
Chapter 129 Negotiating means looking for trouble

Jun Luoyu rarely stayed in the villa as a teacher and father for three days, but he crooked Xiao Yule and reared it every day. It made Jun Luoyu a little depressed. Now he has finally finished teaching the basics of martial arts, so that they don't disturb him when they usually practice by themselves, and then make a summary once a week before taking time to relax and be lazy.

At noon, the sun shines outside, adding a reason to be lazy for many people. It is hot, like a stove, making people unwilling to go out at such a time. As countries on the earth enter the era of high-tech development, the development without room leads to ecological imbalance. It seems that climate change is becoming more and more serious, and the hot and cold changes make ordinary people feel a little uneasy.

Although scientists from various countries advocate energy conservation, few countries are still listening carefully and continue to develop, as if only building a rich and powerful country is the top priority, burying the future of mankind little by little.

Jun Luoyu, who likes to find a reason to be lazy, sat on the sofa and tasted tea leisurely, and suddenly his mobile phone rang.

Jun Luoyu was slightly puzzled. Not many people knew his number. Except for Ji Qiu, there were only people in the family. Generally speaking, they would not call if there was nothing to do. He picked it up and looked at it casually: "Well, what's wrong with the old man?"

"Xiao Yu, the leader of the killer alliance asked you to meet you. Ha ha, he seems to want to negotiate with you. What do you have? Do you want to go? Haha... Zhang Xiong is a hero. He can afford it and let it go."

Jun Luoyu said in his heart, "Go, why don't you go? It's not bad to see the leader of the killer alliance. Ha ha, if you dare to move on my head, it's as if I Jun Luoyu is rude, haha!"

Jun Luoyu received a phone call from Long Yunye and joked a few words. On the phone, he mentioned that Zhang Xiong had made an appointment to meet them at a secret base. Jun Luoyu hung up the phone and said to himself with a sneer on his face: "Negotiation? Ha ha, this male calculation is very loud. There is such a cheap thing in the world. If it doesn't make sense, it's about fists. Haha... Only people with big fists still have the right to speak!"

Jun Luoyu's body was slightly straight and meditated for a moment, sweeping away the leisurely temperament just now, and a sharp murderous atmosphere flashed in his eyes, but it immediately restrained as if it had never happened. He returned calmly and muttered to himself again: "It seems that this killer alliance is ready to be soft, but there are Such an easy thing, ha ha, when Jun Luoyu is so easy to bully, ha..."

Jun Luoyu put away his smile and came to the garage. He stepped on the dazzling racing car. The iris scan started, rumbled, and the accelerator was separated. The car roared and rushed out. According to the address prompted by Long Yunye, he drove directly to the outskirts of City A. Jun Luoyu once heard that there was a very quiet and beautiful villa manor there, but now he knew that it was the property of the killer alliance. He secretly said in his heart: It seems that the killer alliance's family background * is good, and he has such a great ability to build such a villa manor in such a large area.

Jun Luoyu sat on the racing car and shook to see this independent villa like a giant, which stood in front of him. He measured that it covered an area of about three miles. He said to himself, "The killer alliance is really rich. It invests so much money in one place, so the headquarters is even more amazing, hehe." After saying that, he couldn't help laughing sinisterly, as if he was making a bad idea.

The colorful racing car opened in front of the door and pressed the whistle arrogantly. Looking at the luxurious manor-style villa in front of him, Jun Luoyu raised a beautiful arc at the corners of his mouth, and the big iron door opened automatically.

"Welcome young master..." Jun Luoyu glanced at several big men in the porter indifferently, regardless of their words directly drove the car in.

Jun Luoyu didn't pay attention to the big men who greeted him at all. He drove the car to the central position and stopped. There was grass all around him. It seemed to be wider in it. Hundreds of precious trees were planted. Jun Luoyu secretly believed that there should be many fruit trees in the forest, because he had a sharp sense of his spirit and swept around. I can feel the aroma of ripe fruit.

The big men at the door were stunned and ran over quickly. A fire rose in the leader's heart, but he did not dare to show it. I heard that the leader specially invited him to talk about things today. This person can't be offended. In case the leader's thing is messed, it's not our men. .

"Welcome, young master Jun. The leader has already told me to wait here to show you the way. Please." The leading man bent slightly and said respectfully in the standard welcoming posture.

Jun Luoyu glanced at him with a faint smile on his face. Originally, he came here today to provoke something. It was disgusting and disgusting, the leader of the killer alliance, but he didn't expect that this person was quite tolerable. Yes, yes, the psychological quality of those who can be a killer are strong enough.

Jun Luoyu didn't care that he couldn't pick on them. He nodded casually and took the lead in front of them.

I was very leisurely and leisurely along the way. I didn't feel that I had entered the wolf's nest of the killer alliance at all, but went to the park.

Under the leadership of several big men in suits and leather shoes, he entered the hall of this luxury villa. Jun Luoyu raised his eyebrows, and there were many famous paintings hanging all over the hall, which was really not an ordinary luxury. With a little surprise, he stopped paying more attention to these seemingly simple but extremely valuable decorations and went straight to Zhang Xiong's living room.

There stood two rows of big men in suits and leather shoes around the big living room. They stared at each other clearly, and their chests were bulging. It seemed that they had brought the guys with them. The big man on the right lowered his head respectfully and shouted in unison, "Good morning, young master."

"Well, that's right. Everyone is still so energetic. When will you play a group fight with the young master again? I haven't played martial arts with you for a long time! Haha..." Jun Luoyu recognized these people as Long Yunye's personal guards. He used to find them to practice fists and feet, and they were also quite familiar with them. He couldn't help joking and making fun of these big men who were usually like hard stones.

"I dare not. I know that I am not the young master's opponent. The young master's martial arts is no longer comparable to ordinary people like us." The leader Long said more and more respectfully. He didn't want to play anything with this crazy young master anymore. I chose a group of games alone. As early as he was 15 years old, he knocked them all down. What's more, now, by looking at the young face of the head of the family, you can know that the current young master Jun is not what it used to be. Now Generations are as shrewd as ghosts, and there are so many fools there.

"Haha... I said Long Yi, when did you learn to flatter this big stone? I thought you would only put on a hard stone face!" Jun Luoyu laughed, as if he saw something strange, and ignored Zhang Xiong, the middle-aged man who had been sitting on the main seat and staring at him.

"Ha ha... young master, don't brush us." Long Yi could only smile awkwardly and dared not talk back, but his smile was extremely hard, indicating that he was a person who rarely smiled, and even seemed so unaccustomed to laughing.

As soon as the mad young master went crazy, even the head of the family had nothing to do with him. What's more, people whose martial arts skills are lower than him don't know what's going on. This is the place that makes Long Yi fear Jun Luoyu. Long Yi's subordinate status is relatively high. In addition, he has been following Long Yunye since he was a child for 30 years now. I asked myself that no three people in the Long family had the courage to provoke him like this. At first, I didn't understand why the owner recognized this naughty grandson, but later I gradually understood.

"Well" Jun Luoyu nodded gently and greeted the guards of the Long family. These big men were all adopted from the side of the Long family or the orphanage. There is no doubt about their loyalty. They practice martial arts seedlings for thousands of miles, and those who practice martial arts are respected by the strong. Jun Luoyu's martial arts skills were recognized by them very early, and secretly Treat Jun Luoyu as the head of the family.