
Chapter 241 War Thieves Scrape Three Feet

Zhang Xiong, Long Jiqiu and others looked at the unhappy Jun Luoyu and didn't say anything, because it was irrational to disturb him at this time.

Then Zhang Xiong and others heard a sound from the courtyard. They turned around and looked at it. They were immediately stunned and looked at a group of killer team members dressed in uniforms. They didn't have any killer temperament and shouted. Everyone was holding a thumb-sized gem in their hand. It's really rubbish! It's so small.

An idea came to their minds: Sure enough, it was the war that produced robbers! Even the murderous killers turned into robbers who burned, killed and looted. Zhang Xiong's face was a little unnatural, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He didn't know whether he was happy or couldn't speak because of the appearance of these hundreds of killers.

"I think these jewelry, diamonds, antique vases, calligraphy and paintings must have been looted from the devils everywhere... Many of them are still our national treasures of China! This time, my Ning Yuecheng finally got it back for the owner! Alas... There are not many good people like me in the world..."

Hundreds of killers participated in the scraping operation commanded by Ning Yuecheng. He is not stingy, which makes every killer gain a lot of benefits.

However, most of the valuable things still belong to Longyu Group, which has made them very happy. Needless to mention that Ning Yuecheng's status in Longyu can bring them benefits, the value of gems this time alone is to break their legs to eat delicious food for a lifetime and live in a five-star hotel for a lifetime.

"Follow Master Ning, such a rich road will still have a bright future in the future!" Hundreds of killers made a decision in their hearts and later followed Ning Yuecheng.

"Haha... Boss... Boss... Haha... I'm back!! don't know! This time we made a fortune..." A burst of crazy laughter from Ningyue City came from the gate of the Jichuan courtyard, as if it was an honor to rob a house.

Hundreds of people ran out of the inner courtyard of Jichuan with several big bags in their hands and resisted a bigger burden than people on their backs. Ning Yuecheng ran to the front. As soon as he saw Jun Luoyu's face, he shouted for credit. It seemed that he found the treasure room of the Yoshikawa family this time, which was to make great contributions to Jun Luoyu. !

But it's true, it's a meritorious service!

Zhang Xiong is not as sensitive to money as Ning Yuecheng, who is from a merchant family. Often some seemingly ordinary things are swept by his eyes with insight into details, and he understands how much this thing is worth.

And antique calligraphy and painting is the most difficult to distinguish between true and false. Without a certain cultivation and judgment skills, it is definitely impossible to pick out bones from the egg.

Born in a merchant family, he has been cultivated by the family to distinguish various methods since he was a child, nothing more than hoping that he can make a lot of money in all fields of the collection. Ning Yuecheng has a very thorough understanding of all kinds of transactions on the market or black market.

Ning Yuecheng, who has the true nature of a businessman, knew that there must be treasures in this devil's family as soon as he saw the Yoshikawa courtyard. No, he scraped the ground fiercely and moved out all the valuable things of the Yoshikawa family.

Jun Luoyu was originally ready to summon personnel to start the action. But from Ji Qiu, he learned that Lao Si Ning Yuecheng went to Jichuan's house to scrape the land and had not returned yet. Jun Luoyu didn't say anything about Ning Yuecheng's behavior, but obviously he agreed, so he had to wait for him outside the Jichuan courtyard and order other teams to inquire about some information first.

Of course, Jun Luoyu knew that these big families must be profound and rich. Otherwise, how could thousands of guards and more than 100 ghost practitioners be arranged in a large courtyard? If Jun Luoyu does not have the support of Zhang Xiong's base, it is not easy to eat the Yoshikawa family.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the silver dragon could not recover its body again and slightly affected his mood, Jun Luoyu would have been very happy now. Money is a good thing. Without this thing, people often live and die!

Thinking that Jun Luoyu used to rack his brains to get some pocket money for his grandfather Li Zongjie, which was almost enough to spend... It can be seen that he, a young master, also belongs to the category of people who is particularly short of money.

"Hmm! Got it! Fourth, you did a good job! Hurry up and put the things in the car and ask a team of 100 killers to escort these things back to the base. We are going to take action!" Jun Luoyu reacted to Ning Yuecheng's expectation. He said weakly and did not look at the hundreds of jewels and jewelry full of burdens.

"Well... boss...this...I...this...I finally broke through the secret room! Well, boss, you don't seem to be very happy! Boss, who provokes you... I can't forgive him...!" Ning Yuecheng began to look stunned and couldn't turn around. Unexpectedly, the boss would be indifferent to tens of billions of things. Then he frowned slightly and guessed that the boss must have encountered something that made him angry!

"..." Jun Luoyu was speechless and secretly depressed.

Unfortunately, Jun Luoyu felt angry and extremely angry at the thought of facing the thunderous power of incompetence all the time. It was strange that his grandmother was thankless and he was in a good mood. Jun Luoyu scolded in his heart: It's really stupid to beat himself! If I had known that the silver dragon would have exploded the ghost thing, nothing would have happened.

"Well... look at the top..." Xiaohu stood next to Jun Luoyu obediently, and his jade hand gently pinched his shoulder to relax him. When the little fox saw the unknown expression on Ning Yuecheng's face, he kindly reminded him and pointed to the silver dragon flying leisurely in the sky.

"Ah... what a big dragon!"

"Ah... There are still dragons in the world..." Hundreds of young brothers who scraped the land everywhere in Ning Yuecheng looked up at the same time. With the little fox's hand hoping to the sky, when they saw the dragon flying hundreds of meters high, they first opened their mouths and were speechless and then coincidentally. Ah,' he shouted in shock, and the burden on his hands automatically fell to the ground, waving his hands randomly to greet the silver dragon.

They suddenly couldn't accept the vivid dragon in the sky.

Jun Luoyu now has an impulse to roll his eyes. He is too lazy to explain something! They shouted and muttered in their hearts: Damn, you think the dragon can see it if you want to see it!

Now Jun Luoyu still has to waste his mind's power and maintain the ability to keep the ability to move of the silver dragon. If the thunder power dissipates because there is no support of his power, Jun Luoyu will cry without tears. He is afraid that he can't help but abuse himself again and beat himself so that he can make his power. It is hard to imagine how big the resentment should be when the amount arises again.

"Okay... Hurry up and get in the car!" Jun Luoyu said weakly. I didn't bother to pay attention to Ning Yuecheng again. Accompanied by the little fox, I walked to the place where the truck was parked, thinking that there was a way to directly recover the dragon energy body!

Half an hour later, the teams in various cities were reorganized under Zhang Xiong's organization. Jun Luoyu arranged a 100-person team to escort the property collected by several families and those seriously injured back to Longyu Base, and everything was ready again.

Zhang Xiong and Ji Qiu led a brigade, each of which had 300 acquired martial artists and 500 killers. Zhang Xiong went to the Miyamoto family, and Ji Qiu went to the Fujiwara family. Jun Luoyu took Longyi, Xiaohu, Wujian, Xiaoyue, Huang Nanxin and Wang Lei and several brigades set out for another family.

Jun Luoyu's target is the Blackstone family, which is rumored to suppress the great power of Fusang at the end of the Yoshikawa family. Jun Luoyu has been letting the dragon energy body fly high in the sky, but he is still reluctant to easily disperse the dragon energy body. After all, the thunder energy in it is too attractive to him.

Jun Luoyu frowned slightly. He sat in the fighter cabin with Xiaohu. After all, Long Yi and others did not bother Jun Luoyu, who was unhappy.

Jun Luoyu touched his nose and fell into meditation. Will the Blackstone family have learned the news and summon the remnants of the families? Or will there be another big hand coming out behind them?