
Chapter 114 Ambush and Hunting

The bustling and noisy lifestyle can make many people think that such a life is happy. A large group of friends can have fun together, because people are always afraid of loneliness. And the first joy of Jun Luoyu's life is to be happy, stomach, eat and drink and enjoy life.

"Okay, eat well, and make enough noise. Don't forget tomorrow's business." Jun Luoyu said with his legs crossed when he was full of food and drink.

" boss, don't worry, we are more eager to learn the secret than you." Ji Qiu heard Jun Luoyu talk about the business and suddenly regained his serious look and said.

"Big boss, when do you think it's appropriate for us to go there?" Ji Qiu asked.

"Well, you will meet at school at about 6 o'clock tomorrow morning and come with Mengru. I still have something to do in the evening. You go first and I'll accompany Mengru." Jun Luoyu lowered his head and said, no one saw a trace of murder in his eyes.

Ning Yuecheng next to him had an expression of wanting to speak and stop, which made Jun Luoyu very uncomfortable and said, "Lao Si, just say it if you have something to say. Why do you feel like this, as if I owe you money!"

"Ha ha" Ning Yuecheng smiled and touched the back of his head and said, "The boss doesn't know what's going on at night. Do you need a few of us to help? We've been busy lately."

The corners of Jun Luoyu's mouth were slightly upturned, and his eyes flashed with a trace of murderousness again, but he did not attack Ning Yuecheng. Thinking about these people who came to trouble him, he was furious. These people really didn't know how to come to trouble one after another. In particular, he was shot twice last time, which was regarded as a shame by him. He whispered and said with a strange smile, "The troubles of some small characters don't need to be laborious, and you don't join in this fun."

Jun Luoyu knows a lot about these characters who come to make trouble. The killers of the killer alliance are all desperado, and they are also famous internationally and can't be ignored. It's not that their three-legged cat kung fu can deal with. If Ji Qiu and the other two really go, their lives will be in danger.

Jun Luoyu doesn't want them to take risks. Among them, he also has his own factors. He wants to verify how much progress has been made in breaking through the innate realm recently.

When the three heard Jun Luoyu's words, they immediately made them a little listless. They knew that the boss was worried about their safety, which made them feel that they were useless and could not share some troubles for their boss.

Jun Luoyu shook his head and smiled. Seeing that they can't hurt them too much and comforted them, "If you go, it won't be enough for me to do it. I'm going to verify the progress of my skills recently, and I'm not going to play. In the future, when you practice martial arts, you will have a lot of opportunities to do it yourself. What's the hurry?"

Xiao Peng and Ning Yuecheng could only sigh when they heard Jun Luoyu say this. The boss said the same thing, but they could not tolerate their stalking. The two of them could only reluctantly say that they understood.

" boss, who is the other party? Is it the last killer alliance?" Ji Qiu asked.

Jun Luoyu nodded: "You don't pay attention to this matter for the time being. I will naturally deal with it. You pay attention to your safety. All right, let's go."

Several people walked out of the canteen together. Jun Luoyu still didn't let her go to class on the grounds of accompanying Zhang Mengru, and the girl who had just fallen in love was still clever and obedient. Jun Luoyu said that he really pulled Zhang Mengru to play around. The two of them wandered in infinitely sweetly at school, really treating the huge cloud ao as their own back garden.

At night, Jun Luoyu just sent Zhang Mengru home, put away his smiling face and put on another expression looking up at the starry sky. The sky seemed to be covered with a black veil, and the stars seemed to know what was about to happen. Countless stars came out as if they were joining in the fun. Each star was ready to be an audience waiting for a good play.

Jun Luoyu's eyes were cold, and he sat in the car and didn't look at the black cars that he was reluctant to follow. With the addition of the right accelerator, the colorful car suddenly rushed out and drove to a remote place without stopping for a moment until it came to a place far away from the city and very quiet around it. He is at ease that the roar of the car must be able to lead them here.

Jun Luoyu turned off the engine and stopped and looked up at both sides of the road to find a hidden ambush. Looking at the tall and lush banyan tree, Jun Luoyu raised an evil smile at the corners of his mouth and whispered to himself, "Now it's my turn to ambush and chase you. The prey hope you are ready to bear the call from hell."

