile: "Let's go to the ends of the earth."

The two walked leisurely and felt the refreshing summer days by the seaside. They were blown by a trace of sea breeze, and they would not feel too hot.

They followed the sign to the other side and looked at the uneven sea stones, large, small and strangely shaped.

Some are connected and some stand alone in the sea, but there are not many tourists now.

The sparse ones are scattered around, and it is obvious that they are all couples.

Some rest on some big rocks, and some simply play on the beach or in the water.

The two walked straight to the big stone at the end of the earth, and when they approached the big stone group.

Suddenly, lightning appeared in the sky, purple thunder quickly crossed the sky, rubbing... The whole sky was illuminated by the electrodes to make it brighter and dazzling, and the roaring wind swept up the sand by the seaside, the sky changed color, the thunder sounded, and the thunder was gorgeously through the clouds!

The sudden change in the sky gathered countless silver lights, and the silver light sprayed out around, like a real light, shining so that people couldn't open their eyes.

The roar, roaring and violent sound was like a god beating a drum, and it sounded several times at high speed. This earth-shaking thunder pierced the sky was really strange and horrible.

Li Lin was stunned all of a sudden. This thunderous deterrent was really shocking. Maybe even rumors may not have happened such a thing. Chen Minghua had pain in his heart and could only hold Li Lin tightly in his arms.

Chen Minghua felt that Li Lin was still breathing before she didn't completely panic. He thought about it: Why did the weather suddenly thunder when the weather was good? Is this strange?

He firmly strengthened his anxious mood and tried to look up at the silver light in the sky. Gacha... The Thunderbolt fell, and even he almost fainted. Fortunately, he was determined not stimulated by the silver light in the sky. Such light was as sharp and dazzling as a laser.

The sky emits brilliant light, and the eyes can't see through the silver light, but it makes people dizzy in a flash, as if it were an independent cloud, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly forming a circle that looks like a radius of ten miles.

Looking at such a scene, Chen Minghua muttered in his heart: What's going on? It's so strange.

He couldn't help pinching himself fiercely and looked at Li Lin in his arms. Obviously, this was not a dream.

The strange silver light comes and goes quickly, and the thunder gradually subsides. The sudden thunder suddenly stunned the people around here.

Only Chen Minghua was still awake. He held Li Lin tightly and looked at the horrible scene in the sky. He felt very strange, but he didn't understand why. The sky emitted a wonderful pressure, oppressing Chen Minghua and made him breathless.

He could only grit his teeth and hold on. For Li Lin's safety, he couldn't even run and protected her body tightly.

The circle composed of silver light is no longer enlarged, but the light is becoming more and more dazzling.

Suddenly, the silver light quickly converged, and there was a huge sound of breaking the sky. In the center of the silver circle, a black crack that seemed to be 100 meters long opened.

Chen Minghua only felt the pressure rising sharply, and his whole body was pressed on the ground by the airflow. He couldn't raise his head, and there was a violent roaring wind in his ear.

The black crack quickly opens to form a flat black hole.

With only a swirled sound, a bright silver light essentially protected a mass of unknown things and shot rapidly from the black hole to the ground.

When it was about to reach the ground, the falling speed gradually slowed down, and the ground did not even stir up a trace of dust.

After a closer look, I know that the silver light protects a golden burden.

With a roar and a muffled sound, the silver light on the edge of the sky and the black hole suddenly disappeared without a trace.

It comes and goes quickly. In fact, it is only more than ten seconds.

Chen Minghua felt that the pressure suddenly disappeared and looked up at the sky and found that there was nothing left.

Shake her head, and Li Lin, who was pressed under her body, checked and found that there was nothing wrong with her, and her nervousness calmed down a little, although she was a little confused by Red.

Suddenly, hee hee... There were a few childish laughter not far away.

Chen Minghua turned his head and found that it was the golden burden that laughed.

Chen Minghua ran over quickly and frowned slightly. Why was he a child about one year old? He muttered, "That unscrupulous parent abandoned such a lovely child. It's really time to be struck by lightning..."

He quickly picked up the burden, turned around and looked around. He was a little worried and didn't find anyone. I saw a few people lying on the ground not far away. They should have been stunned by the thunder just now.

Chen Minghua looked at the sky doubtfully. Just now, he saw the edge of the silver black hole, but he couldn't see why. He could only walk back to Li Lin's side and looked at the child carefully and found that the child was very beautiful and exquisite, with beautiful eyebrows, bright eyes like stars, dripping and randomly, with the corners of his mouth. A mischievous smile looks very cute.

The child seemed to be very curious about Chen Minghua, who was holding him. His eyes were wide open, and the stars were shining with curiosity. He grinned and laughed. He was speechless. Chen Minghua had an impulse to roll his eyes and didn't know what he was happy about.