
Chapter 97 The so-called evil

"The so-called evil" In the underground martial arts training ground of the dragon family, the two fighting men broke out a strong fighting momentum. The dragon's claws and flying legs collided with each other. As the spirit of confrontation between the two became more and more devoted, the real qi fluctuated, and the air flow began to roared and hissed.

Jun Luoyu flew his legs, his body flew in the air and jumped with strength, and countless legs fell down. Wrong, that's the real heel, bang... bang... That's so fast that only the heel of the remnant shadow.

On the ground, Long Yunye gritted his teeth and suddenly waved his sour claws to resist Jun Luoyu's continuous leg roots, and took a breath in his heart. The boy's sense of fighting was too strong, and he used his strength... Long Yunye's body was attacked by Jun Luoyu's endless legs.

The powerful power of Jun Luoyu's heel is superimposed faster and faster, and the power is the same.

The speed of the leg shadow falling in mid-air is incredibly fast. Long Yunye, who barely resisted, wanted to buckle Jun Luoyu's leg bones with the dragon claws more than once, and cracked this powerful trick, but always hit the shadow.

In his heart, Jun Luoyu's physical speed is really too fast. Long Yunye can't react. Even if he has a stronger power than him but is cleverly suppressed by his speed, he has no chance to exert the effect of dragon boxing.

Long Yunye knew that if he attacked like this, there was only one result, that was that he had been passively beaten and had no chance to fight back.

Long Yunye thought that he could only rely on his best to break the coincidence. Zhenyuan in his body kept running at a high speed, condensed on the fierce ten fingers, and his fighting spirit soared. He shouted, "Good boy, you are getting smarter and smarter. With the power of the old man to counterattack, you have gained the essence of martial arts. Sure enough, the world's martial arts skills are only fast. Broken, haha, your progress has made the old man a little depressed. Anyway, the old man is also your master, and he is beaten by you like this. You are simply a demon and can't be treated by ordinary people... Come on, let's see if you can resist my strength... Haha... Drink... 'Wind Dragon Thorn'... "

Long Yunye retreated quickly and stretched out his slightly bent ten fingers. The condensed qi on his fingers became stronger and stronger, and his fingers kept swinging slightly. The fluctuation frequency was so high that it was dazzling. This is a unique way of operation. In this way, the high-frequency swing of the fingers can accelerate the cohesion of Zhenyuan in the palm of the hand, and with the power of Zhenqi Add concentration.

Long Yunye swings the dragon's claws and roars, making a slight sound. The pale white light flutters at his fingertips, which shows that the white light is full of lethal energy.

Jun Luoyu can clearly feel that the white light on Long Yunye's fingertips looks beautiful, but it is the most deadly manifestation of 'Gangqi essence'. The power is condensed to the limit, and the destructive power is super strong. Even a foot-thick fine steel plate will suddenly pierce it. He thought to himself: The old man really focused on the claw method of the dragon fist and has clawed his fingers. The energy has been practiced to a very high level.

Long Yunye's body sank slightly and his fingertips fluttered upwards, and Jun Luoyu in the air tightened his heart, and his cold face was cautious.

He shouted loudly: "Crazy dragon roaring sky knife and axe legs" The right leg is also covered with Zhenyuan's anger, and it is chopped straight down.

The domineering and fierce momentum chopping down, making Long Yunye have a heart attack for no reason. The speed of this boy's change of moves is too fast!

A crisp sound sounded between the claws and legs of the two people, which was the explosion sound caused by the collision of the attack gas.

The two have now used their own Zhenyuan as a protective shield to fight against Zhenyuan's strength and weakness. Long Yunye and Jun Luoyu each persisted with each other for three seconds and jumped back at the same time to dissolve the impact of the two people's Zhenyuan. They are not enemies of deep hatred, and there is no need to hurt both sides.

Jun Luoyu was secretly shocked: He is indeed a little worse than the old man in strength. In the future, he should pay more attention to the continuity, and lack of strength can't fight a protracted war.

Long Yunye used the 'wind dragon thorn' and persisted for another two seconds to pierce Jun Luoyu's Zhenyuan qi. The tip of his foot had been stabbed. Fortunately, he jumped away quickly, otherwise the soles of his foot would not be stabbed by the old man's refined qi.

With the help of the combat thrust of the two, Long Yunye quickly jumped into the air and turned away the impact force. As soon as he fell to the ground, his face turned red, and he couldn't help coughing a few times. This reverse force impact is really difficult to turn over with physical strength, because it is very difficult to reverse its own direction. It is often said that it will be natural, and Reverse nature usually has to bear the pressure of multiples, especially when it is difficult for the body to really use the explosive power, and it is easy to destroy itself if you are not careful.

Long Yunye was so tired that he sweated and drove the true qi that hit his body out of his body. He used his strongest strength to threaten this boy. I, as a master, actually suffered losses in the hands of my apprentice in just over ten years. It's really unimaginable. This boy grew too fast. He is really a demon.

Long Yunye narrowed his eyes and looked at Jun Luoyu, who was a little excited standing on the opposite side. At this moment, his eyes were full of surprise and incredible. He could only shake his head and smile bitterly, "You boy, what lacks strength is only the heat. Over time, you will slowly improve, and I am beyond the reach of speed. I see you boy. Why are there so many strange tricks when you practice it like that? Anyway, the old man is also watching you grow up and be so miserable by you. It seems that you didn't use all your skills just now."

"I said, old man, the moves are in change and the principle is the same. This is what you said, and the tricks I just used have only recently been understood. After breaking through the innate, I suddenly got inspiration. The previous moves still seem to have many loopholes in the eyes of the innate warriors, and I just took advantage of this battle. The opportunity has been modified, but it's just hard for you, old man... Besides, my strongest move is too sharp, and there is always that feeling of being out of control. The control is not so perfect, so you still can't use it indiscriminately. It's too easy to make mistakes. Jun Luoyu looked at Long Yunye and said with the corners of his mouth slightly up, exuding a calm atmosphere as a strong man from head to end.

"But the boy is really. The strongest moves he has practiced are all must-kill moves. The power is too strong. Once it is used, it has an unprecedented must-kill momentum. Such moves are too powerful but not so easy to master. You are also show mercy to me. Hahahaha... Son of a bitch, who would have thought that my apprentice taught by Long Yunye had surpassed me in combat effectiveness. The power of the innate martial arts is really fierce and domineering. In my life, Long Yunye is also without complaint... Haha... Life is really comforting!" Long Yunye did not avoid being able to compare with Jun Luoyu. In his words, he could feel Long Yunye's joy and expectation for Jun Luoyu's future.

Jun Luoyu stood in the martial arts practice and looked at the ecstatic Long Yunye opposite side laughing and complaining. He felt very funny in his heart. The majestic old man also seemed to be changing, and he talked more and more.

Jun Luoyu listened to Long Yunye's scolding and damage, and lamented that the good apprentice he taught bullied him or something. The loud shouting tiger with a trace of real impact, making the whole Long's villa vibrate slightly, like a slight earthquake. The people living in the villa came out curiously. The old man sent today It's that family's temper. Listening to those words, it seems that Jun Luoyu is so rebellious that he specializes in bullying the elderly...

Jun Luoyu, who was walking in front of him, muttered in his heart. The old man's temper became too fast. He couldn't help but be depressed and said, "I said, old man, I'm afraid of you. We just flattened it out. Xiaoyu is not better than you. Don't shout, and don't compare me to a demon, okay? Please, those demons have Am I so handsome? I'm so romantic and elegant. I'm a model of a righteous gentleman. What does evil have to do with me? That's opposite!"