
Chapter 154 Operation 13

PS: On the first day of the first lunar month, big days and good days. May everyone have a happy year and good luck. It happens that today is also Mo Ming's birthday. Hey hey, happy birthday to myself. Blessings and collections.

Jun Luoyu looked up at the big house that was still fighting and was speechless for a long time. He was determined how to face the invasion of Fusang devils. He turned around and smiled mysteriously and said, "Zhang Xiong, don't worry too much. The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. As long as you can catch Jincheng alive, you are still very sure to deal with them to the end. Besides, your experience this life-and-death battle is still very good for breaking through the new realm."

"Really? Young master! Are you saying that we still have a chance to break through higher levels? Why haven't we heard of the peak realm of acquired before, and there is a higher level?

Zhang Xiong and daytime are both shrewd figures. Obviously, they also heard the voice outside the strings in Jun Luoyu's words and asked excitedly.

"Ha ha, do you think I, Jun Luoyu, will joke about such a thing? You work hard for me, and I will always give you some skills to settle down.

"Zhang Xiong [during the day] Thank you for your trust and cultivation." Zhang Xiong and the two of them got Jun Luoyu's affirmative answer, and they were excited and looked red for the road of martial arts in the future.

"Okay, you two don't get excited. Time is running out. Let's talk about it when you finish this."

"Young master, my subordinates think that there are no masters around Jincheng now. Several of us raided in and let the peripheral brothers cover us to enter Jincheng's residence and capture the king in one fell swoop." Zhang Xiong looked up at Jun Luoyu and said, hoping that this idea would be recognized.

Zhang Xiong first regained his composure from the trance and suddenly said the way he had been lingering in his heart. At that time, without the existence of Jun Luoyu, it was difficult to really implement this idea. After all, this raid requires strong strength to reduce the probability of failure and the number of deaths.

I have to say that Zhang Xiong is a person who does great things. He is a pioneer and always starts from the overall situation, but does not forget the safety of his life. Such a leader is very rare, and he is destined to become a general under Jun Luoyu.

"Zhang Xiong's idea is good, so as not to have many dreams at night. You ask your brothers to prepare for a fierce attack on the periphery, and we will take a few more masters to carry out a raid."

"Yes, young master." Zhang Xiong turned his head and ordered others to carry out an all-round attack, and then pointed out six masters to make a sneak attack.

"Xiao Jian, Xiaohu, Xiaoyue, Anan, Ali, Amu, you all come here." During the day, he walked out of the room and shouted among the waiting killers.

"Yes, instructor during the day." Those who were named answered. These six people are all the top killers taught during the day, and they are also Zhang Xiong's proud disciples. Zhang Xiong will select some people who are suitable for practicing martial arts among super killers, teach them high skills and sensitive skills, and make them better than those killers who purely use hot weapons in all aspects.

I saw two women and four men running behind. It was the first time for the six of them to face this mythical man, Jun Luoyu, the leader of the killer alliance.

Xiaoyue, little fox, are two beautiful and youthful girls. Because of martial arts practice, they make them look slender, full and explosive. Jun Luoyu felt a bright light in his eyes, and there was a faint smile on his face, not because of his ambiguous eyes.

He saw that these two beautiful killers are not very old, about 22 years old. If they practice hard in the future, they will have high achievements, better than Zhang Xiong and others. And in their twenties, they can become well-known super killers, and it can also be seen that their talents are extraordinary.

The girl named Xiaoyue looks very noble, with a sense of indifference all over her body, and her face is cold and beautiful, like a snowy plum. In particular, those breathtaking eyes are like hanging in the ice and snow, which is unforgettable at a glance. A feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but people can't help but look at it a few more. In the killer alliance, this Xiaoyue is the most beautiful woman, but also the most difficult woman to approach.

Little Fox is a completely opposite person from Xiaoyue. On the surface, she looks enthusiastic and unrestrained, and her eyes are unusually enthusiastic, as if she can't help but feel that she is broadcasting waves at you. She is full-hued and her face is petite and charming. She wears a killer uniform, but her clothes look a little small. Her tight dress makes people think crooked. Well, she found that there is a word that is very suitable for the little fox, with a big childish face and breasts.

The waves are turbulent, the smile is ambiguous and affectionate, and the master of attracting butterflies makes many hot-blooded young people blind. But it will be cleverly resolved by her. It can be seen that the little fox is meticulous and touches the human psychology extremely thoroughly.

Xiaoyue and Xiaohu are also known as the Jinhua Shuangkui of the killer alliance. In terms of assassination, Xiaohu is slightly better than Xiaoyue in terms of martial arts.

"Xiao Jian, Xiaohu, Xiaoyue, Anan, Ali, Amu have met the young master." The six people looked at Jun Luoyu with some restraint. As the top killers of the Killer League, the six of them know much more information than ordinary killers. The beautiful teenager in front of them has cleaned up the three masters of the killer alliance with just one move. Day and night are their masters, and Zhang Xiong is their master. It belongs to the most direct power of the Killer League.

They didn't see Jun Luoyu take action, but they also heard about his power, but the young elite's personality is more flamboyant and more curious than that of the elderly. For this reason, they couldn't help but start secretly looking at Jun Luoyu to see what was magical and powerful about him, which made the three top masters of the Killer League bow down.

In the end, it was not found that Jun Luoyu had three heads and six arms! Young, very young, a few years younger than them, but why is his face so beautiful that it is extremely evil? A monster that rejuvenated? It seems that it is very expensive to be a star! Is this young face the demeanor of a peerless master? The six people were a little confused, but they did not dare to ask more questions and could only wait for the order.

"Well, don't be too formal. Relax. You can't be so nervous. It makes me feel like a monster that cannibals, which is uncomfortable, haha. Jun Luoyu said with a warm and charming smile when he saw them nervously.

Hearing these brisk words, Xiaohu couldn't help laughing. This is also her habit, and she will show her true side in front of herself. The little fox quickly reached out to cover his mouth and stared at those talking eyes. He looked at Jun Luoyu with a very innocent look, afraid that he would teach him a lesson, which was too unlucky.

The little fox is already famous for being quirky. She secretly said to herself: This big leader also speaks very well, which suddenly relaxes everyone a lot.

The other five people's faces changed a little, and their faces were no longer so tense, showing a faint smile.

Jun Luoyu looked at them and relaxed a lot. He nodded slightly and couldn't help looking at the little fox. This girl was too interesting, and her pretending skills were not bad. She was half as good as me. And the beautiful woman with a frosty face feels so similar to Ling Hanxue.

"Your task is to follow us into the Jincheng residence, obey the young master's command, and the only purpose is to capture Jincheng alive. There are no special circumstances for the rest of Jinmen, and it is worth killing." Zhang Xiong stood next to Jun Luoyu and announced his mission.

"Yes, leader, I understand." Six people answered in unison.

"Check the equipment and go. You can't make your own decision." Zhang Xiong nodded slightly.

It was learned that the sound of Soso sounded inside the room, and these super killers checked their equipment very carefully. At this moment, they have only one idea in mind: there can be no mistake in carrying out the task with the young master this time, otherwise the leader would not have emphasized it again and again.

They heard that this young master is very strict and ruthless in some aspects. Don't let him find mistakes. That won't be cleaned up. I heard that the two of them were almost disabled by him day and night. Such force is really horrible. Zhang Xiong and he were outside to explain the task during the day, and there were Jun Luoyu and six of them in the room.

"Everything has been checked, Xiao Jian, Xiaohu, Xiaoyue, Anan, Ali and Amu are on standby." Six people shouted, which was a little stricter than the regular army.