
Chapter 212 A Fire

The people under the stage have been unable to calm down for a long time. From now until now, they finally came to their senses and knew that the new leader's force value on the rostrum was frighteningly abnormal. Will he retaliate, will he? Become all the people who are unconvinced and show it just now, a lingering nightmare...

"Very good, very good, it seems that you are not all fools, idiots! Be polite and calm down and listen to me!" Jun Luoyu said with a leisurely look.

"..." Listening to Jun Luoyu's words, everyone under the stage was silent and did not dare to show a trace of dissatisfaction, and did not dare to make another sound in his mouth. He obediently lowered his head and looked respectful, which made Jun Luoyu feel satisfied in his heart and asked you to install a fork in front of the young master. He didn't know that he didn't know that he had a fork as ten years ago. The young master will stop playing!

Everyone on the stage don't know that what Jun Luoyu hates most is his mother's highness, my grandfather is invincible in the world, and my second expression, which will unconsciously provoke a furious mood.

Jun Luoyu is one of the three fires of the new officials, but it is necessary to deal with these unruly killers. Otherwise, Jun Luoyu will really have no deterrent power to speak at the island base.

There is only one voice left in the training hall at this moment. Jun Luoyu's words frivolously scolded those pretending killers who had just been the first bird, so that they should know how to restrain themselves outside in the future. Don't really think that his mother's old man is the second in the world. It's simply stupid behavior.

Everyone under the stage finally understood one thing. Which young man who spoke frivolously and vulgarly on the rostrum has a bad temper, but he is a person who can kill them all... Such a person obviously has to pay a heavy price if he gets involved. The killers under the stage, like a mirror, silently bear Jun Luoyu's vicious instructions and directly under the stage. Everyone said that it was not as perfect as the garbage.

Jun Luoyu thought about how to play the three axes to get the best effect.

"Don't really take yourself seriously! Think that you are very important, as if you can't turn without your killer alliance! Let me tell you one thing, I don't need garbage, waste materials, and people who don't know the rules. At least for me!"

"Does everyone understand what the young master said just now? Put away your arrogance for me. The people I raise are not garbage and waste materials, let alone those who don't know the rules. In the future, I will find out who still doesn't know the rules. I don't mind ending him with my own hands. Zhang Xiong asked Jun Luoyu for instructions and strode on the rostrum and said harshly, "Who dares to disturb the order at the young master's meeting in the future? Don't say that I didn't remind you here. You will stay in this world worse than death. If you don't think it's suitable for people to stay in the killer alliance, get out immediately. The killer alliance never needs to raise waste to show its prestige.

After saying his words, Zhang Xiong turned around and respectfully made a subordinate salute to Jun Luoyu, and everyone under the stage saw everything very clearly. The person who really speaks in the future of the Killer League is Jun Luoyu. His words are orders in the future. No one can disobey it, and even the founders have no objection. Those who rely on the Killer League to survive have no choice.

Jun Luoyu nodded slightly to Zhang Xiong. Jun Luoyu glanced at Ma Qing casually, with a trace of play in his eyes, but Ma Qing trembled all over when he saw this look, and a chill involuntarily rose from his heart. There is no disdain or murderous intention in Jun Luoyu's eyes, but it's just like looking at a funny thing very ordinary. Yes, something, not a person.

It's like a killer dealing with a target without any pressure, because this thing may say goodbye to the world the next second. Ma Qing knows what this look means, which means that he can't be on the stage in Jun Luoyu's eyes at any time.

Jun Luoyu turned his head and ignored Ma Qing's praying eyes and looked up at the people under the stage. Now no one has the courage to look at Jun Luoyu again. They are humble and arrogant. Obviously, the effect of his calf knife just now was very significant. After these arrogant killers pounded, they became regular and stood upright, looking much more standard than the special forces. These killers are all people who came out of the devil's hell training room and suffer more than ordinary special forces.

"I will give you ten minutes to make a choice. Those who don't want to stay in the killer alliance can quit now! In my team, there is no need for self-righteous people, let alone people who don't know the rules.

Jun Luoyu said lightly and ignored the people below.

"Little fox, please calculate the time." Jun Luoyu turned around and said to the little fox. At this time, Zhang Xiong stood up and said, "Don't say anything else. You can think about whether you have the ability to stay in the killer alliance. There is an opportunity in front of you to let you jump over the dragon gate. It's up to you whether you can catch it or not. I hope to see you strive to enter the young master's powerful army with your own strength. This is a real thing worth being proud of for a lifetime. That's all. You can do it yourself!"

After saying that, Zhang Xiong also stepped down from the rostrum and stood still next to Jun Luoyu.

"Papa..." Xiaojian, Xiaoyue, Xiaohu and others took the lead in applauding and didn't say anything. This action was enough to express the words in their hearts. And this action was undoubtedly a secret code. A group of killers familiar with Xiao Jian and others immediately stood up to express their attitude.

"I, Huang Nanxin, am willing to follow the great leader and strive to enter the Longyu army."

"I, Chen Rui, would like to follow the great leader..."

"I, Wang Lei, I, Xiaoyu, I Zhang Tao..."

With the mainstay of Huang Nanxin's group of bases taking the lead in making a statement, many people who usually have an unusual relationship with them are scrambling to make a statement, as if they are afraid of slowing down and will not have a chance to enter Jun Luoyu's direct forces in the future.

In fact, in Jun Luoyu's small test, he played a shocking trick, which is enough to convince these killers whose eyes are usually higher than the top. Moreover, it can be seen that Jun Luoyu's strength should be more horrible. The eyes of everyone under the stage changed color and directly turned green and frightened. They were both afraid and excited! The great leader is a god in their hearts at this moment. What else in the world is better than following a mythical person? Being an invisible servant of God is nothing, but a 'God' subordinate that can be seen and touched is a real thing.

What Zhang Xiong said is straightforward enough. Even his world-famous king of killers feels that following Jun Luoyu is a fish leap over the dragon gate. So the person who grew up under Zhang Xiong's tall back. What's in my mind? Everything is obvious. If you don't follow a fool, who doesn't want to become stronger, who doesn't want to show 'divine power' between his hands and feet!

Jun Luoyu looked at the training hall under the stage, which once again became the vegetable market, and was not angry, because these top-eyed killers finally lowered their arrogant heads to his young master and were willing to submit to his feet.

"Well..., since none of you have opted out of the Killer League. Then the physical test will start from tomorrow. I believe everyone is smart and can see it clearly! Civilians don't need to worry. Long Yu's troops still need you. As long as you pass the physical test, you can participate in the training..." Jun Luoyu's expression did not show much fluctuation and said leisurely.

"Yes, the leader, the leader... Yes, the leader... is the leader..." After Jun Luoyu finished speaking, it didn't take long for the training hall to echo, such a sentence.

"Then let's break up. What should we do? Why should we go? Come here on time to report at seven o'clock tomorrow..." Jun Luoyu said lazily.

"Yes, leader, is the leader... Yes, the leader... is the leader..." Another sentence, but obviously many people couldn't help but be excited and hugged each other. Because many people under the stage are originally not the civilian personnel of the base who are killers. Now Jun Luoyu has also given them the opportunity to enter Longyu's army. How can they be unhappy and not excited? It's up to Yuyue Longmen to live a strong life!