
Chapter 142 Extermination Action 1

Jun Luoyu looked at Jin Ming, as if his eyes could see through his soul directly and said, "Although I still doubt your loyalty now! But it doesn't matter. Since I told you to give you a chance, I will completely believe you once! Take care of yourself."

"Master Xie, Jin Ming will definitely complete the task."

"Well, the Jincheng family can't live for more than a week, the only thing you need to do during this period. No matter what method you use, you should try to put the property stocks of the Jin family under your own name. How much you can scrape means that the more assets you will have in the future. There is also your share in it. Only when you do a good job in this matter can you really save it. Jinmen will also be up to you in the future. I, Jun Luoyu, can say the same thing. If you can't do this well, you won't have the face to come to see me and disappear by yourself, okay?

Jun Luoyu's true spirit detected Jin Ming's body, and his eyes emitted a clear light and stared at him, trying to find any uncertainties from him to destroy the plan to kill two birds with one stone.

As soon as Jin Ming heard Jun Luoyu say the plan directly, he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his heart, a trust different from Jincheng. Is this Jun Luoyu because he is too confident or something? Why does he believe so much that he believes in me, the person who has just defected to him? He really can only smile bitterly. Maybe he is starting to test me. !

Jin Ming is calculating in his heart. Now that I have spoken, I am not the kind of wall grass swaying with the wind. I can only prove my ability with actions, buy Kinmen stocks, and harvest property. With the people who have been attracted over the years, it should be able to do it! I couldn't help but be a little excited when I thought that I might master the power of Kinmen in the future, but in the end I shook my head sadly, hoping that he could leave me a way to live in the end.

This may be a kind of fate! Jin Ming nodded cautiously and said, "Young master, I also know how to carry out this plan. I will definitely try to collect all the property of Jinmen in the shortest time."

"Very good, you are still so confident, good. Well, I know what you are worried about. If you do things for me with your heart, I won't kill you. Follow me, and you will find that you have more power and wealth than before. In terms of this southern forces, you don't need to worry. With the Long family behind you, it is not difficult for you to get along with anything. As long as you don't have friction with the Long family, other forces, you can swallow that hahaha... Do you want to be alone? Above ten thousand people, it depends on your ability. Jun Luoyu said that he laughed wildly at the end. He couldn't wait to see himself master half of the country in the south.

Poor thing is that Jin Ming was forced to retreat directly to the corner of the wall by the weather caused by Jun Luoyu.

Only now can Jin Ming really understand why Jun Luoyu dares to seize the Golden Gate so arrogantly? Such a powerful leader is not what I can resist. Maybe it's getting bigger and bigger as he said. The seed of ambition in Jin Ming's heart began to expand crazily, and the times created heroes. If the Jincheng family was doomed to extinction, they could only blame him for their fate. Everything was arranged by fate. To comply with the sky and get the right, I, Jin Ming, need the powerful power to trample on those who looked down on me before.

Everyone has his selfish side, because of rights and interests, Jin Ming chooses to betray Jincheng, which is the most normal thing in modern society.

What Jincheng can't give him, but Jun Luoyu can be pressed on his head by one person, which is much better than being pressed on his head by a group of people. Ambition also requires a price. Jin Ming's choice is not without emotion in the eyes of Jun Luoyu, but his emotion is vulnerable to power and life. He only hopes that he will climb higher and higher, so Jun Luoyu believes that such a person is easier to control because he has absolute power.

Jun Luoyu looked at Jin Ming's transformation and was satisfied with what he said. At least he had almost touched Jin Ming's habits, and he was not afraid that he would betray him again. Some interests still need to take risks.

Jun Luoyu restrained the weather machine and squinted at Jin Ming, who was frightened and stuck to the wall in a daze, and said, "You need to deal with this matter as soon as possible. The sooner the better. If there is any secret information in the past few days, please inform me as soon as possible. The Killer League will take action in the next few days to catch all the direct lines of the Jin family.

"Yes, young master, I will definitely get things done." Jin Ming's heart was palpitated and answered humbly.

Jin Ming couldn't help but be shocked when he heard that Jun Luoyu clearly sentenced the extinction of the Jin family. Jincheng was just to deal with the young master, but the young master dealt with his whole family, which was really unlucky.

Jin Ming then thought that the young master had let the killer alliance do it, and the probability of success was still relatively high. Although Jin Ming wondered why Jun Luoyu didn't do it himself, he did not dare to ask these confidential questions. For the moody, mysterious and strange Jun Luoyu, Jin Ming also had a terrible feeling like a dream.

Jun Luoyu nodded slightly and walked to Jin Ming's side. His right hand reached out and grabbed Jin Ming's dislocated hands. He seemed to push and pull casually, and connected the handjiu in a blink of an eye.

Jin Ming's surprised face and kept nodding his gratitude, which made Jun Luoyu a little depressed. Even if you pretend not to be so humble, you really can't stand it. Jun Luoyu didn't intend to care about him and said a few words to open the door and leave directly.

Jin Ming bent slightly until Jun Luoyu left before he stood up and exhaled. His whole body collapsed to the ground and muttered to himself in a trance: "This Jun Luoyu is really powerful. No wonder such a large killer alliance can't deal with him. His martial arts skills are unfathomable, and the end of resisting him... Hey, I can only do things seriously. Getting his appreciation is the top priority.

At night, Jincheng entertained a group of ghost practitioners in a suburban villa and rushed back to Jinmen headquarters. He also didn't tell Jin Ming about these things. After all, it's a big deal, and a little bad plan may fail.

When Zhang Xiong received instructions from Jun Luoyu, Jun Luoyu named the plan 'Operation Extinction'. Zhang Xiong was worried that Ye Changmengduo would issue secret instructions on the first day. All the killers who were good at camouflage of the killer alliance went into Kinmen at the same time to ambush and catch them all, which showed that Zhang Xiong valued this matter.

Three days later, in the early morning, more than 20 top killers of the Killer League had been ambushed inside the Golden Gate. Using various exquisite makeup methods, there is also a big traitor Jin Ming lurking in Kinmen to cover for the later killers, who were arranged by him one by one.

Jin Ming spoke to the video in a hidden residence at the headquarters of Kinmen: "Report young master, Jincheng has been out in the afternoon until 10 p.m. I suspect that he is in contact with some secret figures. But he didn't let me know about it. Everything else is going well, and Jincheng suddenly brought two people tonight. In their thirties, they are short. These two people are smelly and pale and ugly. The two have been following Jin Ming without saying anything. In order to know more information, I have been looking for topics to talk to them, but they have never paid attention to their subordinates, and Jincheng has never solved my doubts. My subordinates suspect that these two are the masters he invited. Please make a decision.

"Well, I know. Jin Ming, you did a good job in this matter and ordered the killer brothers who were ambushed at the headquarters of Kinmen to get ready. How can this golden city bring masters outside? Well, that's it. You should pay attention later. It's better to make those people in Kinmen confused, so that things will be done more smoothly.

"I understand"

Suddenly, Jin Ming's mobile phone video was dark.

Jincheng never thought that Jin Ming would turn against the water. He thought that everything would be fine if he didn't let people know that he had brought a group of ghost practitioners. He thought himself that Jun Luoyu had not had the courage to rush into Kinmen to deal with him. Jincheng announced that there was not much prevention inside the martial law outside, but he was still surrounded by two gloomy and pale warriors, who belonged to the ghost warriors in the realm of exorcising ghosts. He did not want the masters who entered the realm to do things for him, but once they entered the realm, the ghost practitioners were all at the top masters and six families Only seven came, and that one is not what he can dictate.