
Chapter 269 Overload outbreak

Jun Luoyu's silver light burst out a few feet long, directly running the gas mask to the strongest state, and then a fierce attack buried in his head,

Although Jun Luoyu's body is comparable to a magic weapon, he can't ignore the fierce attack of the purgatory demon, especially the shining flame on the mace.

Because as soon as he approached the dark green flame, he felt that his body's energy was pulled away by it, he could only wrap himself tightly, but despite this, it still affected the performance of martial arts.

At this moment, Jun Luoyu hung a very obvious trace of blood on the corners of his mouth, and his long silver hair was stained with blood whether it was himself or other ghost practitioners, which looked extremely embarrassed.

It may have been caused by the continuous blow of the Purgatory Demon just now. It seems that he has rarely been beaten so awkwardly.

"Haha... This universe is really strange! All kinds of monsters appeared..." Jun Luoyu couldn't help laughing wildly. But it turns the endless pride in the heart into the power of anger.

The starry eyes are shining coldly. Once Jun Luoyu is annoyed, he will also do something without much reason.

For example, now, regardless of his serious injury, he suddenly extracted the true qi of Dantian. He is ready to move this huge thing as soon as possible. There is really no better way.

In the violent cyclone in Junluoyu Dantian, the nearly ** moonlight seemed to turn into a silk thread, turning around the cyclone crazily, and then was run out.

Jun Luoyu felt that his body did not seem to have reached the limit, and he couldn't help running more violently.

The sequela of Jun Luoyu's overloaded Dantian Zhenqi is that he will not be able to exert his congenital innocence for a period of time when his power fades.

And this overloaded extraction of true qi is to overdraw his potential. More than half of the blood in his body was added to Dantian, and then after the refining of Dantian cyclone, he finally turned into a powerful true gas to support his fight against the purgatory demon.

After Jun Luoyu made dozens of moves, his face suddenly turned pale, and his muscles convulsed, making him extremely uncomfortable, but he still gritted his teeth and attacked. As long as the purgatory demon did not fall, Jun Luoyu was unwilling to fall, unless he was killed by it.

Jun Luoyu is overloaded to extract potential, and it is not that he has not thought of the consequences, but at this moment, there is no other choice. He can only do his best to listen to fate.

Any secret of getting a double attack always comes at a heavy price.

"Ugly... Go to hell!"

Jun Luoyu roared and burst out all the uneasiness accumulated in his heart. He told himself that he was still the fearless and indomitable Jun Luoyu.

"Wow...Wow..." Jun Luoyu's face twitched slightly, and he held the dragon sword with both hands. Despite the invasion of those dark green flames, he fiercely stabbed dozens of swords.

In the process of stabging the sword, he made a very bad move, causing the sword body to change in several directions. The sharp sword body of the dragon's sword cut several bloody big mouths in the ** door of the purgatory demon.

Countless dark red stinky blood sprayed from which wounds, burning with two strange flames, sounding the crisp sound of 'what'.

This time, it can be regarded as a heavy blow to the purgatory demon. The hot silver light on the dragon's sword penetrated into its body well, causing great damage, making it constantly roar and wave the mace aimlessly.

But how can he attack Jun Luoyu in this way? His cloud and clear rain formula is in vain.

"!" All the hot silver light on the Longyin Sword burst the whole ** door of the purgatory demon and burned inside. Jun Luoyu turned around and dealt with its other part. As long as it had no time to repair the wound, it would die from excessive blood loss.

Jun Luoyu turned into countless silver figures, and his body was extremely dexterous. When he leaped, he always brought a few faint shadows behind him. Jun Luoyu jumped up and down on the body of the purgatory demon, and the dragon Yin sword fell on it every time in a different place, injurable to deal a heavy blow.

The sharpness of the Longyin Sword is enough to cut the body of the purgatory demon. In addition, Jun Luoyu has suddenly improved his attack strength through secret methods at this moment, which is also the initiative.

"Bang Bang... Bang..." The dragon's sword stabbed into the body of the purgatory demon and made a sound, which is a major reason to support Jun Luoyu not because of his poor health. He was extremely fast, and every time he easily avoided the huge hand wave of the purgatory demon. Jun Luoyu prevailed and suppressed the purgatory demon who howled crazily and waved a huge mace.

The Purgatory Demon was indeed caught by Jun Luoyu's weakness, and a fierce attack made it dizzy and screamed repeatedly.

After all, Jun Luoyu belongs to a wise higher human being. He knows how to create opportunities and take advantage of opportunities to get the best results.

And the purgatory demon seems to be a little unresponsive, which is also because it is not smart enough. It is just a simple killing demon. In the face of the outbreak of Jun Luoyu, its result is very tragic. Wisdom is too far away for it.

Jun Luoyu and the Purgatory Demon have been entangled in the Blackstone courtyard for more than three hours.

At this time, it was already dawn, and the flames from the battle between Jun Luoyu and the purgatory demon turned all the buildings of the big black stone family into ashes and completely into ruins. If Blackstone Volcano is blessed to see his home like this, it should faint directly.

All the tall walls of the blackstone courtyard collapsed to the ground, and the flowers and plants had already turned into flying ash, devastated everywhere, and thick smoke billowed, and the roar of the purgatory demon was extremely huge, which scared no one to approach the fighting area.

Because of the battle fluctuation here, it is easy to destroy people.

Jun Luoyu and Purgatory Demon have long been exhausted from each other. Now they are only fighting for perseverance. Whoever can persist can win the final victory.

Jun Luoyu continued to attack for a day and a night because of his physical decline. At this time, he was already weak. However, the body of the Purgatory Demon is too huge, and Jun Luoyu has brought many wounds to it. It can't take care of it. The biggest trauma is the ** door that was burst by the Longyin Sword. Because of too much blood loss, the body is too weak and falls rapidly in all aspects. It is easily seized by Jun Luoyu many opportunities to attack.

Even later, Jun Luoyu seized the opportunity to blind the three scarlet eyes of the purgatory demon and let it completely fall into the downwind.

This gradually gives Jun Luoyu a sense of powerlessness and adds a ray of light. He kept warning himself in his heart that as long as he pestered the monster, it would definitely fall before himself.

The fact is indeed as he thought. Elder Sakikawa used his blood to sacrifice the purgatory demon summoned from the outer world and finally fell at his feet.

Jun Luoyu's slightly stiff body twitched violently a few times. Looking at the monster that did not belong to the earth finally killed himself, he suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart, as if his world would be different because of this.

His face was stunned, and finally showed a relaxed smile. Now he can't control his physical function, and even his reaction has become extremely slow.

Because Jun Luoyu's physical energy and blood consumed was enough to paralyze other martial artists, or even explode and die directly.

Jun Luoyu could only stand quietly and slowly adjust his body to make himself feel a little more comfortable and stunned for a while.

"Hehe... It's really damn, now I really can't move! Ha ha, am I waiting here to wait for other ghost practitioners to kill!" Jun Luoyu whispered with a seemingly bitter smile on his face. Because his body was really overdrawn, he had to sit down and slowly recover some strength. Later, if he met other ghost practitioners, he would have a little strength to fight back.

Jun Luoyu closed his eyes gently and recovered his body wholeheartedly. But many thoughts arose in his mind, which was a valuable experience for him. If he hadn't lost so many members of Longyu, he might have been happier.