
Chapter 273 Original Reproduction

Xiaoyue's mind seemed to be more detailed. She saw the vision caused by Jun Luoyu's sudden awakening, and her beautiful eyes were colorful. This mysterious silver and purple flame did not hurt the two of them, but gave them a magical understanding.

This makes Xiaoyue have a vague connection with Jun Luoyu. It's just that all this came so suddenly that the little fox and the others didn't know how to get in touch with him. This is actually a kind of double practice. Jun Luoyu is also ignorant. Besides, he is completely unconscious now, and he can't allow him to stop and teach Xiaoyue to enter this magical realm of double practice.

Xiaoyue is very sober at this moment and seems to have a higher level of looking at the problem.

The original worried mood has also calmed down, as if the two silver and purple flames just now have not only brought them great strength, but also supported a new world, a new realm, and a clear understanding of cultivation.

With a new look, they were all influenced by Jun Luoyu's entry into the realm of chaos and selflessness, which brought them a magical feeling.

Everything came quickly, and the two only felt that they were full of a strange power, but they didn't know how to use it.

Jun Luoyu's unconscious behavior has actually made a judgment in his heart. If the person in front of him is his enemy, then these two silver and purple flames will immediately attack and directly turn them into flying ashes.

Don't doubt the magical instinct of the original power of the universe.

For Xiaohu and others, they are all the closest people of Jun Luoyu. Then this is the great blessing of the two of them, just like a pie falling from the sky.

As long as Xiaohu and Jun Luoyu can communicate spiritually, they will feel clearer and seize this mysterious double pulse.

This silver purple flame is the most original power of the universe. As long as the body is penetrated and transformed by it, it will have inexhaustible benefits for their cultivation in the future.

Xiaoyue and Xiaohu only felt extremely smooth and relaxed, but it was a silver and purple flame, which removed some of the negative energy on them. In the future, the hearts and demons they met during cultivation will be very rare.

That's why the little fox has become so lively, which is a natural manifestation of the burden in his heart.

"Ha ha... The silly girl knows how to talk nonsense. That's what you think. The young master just sent out such a mysterious flame, which should have told us to disturb his cultivation!" Xiaoyue did not really practice with Jun Luoyu, and now she can only guess what he just emitted a flame.

Is that so? Why did the young master send out flames instead of talking directly? Can practice there drive us away? If I don't leave, I'll wait for him to wake up and ask him if that's what he means..."

"Little fox... Don't do this! The young master is at the juncture now. I think we'd better go out! By the way, tell Ji Qiu about this good news, and they know that you also saw Xiao Peng, he was very anxious..."

"Wait a minute and I'll take a look... Well, Xiaohu listens to Xiaoyue's sister..." Xiaohu can's solemnity. In her heart, Xiaoyue is the closest person except Jun Luoyu. She can only be soft. Finally, Xiaohu looked at Jun Luoyu reluctantly and was dragged out of the cabin by Xiaoyue.

Out of the cabin, Xiaoyue told the three brothers Ji Qiu about the sudden awakening of Jun Luoyu just now. Although Jun Luoyu did not really wake up, it could also reassure Ji Qiu.

In Ji Qiu's eyes, as long as the boss does not have an accident, other things can be faced by them.

And Ji Qiu is arranging affairs in the conference cabin, and also received a message from Zhang Xiong. Zhang Xiong and Long Yi led a team to start withdrawing from the Fusang border. Although they lost some people, they finally retreated all.

Looking at the lost data, Ji Qiu frowned, thought carefully for a while, and began to arrange some skillful members to continue to stay in Fusang. Hide it in order to find out the location of those ghost sects.

Ji Qiu knew that Jun Luoyu basically had no major accidents, and also began to lay out the next revenge action.

And this revenge operation, because Jun Luoyu did not understand the relationship between the ghost sect, he had to retreat in confusion in the end. After Ji Qiu received a lesson, he immediately arranged a lot of backhands to deal with these ghost cultivation sects in the future.

When Zhang Xiong and Long Yi all evacuated to the Pacific Ocean, those Fusang Self-Defense Forces who chased were also rushed to pick up by Longyu Base, which completely suppressed their arrogance.

In the end, Zhang Xiong, who was depressed and angry, gave a death order to annihilate the dozens of fighters of Fusang and avenge the members who sacrificed their lives for their retreat.

Ji Qiu and others arrived at Longyu Base first. After quickly dealing with some follow-up matters, Ji Qiu issued an emergency order, mobilized a team of 3,000 killers in half an hour, and returned to City A.

After several hours of full-speed flight, Ji Qiu and others finally returned to City A.

Ji Qiu, Xiaoyue, some important members of the Longyu Group, directly took a helicopter to the new city garden. Those follow-up troops landed in the Villa in City A of the Killer League and then rushed over by vehicle.

After all, those combat planes are so huge that they can't descend anywhere else except for the special airport in City A.

Xiaoyue Xiaohu was left on the plane to take care of Jun Luoyu's safety, while Ji Qiu and others all got off the plane.

When Jiqiu and others saw the scene of fierce attacks by ghost practitioners everywhere in the new city garden. Everyone has a sense of anger in their hearts, and they didn't expect that the ghost practitioners would do the same thing.

Originally, it belonged to the top villa garden in China, but now there are fragments of destroyed buildings and some objects that have not been extinguished, emitting an unpleasant smell, blood stains everywhere, and some disfigured corpses in the potholes.

And the flowers and plants in the new city garden have almost withered.

Ji Qiu frowned, clenched his fists tightly, and couldn't help trembling. He was extremely angry. But he thinks it's more important to do serious things now, such as the safety of the boss's relatives. Let's keep the boss to make arrangements for the problem of revenge on the ghost monk after he wakes up.

Ji Qiu's face was solemn, his eyes were cold, and the corners of his mouth were tightly squeezed. He took Xiao Peng, Ning Yuecheng and others to the Long family villa quickly. He said in his heart: I hope Aunt Li Lin and Xiaoyu have not suffered much loss.

When Ji Qiu and they all came to the Longjia Villa. They couldn't believe that most of the Longjia villa was destroyed by the ghost practitioners in front of them, and the wall five meters high and three feet behind them was blown into pieces.

"These damn ghost practitioners are extremely bold and have taken a direct attack route! Next time, you must break them all into pieces..." Xiao Peng shouted with red eyes and took the lead in running into the Long family. At this moment, he can't wait to lead a team of warriors and rush into Fusang again to find trouble for those ghost practitioners.

Ji Qiu and the others followed, and they were also extremely angry. But now, for the time being, there is no way. The enemy doesn't know where and how to revenge at this moment.

The ghost practitioners also planned a conspiracy attack this time, which was not what they could expect. Just like Jun Luoyu attacking the Fusang families, those family owners can't believe that Chinese practitioners dare to come directly to retaliate against them.

"Woo...Wow...Is it...Brother Yu! Whoo... Brother Yu, you are finally back... Whoo..." Xiaoyu saw Ji Qiu, Xiao Peng and others in the observation video in the basement of Long's villa. As if she had found a support all of a sudden, she couldn't help crying and ran out first, calling Jun Luoyu. Now she is eager to see Jun Luoyu. Only by his side can she not feel afraid and uneasy. Those ghost practitioners are really too bad.

Xiaoyu was frightened by the strange skills of those ghost practitioners. Those fierce ghosts who were at least kept laughing were haunted by ghosts, which made the Long family suffer a big trouble at the beginning. Xiaoyu felt uncomfortable after killing a ghost cultivation, but in order to protect Li Lin and the others, she could only work hard to overcome the feeling of nausea.