"Hey..." An evil laughter penetrated the clouds. In the silent night, it looked extremely strange and abrupt. Jun Luoyu put his motorcycle in a conspicuous place on the roadside and quickly came to the edge of the big tree. He stepped on the ground, raised his body, turned over and jumped on the branches. His whole body was hidden in the dense leaves and looked at it. Looking around and running in the direction, he narrowed his eyes and meditated slightly for a moment, with a malicious smile on the corners of his mouth, and he was already paying attention in his heart. Reach out behind your back and take out the pistol found from the killer last time and wait for the prey to appear.

About three minutes later, Jun Luoyu stood on the branches in black. In addition, the woods were dense. At night, he seemed to integrate into it. He narrowed his eyes and looked out. His real eyes emitted a slight white light, and he suddenly saw seven black cars that were about to drive into the ambush area, low He laughed and said, "It seems that there are a lot of people this time. Humph, it seems that the Killer League is still very concerned about my affairs."

These cars have been following Jun Luoyu for more than ten days. Today, they finally waited until he was alone. They couldn't wait to find an opportunity to kill him, because this guy's head is 10 million RMB.

The leader is a man with a gloomy appearance and very thin eyes. His eyes are hidden sharp and slightly flashing cold light. At the age of 30, his slender figure is nearly 1.9 meters, and his skin shines black in the starlight.

"I wipe, there are still blacks in the killer alliance." Jun Luoyu cursed secretly in his heart. He really didn't expect that there were foreign killers in this killer alliance, especially this kind of nigga, whose physical conditions were strong and fierce.

Looking at their appearance, everyone has undergone professional training. As they get out of the car, they are scattered one after another. Everyone is holding the latest firearms in groups of five people, slowly forming a semicircle to search around.

Jun Luoyu looked at them so cautiously and couldn't help frowning slightly. More than 20 killers split up, even if martial arts has reached its peak and reached the limit of human beings. He asked himself that he really couldn't deal with these well-trained killers at once.

Jun Luoyu thought about how to send these outlaws to hell, and looked down at the two high-tech crystals in his hand, armor-piercing guns. His eyes became cold, raised his pistol with both hands, glanced at him, pulled the trigger, bang, bang, bang... A few shots cut through the silent starry sky, and the killer who was first targeted by Jun Luoyu fell to the ground.

This was a sudden gunshot that scared more than 20 killers and killed more than 20 killers. They retreated or rolled on the ground and unconsciously hung up after playing a gunfight on the dark suburban path.

"Hidden, find the target, and provide cover on the periphery." The black leader looked up at the source of the gunfire and shouted.

Bang bang... bang... The sound of gunfire mixed with the friction of the body. The killers moved flexibly and turned on the night infrared shooting on the guns to find Jun Luoyu's position, and some attacked directly to the target just now.

Bang Bang... The killer quickly rolled and jumped, deliberately staggered the direction of rushing with Jun Luoyu. The fast-footed killer went around to the place where the gunfire had just been fired, ready to attack him from behind.

Jun Luoyu, who had the ability to have night vision, jumped to the other side when he saw them quickly bypass the tree. The killer shot to cover the position just now, and the killer behind quickly followed, formed a circle, raised the pistol, and the submachine gun was a random shooting, and the gun sounded, but the killer did not know you. Luo Yu jumped to the opposite branch long after he shot,

Sudden Jun Luoyu smiled sinisterly behind the killer: "Hey, am I so easy to kill? Then the killer alliance doesn't have to send you more than 20 idiots at once, haha..."

As soon as the mocking laughter fell, Jun Luoyu fired several shots behind the killer alliance. The killer who had just heard the sound and turned around was immediately gossiped. Jun Luoyu will not fight until he finishes his words. In the face of these people who are begging for life on the gun, he does not dare to be careless to avoid the boat captling in the ditch.

The killers thought that they surrounded Jun Luoyu and easily killed him with a random shot. At most, they lost a few people, but they didn't know that it was in his arms. He was worried that the killers were scattered and playing guerrilla warfare. Once the killers merged, the faster his gun would be fired. He was sharp in sight, so he didn't have to think about the night light. Most of the time, he shoots on the feeling of being fascinated by himself.