
Chapter 287 Celebration and Banquet

The full scene like ZS University once again appeared in the Oriental Academy, and the audience was more enthusiastic than last time. Many contestants have groups of relatives and friends to pull up banners, write that so-and-so is the strongest, or simply advertise.

"A lot of mess!" Ning Yuecheng said impatiently.

Jun Luoyu hooked the corners of his mouth and didn't say whether he could accompany Zhang Mengru, Xiaohu and other women to find the front seat.

Ji Qiu said to Jun Luoyu, " boss, there are 24 teams in this national rematch. 24 to 8 to the international finals. The game was played in two games, and I received a notice from the organizer yesterday. This time we are in the first place. So we have to get ready right now.

"Well, good!" Jun Luoyu nodded, said a few words to Zhang Mengru and others, and then took Ji Qiu and Xiao Pengning Yuecheng into *.

Fifteen minutes later, the host finally came late and appeared to explain some rules of this rematch to the audience. The host has a white face, and his suit and leather shoes look like a little white. He said a few opening remarks politely and stinky. It's nothing more than to thank some special guests who came from afar. A lot of Yangyang almost knocked the audience unconscious. Finally, under the coax of the audience, the host had to say the last words, especially thanking a group for the exclusive sponsorship.

The audience couldn't help yawning and couldn't help cursing in their hearts: It's endless. If you go on, the flower of Xueyou also thanked and just played. Patience, what else can we do besides patience? This time, many large audiences can't mess around.

Can't you throw leather shoes on the stage? Er, it seems that this is a good idea. I heard that so-and-so was once killed, and the person who smashed it in the end became famous.

However, although the audience was unbearable, they just turned around in their hearts. Who are we? We are the spokespersons of modern civilized society. As the saying goes, the word "bearance" is worth a lot of money. Because of a lot of money, we put up with it. At the same time, everyone in the audience remembered the motto of enduring the calm for a while. Listen to the host 'Dulala' blowing bubbles on it. When all the bubbles flew into the sky, the oily host finally came up with words that the audience was eager to hear: "Now there is a Regal band from Yunao High School in A City."

The light flashed, and Jun Luoyu carried a black and silver electric guitar and slowly rose from the platform. Ji Qiu, Xiao Peng and Ning Yuecheng stood in a horizontal row behind him.

"Regent. ...Junwei is the first, Junwei, I love you...!" At this time, Junwei's cheerleaders all sounded a wave of shouts, which can be said to be powerful.

Jun Luoyu thought with some funny thoughts: Who is so talented and talks about us so bluntly? Jun Luoyu waved his hand to the cheerleaders around him, and Ning Yuecheng proudly blew a few particularly harsh screams. Most of these people are his younger brothers from Yunao High School. He specially brought the Oriental Academy to show off, which shows that he took great pains for the Oriental Academy this time.

"Everyone is in place!" Jun Luoyu said slightly. The three stood in their respective positions. Jun Luoyu raised his hand and played the strings, and the sonorous and powerful electric guitar sounded throughout the audience. The other three instruments were played together, drums, keyboard and bass. According to the original setting, a smooth and cheerful rhythm is created.

Bess began to interpret its depression bit by bit, shaking people's hearts, and the keyboard reveals gorgeous movements and charming hearing. Jun Luoyu shook his hand slightly, tilted his body one after another, and his fingers swept quickly. It seemed to be messy and disorderly, but it played an extremely smooth charm. His long silver hair swings forward, covering his energetic starry eyes, revealing a sense of mystery, and people can't help exploring his secrets.

"I am free on the stage, and your eyes are destined to fall on me. Swaying to your heart's content, watch me dazzling and bloom! Your mood is moved by me, and your praise is poured into my soul. All the eyes in the world greet me, and the brightest focus is me. I am the brightest star in the night sky, which makes you feel beautiful. I want to be wonderful here. Every step, dynamic pace, every play, touching color. Flying on my stage, music is everywhere. Because the world with me is the most gorgeous. Jun Luoyu sang in a low voice with a trace of pride on his face.

In the most ** part, Ji Qiu and the three also sang together: "The sun shines on my road, showing off my power and running wildly, because I want a wonderful life."

The dynamic music brings infinite** in the music. The flying of young people sings for their dreams and cheers them up.

Jun Luoyu swayed a sharp electric guitar sound, stimulating the audience's mind everywhere. He is an arrogant singer and pours out his spirit. Whenever he is distracted, it is also his most dazzling moment.

There is a faint smile floating on the corners of his mouth, singing touching lyrics in his mouth. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly rose, and every time it was obsessed and dull in an instant. It was really amazing that the music could penetrate into each other and resonate with people. Those resonant audiences were stunned to see how Jun Luoyu was on the stage. They couldn't help envying him. This is his happy life!

The cheerful drums kept hitting the audience's hearts, making people swing their bodies involuntarily and follow the rhythm. Xiao Peng crossed his hands, stepped on the rhythm and devoted himself wholeheartedly. Wave after wave of shock burst out of the drum set.

