
Chapter 166 The Daughter of Heaven

Lin Feng, the elder of the Oriental Dragon Group, takes good care of Lin Xiuzhen, her precious daughter. It can be said that if anyone in the group makes Lin Xiuzhen unhappy, that person will not feel good. Lin Feng simply hoped that she would live a happy life and did not expect her daughter to be very strong. This carefree state naturally caused her to be more strange.

In fact, how parents expect their sons is essentially a kind of pressure. Not everyone can bear it. They can't stand it. In the end, it will inevitably lead to the effect of rebellion. If you don't believe it, you can get to know some friends.

Lin Xiuzhen grew up in a mysterious environment such as the Oriental Dragon Group, and her own cultivation qualifications made her more prominent in an extraordinary environment. Lin Xiuzhen is the proud daughter of heaven who exists like a pearl in the palm of her hand in the Oriental Dragon Group.

Every practitioners in the Oriental Dragon Group loves her very much, so they have developed a relatively naughty personality, like to be strange and playful!

Not arrogant is because her mother Chen Hui is in charge of her. Her mother is also a practitioners, so it is still rare for a family to be a practitioners, because not everyone is suitable for practicing together. And Lin Xu, as her brother, is also the unlucky one who is most often blamed, so Lin Xu is loving and afraid of this seemingly obedient sister.

Chen Xun is the last innate practitioners of the third team of Oriental Dragon, and the remaining four are the practitioners of the acquired peak.

It can be said that each of the practitioners who can enter the third team is one of the best among the billions in China. Except for the relatively old captain He Jun, the others are no more than 30 years old. In terms of cultivation talent, the Lin brothers and sisters are still the most prominent. There are some reasons for this, because his parents gave birth to children after breaking through the Kaiyuan period and reaching the middle of the condensation period, so their brothers and sisters have inherited their parents' good physique and are also the key training objects of the Oriental Dragon Group.

[The Peiyuan period of the realm of cultivation is equal to the acquired realm, and the Kaiyuan period is equal to the innate realm. If there is anything unclear, return to Chapter 92 to search for the realm of cultivation]

And the earth's cultivation world is caused by serious faults due to various reasons such as the thinning of reiki, especially the martial arts and the martial arts have been lost. Therefore, most of the practitioners on the earth now practice their bodies like martial arts. Although they are not as extreme as martial arts, they are not like thousands of years ago. That's very clear.

Nowadays, earth practitioners are very demanding to cultivate their bodies. This also makes it more difficult to select talented practitioners. The biggest problem is that because of the thinness of the earth's aura, Huaxia Xiuzhen's predecessors had to start looking for ways to develop the treasures contained in the human body.

In the history of Chinese cultivation and development, the wide range of practitioners is actually comparable to that of innate martial arts. Each of the innate martial arts is gifted. A congenital martial artist in the same realm can compete with three practitioners at the same time without falling behind. However, people who practice innate martial arts require less and less likely to be born. This is also the cycle of heaven, flourishing and declining.

And that was thousands of years ago. Later, with the reason of Reiki, the birth rate of children with the spiritual roots of martial arts has deteriorated, and the innate martial arts slowly declines. At that time, the practitioners were not as huge as the innate martial arts compared with this problem.

But these problems did not seem to be enough to attract the attention of practitioners of various powerful sects at that time. When the real cultivation crisis came, it was too late. Many cultivation sects were cut off because there was no successor, resulting in many superior cultivation methods.

But at that time, the predecessors of cultivation did not completely give up. They kept trying to improve their skills and learn from each other's strengths. The purpose of cultivating the body was to reduce the dependence of practitioners on aura. Because there are many similarities between innate warriors and practitioners. Although martial artists first develop body treasures and then exercise their souls to achieve the realm of divine unity, they break through the shackles of heaven and earth to become immortals. They are a little upside down, but they go the same way.

And the strong body of practitioners has an indescribable benefit for absorbing thin aura, so now earth practitioners also learn to constantly exercise like martial artists and find breakthroughs from the body.

As for today's various methods of refining and refinery are much more powerful than practicing skills. After all, there were not many practitioners of refining and refinery thousands of years ago, and every successful pharmacist and refiner has a very large need for strange substances in various worlds. If a practitioner If the school does not have a certain rich background, it can't support consumption and cultivate a certain level of pharmacists and refiners.

As a result, the existence of pharmacists and refiners has become rare, and the secret of refining magic weapons or elixirs was so rare in the cultivation world at that time. The so-called rare things are precious. Basically, these secrets about refiners and refiners are not passed on.

What's more, today's earth's strange material resources are scarce. In the case of thin aura, such pharmacists and refiners are simply rare. Of course, it does not mean that there are no such types of practitioners on the earth now, but they cannot be compared with thousands of years of cultivation.

Nowadays, the earth can be called practitioners is mainly divided into three categories. The first category is some hidden sects, which are also the most powerful and mysterious existence at present. There are still many ancient sects in China, but these sects are generally not related to the outside world, so many people think that There is no such magical sect.

The second category is those ancient cultivation families that have been passed down for thousands of years. For example, the southern dragon family and the northern Ye family were an ancient family that practiced innate martial arts thousands of years ago. It was just that it was seriously affected by the cultivation crisis at that time, which made it very rare to inherit martial arts, so now the Long family and the Ye family are not qualified to be elected to the cultivation family!

If it weren't for Jun Luoyu, it would be difficult for Long Yunye to say that he could break through the innate shackles with his talent.

The third category of practitioners are those who accidentally inherited the formulas of those declining sects thousands of years ago in some fairy caves, or the inheritance of skills and magic weapons, which can be called scattered cultivation. In fact, the current oriental institutions are established by these scattered cultivations. Although they have a long history, they can't catch up with those hidden doors. The faction and the ancient family are relatively good because they are closely connected with the country. Several types of cultivation skills have been inherited in the Oriental University, which are taught from person to person, and every member of the Oriental Dragon Group must practice various skills in it.

Do extraordinary things at all times. According to the information transmitted by the special forces stationed in City A, relying on these talents who are born to capture crisis signals, the CIA can vaguely feel that there should be some secrets in the Kinmen incident, and it has threatened the existence of some forces in China.

The CIA felt that the incident was serious and had to ask Dongfang Shenlong to send a strong team to City A to investigate the secret situation.

Before the killer Luo Yu and others withdrew from the Kinmen headquarters, a lot of information had been transmitted by special forces to the CIA for the most rigorous analysis. After all, there are not many terrorist organizations in the world that even they can't compete with. Therefore, the relevant departments paid more importance to the Kinmen incident than Jun Luoyu and Zhang Xiong originally expected.

For various reasons, after some consultations, the CIA unanimously decided that the strongest force must be sent to kill this evil force that threatens the peace of China.

So 8 members of the third group of the Oriental Dragon, led by He Jun, received the summoning order of the Elder of the Oriental Dragon on the same day. At nine o'clock in the morning, just a few hours after the extermination subsided, the state machine quickly started to operate.

Eight people from the three groups of Shenlong took a special plane from Kyoto, China to go to A City to investigate the beginning of the Kinmen incident. They were received by Xiao Zheng, the commander of the A Military Region, Xiao Peng's grandfather, and Kuang Han, the head of the special forces division, who accompanied him to pick him up.

Although many of them don't know what these people are from, they must all be received. But even Xiao Zheng, the commander of the A Military Region, is so grand that it can be seen that there is a clue. How unusual this three group of Oriental Dragons is.