
Chapter 255

"Hey... Brothers, come with me, there is no one in the world that our killer alliance can't kill..." The face of the five swords oozed a trace of blood. He had been severely damaged by him as early as he began to encounter the shapeless black stone alcohol wood. At this moment, his face couldn't help showing a ferocious smile on his face, and he was extremely maliciously thinking about how to look at it. The previous monster was dragged back to hell.

"Kill...Brothers, kill without mercy! Either he died or we died..." The five swords roared loudly. He rushed up with hundreds of powerful Longyu members who were not afraid of death, but hundreds of people just ran to most of them and were slapped back by the three-foot-long ghost claws, which was several times faster than when they came.

"Oh...ah... bang..." Half of the hundreds of the five swords, most of their bones were broken by huge force, and only some physically strong martial arts practitioners could barely stand up.

The five swords barely stood up and looked at the black stone mellow wood with a resentful smile. Their hearts were shocked to the extreme. This monster is really not a fact that more people and power can be piled to death.

"Jie Jie... You ants, you are vulnerable, still obediently offer your blood and soul, I will give you a happy one! Jie Jie..." The black stone alcohol wood roared gloomyly and pressed up step by step.

"Daw" five swords scolded secretly, only feeling that their whole body seemed to be no longer their own, and they couldn't control it.

"Uh... This is... realm pressure... I once heard the young master talk about this... No wonder this old ghost has always been hidden..." Wujian frowned slightly, and his eyes flashed with a cold light. It's really...

"Mothers... brothers, I can only fight with him! Otherwise, we will all die here..." He roared and turned to look at his companions. Their faces were pale and bloodless, and all of them couldn't help stepping back a few steps and oozing blood from the corners of their mouths. The invisible pressure made them feel extremely uncomfortable, as if their chest was pressed with a big tongue weighing tens of thousands of pounds. The blood was eager to vomit, but in order not to let the monster be underestimated, the sweet blood in the throat was pressed back by them.

Long Yu's members are all the leaders of some killer alliances, killing more people than their usual vegetables. They shouted in their hearts that this demon monster is not a big deal. They can't fall like this. The result of falling is that they are swallowed by this monster.

Looking at its ferocious teeth, the five swords and others were frightened and were swallowed alive by a ghost.

This shocking feeling awakened the fierce and murderous spirit in their hearts. With half a year of time, none of them can step into the acquired realm of martial arts.

Black stone alcohol wood, I thought that with its profound realm, it was enough for them to bind their hands. But they didn't know that the more suppressed it was, the more Long Yu's members tried to rebound, and the shocked breath of death provided them with the motivation to resist desperately. If they don't resist, it's better to resist and die without regret.

It's a pity that they really don't have much combat effectiveness. When they fight against the ghost practitioners in the charming period, they basically deliver vegetables and never return.

"Oh... Oh... Oh... The devils... Look at the trick... Haha... I've destroyed your whole family. Come and kill me!" These Long Yu members, who barely stood up, shouted to cheer for themselves.

continued to rush to the vicinity of the black stone alcohol wood like a pebble. This time, they wink at each other and learned to be smart. They raised the laser gun in their hands and shot hundreds of hot dark red rays at the tall body of the ghost.

" could this be..." Blackstone was hit in the chest by several dark red rays. He looked at the wound incredibly and roared and kept retreating to avoid those rays.

"Brothers, this ghost turned out to be afraid of laser rays. Brothers, pick up your weapons and smash this devil to pieces! Haha..." Wujian looked at the black stone alcohol wood and howled in pain, and his eyes flashed a light. He roared at the members of Longyu behind him. He also picked up a laser gun on the ground and shot at the black stone alcohol wood.

The ghost's body was originally very strong, different from the previous soul body. In particular, the ghost in front of him was completed by collecting countless blood sacrifices by various means.

The ghost is the bottom card for the ghost practitioners in the enchantment period, a card that can save their lives, and the ghost also barely shows strong close combat power in Jun Luoyu.

Unfortunately, the strong body of the ghost was suddenly consumed by Jun Luoyu's sacred blood, and the general defense decreased rapidly, and then it was injured by the laser gun rays.

He was a little overstretched and difficult to do. His charming ghost warrior was actually blocked by dozens of acquired martial artists, which was simply a joke. The charm period is like the elixir period of Chinese practitioners, but relatively speaking, ghost practitioners are weaker in all aspects,

Ghost practitioners are all cultivated by using the evil way of the crooked door, and the foundation is not solid enough, so their cultivation is mixed with water. Therefore, the black stone alcohol wood in the charming period can also beat half a catty and eight taels compared with Jun Luoyu, who is at the peak of condensation.

After all, Jun Luoyu's cultivation purely relying on his own absorption of aura, black stone alcohol wood seems to be a little insufficient, which is simply an extremely superior cultivation method.

"Ah... Oh... Don't be proud... Humph... You can't run away from the palm of my hand..." The black stone mellow wood heart was furious, and the duck in its mouth flew, but there was helpless. He could only roar and run far away.

His ten-foot-sized body immediately showed shortcomings in the face of dozens of dark red rays shooting around. The target of black stone alcohol wood is too huge at this time, and those killers can easily click on it. And in the process of leaping to avoid, it was also shot dozens of times by the five swords. The wounds penetrated by the rays flowed out of sticky black gas, which made the five swords and others puzzled for a while, and they could only scold these ghost practitioners, who were his mother's messy perverts.

The hatred in the heart of the black stone mellow wood is not far away. It quickly repairs the wound and thinks about how to grab these 'grown ducks'.

In fact, dozens of people with five swords are only in the middle of his innate period. And the other party is indeed two realms higher than him. How can this be compared? The five swords belong to the side of the cup. Fortunately, the martial arts practitioners are strong, more able to resist, have good physical skills and striking power.

Even Jun Luoyu was unaware of life and death by the ghost.

The five swords are still very self-evident and dare not hope to kill the monsters in front of them. As long as they can delay Jun Luoyu, they will be a great success.

"Everyone dispersed and squatted under the young master. If the old ghost dares to be unfavorable to the young master, he will bombard him fiercely..." The five swords solemnly issued the final order and waved dozens of Longyu members to form a large circle under Jun Luoyu. Everyone was in one direction, only If black stone alcohol wood appears, order an attack.

And the black stone alcohol wood was shot like a hornet's nest in just a few seconds. He did not dare to fight against the five swords and their laser ray guns head-on. He quickly flew into the sky and treated the injury while thinking about how to kill the five swords.

The five swords looked up at the black stone alcohol wood and quickly fled to the sky. They did not dare to descend any more, and the laser rays could no longer attack him. The two sides temporarily maintained peace, and no one acted rashly. The five swords secretly looked at Jun Luoyu, who was twitching in mid-air, but there was a burst of urgency. Why was this young master in this? The situation is recorded in the state.

The terrible giant claws of black stone alcohol wood just waved a few times and took the lives of more than a dozen acquired warriors. The five swords looked at the brothers who could no longer get up and couldn't help but feel sad.

Thinking of the other party's surging evil true qi fluctuation, his whole body was numb, which was completely a phenomenon that low-level practitioners were suppressed by high-level practitioners.