With an elegant smile, Ji Qiu jumped quickly on the keyboard with ten fingers and played happy notes deftly. He played and performed for fun.

Ning Yuecheng, like an excited monkey, surrounded Jun Luoyu, stirred the bass in his hand, and passed by all kinds of dazzling playing skills. Wonderful playing skills, under his familiar operation, flew out notes and merged with Jun Luoyu, a high-low chord.

Ning Yuecheng arched his body, buried his head, and was extremely focused on plucking the strings. The speed of music leads the audience's heartbeat. At this moment, they seem to be the masters, which determines the mood of the audience.

Jun Luoyu's handsome face had an unusually rare excited look, singing and playing while playing. He likes this feeling of being so selfless, which feels like flying, taking him to soar in the sky and appreciate the mysteries of the road.

The cheerful music gradually stopped.

"Oh...pop...pop..." There was a mountain howling cheering and applause under the stage.

Jun Luoyu smiled. He has just entered a very pleasant state, which has changed his state at this moment. With a satisfied smile, he couldn't help playing a difficult colorful music.

officially ended the performance, and the tide-like applause and cheers came to my face. These voices almost drowned the four people of Regway. Jun Luoyu muttered that his spiritual singing was so fascinating.

"Ha ha..." Jun Luoyu smiled, stroked his long hair with slender fingers, and turned away gracefully. Now all he has to do is wait for the result.

Whether Jun Luoyu's performance is wonderful or not can be seen from the audience's reaction. Whether it is singing skills or musical instrument playing skills, it is so impeccable. In addition, the four people have an outstanding appearance, which is enough to conquer some of the audience as soon as they appear.

"This Regal band is more powerful than some professional bands. Why haven't their songs appeared on the market for such an excellent band? It's really strange!" Many viewers were amazed.

The next performance was also wonderful, but those players did not have a fascinating typhoon like Jun Luoyu. Jun Luoyu's gorgeous skills and magnetic voice have already taken the audience, including those judges and referees.

Jun Luoyu's voice is low but bright, and he often sings a unique charm in the grasp of the song.

Just right is the key to attraction. The emotional performance is fascinating, and the magic spell deeply attracts the audience. He is indeed like the most dazzling sun in the sky, and it is impossible to ignore his existence.

The game is still going on, but it has not caused a sensation like Regal. The audience has seen a better performance, and their ears have become extremely picky. I have some resistance to the performance of the participants below. Judging from the top to the bottom, the audience had a clear understanding in their hearts that this first place was only Regal.

Wait until the final contestant's performance is over. A quarter of an hour later. Regal won the first place in the rematch and won the admission ticket of the international final. All the contestants knew that there was a big gap between them and Regal. They were convinced that they lost and coincidentally expressed their blessings to Regal. This musical talent is not forced. Some people are so excellent and unexplained.

Many participants said that they wanted Regal to win the international championship.

"Let's wait and see. We Junwei will definitely try our best to do our best!"

The international final will be held a week later because of some foreign players. Jun Luoyu took everyone back to the hotel and naturally held a celebration banquet for him, who was happy now, to celebrate winning the first place again.

The first battle was won. Everyone is very relaxed. The main reason is that the game will not be held until a week later. Basically, we can have a good time these two days.

This time, the group of relatives and friends who came to S City with Jun Luoyu has reached more than 300 people. There are many people who want to deal with him. How can these people let go of such a good opportunity?

Jun Luoyu was in a good mood, but he started drinking with them. Jun Luoyu is interested in eating, but in fact, he also likes drinking. The cow chewed the peony and drank wildly, which often made Li Lin and Chen Minghua speechless. Now he drinks those precious wines like boiling water. It has its own 'cool' spirit.

After three rounds of drinking, Jun Luoyu drank almost dozens of pounds of foreign wine. He didn't use Zhenqi to resist, and he couldn't help being a little drunk. He kept this rare drunkenness and happiness. This is the feeling of happiness.

Jun Luoyu has been too sober and arrogant since he was a child, which is also because he was cultivated in such an environment. After ten years of grinding a sword, he shows his sharpness today. He is arrogant and has some unknown sadness, and he also needs something to hide his fatigue.

Ten years of martial arts practice, hundreds of refining into steel, his blood and sweat have flowed a lot. In many quiet nights, he immersed himself in martial arts in the singing room alone. When others fell asleep comfortably, he did hundreds of miles of extreme heavy-bearing long-distance runs. This is the gap. He may be higher than others, but if he doesn't work hard enough, he is just a waste young master.

Fortunately, he has been talented since he was a child, allowing him to be the leader of a generation under the cultivation of Long Yunye. In Long Yunye's view, Jun Luoyu is destined to embark on a different and glorious road,

Jun Luoyu was slightly drunk and drank with people everywhere. He poured down those relatives and friends. He couldn't help laughing proudly, which felt very relaxed. What kind of efforts did Jun Luoyu make to get to today? There is not necessarily a reward for giving, and there will definitely be no reward if you don't pay. Many times, I saw his bright side, but I didn't know how he could be arrogant and arrogant.

