
Chapter 170 The Wrath of Regal

He Jun stood in front of the video and knew that something was wrong when he saw the distorted face of the police chief of City A. He looked serious and said forcefully, "Where is it? What's the situation now?"

"Ah, Ah, Chief He, the thing is like this. In the garden villa area of the new city, there are some strange Fusang devils. The people who call the police describe it as human and ghosts. I don't know when such a perverted species appeared in Fusang. And I have sent all the police trained near Xincheng to support, and I ask the special operations team..." Li Ou was shocked by He Jun and didn't care about the details.

"I know, I'm summoning the action team members now. You try your best to carry out long-range attacks on the first line of defense. Don't let them get close. These people are not what you can deal with. The only task of your departments now is not to let the slaughter of these devils spread. You inform all units to act immediately. " He Jun shouted domineeringly.

He Jun quickly hung up the communication video and used the communicator to summon Lin Xu and seven other three groups of team members.

Lin Xu, Lin Xiuzhen and others looked at the summoning order displayed on their communicators, quickly equipped their rooms, and took the special forces car to race against time to the new city garden.

When the inhumane massacre carried out by ghost practitioners such as the Blackstone Volcano, they had already forgotten what the fear was and the tenacious people. They all took out all kinds of knives and fought with the crazy dehumanized ghosts in their homes. Although they were like death, they infected the blood-red and angry hearts of many bloody people in the residential area of the new city.

And those people who were entangled by fierce ghosts entered the black smoke and only turned into shrill bodies in a moment, but the hidden power of the people who had no way out was completely angered. Their blood and tears came out of their eyes and shouted the names of their relatives. Ah... Father, dad, ah, damn devil, I will drag you to hell even if I die...

"Ah, it's hard. Let's rush together. We have a lot of people, and we can pile up these devils to death." The masses rushed forward with blood-red eyes and grief.

The group was excited and ignored the mountain of corpses in front of them. They knew that their relatives had become skinless now, and they were made by the devils who deserved to die 10,000 times. The only thing they could do was to throw the weapons in their hands on the ghost practitioners, which more or less also caused a certain amount to the Fusang devils. Injury and resistance.

The residential area has become a mess at this moment, like a hellish scene. In the face of such an emergency, people who seemed a little calm were found that humanoid monsters suddenly emerged to attack the people in the residential area, and were able to gather those relatively strong in time to help some old and weak women and children retreat first.

Time passes slowly minute by minute. The Longyi Long family's personal guard in the Xincheng garden villa area originally took 20 team members to patrol the outside of the villa. Longyi was also an acquired martial artist. In all kinds of sad shouts, he knew that something had happened not far away, but he could only quickly return to the Long family to wait for the family's order.

Soon after the action of the ghost practitioners such as the Blackstone Volcano, Long Yunye found that there was something wrong with the chaotic situation outside. Long Yunye was in the underground practice room and suddenly opened his bright eyes, with a surging anger in his eyes.

Long Yunye came back from his practice. He didn't look very good. What he guessed really came and rushed out of the basement quickly. His body is fast and elegant, and his body follows him like a strap with a shadow.

Long Yunye appeared in front of the Long's first-class guards with awe-inspiring face.

Long and other hundreds of guards shouted with respect: "Master."

Long Yi wanted to continue to say, but was interrupted by Long Yunye's wave: "There is no need to say, I already know that half of the people of Long Yi stayed in the Long family villa to protect the safety of the Long family. Others should bring new equipment and weapons and be sure to block them on the periphery.

"Yes, the owner." Long's first-class guard responded respectfully and quickly carried out Long Yunye's order.

Jun Luoyu's home is not far from the new city garden, and the Blackstone Volcano and others just began to slaughter civilians near him. He even sensed the arrival of the ghost practitioner earlier than Long Yunye.

"Damn bastard, no one dares to bully me like this. Fusang devil, hum, the young master will not believe that he can't find your old nest in his life. I swear that I will make all your swarms of bees into specimens and hang them in your shrine. Jun Luoyu also opened his star eyes and said gloomyly during his practice.

Jun Luoyu has never been so angry. He can vaguely feel that those evil ghost practitioners are slaughtering civilians in the residential area of the new city. For Jun Luoyu, this is undoubtedly like being slapped fiercely. What is it that bullying people too much? That is, Jun Luoyu hasn't gone yet. Looking for trouble with ghost warriors, Blackstone Volcano and other ghost practitioners took the initiative to provoke and slaughter so many innocent civilians crazily. This time, the ghost practitioners really made Jun Luoyu angry, and the anger of Junwei needs to be returned more than ten times.

Jun Luoyu's original knee-to-legged body was suddenly tied up, and his toes lightly touched the ground a few times and appeared on the top floor. His long silver hair kept drifting, as if his mood was constantly surging like his long hair.

At this time, Jun Luoyu and other family members were also woken up by the sad cry for help outside. They didn't know what was going on outside and put on their clothes in a panic.

Jun Luoyu stood on the top floor of the villa and his slightly narrowed star eyes twinkled coldly. Looking at the ghost practitioner beating not far away, the fierce silver light flowed back and forth like an electric current in his eyes. The anger in his heart became closer and closer with the screams, and he couldn't help but want to take action immediately.

Jun Luoyu's only worry is the safety of his family after he goes out. When Chen Minghua all appeared on the top floor, Xiaoyu couldn't wait to exclaim on the staircase aisle, "Brother Yu, what's going on outside? Why did Xiaoyu hear so many people screaming?

"Wo girl. Outside is a group of Fusang devils, that is, evil practitioners. Jun Luoyu replied with anger about Xiaoyu's problem.

When Xiaoyu and others were next to Jun Luoyu, although Li Lin was relatively careless, her face was also a little pale in the face of these monsters. She had never seen such a strange and horrible thing happen. She said in panic and said in panic, "Ah, Xiaoyu, are these strange people in black evil practitioners!" They are killing people crazily with a piece of black smoke. What about Xiao Yu? Can you save them?"

"Dad, Mom, Xiaoyu, Xiaolong, the situation outside is very dangerous now. I think you can hide in the basement of the villa for the time being, which may be safer. I went out to clean up these debris, and the only thing I'm worried about is your safety. Jun Luoyu looked at the ghost repairer not far away and said with no expression on his face.

"Ah, Brother Yu, Xiaoyu is not afraid of these Fusang devils. Xiaoyu will accompany you to kill these damn monsters. She must have crushed them all. Unexpectedly, she dares to come to China to domight. Xiaoyu is very angry and the consequences are very serious." Xiaoyu clenched her little hand, and her face was still a little ruddy, but she tried to pretend that I was fierce and I was not afraid.

"Brother, Xiaolong also wants to kill these devils with you." Xiaolong's bright eyes flashed with tears. When he saw the scene outside, he felt that he should work hard to drive away these devils.

Xiaolong and Xiaoyu really want to share some things for Jun Luoyu, but how can Jun Luoyu be willing to let his baby sister face these inhuman ghost practitioners within a few months of cultivation!

"Xiaoyu, Xiaolong. My brother is very happy to hear you say this. But these ghost practitioners are not what you can't deal with now, so you must practice hard and clean up these bastards in the future.

"Okay, okay. Xiaoyu, you should also be careful. We will protect ourselves. Xiaoyu Xiaolong, you two don't want to make trouble for your brother," Chen Minghua said, gritted his teeth.