Kaeus's chess game

015 Advantages of Ye Family

"Hahaha..." The elder laughed and asked, "Son, have you ever seen a jungle cruiser in the jungle?"

"I haven't seen it." Garlia's eyes were more confused. She recalled carefully and said seriously, "I have never seen a ranger in the jungle for so long, but occasionally in the village..."

"That's right, Gatelia, think about it, where are the jungle rangers usually?"

"It must be in the jungle!" Garria affirmed that the whole basin was full of lush trees. Although she had not seen any jungle rangers in the jungle, they must have lived in the jungle.

"Gardelia, come on, sit down." The elder pointed to the chair opposite and said patiently, "Let me tell you about the talents and abilities of our Ye people."

The elder took a sip of hot tea and said slowly: "Our three tribes have their own characteristics. The steel clan has great strength, strong bones and strong frontal attack power, while the Yan clan is the people of the flame god. They are born with a strong affinity for the fire element, so every Yan clan warrior manipulates the flame. Master, and our Ye clan is not as powerful as the steel clan and not as the Yan clan. However, during the mainland melee period, the mainland strongmen fell in the hands of our Ye clan the most. The mainlanders also called our Ye clan the natural enemy of the mage! It's because we are the people of the goddess of nature and the assassins wandering in the dark!"

Jialia stared and listened carefully. The secrets of the clan could not be heard at any time, not to mention that this was told by the elder himself.

"If we compare head-on, we are indeed not as good as the steel and Yan." The elder gently took a sip of hot tea and then said, "When the Ye warriors fight head-on with the steel warriors or the Yan warriors, the steel warriors' close combat skills combined with metal barriers can easily defeat the Ye warriors, and the powerful firepower of the long-range attacks of the Yan warriors can defeat the Ye warriors from a certain distance..."

Speaking of this, the elder's eyes narrowed, and a flowing light flashed from his eyes. He said softly in a low voice, "But what if it weren't the Ye soldiers who attacked head-on? The soldiers of the Steel and Yan may not even know how they died..."

The elder put down the teacup, looked at Jialia and said seriously, "Our Ye clan will not choose to attack head-on!" Because the goddess of nature has given the Ye clan the ability to stealth, the real Ye warriors will not choose to fight head-on with the enemy. Even if there is, it is very simple and fast. If they fail to hit, they will immediately leave the battle. A good Ye warrior will choose the best time to issue the most deadly blow under the most confident situation!"

The temperature in the room seemed to become gloomy with the elder's gloomy words, and Garria unconsciously saw that her hands had been clenched tightly into fists.

"There are at least a dozen jungle rangers around the village, and they are the protectors of the village. And in the jungle further away..." The elder waved his hand gently and said proudly, "Within these ten kilometers, there are at least 300 jungle rangers. They are the kings in the jungle. It is impossible for anyone or animals to approach the village without alarming them!"

"Three hundred jungle cruisers!?" Garria was stunned. She couldn't believe that she lived so densely in the jungle every day, and she hadn't seen anyone she had drilled back and down for more than 20 years! A chill rose from Gatria's heart. It turned out that the jungle several times a day was full of crises. If these were enemies, he would have been a dead body. As the elder said, he didn't even know how he died.

"The invisible enemy is the most terrible..." The elder seems to have guessed the thoughts in Garria's heart and continued: "If you want to become a jungle cruiser, the first is jungle stealth. Gatria, when you can find the jungle cruiser, you should almost advance to become one of them, of course. Stealth is only one of our talent skills. The goddess of nature also gives the leaf family the ability to communicate with natural plants. We can cultivate the most poisonous plants and extract the most poisonous drugs. When you walk in the jungle, a drop of water falling from the air, a small flower at your feet, and a branch or leaf that you touch when you walk, all It may kill you. In the eyes of the Ye people, the world of the jungle is a natural arsenal. After simple processing and arrangement, any place can become a trap for killing, and any plant can become a sharp weapon for killing! Only in nature can the Ye clan exert its strength!" The elder looked at the nervous Jialia and laughed, and the cold in the room disappeared with the elder's smile. "Of course, Jialia, this is all the knowledge you need to learn after becoming a jungle cruiser. You should cultivate your own observation and perception now. When you can find the jungle ranger, I will Take you personally to carry out the natural inheritance of the Ye clan. After you receive the blessing of the goddess of nature, this jungle will be your partner.

Observation and perception! Natural inheritance! Goddess's blessing!!" Gatlia's head was dizzy. The goddess of nature was really tolerant. She didn't expect that she would one day receive the blessings of the goddess of nature...

Looking at the thoughtless Jialia, the elder of the Ye clan did not disturb her and lowered his head to continue to read the code. When he heard these words, he also thought about it for a long time. What a wonderful thing! Compared with the missing metal god and the looming flame god, the goddess of nature can be said to be the most active and responsible god. She generously takes care of and favors her people, and also shows miracles from time to time to comfort the pious hearts of these believers, so that they can often feel the favor of God. On the surface, the Ye clan has no dispute with the world. In fact, he They also have their own unique pride.

Gatlia's eyes are much firmer. She has found her own direction of development. "Elder, I hope you can tell me how to cultivate observation and perception."

"The sixth book in the third row east of the bookshelf, the black one, you take it first, it should be helpful to you, it is something on the early continent, if you don't understand, you can come to me again..." The elder continued to read the code.

Kadria carefully took off the two-finger thick leather book from the bookshelf, which reads "Assassin's Basic Skills" in ancient mainland Chinese. The ancient mainland language is the enlightenment education of Ye children. Gatelia learned to read and write ancient mainland Chinese at a very young age, so she no longer has to disturb the elders in text reading. After saying goodbye to the elder who bowed her head and read the book, she hugged the book and ran back to her room before she began to look carefully. The book pointed by the elder would be the key to her to a higher level, because the Ye clan took the assassin route with their own conditions and talents.

"Assassin's Basic Skills" is from the Hasting era. At that time, due to Hasting's harsh military management policy, the business of professional assassins on the mainland has declined sharply. Under pressure, many assassins turned into mercenaries or adventurers, and one of the senior assassins did not When chatting, he became a writer part-time. Combined with his assassination skills and rich experience, this senior assassin summarized the basic skills and knowledge that must be mastered as an excellent assassin. He inadvertently completed the first written analysis and summary of the basic skills mastered by the ancient profession of assassin, although this book did not let the author How much money has been made, but from then on, assassins or people who want to engage in the assassin profession have the direction and guidance of learning, and senior assassins who wrote books have also become famous enlightenment teachers in the history of assassins. The Great Elder is an early version brought back when the Ye people returned. In fact, a large number of mainland lingua franca have been published, which is known as the "Assassin's Bible".

Assassin's Basic Skills mainly introduces how junior assassins hide their bodies, how to adjust their mentality to reach the best state, how to get close to the target and how to launch attacks. In fact, everything describes superficial ways to create opportunities and seize them.

Although the technology in Jingyi is still primary, it is because it is low-level that the invisibility and assassination of the Ye clan can coincide with the basic technology of assassins described in Jingyi. The first step to find a good foundation for many Ye warriors who are actively learning.