Life is a mystery, a mystery that needs to be solved by yourself. This mystery can only be interpreted by yourself. Whether it is a beautiful mystery or not, we need to perform it to our heart's content, and it's good for ourselves. This is not a self-appreciation, this is the process of continuous life. Running freely with the wind is the direction, which is a very good sentence, which Jun Luoyu has always remembered.

Jun Luoyu's original bright star eyes flashed a trace of confusion and quickly flashed by. Living a happier life, troubles can definitely be overcome. He shook his head vigorously to let himself think more clearly.

Zhang Mengru looked at Jun Luoyu, who was drinking crazily, and finally stopped temporarily and walked over quickly. Her arrival interrupted Jun Luoyu's thoughts,

"Drink so much wine is very harmful to the body. Will there be any important games in a few days? Do you want to participate in the competition with such a crime?" Zhang Mengru wiped the wine stains on Jun Luoyu's face with some depression and whispered.

Jun Luoyu looked at Zhang Meng like a little wife at such a moment. A gentle smile couldn't help but appear on his face and quickly hugged her in his arms.

"luo yu, no, there are so many people here, why don't you let me go first!" Zhang Mengru said shyly.

"Well, why?" Jun Luoyu quickly imprinted a kiss on Zhang Mengru's pink face: "No one will care about me to ask my own woman! Oh, you are so easy to be shy..."

"When will I eat you and turn you into a real woman? I don't think you will be so shy!" Jun Luoyu pretended to sigh and made Zhang Mengru confused.

"Fao Yu, what are you talking about?"

"Hey..." Jun Luoyu laughed a few times.

Zhang Mengru was said by him in public and couldn't wait to dig a hole to hide herself. She stamped her feet hard and was very ashamed that this bad guy flirted with herself in front of so many people. Unfortunately, the land of the hotel was too hard. In the end, she could only shyly hide in Jun Luoyu's arms and turn a deaf ear.

Jun Luoyu is like a victorious general. Proudly inspecting the crowd, the staring face smiled contentedly. He likes to see such unbelievable expressions of others, which greatly satisfies his vanity many times larger than ordinary people. Jun Luoyu's pick- up girl realm is advancing rapidly, and his skin is also rapidly thickening.

Wen Xiang Ruanyu was full of arms, and Jun Luoyu suddenly felt full of pride. He surrounded Zhang Mengru in one hand, and the other hand also pulled Xiaoyue over. Because the little fox is not here for the time being, he is not lightly taken lightly by him in public.

Ning Yuecheng and several others saw Jun Luoyu proudly show fraternity. He couldn't help pulling Ji Qiu and Xiaopeng to drink wine, and hundreds of people drank happily.

Three days later, Jun Luoyu took Ji Qiu and others to visit the Oriental University and looked at the quaint school gate with hundreds of years of history in front of him. After several repairs, he somehow felt some wonderful.

The Oriental University is decorated in a modern style. As long as a courtyard maintains a quaint style building, that place is also the most mysterious place. Ordinary teachers and students are usually unable to enter it. Jun Luoyu doesn't plan to go to the inner courtyard now. Yesterday, he met He Jun and others and talked about something.

Today, I wander around doing nothing, so I have the right to relax. When they came to the campus of modern buildings, the original antique has long been covered by the modern atmosphere. It is thought that they are also the people of the Oriental University, specially for it.

Ji Qiu and others were slightly excited and played around. This was also a little jade girl. She stayed in the hotel and was bored, so she pulled Jun Luoyu and others to accompany her to play. She said that she would also go to the same school as Jun Luoyu in the future. Jun Luoyu's participation in the music competition held by the Oriental University is simply for their practice of skills, and he doesn't really want to go to school. It seems that he will not be a good student who likes to study.

However, as a brother who spoils him extremely, Jun Luoyu can only try his best to satisfy her. In fact, Xiaoyu has also been very sensible recently, and she has not bothered Jun Luoyu for some small things. She knows how to help her brother, and she will do it wholeheartedly. She hasn't forgotten her wish. I also want to deal with the relationship with Xiaohu and others.

Regal has made great strides into the international finals and will face ten groups from all over the world. These people are all practitioners, but the way of cultivation is different from that of Chinese martial arts.

Jun Luoyu led the crowd around. Before the music finals began, many people came to admire their names. Some of them came to play purely, and some came to hit the peach blossoms as Jun Luoyu said.

In fact, there is another reason for this, because the music competition and the Oriental University have only been open to the outside recently. Many people used to have only watch it outside and take this opportunity to visit it.

How can I say that the Oriental University is also the most mysterious place in China, which is full of legends. Any Chinese knows that the Oriental Academy exists. Although they have never seen it with their own eyes, these legends have always been their proud deeds.

Countless students who went out from here have created many miracles, adding a trace of sacredness to the Oriental University. It seems that being able to go to school here means that it is not far from success.